Show HOME IT ITEMS T 1 S 11 P etina ry i SABBATH MEE nin TiNOs felder ide r robet on recently returned from fromn a three ami and a half years year mission to england spoke of his hib labors while wuie lil lit in that country and boro testimony to the protecting provi dences of god goa oyer over his people elder george W grant treated on the manner in which the world listen to the bestlin testimony 3 1 of the servants of god having in each other and in their teachers they 1141 stew with suspicion men who bear the truth to them and listen to their testimony with doubt prest 11 C kimball spoke of his first to england and reasoned reff redd en on various principles of tho the gospel encouraging the saints to abide steadfastly in the commandments of god and work the works of righteousness continually afternoon prest brigham ham young instructed the saints on re revelation and prophecy hsi fal lowing chatin that intelligent tell igent minds everywhere seek revelation though all do not seek it from tho the abd he treated upon visions the ot angels and the manner to in which god communicates with the tha ildren children of men and spoke spore of theom the com nes of the gospel which c comprises jr ses e everything that ministers minister comfort comfor tand and happiness to intelligent bei bel I 1 ou aside of it iq to 1 be toe fou found I 1 death liell holl azg anil ife ifo rave and nothing more Is I N captain s train returned to the city on wednesday night dinst bringing all the w women omen and some ol 01 the men of W company thir ty eight man men are with the ox teams and will most probably reach the tilo city in a few rew days day this will close the present seasons immigration captain train having arrived on wednesday le evening M ath inkstand dinst and kaptain captain walkers the next day bishop hunter and hys his counsellors coun L W V hardy and J C ma made de the necessary arrangements for ministering to he fhe wants wante of the immigrants the ap pc arance arante of the people on arriving was wa not loo dicarl c of their having ha ing summed from the journey nen ney as good health and spirits were tho rule 3 and not the exception bishop sheets elder G go 1 goddard and others of our citizens were busm busy fsr with the newcomers new comers finding them homes hombs looking to their welfare and otherwise having haing them properly ca and in a short time nearly nil all of them had llad found their friendie fri endia endiS captain arnold made good time both but aua mua back bark of which those whom 49 eem 11 cd ed to be appreciatively sensible their arrival in such good condition before any very cow cold coid weather lias has set in is highly gratifying t a NEEDED DED our carriers suggest scribers bers who have not boxes for their pao papers eis els to be left in should have them put up somewhere contiguous to their gates or entrance sto protect the papers from the tte the snow and rain and keep them from being carried off by the wind one waxes wrath at some per persons unknown for pulling down bomb of those boxes that had been cam carefully fully put up for the re c eption arvie che tho fati Fatal fatai Mask iwas kwas put upon the stage on wednesday evening in a manner to reflect the highest credit on manager caine colne and his aides the scenery was teryl veryl verylene very vers lne fine and the costumes and appointments rich and beautiful the great character of the piece Is isabel which mrs hayne rendered in her happiest and most telling manner the tho characters of louis and henri de charlemont and pedro redro were nvere hl highly llly aily creditably played albeit the first two acts ack acs afre were wera rather slow which in the con fhe the piece necess necessarily arlly must be so to a certain fluent and the sensation of the atal fatal F mase Mast anear kInear the close excited peculiar feelings which were the tha precursors of more pleasant ones when it was removed and the expected disfigurement did not appear the other characters ackers were played in the usual style of the ladies ladles and gentlemen who were cast for them che tho omnibus for an with mr dunbar as pat rat rooney kooney was received with prolonged laughter as reporters sometimes say the marble heart on saturday evening last v wi very having the merit of good playing aided by fine tine feenery scenery and beautiful tableaux larco marco 1 though the type of a class that has but few characteristics to commend it to our respect or love in the band ora ofa of a competent artiste is sure to make itself felt julia dean haynos rendering of it showed the wiles viles and fascinations of the tided coquette while the bitter heartlessness that could trample the warmest feelings under foot was shown with a vividness that chilled the heart with its moral leness iciness of marble mr Wid waldron valdron dron drou who was warmly received on his reappearing played raphael rapha with great care and feeling the scene between marco and raphael in the latter part othe otho oc the fourth act particularly elicited general commendation mr caines catnes was played witla much effect in fact the whole of the characters were well stained sustained s ri the statuary pictures were very fine living statues though they were they looked like enough the work of the sculptors hands to deceive the eyes and leave the impression of the their marble reality the secret gave mr malben one of his best parts which he played with much power of comedy last night tight the fatal mask was repeated with marriage arriage U at any price for an 1 on aa saturday evening great grat e umu drama the colleen bawn will bo b 0 arzu produced eed cod with julia dean rayne hayne in the fine flue high comedy char chaT character acter of anne chute mr valdron waldron as danny manji mann mr nir dunbar as miles andurs andars and ana Irs A clawson as elly ely few it 11 any sensation dramas have ever been written that equal the colleen bawn whether in the humor and of ot thy ltv alio the clity of the it of the society it mr dunbar sings two songs tongs the tho Cru skeen lawn and a dewone new one oue procured for the play altogether a great treat may be expected jubilee house a new farce will fol w v ia ira which mr blk W aldron Wl dron dyon appears supported i v a good cast al si 11 t nam RAM nax the following telegram by pern peri of or pres R oung we lay before our i ridger id ger ker NOY nov 19 IBM lapi lapu apu api illias il lils lii lil iii my will camp between P meldy and springs tonight to lo night we f t i T e a A well avell THOMAS tayron wayron if i male maie wiio wilo w lio ilo were detained bej v r i nh the ox tam ti amo are arel in ln this company va militia v M tap mil a leho wehe n he count v h haxe have we had a must bust r und and oree eroe r e days da a drill D klay clay at h 1 n ci brigadier general E T nf n u commanding command comman diug iLig col coi ricks regiment ment of valry col lol alid and col maughans baughans Maug hans regiments rigi ments of lu infanti fantry infantry the general and staff borass and martial bands baggage wagons ac doured mu retied relied from logan loon public Sc yire re early in ip P afternoon of the ath by way ay of providence t I 1 ramp amp deseret which they reached rea raa clied at 3 3 3 1 12 2 i i m i baay forenoon for enOD enon as a sp pent nt in drillings drill inza inga dress parade and li L on n of tho the infantry occupied saturday cornic mo ruic ruin there was an inspection of aava java tv airy ry and infantry drill at it 11 am a sham bau tau by the brigade in which the evocations aba aa as esuna und and repulse repulses were wre cleverly and spiritedly inducted the brigade afterwards formed in I 1 ollow square when addresses ivero ivere cere deliver dellver orby 6 general B blinson inson idson col byde hyde major rollins vt of south boath willow eli fer rek ek and quartermaster maughan the orar ord r to break camp waa then given and the tho wore were immediately on the moyo the evolutions all through ware were creditably and the arms were ors ora of a very superior orar OTT ort we would have bwy b et pleased to print the communication jmj n it reached too late for insertion Ins in its proper place AS Bi BEFORE rown on ou wednesday mith myth maier maler was tried nor for an kirin gement of the city ity liquor ordinance and ad fined in tim f aze are a maring haying having been re case was again on friday when tny ormer former I 1 decision was sus sin gried stained gave notice ot of appeaL lir br ay V woodward brought us a report of franklin cache county with an actable ap ato table tabie ble bie wagon load of produce the people aref r 1 mot tot energy ani and ana nod emulating thedr worthy ahl nhi U ia 1 r H atio raio artio h wor wot work 1 1 till lie lle is tired and then rests by changing the job their new meetinghouse meeting house of rock 40 by TtO 60 Is well under headway franklin frankiin STOP IT an increase of is 19 manifesting itself which calls for prompt and energetic measures to suppress it the jerking out of pistola pistols after a few angry words induced by draining canteens Is not the best way to maintain public peace we have heard of one or two instances lately where abere such things occurred and further that ladles ladies can scarcely walk afeei blocks after night without the risk of being followed and insulted by would be fast men mem who have learned their code of morals elsewhere from the just indignation expressed on the subject by our citizens generally we are satisfied that any effective measures the city council may rray adopt to suppress these nuisances will will be looked upon with kith w ith public favor fa or we hope tiie tile city fathers will see to it without delay and we advise these night prowlers and blustering pistol larkers to reform their habits habith or somebody may get hurt hurtt by somebody else getting riled ailed OGDEN folks look out out for the tiie peoples s store in your city it has got oh a snag and is again sailing how wa moe TOE time timid J doolittle doo Poo little will put your clocks clocker in order so cau ans answer the tho question S seig bais jons J sitky thayas i Is notice of application for little willow creek kanyon column on mi t the lie lle contents of his octagon store provo pi ovo city |