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Show THE MURRAY EAGLE FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1954 UhaJ's Doin' ill Hurray HHigli By Thelma Evans DANCE FOR JUNIORS Last Thursday, Feb. 25, the Junior class held a matinee dance in the gym. It's been the practice for each class to have a matinee dance about every, two months. These dances are to promote better friendship within each class. These dances have been a great success and are in great demand by the students. ASSEMBLY BY CYPRUS Last Friday, Feb. 26, Cyprus presented their traveling assembly to our student body. Their theme was "Seventeen" which depicted the trials and tribulations of seventeen-year-oldBecause it was about those of high school age it was well s. SUPPORT THAT TEAM! Those who saw the game last Friday really saw a great one. We kind of upset Cyprus with a score of 66 to 59. Our last game of the year is Friday, March 5, out at Grantsville so let's go out and support the team in this last game. Carol Casper and Charlene Nielsen sembly to the student body. toog third place. The average rating of all partiINTER-CLU- B DAY cipating was "excellent". The officers and advisors of the different clubs around the school ORATORICAL CONTEST Tuesday, March 2, the American met together with Mr. Winget on Day. Legion oratorical contest for the Tuesday to plan Inter-Clu- b All clubs school the the of held was at havy Murray High region a part in this day. There will bt school. Clark Thayne, the representa- an assembly and a dance. All the details haven't been tive from Murray High school, out and the exact date worked Bob Sadovick took second place. hasn't been set but they are in the from Jordan was first. midst of making all the plans The contest consisted of a on oration the topic, "The and arrangements. Privileges and Responsibilities of an American Citizen," and also an extemporaneous speech of five to BOOSTER ASSEMBLY SET six minutes on one of the The Boosters are also in the midst of planning. Their annual assembly is scheduled for March KEY CLUB IS HOST 19. Sharon Harmon and Sally The Tiger Club, Booster Club, Neilson are the chairmen for the and Key Club held their second assembly. Ann Scott who is proInter-Clu- b party for the year. The ject chairman also is busy organ- was in charge of the Club Key party and they had planned games, dancing and refreshments. ten-minu- te , Union Rites Eulogize Mrs. Mary Stoker, 74 to William E. Stoker Funeral services were held Tues- was married in Wallsburg. Second on Nov. 15, 1899, day afternoon in the Union her husband, include Survivors ward chapel for Mrs. Mary Glenn five sons and one daughter: SterStoker, 74, who died last Saturday W. Stoker, Union; William E. at her residence, 60 East 6400 ling Stoker, Midvale; Theron L. Stoker, Officiatcauses. natural of South, West B. Provo; Parley P. Stoker, S.ing at the services was Paulis FerJordan; Mrs. Annie Vilate Svedin, bishop of the Murray Sixth and Clifford East Midvale, ward, of which she was a member, guson, G. Stoker, Phoenix, Ariz.; four being active in Relief Society brothers and sisters: Hugh G. work. Glenn, South Jordan; Mrs. Alice a A native of Wallsburg, Wasatch G. Holmes, Los Angeles; Mrs. G. Thomas, Salt Lake City, county, she was born Sept. 20, - El-m- 1879, a daughter of Robert W. and and Mrs. Nora izing crews to work on this years project. 1 X ,'r" ' Also in about two weeks they Patronize Eagle CALENDAR OF EVENTS March 5 Murray at Grantsville. March 5 Key Club Assembly. Graham Lyceum. March 9 Graham Lyceum. March 25 Senior Hop. March 26 PLANNING CAKE SALE The FHA club is planning a cake sale in the near future to raise enough money to pay for a party. G. Smith, Vilate Annie Mecham Glenn. She 1 T,:t uen N'TJ I Advertisers . have scheduled a demonstration on clothes and posture. Mrs. Gurts-ne- r from the Beauty Salon will be the guest speaker. Be sure to keep this in mind, girls, it should be very interesting. Ex-Cel-C- is SPEAKERS DO WELL Murray High was well represented at the Weber meet last Friday and Saturday. Entered in the meet were repreKEY CLUB ASSEMBLY sentatives in oratory and extemThe Key Club assembly is scheporaneous speaking, two girls teams and two boys teams were duled for Friday, March 5. Each entered in debate. club of the school has a chance In the girls division in debate, if they want it to present an as- - inl&use C I e ti i n (p) ? 4 Upright M vyinr was 69.95 was 89.95 NOW NOW NOW 39.95 46.63 59.95 BALL-BEARIN- ''."7 II Sf. Vacuums was 59.95 0 ...."v..v. Make Your Deposif ...by Mail Your Postman can be your bank teller and special messenger. MOTOR G (needs no oiling) ALL YOU DO IS . . . 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