Show BY PACIFIC TELEGRAPH SPECIAL TO tur nily vynoy T MUM from charleston capture of rebel privateer HILTON HEAD march 4 nothing new nev from chai leston bom still continues with good effect the rebels reply at intervals but rarely do any damage the supply steamer bermuda is reported to have captured a rebel privateer in might of fort pickens after an exciting chase all was quiet at jacksonville up to tile the ad reinforcements were rapidly an iving 0 our position there is sufficiently formidable to repel any attack our troops ale aie outside the town about eight miles A flag of truce was communicated munica ted with the rebels for tile purpose of endeavoring to our wounded from their hands which was refused the main body of the rebels are arc encamped between ten ile run kun and baldwin some estimate their loss in ill tile the late battle as light as aa two thousand congressional SENATE conness introduced a bill to a amend and the act to aid the construction of the railroad raili oad from tile the missouri river to the pacific which was passed july 1862 and it was defered to the special committee on pacific railroad sherman sharman offered the following resolutions resolved that a quorum of le alie senate shall consist of a majority majoria y ot of Sena toti duly chosen and qualified resolved that if a majority of the presidential electors duly appointed and qualified vote for one person lie he is the president resolved that if tile the election of resident president devolves on the house of representatives ind and the vote of tile the majority of the states represented in tho the house be cast for any one person lie ho is the president deot the resolutions wore were referred to the committee on oil judiciary A bill authorizing tile president to negotiate a treaty with indian tribes in oregon was passed houst HOUSE A bill was introduced requiring ill all sailing 0 and steam vessels sailing 0 between the united states and foreign countries to carry mails for such seasonable lea compensation as may ma be deemed proper and authorizing tile the postmaster general to contract for tor four years the carrying of ma ilia I 1 matter other than letters to the pacific coast by sea etc washington IV ASHINGTON march ath the committee of W ways y 8 and M means bans made a report on the amendments to the national banking law to come up lip yesterday mully many changes were recommended at the suggestion of secretary chase the committee struck out tile the clause requiring tile the numbering of said banks A provision was made to allow now new york and other banks to come under linder its provisions to do business without changing names special committee of the house on the bill to allow officers in its departments to be heard on the floor congress 6 n rass considered tho last night mhd committee Commit tCO it IB is understood il ilder sto 0 d favor it p the committed commit m teo appointed to e invest ill vestI gate or the char charges n gesl against ge gan buell failed to find any evidence again him he is is pronounced free crep f from in all n blame house today to day considered the rom alj bill it was 18 amended so as to author ize the secretary of tile the treasury Tica sury to t anticipate payment of into eat on oll puk alj lie debt from time to time either with without date of interest or as may hla y be deemed d expedient the bill t then let passed 90 fo to 34 3 reports at Iff memphis emphis MEMPHIS march atil reports are out that sherman has hag rot returned arned to vicksburg and they are generally believed in official circles circle but nothing 0 official has been mcphersons sona sons corps is reported to b be e between jackson and black river and hulbert ulbert Il near brandon ratification of treaties washington march lib ath the senate lias has ratified the treaties which have been made with the various tribes of shoshones Sho for the protection of tile the avei ov eiland land emigration and security of tile the pacific railroad and telegraph line and for the safety of miners in idalio idaho and utah territories letter from havana A large rebel force reported marching through western wester louisiana tile naval attack on mo ho bile return jEe turn of troops from texas r i NEW march Z A alavi havana 6 i IP atef of tile I 1 gunboat desoto deso to i is sin in ar cl y A aa ck theve the blockade it inners of the eates sioni ats in havana threatened to burn the vessel they also ISO tin catered the officers with violence the spanish authorities however have given the of ficera of the desoto permission to wear side aims and they now cibit the city fully armed an orleans letter says it is reported that twenty thousand rebels are arc marching in through western louisiana gen banks sent a largo large cavalry and infantry force into county the naval attack on mobile is said bytho by tho same correspondent to be a mere demonstration against fort gains to prevent the rebels sending 0 assistance to polk it is rumored that one or two vessels 1 were crippled when the fleet was put out of ranc ran range c the calhoun is said to have been been sunk our troops are rapidly returning from pass cavallaro Cava llao texas those choso alicade arrived have gone to where twelve two ve thousand of our nien men are concentrated solicitor whitings writings tings letter to the con coll cittee on public lands washington OIN march ath solicitor whiting of the war department part ment has sent a letter to the committee on public lands relative to the confiscation of southern lands the committee it is understood have pro posed a bill in accordance accordance with tings suggestions to secure to P sons in tile the military or naval service homesteads on ol confiscate ol or forfeited forfeit cd estates in insurrectionary districts all eastern states except massachusetts eh chu use tt 8 indiana illin illinois 0 is Mich and iowa have raised their th air full under the last calls ohio misso and Wisconsin nearly so |