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Show THE GIVING METHODS TAKES MUSTER FARM SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1916 N, ROUND-U- P Paul's Advice to Corinthians Extensive Program Ready for Farmers and Housewives Considered by Dr. Davies President Wilson Begins Preparations for Possible Industrial Mobilization. of Jordan District. Best to Follow. "Iiln'k and tarkU' methods of finan- DEMONSTRATIONS SEEKS AID OF RAILROADS cing religious work were condemned ty II. in GALORE his the Itev. l.r. Oeorge lavies " sermon on "Th Uul of Thre in Sessions Begin This Morning n yesteri.i church Daniels at First Pre.by Secretary Suggests of Th "ru! mcrninsr. three," terday and Continue Until of Engineerhe said. Is the practice of systematically layinc aside something for the work Friday Evening. ing Organizations. of God in accordance with the Income. He said In part: in which a man spends "The manner as monev I of as ureal concern With an and Instructive Jan. If. Prf idnt Wll-m- his Wabintoit, th way in which he make It. Kvery program In attractive round-u- p of store the ha I rxtm work to put Into op?ra-ti-- n Christian is called to worshipk tiod with disfarmers and of residents Jordan 1 t tac-and tb plan he o ti in hi 11 Ms sifts. Too loni? the tdo will open at 9 o'clock this morn-I- t. for the trict at Hich school buildinir. to l"onrf for preparing the k'.e method" of securlnsr moneyhas jr n.!R been lecturesJordan will feature both forenoon and running of jropel enterprises nation tninufacfurinjr. railroad and resorted to. The result la the afternoon sessions, and the round-u- p other bulnes rtourrs for quirk habit" on the part of ureal numbers. will continue until Friday evening. thero have grown Many actual demonstrations In of mrjonry. It be- It must be confessed will be ln- caremany methods of jjtvinjf. The meet eluded In the programs. came know n tonight that he baa writ- up less way may scur funds for K. W. Stephens, professor of a?rleul-jtur- e ten to th hr ,.. of alt of the principal Ins; temporary want. The impulsive, at Jordan High school, will open r n rfinorrlne orranlxattonp asking that way too oftn Impoverishes the River's the round-o- p a lecture on "Prabenevolent account. The more common ctical Preedln with and of IIoks." collect to Feeding they appoint may be dsinated as the lazy way another section of school the high In which the River kIvs as little as jln Sfa for u in orcnixinsr btinlnffii for way Mis Vera Waller and Mrs. Christina B. use Some the 'doubt vlsioned BitlDn.it defer-in time of danger. domestic rclence teachers at poslle. way. that I. srlve as much as the (Clayton, Jordan High school, will Tbe letier one of which wait made neighbor. give a lecture Some, an equal way. jrlvo jnrd demonstration. In sewlnjcr. miMl- in New York lat nlht hr W. I as much to charity as is spent on self, Laid! Thurman, teacher of oral Miss ex- S.i riert. of the American others a lf denyine way. Vet others ;rision at the Jordan Hlph achool, I ntnu- - of Mtnir.K went resort to heroic methods tn crlvlnir. i'nr Sneers', sivc a lecture on "Physical F.du-- i l t the president of the Amcri- - spendinjr as little a possible for self twill cation for Women" in the high school . n o ft jr of Mechanical J'.nOnrrri'. and the remainder of the in- gymnasium. plvlnic the American Instttute of Ktertrlcal come to church anil charity. It must The Keneral session will be at 10.30 American Chemical be said of the methods above that they Estftef Tfc n,1 v the tn.. when Dr. T. B. secretary failork are of data a and rrnctlrir of the slate board of Beatty. confusing j.o.'!y.. will lechealth, e ure unscriptural. ill re rrl"d on by th in ordinary practlc. Thero ture In th on "Good nudltorlum of he.e ofK nidationrprrnt-livin b when such may proper, but Health. Its Helation to con- - for regular vlt i th civilian Word affords Peterson, principal of Success." practice the Thirteen Jordan Henry ttlMnse board. a more excellent the of rchool. way. will follow a lectureHigh on with H'hf ri th pUnn tentatively itrawn up thirty-nin- e turn of the Savior the "Habits. parables psychology, subject being arm on a financial pivot. by thm President ni hi adlvr How They Are Formed." Ilobert Sharp, will be b gotten by unapproved professor golne tnmpiftoi, machinery may ".Money of Knglleh at Jordan Hisrh r. which i expected to plar in lh hand but the results are will lecture on "The Library of th Kotrnmiit rompift Informa- method, Kormrly the church boards school, in th Horn. tion rewarding b'lnM Rnlt Industrial stent who frequentsent out a I.nnchon will be served In the cafet called ly collected special wFslrh wohM hit more his little than teria and the salary. session will be to th st.nc of th a r toy anil navj Then the irood women were called to opened at 1 P.afternoon m.. with a sociological tn tiri of vrf. th assistance of the treasurer. The lecture on th subject. "The Bollinger resort was to the widow's mite and Baby," bv Knoch Jorgenson, Instructo ft Want muffins, a pink tea or tatt day. One tor In hlatory and sociology at Jordan When tb the church President In the cast advertised thus: High school. f lm iXr cad iittstn banquet Wanted 1 too A lecture on physical education for mn and boys to eat In New Tor k Junuarr 27 la e.perid men and for of th the sake Christ will be In the high school oysters r to th to hAvlnii of dwltUltr church. The source of benevolence Is, gymnasium given by Norman th railroad and ronrrr which Th cf dried thus In physical education.Hamilton, up. ours, teacher At the hastily railroad supplies ro. opera life not a should be fountain, 1.45 p. m.. Dr. Beattv session at general C general moldti jeatton plan. The Christian n 'tak-lThe old method of will lecture on "Rural Sanitation." fmr war collet' already has in it a maelstrom. upisa collection" Is found wantlnc. Fred Mathews, in charce of the United for the murh data f,. needed is a consecration of States Smelter farm, will rive anex-hibltio- n over rati-ro.- What movement of to the prjnr)t.n in Judging hogs. "Home in tin of war, trocp but amml the adminis- self andto substance be served. adequate will be subject of Prof. of tration desire the at tlv tan' "The worship of find by our offer- Calvin Gletcher of the the Utah Agriculrailroad tentative and manufacturers ings to b central In our serv- tural college. tn t nmpletlstsr this fund of Information ices. iMitrht In The Savior His of The the programs for succeeding days And keeping it up to dat. flesh visited the temple. days He was not will be as follows: A. Tost, rretint of th Railiofs to approclat the fine chorus road IUinrm afJ'ocJatlon, has informed careful Tuesday's Pro r rani. tn President lh At hi organisation is choir or the splendid services of the 9 a. m.. visitors Invited to Tuesday. It but frorjteously arrayed priesthood, to rr. opr At tn this work In willing war attnd classes; D.45 a. m.. agriregular He over said sat asralnse the that Other AortAtlon "The culture. Practical Breeding and see to pettile how firry cast the treasury people of buflneMi nl professional men will their offerings into the same. of Cows." Professor Feeding Dairy b Ask4 to help. Tiii administration Mrs. and Stephens; sewing. Clayton has "Paul to the little say concerning Sab- Miss Weller; 10.30 a. m.. general sesa complet In- well understood wnt atofitsallromtaan-of requirements ji th Arenrie nee!e,I by bath observanc. but he does explicitly sion, lecture, "Birds and Rural Life," ventory th tuitin jihocld It Ko to f war. Prof. J. H. Paul. University of Utah; tell the ("orintbians how they are to 11.30 a. m.. psychology. "Habits: Their Ianiels.onin a nv-- ' Clod with their monev. tnon SrtAry worship th ' the first day of the week let every one Uffect on Life," Principal Peterson; part elaborating;' !r th "Literature In the Home," Mr. iirorram, pointed out that th il or you lay by him in store as od has Kuglish, 12.15 fir entneertnw p. m., luncheon In the orpantaatlons Sharp; la him. This of the rule prospered 1 p. m., a membership of 36,009 technical three. Everyone without Are cafeteria; sociology, "Who exception, We?" Mr. Jorgenson; to perform that Is. mn "pftl"laFb" Infitted educaphysical cq sysindividually. Uefftilarly an this class of work Intelligent and tematically, 'upon the first day of the tion for men. Mr. Hamilton; 1.45 p. m., dtstntereste.l manner." "Rural Life lectur. general sessionProf. week." System spells success. Propor- and C. I. Stelner, U. A. f tart. Bellgion. Would at Noth'as has fod prospered.' tionately, (iret p. m.. "Dairy Cow Day," exC; 2.30 and is her said about the tithe, though hibition "In a nut ehlt. nalJ Mr. Daniels. th ing JudKlnsr in charge of Hugh eours proposed Is to do In tima of It is most ancient and has tho authorJ. Cannon Jersey Cannon, ir proprietor even of Moses, ami ity antiquity, pear, quietly, efficientlywhich ail of It has the approval antedating of the Rural farm; "Improvement as of Master the the very thing Ann of tho Home," head Christensen, Is well. a For the tithe wise us know mt!?: b done many to achieve true domestic science Jordan bedepartment, It be Klven should If treand thus proportion. preparedness not as a matter of exaction. High school. mendous losses In lives andprevent money pos-et- stowed down. Wednesday Irofrraxn. If they are not prepared until an Such would be the Kospel upside The Rlory of glvlnK much or little Is 9 a. m., visitors are Inoutbreak of tiostltltis. Wednesday, am I to do so, but vited to attend regular "Thei plan Involves a board of five not that 9.45 compelled so I a as steward a. in., "Practical Breeding; classes; that am free to do in each state of the union, or and ensineers Feeding trustee. Paul's method Is equit- of Poultry," Mr. Stephens; sewing, Mrs. on from each of the societies. This placing" the burden upon those Clayton and Miss Weller; folk dances will cover civil engineering, mlnln able, able to bear the same. It Is scrip- and frames. Miss Thurman: 10.30 a. m., most and metallurgical cniclneerlnsc and tural and sufficiently flexible, allowing E. G. Peelectrical and chemical work, for session; lecture. Dr. U. general extension exercise of true benevolence as terson, A. C; division entire wellthe the which prartlcally reaches men Icience. Such as methods benef 11.30 a. m., psychology. "Memory, What will be are ftrbl. Kach one f ths the Head of to Great It Is and How to honoring and It." Principal appointed at the request of the Presi- the Church, prove a blessing- to Peterson; Fnglish,Improve in the "Literature dent of the United Htates, belnsr first those who thus bestow." nominated by th society of which he Home," Mr. Sharp; 12.15 p. m.. luncheon u a member. On approval by the In the cafeteria; 1 p. rn., "Bural ComMr. Jorgenson; physical hla of the nary he will receive asmunity Life." education for official appointment and become an men, Mr. Hamilton; DELEGATES NORSE PEACE 1.45 p. i7i., general session; lecture. Dr. sociate membr of th naval consuititisf Peterson; 2.30 p. m.. "Poultry Day," board, working through the comndtte exhibit and Judging in charge of the board, of Leroy five men In each state will "The Turpin, West Jordan, raiser of blooded stock: "Sanitation In Itural Homes," form th nucleus of an organization in HAGUE Miss Louise Christensen. each state. They will be asked to se- MAROONEDATJHE lect members of their societies from all Thursday's Program. Invited of the state and will furnish them parts Thursday, 9 a. m., visitors are with blank forms on which wilt be to attend m., classes; 9.45 a. and regular made a true Inventory of our country's Berlin "Practical to Asked Authorities Breeding agriculture, reand nianaffturltiR producible Feeding of Horses," Mr. Stephens; sewtncludlns: transportation. Th source, Mrs, Clayton and Miss Weller; ing. Give Them information ftlven upon these form Thoroughfare education for women. Miss physical will be used by the civilian consulting 10.30 a. m., general session; Thurman; board and by the government of the Miss Florence lecture. Ward, Germany. Through t'nited States In perfecting the national D. C, Washington, supervisor industrial oraar.liatton necessary to of and clubs the plans for defense." of the boys of education; federal bureau girls' 16. F. Dr. Charles The Hatue. Jan. 11.30 a.m., phychology. "Will and FreeAked. Mine. Ilo'lka Schwlmmer and dom of Will." Principal Peterson; "Voof the Ford peace cational Guidance From the Standpoint JOBBERS ON HAND other members the Parent," James E. Moss, teachboard, after having- vainly appealed of er at the Jordan school; 12.15 to the German minister at Tbe Hafcue p.m., luncheon In High 1.00 the cafeteria; for permission for the Scandinavian p. m., sociology, "Princes and Paupers," return to home through Mr. Jorgenson: physical education for Callferala aa Open Campaics to OMa! pace delegates Germany telegraphed today to Berlin men, Mr. Hamilton; 1.45 p.m., Keneral J!t? Fmlt AsaoelAtioA CosTf. for the desired permits. Pecent efforts session; lecture. Miss Ward and Prof. t Sa for ( k director of boys' of members of the Ford party to cross J. C. Hogenson, the U. A. C; 2.30 p.m., "Horse Memo Ms. Jan. 1. More than 1000 Germany have been blocked by the Day," at exhibition and Judging In charge the of Claude delegates arrived here today to attend German military authorities, with unand J. Abbott, West the the twelfth qnnua) convention of the explanation that delegates are Jl. Allen of Draper; "The Jordan, Rural Home," Western Fruit Jobbers" association, desirables, Miss Christensen: Clubs," Proh!ch wi:l convene tomorrow. The conTwenty-fiv- e of Denmark, fessor Hogenson, U. "Boys A. C; 'Girls' Clubs," subjects vention will be in session thre dsrs and Norway, who came here Miss Florence Ward. und will be devcte! to a Kcneral ! s Sweden the with Proaram. whole-aprice expedition, are desirous Friday i matters of afferttnsr the utsion .00 a.m., visitors are Invited of re..irnlnr to their homes, which they Friday, fruit and produce trsde. Tr defecation from California ac- are itnabl to do unless by way of the to attend regular classes; 9.45 a.m., "Profitable Raising of companied by representatives of other North sea. ThisIn route Is regarded un- agriculture, Mr. Stephens: sewlnjr. Mrs. tjkr western slates arrived earlv today safe. Included those marooned here Calves." and Miss Weller; physical eduAi oard a special train and Immediately is Paul Lyndhagen, mayor of StockClayton for women. Miss Thurman; 10.30 a eampaf.cn for th next meet-tnopened who says he may lose his posi- cation a.m.. session; music; lecture, general in competition with Kansas City. holm, unless he returns soon. minutes; 11.30 a. m., psychology, thirty St. l.o:!. t'hieaico and Peoria. The tion Mme. Is Huna Schwlmmer, who "Physical Health and Its Relation to California delegate have not centered Peterwired authorities at Berlin that Mental n anv city, but want the 1917 convenPrincipal garian, "Vocational Guidance," Mr. Moss; the returning son; tion f hell somewhere on the Pacific the blo:k-against 12.15 p.m., luncheon In the cafeteria; . OA Is proving a great Inconveni1.00 p.m.. sociology, "The Th nst plare of meetinc will be delegates ence to the expedition, and urged the Born Short or Developed," Mr.Criminal, Jorgenselected Wednesday, when officers a!so lifting ot the embargo. son; physical education for men, Mr. lil be elected. 1.45 Keneral Hamilton; p.m., session; music; lecture, thirty minutes, "Moral ALLIED SHIP SUNK CALYPSO SAY to Rural Life Kducntlon, Its Relation CREW . SEIZED and 13. Go wans, state Progress." Dr. of public superintendent instruction; Berlin fleoles fleport of ef Aus2.30 p.m.. "Agricultural as Basis for Itural Credit." Hon. F. B. tria t'rsler f Xovtrs Type. Denies Colas; to eA Stephens; "Rural Water Supply," Miss Berlin. Jan. IS. Amonjr the Items Captain aanian (Thrtstennen : s.00 p.m., dramatic reC'lAlma He la lawful t I'alAwfntly elvert out today by the Overseas News cital. Mrs. Inez Todd King, King School Custodian. of Oratory. Bsrency was the following: "Heportji from Vienna say the Stefant 16. CaJ.. WillJan. Fan Diego, Capt. aerency on January I t announced that iam Sassaman and eight members of the French submarine Foucault sank an the crew of the launch Calypso, for DIE IN A of the Novara whom federal officers have been on cruiser n lookout since December 24. when no type, ship the craft sailed from San Pedro. Cal.. Is missinK the Foucault must have sunk t the tinder arrest here today, having Town Less Than Ten Miles From Ama ship of tho entente powers by mis- were been taken into custody by a sterdam Under Wateri Bodies) of take." United states marshal iate last deputy Cattle Bestrew Inundation. right An official announcement made In when the Calypso reached here from Rome January IS said that the French Mazatlan. London. Jan. 18. A dispatch to the action was taken at the request Central News from Amsterdam submarine Foucault. attached to the of The authorities at Los Angelos, con"The floods in north Hollandsays: Italian f tet. bad torpedoed and sunk, whofederal was the that taken The devastation. town their Calypso aJlcged of tinue Ausan 17. sea. In the Adriatic January from San Pedro, where the Purmercnd, which Is less than ten trian scout cruiser of the Novara type. Illegally vessel was held for debt In the cus- miles from Amsterdam. Is under water tody of federal agents. and at many points the flood Is three Captain Sassaman denied tonight that feet higher than on yesterday, l'very-wher- e he bad taken the launch from in the flooded section bodies of the cusof federal agents, and stated that cattle drowned can be seen flcatlnsr. tody KAISER IS COMPLETELY h had been custodian of the craft trees and farm houses are above EECOVERED, BACK TO WAP. since last October under an order is- Only of the water. The bodies surface the sued by Cnlted States Judso M. T. of twelve persons drowned in Marken THEATRE, SAYS BERLIN Doollsig. washed ashore today at Volendam." Herl-nJan. is. The following ofVOL Attn OM.Y 21 HOC II The Quinine That Doea Not Affect Head ficial communication was issued tosumBecause of its tonic and laxative effect where from It's California, day: Away mer alt winter. "After Ms mcomplete recovery Em- leaves Salt Iaxative Hromo Quinine can be taken urion returned St.nday I.ake January 23. Ticket J3..rtf. Make by anyone without causing nervousness !Pror Wttlu In the head. There is only to thw war theatre,"" Salt !ak nor your reservations early. "Bromo Quinine." IT. W. GUOVli S Route Ticket Office, in K. Third South. one rlnplne Phone Waeatch 3j02. Advertisement. signature is on box. 25c, Cllv-in- Co-operat- ion rr J t '10-ce- 3 HELD THIS WEEK ARE COMPARED OF RESOURCES HERALD-REPUBLICA- nt Would it tell a tale of savings? Would it tell a tale of the heat you get or the coal you waste? Would it say that you have a coal eater instead of a sure heater? If every coal bin had a voice it would shout to its owner: "Invest immediately in outfit of the great Iwm Mi mm ' psilBUY ANi km my IDEAL coal-economizi- ng on n mvmCA M7 : , - rr!itnt I -- arc-time- V et disap-polntins- rugated fire pots which admit the air in proper amounts for the complete combustion of the rich gases from the fuel. Too much or too little air wastes or kills the fire. The construction of IDEAL Boilers gets all the heat out of the fuel you burn makes the smallest amount of coal produce the maximum volume of heat. al te, awwx-latlo- addre rf The Labor Savings of IDEAL Boilers depend upon their generous fire pots, which hold sufficient fuel to last, without shoveling coal and refilling, for periods of time from 3 to 24 hours depending on re man-ufa.-ru- nfiiry U cas Itau-liflcatlo- severity of weather. n" thought Complete and pleasant winter comfort is had without the of lugging coal and ashes and the constant fussing with the fire. These are all forgotten in the smooth, even, and easy operation of IDEAL Boilers, even through blizzards ever-prese- nt Good for lifetime of l At-me- to-nt- ht repr-nentc- IDEAL Boiler and 270 q. ff AMERICAN Radiators, costing of 38-iwere used to hest this the owner this price tbe goods can be cottate. At$135, bought of any reputable, competent Fitter. This did not Include coit f labor, pipes, valves, freight, etc., which vary according to climatic and other condition. A No. Ait thor-ouRh- ? bi me-hanlo- F 1 jAM!ttAE comfort low-price- d Economical and Even Heat is assured with this outfit which never needs repairs or overhaulings. Settle your heating doubts at once and for. your lifetime by insisting on an IDEAL Boiler and AMERICAN Radiators. Accept no substitute! Whether your home is OLD or new, investigate at once 5 months winter still ahead! These wonderful coal-bi- n and is classed as J IDEAL savers immediately make your building become of higher commercial value for selling or renting when it is heated with goods. "A-l- " IDEAL Boilers will supply ample heat on one charging of coal for 8 to 24 hours, depending on severity of weather. Every ounce of fuel is made to yield utmost result. IDEAL-AMERICA- N Phone your dealer for estimate, but send for (free) copy of "Ideal Heatof bigr heating facts! Every man who wants complete coming," it's fullhave this book. Write for it today. fort should An unfailing, stationary Vacuum Cleaner in sizes now at $150 up! You should know about our ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner, for dustless, complete cleaning of rooms, furnishings, etc. Sits in basement or sidcroom and cleans through iron suction pipe running to each floor. Easily put in OLD buildings. Fully GUARANTEED. Lasts as long as the building like radiator heating. Send for catalog. al. Sold by all dealers. No exclusive agents. - 1000 eil. club-wor- 1 t; Well-Belng- ," d . lm ustro-Hungaria- Boilers Radiators The fuel economy of IDEAL Boilers is the result of accurately placed fire surfaces, inner flues, and cor s oo con-J'ji'-ii- n iSftl? ' -- on . HELVE n Austro-Hunararla- . Ji MOD AMERICAN it AmMutt s mnrmv S "L Wr!t Benartment 81 S-1- 3 S. Michigan Ave. 6-8- 22 wucago Public Showrooms at Chicago, New York, Boston, Worcester, Providence, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, Rochester, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Atlanta. Seattle, Portland, Spokane, Birmingham, New Orleans, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Des Moines, Omaha, Minneapolis, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver,Vienna Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Brantford, (Ont.), London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Cologne, Milan, TRANSFER WORK COSTS TOO MUCH TELLS OF 10 METHODS OF BECOMING CHRISTIAN 9 iw EARLY GNiOSTICS ir Assistant Postmaster Pastor Says Gradual Development May Be as Effective General Says Red Tape First Is Cause. as Sudden Change. Washington, Jan. 16. Restrictions placed by surety companies on bidders for screen wagon transfer work in the government postal service Is costing: the United States a vast amount of money unnecessarily, Daniel C. Roper, first assistant postmaster general, has declared to Congress In a plea for establishment of a federal employees' guarantee fund. In New York alone it Is alleged the governmentCity is $500,000 too much for the transpaying fer work. So Important did Mr. Roper consider as a the situation that has result of investigationdeveloped federal by that he called the postoffice agents commission Into executive session to before them. lay results of the inquiry Ills revelations were closiy guarded and when an aconly became today count executive of the public session was inincluded in a House report. advertently The American Surety company of New York, which is dominant in the screen wagon bonding field, was mentioned particularly by Mr. Roper as for the limited numpartly bids received for this class of ber of responsible transfer work. The investigators' redealt sharply with the company port its and Washington agent. These are some of the allegations the Investigators' report makes against the American Surety company: That it refused to bond certain bidders unless the amounts of their oth-erbidsa were made public, while it bonded without inquiry. That it refused to bond bidders on what 1b considered low estimates, but agreed toon furnish bond in a higher amount the same indemnity provided. That the company's Washington acted ai agent attorney for J. J. Cassidy, a personal bidder, who now is a term in Atlanta for serving frauds while he was presumed postal to be the interests of all bidders. serving That the agent denied that he was while acting as Cassidy's representative in .the investigaevidence documentary hands tors' contrary proof. That the give agent toobjected to the deinduce low bidders seeking partment to reduce their figure?. All contracts of mail carriers are bandied through the Washington office, according to William 11. manager of the Salt L,ake officeMcIOll, of the American Suretv. company. Hs said a special repreKentatlve there has charge of that class of business. Both the sudden change of heart and the gradual development method of becoming converted to Christianity were recognized by the Rev. John Malick, of the First Unitarian church, pastor in his sermon yesterday on "Cataclysm and Order In the Spiritual Life." He held both are in action every day in men to Christ. The converbringing sion of St. Paul he cited as an instance of the cataclysm method. Dr. Edward Everett Hale's experience was given as one of gradual development. Mr. Malick said In part: "Do men fall from the high road by one sheer fall or by a gradual descent? We are interested in knowing because as fall, suddenly toor return. gradually, so we they them must expect are Impressed with the number Many who sink quickly a cataclysm in the moral A life. trust is betrayed, a business wrecked, a home desertedwe without But in find it warning. become extempore true that we do notgeneral wicked; we have a long period of stagevil before we are down. gering "Indeed, men have long had by which men sink. A thing Is desired, thought about. A plan is It and within sought to get then It legally conscience: begins to grip dis-us and both law and conscience are regarded.are "We primarily Interested not in how men fall down, but in how they get up. How do men lift themselves from one kind of life to another? Re- -' its numbers by- two ligion rccruit3 Some insist most on a defimethods. nite experience, called conversion or a second birth, giving the life a new direction. This may come suddenly, so name the minute and the that one can life dawned for him. place when Example of De Qulneey. "Men who attach no religious sigus of nificance to this event tell De Quincey, standingsuch at experiences.of his the grave sister; Goethe feeling for the first time that the same God who directed the stars would care for him. too; another felt a new light dawn which never left him again. Nature knows these sudden processes. "Others look on life as growing from age without any sudden infancy to. There is no moment to which change. can look back and sav, 'Here the life the consciousness of life and God dawned on me.' Many have this experience." Paul's change of attitude toward life has long been classic. It stands for the sudden change cataclysm. Dr. Edward Everett Hale's experienceof isthenow much cited for an example orderly process. lie aid that he always knew that God loved , INDS FLAW - Clear Sense of Heart Knowledge Held Truly Blessed by Rev. P. A. Simpkin. The Rev. P. A. Simpkin returned from a brief visit to southern California and at preached the sermons church. yesterday At the Phillips Congregational dealt with morning service Mr. Simpkin the positive element of the Christian religion. Taking the words of Paul, "We know," and dealing with the remarkable development of gnosticism in the which had a vital relaearly tochurch, the agnosticism of its time, he tion went on to say, in part: "Ha is not wise who stands to speak for God to men and who professes to know all in heaven and earth. Jesus, the greatest teacher, who was Himself truth, kept a fine reserve about the deeper mysteries of life, and but let full light fall where human feet must tread. Enough of the things that lie us to know behind the curtain He gave for the heart's hunger and the mind's satisfaction. "In the train of His followers, the have been those who with greatest Paul leave unilluminated by the gnosticism of human assumption the fields God has left veiled. "There is, however, a fine positivism, a clear and assertive knowledge, that tho great thinker of Tarsus was ever to speak, and one thinks that it ready is the supreme note in his message. "Surely the heart wants to know God, and may, for an unknowable God would be a jest in a mad universe; surely the heart must have a place in which it may find the peace of a trust that the loom of life is sending out an ordered web in accord with the seemof Him man calls Faing beneficence the word of Tennyson is ther; 'He surely knows he was not made to true, die,' and the heart must have the comon goes fort of an assurance that life the acciand finds completing beyond dence of bodily dissolution.a "For whoso walks with clear sense of heart knoweldge, and that is just as factual real as, and more vital than, the matheknowledge of demonstrable matical formulae, heart knowledge that into communion with God brings one who can trust the through His Christ, runs providence the that increasing end will be life and knows through sleep Is waking, well, and that beyond he is the master of life, the truly blessed of the children of men. "The glory of vital religion, the reof the Nazarene, is that it gives ligion assurances that are credible because they are knowable and who will follow the way of the Christ revealing mav find a heart satisfaction, not in a knowledge of all God is, or all human life embraces, or all the future holds, but enough to give him assurance as he walks life's road and comes in glad quietude of heart to offind the worth of his soul, alike problems In the simple and of aspiration, solvedwho appeals to teachings of theit Christ shall follow Him." the world that ; MONTENEGRINS AT SCUTARI. Berlin, Jan. 16. The Montenegrin government has arrived at Scutari, acVienna, recording to advices from News agency. ceived by the Overseas The foreign consulates, which had taken up quarters at Scutari, have been moved to Alessio, an Albanian coast town twenty miles further south. even as a child, to to, the east of Cettinje and him; liked soalways, receive His sugges- Nisic, are said to have been evacuated and tell Him tions. the Montenegrin forces. "True religion has to take in every by man's experience. It cannot deny what ADDRESS BY CHRISTENSEN. earnest man has one experienced in any own patrons-teacherassociation of The soul. While has his group of the school normal the training who those have at had askance looked be addressed at 8 will of Utah like the other sudden Paul, the change D. H. ChrisFriday evening. by orderly growth o'clock. group has doubted the schools. of tensen, city superintendent Dr. Hale. idea experienced by A musical program will be given. Need of Deep Change. "Men have deep experiences; are going the wrong 'way; must they stop at all; fight it out: change suddenly if start back. From this standards; one may be a new man. Some point have life, stoned Stephen and squandered For these the facing cursed God. about may be, ought to be, a complete the past. break with men have not stoned "But all or consciously crucified their Stephen anew. From the first Christ TO THEMSELVES when they say "I every day booze alone," as did some of on they have followed the best years can they theirleave former friends whom booze has knew with consecration and singleness of purpose. Could these be asked to left "ALONE" in the insane asylum, the arms of God. at a single penitentiary or Potter's field. leap into SPEND THREE DAYS in the privacy bound, when they have never willingly from Ills will? The spiritual of the Neal Institute, 525 E. Second departed Was. 1791. life, as all life, "knows both cataclysm South, Salt Lake City. and order, both 'in the twinkling of an DON'T PAY A CENT unless you are at end of eye' process and the rule of the corn, satisfied TMIIEE-DATREATMENT. first the blade, then the ear, then the NEAL full corn in the ear." Advertisement. Pod-gerltz- a, s' Unl-versi- tv IraSciiig nSlon Y , |