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Show THE SUE, PEICEi FADE FOUB FRIDAY- - PTAH-EVB- ET WHERE ORIGINU. TWE IS KEPT BY UHCIE SAM Jjaued Every Friday By Bun Publishing Co. (Inc. i K W. Crockett, Manager Subscription, ft.OO the Year. Office Phone No. V. Keaidenoe, No. lllmZ. Mail MatEntered ae Becond-Claa- a ter, June 4, 1)115, at Poetoffice at Price, . 117. March of Under the Act Utah, ADVERTISING HATES Display Matter Per Inch per month, Issue, Sue. Special ll.iv; Single X& Per Cent Additional. Legale Ten Cents the Line Each Insertion. Count but Worus to the Line. Fo-silio- Water ApplicaPinal i'roof, 110.00. Readers Ten Cent the Line Each Insertion. Count Sis Words to the Line. Biackiace Type Fit Lean Cents the Line Each insertion. Obituaries, Cards of Thanks, Resolutions, Etc., at Half Local Heading holies Late. Count Sis Words to tne Summon, 112. in; fit. DO; tion, Your Own Home Line. For Sale, For Item, Found, Lost, Etc. Two Cents per W ord Eacn issue, ho Charge Accounts. Address All Communications to blN llUElblllNU , Prk-r- t tail Means Freedom of Mind CO. r?i! and contentOw ning your never the eliminate ending You quest of mind. ment of assurance the is that and there rents high house hunting, the money you formerly paid out to the landlord is being ow went mourning without The Sun; upand cried in the congregation. Job, X X atood tttJ-2- 8. WUMSC; JUBLV, DALION AND WOOUIV You can live in a district where your family and It is extremely . yourself will have health and happiness. cost will meet your small a at one that to simple possess desires. Call on us at any time for complete information. JtNSiH If you already have the home and it needs any repairs see us about the lumber and hardware required and competent men to do the work. We are here to serve you in many ways. gar, E. A. Itiee, William Littlejohn, U. is. Jensen end C. U. Marcuse u. Judicial il. W. Hal toil, Charles Avanll, 11. L, Pratt, I. M. Gaui-hat-, W. K. Stoker, J. Turn hitch, Dean D. Uolilaway, it. 11. Kirk ia trick, Janies Weslerlieid, E. A. itice, George A. Bshultz, J. M. Burns, Prank Cottrell, Charles Leger and C. li. klarvusen. Precinct chairmen were named end reported to the convention. At Winter Clear (Quarters, Kobert Menaies; Creek, C, K. Jensen; Spring (lieu, Martin klillarich; Peerless, Dean D. Uolilaway, Castle Cate, Joseph Farm-leWellington, 1L A. 1iucgar; Hiawatha, Janies Zees; Heofield, J. E. Whalen; itolapp, Charles Leger; llejper, II. It. naekclt; Kenilworth, E. a. Alice ; b terra, Ereil N. Kilpyle; Latuda, U. A. Schultz; buuuysiile, J. N. Kay lor, and lieiner, C. L. Carefully protected from heat and cold in a hermetrally sealed vacuum rase the most accurate timepiece in the world ia kept at the United States naval observatory iu Washington, D. C. It is electrically wound every thirty hour clock. It is a Reifler German one. Photo seconds and ia a twenty-fou- r shows Paul Kollenberg of the observatory with the worlds most accurate r basis of stability, RAVEN BASIN PROPERTIES ARE tion is on a TO WORK ALL WINTER according to McLean, while in the western part it is slightly below norThe llaven gilsonite proerty north mal. The average hay production for of Port Duchesne has been taken over Idaho is 2,170,000 tons, while this by the Roliert M. Lucas comimny of year's was 2,007,0(H) tuna, with four Chicago, big manufacturers of (mints. hundred thousand earried over and a Gilsonite is an important ingredient million less stock to iced, which reColton Is Renominated. and as the Lucas people will consume flects a highly satisfactory condition, Don 11. Colton was nominated to a very large tonnage monthly in their bays McLean. succeed himself in congress from the own plants the development of the not be hampered by the first district in the first of s three property will 1$ Required a market for the Deep Soil of necessity finding conventions of republican days period for Crowing Licorice St Balt Lake City last Tuesday. That product, nays the Duchesne Courier Work is now going on Licorice belongs to the pea and body threatened at first to proceed of last Friday, mine mostly development bean tribe. In thla country the plants along orderly and strjrtly regular at the lines until some delegate, becoming because the property must lie gotten flower scarcely once In ten years, and in shape to produce very large quando not ever appear to bear seed! impatient at the threat of a tedious tities of the mineral. The most mod they Aa long ago as the Sixteenth century procedure, moved suaiienaion of all era ia and installed being equipment rules and that Colton be nominated licorice waa first grown In Pontefract, have been made for near Leeds. Pontefract possesses an by acclamation. The motion was wel- arrangements comed with unanimous acclaim, which hauling the output to the railroad by unusual depth of soli, without whlrh condithe chairman of the convention de- motor trucks as long as road It la ImpoMilile to grow the planb clared aa carrying. Colton then made tions will permit. Mining will conThe whole usefulness of the plant to is as intended it tinue all winter a speech of acceptance of consider- lrnve a Ilea in the root, which grown to a very large tonnage ready for able length. When the representative depth of over aix feet. This contains had expressed liis thanks for the hon- shipment in the spring. The elaimse a substance known aa glyeyrrhlzln, miles two gilson-itover extend and the or some delegate, feeling that the and It Is tlila transparent yellow juice is Mid to lie of a very proceedings might be attacked on the which gives licorice Its medicinal qualmines The oierated are being ground of irregularity, moved the mo- quality. under the sujiervision of A. W. Sharr, ities and Ita distinctive flavor. tion over again, and this time it was an The plants are propagated by sets engineer of Balt Lake City. O. V. carried beyond a doubt. The conven- Mctirew or stools something in the style of member of the a of Chicago, tion adjourned without further ado Lucas rhubarb, and In Pontefract these sets was here and recently comimny, and also without selecting any con- is pleased with the prcqierty. are guarded with the utmost cars. gressional committee, which had been liegreatly also sjHike very encouragingly of Nowadays there nre probably not more believed by some to be in the order of of the Basin general- than eight or ton growers. business. E. O. Leatherwood, repre- the possibilities Hie roots often take five years to offers wonderful he which, thinks, ly Secsentative in congress from the mature, and for the first two or three opportunities. ond, was nominated by acclamation years other vegetables are grown beto succeed himself at the convention COMMISSIONER WILLIAM SPRY tween the rows of licorice. of that district held yesterday (ThursMAKES SUGGESTION In Its raw form licorice looks rathday) morning. The time consumed er like a dark kind of glue. It la was less than thirty minutes. Appointment of an assistant to the boiled down In a cauldron with treacle attorney general of the United States and sugar to give It the desired flavor. to handle land rases in the West will Later It la Armstrong Is Willing. pressed out Into a pliable W. W. Armstrong, Salt Lake City he of great benefit to the Western inasa and carried to '"hies, where William eommissiontr of States, Spry, business man, will accept the nominagirls make It np. J tion' for governor on the democratic the United States land office and forAfter poumHng it to the correct dedeclared mer of uum governor Utah, anticket if it is tendered him, it was gree of pliancy, the workers break oil I bis arrival in Salt Lake City last Fri- pieces, which nounced yesterday (Thursday). they pull out Into a am not a candidate iu the sense of day. He said that such will not cost kind of string; and then at enormous rent the of another detriment justice seeking the nomination, said he, in as the land they nip off small pieces and department will pay his speed throw them onto a tray in long rows. reply to query regarding his candiUnder such a the system salary. A man would lie an Migrate In Pontefract ,'JOO people are employed dacy. who would refuse the nomination if it granting of patents would he facili- In this indindry. London came to him. If it comes to me I will tated and unnecessary delays discontinued. "Under the present system. accept it gladly aud will do my best Commissioner They Could Prove It Spry said, "land office mentioned are elected. Others be to Old Gentleman (seeing waits shout while narcotic are eaes canes, delayed Keslen, I)ern aud Shields. to strike up lieneath hla window) investigations and ninny other pressHow much will you take to go away) defiart-uiei- it matters the handled are ing by Price Democrats Choose. Lender Two bob. of justice. If an assistant was Price democrats held their primnry appointed land office matters could he Old Gentleman It lnt worth If. at City Hall last Saturday night Del handled promptly and delay in grantLender Walt till you ear us sing. egates to the county convention in ing j intents eliminated. CommisLondon Mall. o this city tomorrow (Saturday) even sioner Spry is on his annual tour of II. II. 6 are 0. o'clock Madsen, ti e eighty-fivland office in the varing at Conversation Difficult S. Kohinett, 1L C. Smith, S. W. Gold- ious of the nation, lie 1ms just jwrts Madi-en- , Chatterbox (at the concert) "I Fair M. S. Neil K. A. O. Clay, ing, completed an inspection of those in Garrett and Ilav Deiuing. Alternates, Calilornia, Oregon, Idaho, Washing- do hope she sings something quieter for an encore. That lost thing made mo J. A. Crockett, M. I'. Braffct, W. W. ton and Nevada. quite b oa rse." Punch, London. Jones, Arthur N. Smith, II. I. lbaff et, 31 rg. S. W. Golding and F. L. Buck in. WOOLMEN AT ZION DISCUSSING Mies Alice Mad.-e-n from Price was NUMEROUS PROBLEMS from Latter-da- y Saints discharged Mareusen to Manage. The relationship of state woolgrow-er- n Hospital at Salt Lake City last TuesMembers of the republican state associations to the National day after an ojeration for appendicicentral committee meeting with party tis a few dava ago. With her mother, the basis furnished of candidates at Salt Lake City yesterfor bodies Mrs. Neil M. Madsen, she is now at secretaries of state day (Thursday) afternoon the second of their conference at the home of an aunt at Zion. In a few Carl II. Mareusen of Prire as chair- Salt Lake day City (Thifrsday). days the two expect to go to the old yesterdey man. Appointment of an executive The ranch place at Scofield for perhaps standardizof a of system origin committee of five and a secretary by ed connections Miss between the latter and the balance of the summer. Mareusen with the approval of the the national be the purpose Marie Dusaierre, also- of this city tc proved candidates was authorized. This com- of the session, which ended, however, and who went in for a similar opermittee completes (he partys organi- with doubt as to whether this purpose ation at the same time aa Miss Madzation for the campaign. could be accomplished. It is probable sen, came home Tuesday from Holy Cross. She was accompanied by her What we need are some novels tell- that today Vmeeting will find the secfather, renewed solve to retaries Ilenry Dusaierre. in effort ing about life after marriage instead the of standardized relation- COMPANY West Main Street HARDWARE price Utah g. r Tlt-lllt- Wool-grower- a' discussion - problem ships. Halls Catarrh Contrary to the opinion that stock About the first sign of old age ia a and about to grain conditions in Idaho do not religion argue disposition reflect a healthy state, Donald Mcand the, trriff. rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness Lean, secretary of the Idaho Some of the candidates will have to declared that mused by Catarrh. Zr'J I r drui&kL for ortr 40 yoori get their hair ent closer if they ex- the general situation is normal. In &. CO., Toledo, Ohio . CrZ-NEbobbed vote. Idaho Eastern and receive to r. woo) thg produc hay pect . Medicine Wh1-gniwe- rs Tooth Caused Iowan to Wander Far From Home Cedar Rapid, Ia. Toothache waa reaponalble for the dlaappearance here of Albert Sleners, wealthy farmer of Montlcello, according to a letter hla wlfa received from him. The letter waa written la San Antonio, Tex. Slenera wrote that the tooth pressed on n nerve causing him to go into a state of coma, and be aald ha remembers nothing of hla trip to the Southwest, except that he changed trains Iu Kansas City. Aa soon aa the tooth was pulled hla memory returned and he hastened to write hla wife. He la on hla way home. Germans Sentenced lor Plot to Smuggle Jews Oeuthen, Silesia. Six police officials and thirteen other persona were sentenced In the Criminal court here recently to terms of from one year to f three and years In the penitentiary for conspiring to facilitate the clandestine Immigration Into Germany one-hal- NEW ORDER Feed of All Ki Ranter Sir, you are a donkey. I repeat it e donkey. Meeker No, not me. I'm an Elk, e Mouse and an Eagle, but 1 never We handle only the very M joined the Donkeys Are trying to give me the password you of your feed for poultry and live stock order? ders filled in any quantity it are generally a little better that HEARTLESS " yon pay elsewhere. Hay, Onto, Tip Top, Turkey Red or "Ah," she sighed, "I shall never hear Flour bite been universally hla footsteps again; the step I have as the best on the market ut listened for with eager tare as he will like it if yon try it came through the garden gate, the step that hai so often thrilled my heart as j of Polish Jews unable to obtain passports. The trial revealed an elaborate organization with headquarters In I heard It on the front porch. Never, Commission Co Warsaw whence the Intending never again." were smuggled across the Up"Has ha left you) asked the Booth Ninth Street, Prick WA per Silesian border In email parties friend with the connivance of bribed frontier It is often the case that the pfl "No. lie has taken to a wearing rub- who officiate. pretend to he shocked an h ber soles." Good Hardware. t ality delighted. To make a sale and lose friend h i The socalled "nuisance taxes are poor trade. Peace in the South American npd now regaled, hut there are a plenty lies is just that occasional intern! tween ware. Price end-gran- te sym-pathet- ic Have You Had Your FIVE PROGRAMS WEEKLY s. e , LUMBER pre-wa- uM-riu- before.-- J. C. WEETER timepiece. y; Arm-Stron- n home means freedom saved. AND (Continued From Page Ons.1 of m ACCIDENT? MO Thin ia the season of accidents and fires. More people are outdoors oat os the roads and in th fields. Autos ire comini together somewhere even as yon are reading this. Electrical storms are working havoc in many sections and fires from bghtmng are doing millions of dollars worth of damage. It may strike in this community next and your house may be the one struck. If yon knew now cheap insurance is, how yon can protect thousand of dollars worth of at a few dollars outlayproperty you'd dron your work and come in right now and talk to us. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT This popular playhouse announces a V&to icy of always giving the public the best s be had . The uliome of Paramount is enough in itself to indicate that expense is not to be spared in buying our pro' grams. And only the choicest of these win be exhibi ted. Part of each week will be dePic-ture- f Insurance ia one thing that is too cheap to ho without. voted to the showing of picked features Producers so that our patrons tl1 will always be sure of satisfying and enter' taming programs selected with care ana otter an intelligent of the offerings trom the various filmstudy supply houses. -- Equitable Real Estate and Investment Go, . Representing Strong AMERICAN COMPANIES Price. Utah THEATER 5 i Per , eko theater PRICE, UTAH |