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Show HELPER JOURNAL te been an evil one", that we check- Education won by Deloris Scholarships whichofwas ed the Pteds' military assault on Ala. Enterprise, Nationalist islands, and reminded Totaling $100,000 THURSDAY. SEPT. 29, 1955 In addition to a $1,500 scholarPAGE FOUR ol his hearers that the U. S. has a Offered Girls ship to each state winner, there "distinctive relationship to these ill be a new award of $500 to Educational scholarships total islands . . . reinforced by a mu- ling $100,000 will be awarded in tht homemaker rating second in tual defense treaty with the Re- the second Betty Crocker Search each state. The scholarship of the Mews-Lett- er public of China covering Taiwan for the American Homemaker of national winner, who will be an(Formosa) and Penghu", Tomorrow, it was announced to- nounced April 12 in Philadelphia, I By ROBERT N. TAYLOR But his speech may be best re- day toy General Mills. will be $5,000. Washington Correspondent membered for the understateThis is a $25,000 increase in "r. for election of winWE KNOW WHAT IT WASN'T senhower proposal for exchang ment, not of the UN's first de- scholarships ewsrded in the 1954-5- 5 ners will be test scores in a ing armament information and cade, hut of the 38 years since program when 187,463 high written homemaking knowledge While we do not yet know, at for aerial Mr. school senior girls from 8,040 and attitude test inspection of each the Bolshevik Revolution. developed by this writing, what was in that others countries. At this late Dulles said: "It is indeed diffi- .schools sought the Science Research Associates of to of Tomorrow title Chicago. The test will be given develop cordial relations Homemaker message that Russia's Premier date, after the diligent espionage cult Bulganin sent to President Eisen of MacLean and Burgess, Bri- between governments when one hower, it is reasonable to assume tain's '"'Missing Diplomats", and is seeking by subversion to dethat those dispatched to Anthony various Americans of the same stroy the other." Eden in London, and Foreign ilk, Russia has too little to gain DON'T BLOW YOUR TOP Minister Faure in Paris were and too much to lose. Millions of motorists will agree .be That TOO would carbon copies. And if this is so, disarming. with the opinion aired at the anMr. Bulganthe OMIT FLOWERS nual meeting of the American in. was telling the President that Dictator Juan Domingo Peron, Automobile Association, that the he is pretty upset ibecause the which who ruled Argentina for a little slowpoke driver is more deadly UN disarmament talks then had only two more days to less than a decade in the pattern than the speeder, and that there laws, were net getting on faster. of his idol, Benito Mussolini, plus should be go is not that the Further, it c ild (be read into some Hitleresque overtones, has But, We problem can't deny the high- the message that the U. S., Bri- finally achieved the oblivion to .simple. man whose car has the Jo ways which ? so is entitled. he richly tain and Fran-- were balking the ' noble efforts of the USSR to be In his arrogance, he dragooned 40 hp rather than upwards of ignorant laborers into legions of 200. Nor are we legally equipped friends with everybody. revoke the drivers' licenses of partisans. He made ene-jt- o But you may be certain the violent .the mies decrepit, the timid, the his former army among thusfar mysterious message did adequately trained . . . until a and steadily inspired Ei NOT convey approval ofthe resentment among the TER they've gotten into trouble, if you hurry these people responsible elements of his peo-Apie. Most unfortunately for, up, it could be worse, It will help a lot to be more him he chose to battle the and Catholic Church. Last June there fussy in granting licenses was an abortive revolution. On; renewals. But us GOOD drivers August 31st, Peron announced at, will still have to exercise some tmrnmS, r..rmi'mfJftni ftrtfl 9 ajn. he would resign. By eve- and courtesy. a tremendous Peronista mng, Here is an angel of a chocolate dessert for your next bridge luncheon. "YOUR FRIENDLY demonstration had been organiz- - fAMILY A real party cake, if you ever saw one a beautiful Chocolate Sponge . . . 4 'Tit J Rffn THEATRE" cu nit me urxata uc Angel Food. It is especially luscious with its rich premium chocolate Mrs H p Lloyd Visited in viayv Government House. The idol Salt (Lake City Sunday and Mon-cafilling and cocoa whipped cream frosting. Sprinkle with coconut and Phone Helper 269 serve with assurance! out on the balcony amdajr at the home of her brother, . . Chocolate Sponge Angel Food withdrew his resignation . John Stone. The occasion was a Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten ana autnorized nis screaming familv reunion with thir hro-1 (1 , envelope tablespoon) 3 egg whites, unbeaten DESOAMISADOS to kill any one ther. W. C. Stone and gelatine of family 1 teaspoon vanilla Sept. 29 - 30, Oct. 1 who "tries to disturb order". cup sugar Raymond Alberta, Canada. teaspoon salt cup shredded coconut, On September 16, "hell broke 1 cut milk OUT CALHOUN cups PINOCHLE CLUB loose", to quote the impeccable 1 angel food cake, baked 2 squares Baker's JULII ADAMS N. Y. Times. Three days later. RAY DANTON in tube pan Unsweetened Chocolate Mrs. Clyde Lake was hostess with Buenos Aires under the tn hor 'Pinr.rhi ihn in,v .at cup chilled heavy cream guns of the rebellious navy, Per- - Thursday With a delicious lunch-o- n 4',i tablespoons Baker's Instant Mix gelatine, Vs cup of the sugar, salt, and milk in top of double resigned for keeps and fledJeon flowed pinochle. Prizes to the sanctuary of a Paraguayan were awarded by boiler. Add chocolate. Cook over hot water until chocolate is melted and to Mrs. Roy Eno, gelatine is thoroughly dissolved. Blend well with rotary egg beater. gunboat. ;iMrs piuing and Mrs. Ken- a uMffitaitonunw new Pour slowly over egg yolks, stirring constantly. Eeturn mixture to The political demise of Juan neth double boiler and cook 3 minutes longer, stirring constantly. Cool, then -i will Peron a be proDomingo chill until slightly thickened. Visitors at Moab on Sunday found blessing to Argentina, to Beat egg whites until foamy throughout Add remaining cup sugar r South the Western were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berry. America, gradually and continue beating Until mixture will stand in stiff peaks. Wednesday Only-OctobeFold in chocolate mixture gradually, blending well. Add vanilla and Hemisphere and the free world. Mrs. Frank Mullins left for coconut. 5th SAME OLD ROADBLOCK Cut down into angel food cake, 1 inch from outer edge and 1 inch Georgia where she will visit from center hole, to a depth of about 2 inches. Remove section and set A calm and U. S. relatives and friends for a few All Spanish Night aside. Scoop out cavity to make sides straight. Fill cavity with the Secretary of State summed up. weeks. chocolate mixture. Trim underside of removed section to make a ring PEDRO INFANTE j for the UN General Assembly, in about 1 inches thick; replace in cake, pressing down gently. LIBERTAD LAMARQUE Combine cream and cocoa mix in small bowl. Beat with rotary egg his best professorial manner, the beater until fluffy and thick. Spread over top and sides of cake. Chill. tensions the bedeviling presently en Just before serving, sprinkle with additional coconut. TO world in one area after another. He reviewed the also "Ansiedad" swiftly By than half the patients seen by bloodshed, the subversion of free Howard E. Kershner,L.1I.D. h a e previously dermatoloju-'.tnations and the contest toetween of local preparaform tried somf the free world and the Commuyou ever thought of yourtions and these "Cancion De Cuna" nist world for domination in selfHave as one facet of a diamond rehave aggravated their dematitis. armed might that marked the flecting a ray of God's great The doctor must first control this Do you think proUN's first ten years and said, luminous personality? superimposed 'nf.ammation duced by the before " . , . there are welcome sigms of your friends as other facets of not God's of great price? Is is one of a teriet of he can actually begin to treat the The Thurs. - Fri. that the second decade may in every jewel person in the world a part articles following written by members of the underlying, origiial complaint. fact be more harmonious than of His master gem? Fortunately, a mni Utah State Medical Association and Each facet of a diamond is differOctober 6-- 7 was the first". dematitis usually only adds with in published tout cooperation imto the disc" fort of the Datie t Mr. Dulles seemed to feel that ent from every other. Each is local articles These are newspaper. EXCLUSIVE SCOOP! each reflects light in a cure. charter revision, as called for by portant; way. s.hedjled to appear every other week and prolongs the time for No two are alike; no unique Sometimes, however, patients aDply DIRECT FROM RINGSIDE! in to the an effort year throughout the founders after "a first one can be spared without marring medications or use the problems of strong ROUND BY ROUND! of experience", might help the beauty of the jewel, and no one better acquaint you with for the deg-e- f preparation wrong the to and heal.h, designed improve in this direction. He frowned on nor any combination of other facets of inflammation or thev mav BLOW BY BLOW! the Utah. of of people sensitive or allergic to the ointthe abuse of veto power in block- can compensate for one that is not ' doing its work. ment, lotion or liuuid and then ing the admission of eligible" The facets of a diamond are like are in real trouble. Physithev said drastic that nations, but people, very similar but still very cians frequentlv see, and even have DERMATITIS charter revisions were not neces- different. Children in the same famto hospitalize." patierts, who deily are entirely different. This may dermatitis It is a natural inclination ffi velop a sarily required. of every individual in the s to self-tieThe Secretary urged German, be said Call individual a from the injudicious treatment of every own to mind world. a small area of dermatitis, as a ski., affliction. These inflammareunification and a European se- -! friends and relatives andyour see how tion? serimild OfFKIU nnd 'ii HUVmiGMT not funpus "itect.inn of the toes too recurity agreement that would they differ. No two faces, voices, can ous: t " UiNd Arttoi QUMftOKHtt CONTEST! dangerous. re out in the open and lieve the nervous nations, Rus- -; pairs of eyes or personalities in If a skin affliction does not reare accessible for whole are world the alike. sia included, of fears of German spond to soothing management are mild. Some In order to make a perfect jewel Regular Adm. 50c within a reasonable time, it is alc ointment or a oalve aggression. Russia, he said, should every facet of a diamond must be some friend! ways best to seek medical advice. by Eisenhower's President accept perfect. If any one is marred or with your own ointWei" and Rood, as long as the for the of the is "military cloudy, proposal gem swapping beauty medications are mild. Some mav ments, or those reeommerded by a Always plenty of parking ina The of aerial mutual and impaired. significance blueprints" be BoothinK to a mild dermatitis friend or patented-medicinspace in the illuminated parkIs the individuality of its the and at least may do no harm even bought aero.- spection. The Reds should also diamond mere is facets. Without these a it ing lot at the rear of the the time for subif not beneficial. However, loose their satellites. He turn prolong usually A dialittle value. Theatre. lump having Strand are not limited to sidence of the dermatitis and fresaid the Red Chinese record "has mond without clearly cut facets these harmless preparations but quentlv make the condition worse. be to a might compared society usually are irritants to many skins Your M l) will be able to make a under statism with little developand almost inevitably make the correct diagnosis and will know ment of individual personality. original derma'itir worse. More how t adjust management No facet of a diamond can do the work of any other facet. They are all different and with a different function to play. Just so, no individual in this world can do the work of any other individual. Each one can reflect something of the HELPER PHONE 26 personality of God in a way that no other can do. If any person his function or performs it neglects THUltSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY poorly, the world is poorer as a result thereof and no one else can Select your choice of substitute for the one who has Sept. 29 - 30, Oct. 1 failed. Mattress and Box Each one of us is entrusted with a responsibility that do one else Springs from our can perform. No two of us speak Van Truck your alike, look alike or act alike, and : JOHN PflYSE UZABETH SCOTT DAJI DURYEA w each has the distinction and dignity home. Top trade-i- n ' of having been created in the image of God to perform a special funcyour present $ tion for Him. $ To collectivize society is to grind off much of the individuality of the & Box Springs. J Try Our Orthopedic Mattress (no butfona) facets of the world's great diamond, This is the mattress everybody is talking about. depriving it of most of its lustre, SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY brilliance, significance and beauty. To develop a highly individualistic All types of mattresses rebuilt society Is to grind, polish and seek October -4 to perfect each facet with the utMail Coupon ior full details. most care. That is what Jesus was seeking to do in His emphasis upon OVERMAN MATTRESS CO. the unique value of human per2763 So. State, Salt Lake City 147 N. University, Provo sonality. The (Utah) Ar-net- Hi-Scho- Washington s An Angel of a Cake Rich with Chocolate lately-recover- ed anti-dawdli- ng ng nd j self-contr- ol 1 . - 10-in- w soft-spok- en IT'S UP YOU Your Doctor y j in all participating high schools There is no mortal truly wise on Dec. 6. The project has the and restless at once; wisdom is endorsement of the national con- the repose 'of minds. test and activities committee ofj John Caspar Lavater the National Association of Sec- -j ondary. School Principals, a de- -' partment of the National Educa-- 1 tion Association. "The enthusiastic endorsement of thousands of educators, religious leaders, civic leaders and parents throughout the nation and the extensive participation of students in our first year project have made General Mills pleased to renew this worthwhile activity and increase the scholarship 'unds," declared Charles H. Bell, president of the company. Price Helper Highway "We believe in sponsoring proa betgrams which contribute to-Show Starts at Dusk ter way of living for all. We are happy to assist public, private and parochial high schools in THURS. - FRI. - SAT. training girls for successful famSept. 29 - 30, Oct. 1 ily life after marriage, and we are equally happy to focus public The Story of Hoodlums attention on the fine work these in High School schools are doing. "We have faith in the Ameri"BLACKBOARD can teen-agof today. Given the opportunity, the guidance and encouragement, this teen ager will JUNGLE" become the type of American homemaker who will assure the Starring health, happiness and security of our communities and nation- in GLENN FORD the years ahead." ANNE FRANCIS All 12 th grade girls in the nation's public, private and parLOUIS CALHERN ochial high schools who will graduate in 1956 are eligible to participate in the Betty Crocker SUNDAY - MONDAY Search for the American October of Tomorrow. They must be enrolled by their school not CinemaScope. later than Oct. 31. Study materials for use in "BLACK WIDOW" teaching many subjects will be sent to participating schools. The in Technicolor girl with the highest test score in each school will be named Sfarring Homemaker of Tomorrow for that school. She will receive a GINGER ROGERS pin designed by Trifari of New VAN HEFLIN York, her school will receive a GENE TIERNEY copy of the Good and Easy Cook Book and her test paper will be entered in the competition for her state. FAMILY NIGHTS The school of each state j mm er - Home-mak- er 2- Home-mak- er of Tomorrow will receive a set of the Encyclopedia Each state winner and a female faculty adviser will be TUESDAY nt invited to participate in an expeducational tour of ense-paid Washington, D.C, Colonial Williamsburg, Va., and Philadelphia April Miss Arnette, the first year national winner, is using her scholarship at Judson college in October WILD WIND" In Technicolor Starring JOHN WAYNE SUSAN HAYWARD RAY MILLAND wmhhf'IJ II IjJggSfijJi PAULETTE SPORTSMAN" w4p COULD A YOU? dt-ca- de GODDARD For All Your Typewriter Ribbons Carbon Papers Account Books Staples and Staplers. THE well-bein- JOURNAL OFFICE OVER-TREATME- ; i -5 "REAP THE Alabama. over-treatme- I 4- i2. I , - WEDNESDAY Bri-tanni- s Says.., -3 m mife-t-ii j in i , ii. -t" Mm ii. Npamw at ma-fam- ily Peal Cemfoo'f... recom-raende- j nt es drue-count- er BONNIE THEATRE Bullet for BulletljCcSjj at vJ for mattress. SILVER LODEMWUli t 2-3- I JAMES STEYART-JU- CktUilm Htm 'Strategic Air Command (MorlyTECJINICOLOR FRANK rM UUflt AlfX NICOL umm. I moan . ml BUM UT. m BARRY SUM BRUCE BENNETT uman turn s .kr w n !m If. k.ttm ii.B w mfnHi v"'- -i tfiam t wWiriwu H. T. fk It, AUYSON UE SIMPLIFIED jm. BOOKKEEPING TAX RECORD cast ftr ti All Typt ( mr-ioosE-- mr SIM SJ.SO . BOOKS tuilnatt iboks SS.00 W.SI The Helper Journal rtione Newt Itemt to Journa- l- Please call at my home to estimate the cost of rebuilding my mattress, or estimate trade-i- n value on one of your new mat- - $ tresses. I understand that your call will not obligate me in any way. Name Address -- .............. .. . Phone Moderne 2-Pi- LIVING ROOM ENSEMBLE In Beautiful Green Frieze See In 0nIy $169.00 Our Window 6-PI- STUDIO GROUPING Coffee Table - Step Table - Rocker Modern Studio Electric Wall Clock - Floor Lamp 0n,y $169.95 HELPER FUMIITUriE g 11017. CO The Best in Furniture and Appliances ITelper, Utah |