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Show 9 American Legion Juniors Open Season Play SCHOOL HUGH ' ijmv Eagles Auxiliary ceremonRegular initiation ies will be conducted this evening, June 22, for new members of the Eagles Auxiliary. The meeting will begin at 8 p. m. in the Eagles' hall. Spokesman for the organiza, T AT HOMElN YOUR SPARE TIME. MANY FINISH IN 2 YEARS. PREPARE FOR BUSINESS OR COLLEGE. FOR FREE BOOKLET WRITE -v P. O. Box . i; LEGBN post LEGWivr IWJyUOtW10 d POSK inning 'their First Two Games This Week members of the American Legion junior baseball squad are back row, left to right, LaVar Rigby, short; Hal Reeder, pitcher; Ross Poulsen, catcher; Billy Jensen, pitcher; Gary Pebley, first; Harold Anderson, coach; front row, Richard White, third; Kent Jensen, left ; Sid Jensen, second ; Charles Claybaugh and Robert Williams, outfield. VY . . Authorities recognize varieties of cheese. t ' I t 18 true t UNIVERSITY OP UTAH SUMMER FESTIVAL presents Junior Legion Team Opens Season ' With Wins Over Ogden and Boise . End Shutout; for ; Streak Winning tt , JULY Raise bigger, more profitable crops by giving them a steady, dependable flow of water when they need it irrigation pump. t t t JULY Be Moder- n- .: 13-1- 6 k more profits on the farm. 1Q f Lyrici By laBolione just one of many ways electricity can save time and 4ork and bring This Idaho Team, Sunday 9 OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN t low-cos- 4-- Muxt By' ' RICHARD RODGERS f" ... by using an electric is STADIUM BOWL ' 8.30 F. M. t lAAti if ' t Show Tickets $1.00 ' ! $1 .75, $JS0, $3.00. Set Beth Show, for $1.50, $3 00, $3.00, $4 00, $5.00. Strvglt $t.S0, FARM ELECTRICALLY , ! Utah Power & Light MAIL TIVAi, Co . 80685 TOi SUMMER FES - - . UNIVERSITY OF llfAH Everything it takes to be " TOPS " Hase, p Riman, lb Totals ... 1 ... 1 . 28 Score by innings: United State Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management LAND OFFICE, Salt Lake City Utah, June 10, 1955 Under provisions of section 2455 R S , as amended by section 14 of tire act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat and pur1274, 43 U. 3. C. 1171), suant to the application of Duane L. and M.yrl Wells of Promontory, Utah, Serial No. Utah 012302, there will be offered to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2 50 per acre, at a public sole to be held at 10 oclock a on the 2nd day of August, 1955 next, at this office, the following tracts of Land W2NWi4, SW4 Sec. 12, T. 8 N.R 6 W . SLM, Utah. This parcel of land, as indicated, will be offered for sale as a unit. No bid will be received for less than all of an offered pared of land. Bids may be made by the principal or his agent, either personally at the sale or by mail Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale Bids must be in sealed envelopes accompanied by e certified checks or money orders made payable to the Treasurer of the United States for the amounts of the bids. The envelopes must be comer marked in the lower left-hanPublic sale bid. Serial No. Sale, August 2, 1955 The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount .thereof Any 'adverse claimants of the land should file their claims, or objections, on or before the time Bureau of designated for sale. The searched Land Management has not the files of Box Elder County to asof any evidence adverse certain claims. a Any contiguous owner claiming such preference , npht mut assert the claim by right and substantiate submitting the evidence required by 43 CFR 250 II within 30 days from the 4 above sale date. ERNEST E HOUSE. Manager. 3 000 310 0 After several' postponements Brigham City 000 012 0 because of rain, Brigham City's Eoise Junior American Legion team swung into action last week and racked up two impressive wins over strong opponents. REVIEW In the opener Friday evening at Rees Pioneer park, Hal ReedFRIDAY, JUNE 24TH AT 8:00 P. M. er pitched a two hit shutout over the visiting Ben Lomond BOX ELDER HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM team from Baker Merrell post at Ogden, while his team mates Colleen Price Moore and Ilse Jean Hull will present their rapped out six safeties, one of them a triple by Sid Jensen, to .Brigham City students in a spring recital Friday, win 3 to 0. June 24th. Featured will be guest numbers from the For their second game, the Ogden school. Tickets may be obtained from students of Brigham City team took to the road and toppled the Boise senthe local school or at the High School door. ior high school team in an upADMISSION: ADULTS 50c CHLDREN 25c set victory, ending a seven-gamwinning steak during which the Idahoans had never been scored, on. It was a thriller from the start to the final out With three scoreless innings before Brigham City routed Boises Kessley with a three run rally In the fourth, adding another run in the fifth. The hoaCteam scored a Tun in the bottom of the fifth off, the offerings of Billy Jensen- who relieved Reeder who developed a sore arm. Jensen followed suit and was relieved by White in the sixth who gave up two runs. Reeder took back the mound assignment in the final Inning and cut off another rally by the Boise team, picking up two more strikeouts to give him a total of 12 for five innings. Pebley, with two hits for three trips, led the batting for both teams. Box Scores for the two Junior Legion games follows: Ben Lomond AB R 3 3 ECONOMY Brigham City Cleaner Burnuyg SMOOTHER. OPERATION No Vapor Lock High Anti knock l ast Warm Up Quick Starts Smooth Acceleration clean rest rooms , finest , friendly service highest quality motor oil specialized lubrication Saturday 3 I GIINMORE Uentnore taste.. quality... MORE enjoyment... Olcnmore MNTlfmT STRAIGHT SO II R RON WHISKEY Every drop distilled and bottled by ' GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY efochcfra fnacLtiotu ' Louisville, Kentucky vW.i.VrtS'.v, ww$ss I H H Sgis 3 2 2 1 20 , UTOCO Sport Coupe Most beautiful car of the e 3! Practically everyone rates Plymouth first for beauty. Charm , a leading fashion magazine, selected Plymouth beauty buy of the year. of Thousands picked Plymouth all 3 cars in a nation-widsurvey. low-pric- e WHY PAY UP TO 1500 MORE low-pric- FOR A CAR SMALLER THAN PLYMOUTH? Don't be fooled by the claims of medium-pric- e cars that they cost practically the same as Plymouth. When you compare price tags you'll find that model for model Plymouth sells for much less, gives you more car for your money! e Most economical car of the low-pric- e 3 ! When it comes to powerplants, there's really no match for either of Plymouths 2 great PowerFlow 117, engines. Try the the champ for economy, reliability and performance. Or try the e with the highest standard e 3. horsepower of the Plymouth named "America's Most Beautiful Car" by famous professional artists the Society of Illustrators e high-flyin- Hy-Fir- V-- 8 low-pric- PLYMOUTH BETTER TRADE-I- N, TOO PUG PACKER MOTOR COMPANY 75 SOUTH MAIN STREET - BRIGHAM CITY and you get it! VniSl M photo of tho Plymouth Belvedere Add up the features, compare the prices 1 A shoit visit to our showroom plus some simple arithmetic will prove that Plymouth is your e 3! best buy of the Drop by today for a demonstration drive in one of our big, beautiful Plymouths ! Here are some of the wonderful things in store for you: e 3 ! Plymouth Biggest car of the is 17 feet long by far the largest car in its field, both inside and outside. That means you enjoy the smooth, steady ride only a truly big car, like Plymouth, can give you; as well as more room, more comfort, inside. BEST BUY NEW Atlas Tires and Accessories expect more from MORE tm a 1 low-pric- happiest motoring, stop at UTOCO stations You S 3 3 low-pric- e For 3 2 Actual MORE POWER i People of Inherent Good Taste YOUR NO. 1 BUY Balanced for Top Performance For All Cars in this Area - 1 I Brigham City 6AS0LII1ES - Jt e Totals Longer Mileage Brigham City. Utah Wednesday. June 22. 1955 the Sixth ward; third to Perry; fourth to Willard and fifth to Mantua The Second and First wards did not participate in the event. Softball starts July 7 for the togirls league, it was learned be will Games played at day. the BEHS campus with the Willard, schedule to include: bye; Perry vs. Sixth; Fifth vs. First; Second vs. Mantua. Game time Is 7 p. m. REEDS DANCE Phipp, If Peterson, cf Bain, 2b Reeder, lb Williams, ss Oz, 3b Bell, rf Easter, c Rmeshi, p GREATER Volley Ball f Salt Lake City 211)5. Top Honors in tion announced that birthday for South Box The play-ofnight will also be conducted Elder stake girls volley ball with a white elephant party to dhampionship was held last follow. Monday evening, June 13, with the Fifth ward walking off with LEGAL NOTICE first place honors. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION-PUB- LIC SALE Second place honors went to SCHOOL AMERICAN 5th Ward Takes Slate Initiation : 1 Box Elder NEWS 4 FREE SI 551 f ENTRY BLANKS AT T MERRELL- S- 'Where Your Home Begins' |