OCR Text |
Show Lakeside Review CAMPERS v7M. 910 oi? ft cabover camper,-i gas refrigerator, not $500 62 SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 945 EQUIPMENT Forklrft wcarpet stmger, To- vota. excell cond electric, Good camper tor sale, good cond $700offer i HEAVY Joffer. 98 1 3 , V Dodge motor home, good . cond , asking $4500otfer. rail 629 0314 Of 6 25', 460 Eldorado good cond , '73 Chev Bluer, needs engine, 4X4, ac, auto. $750. l, leave msg '83 C4 Muslang Irans, eng., S 10,000 ' otter. or 393 7804. t, 440 81 Eldorado Dodge, excell cond, 62K, $fl.(100offer 7710361 ''78 EldoradO, 24 ft., 400 Chev eng , low mi , good cond , l 9 am - 6 78 Georgia Boy, Class A, it has it' it, name You .,32' Don't want to miss this one' 10.900 or . '78 Mint Winnebago, 23-- Good cond, $7000offer. ' $150 4 ' Parting out '85 Toyota 4X4 ext cab, has rebuilt motor, been wrecked $800 Sm block Ford parts: alum. intake wHolley 600 dbi pumper, $125. Holley valve covers, $25 Granf wood steering wheel, $65 Ford 9 car end, 5175. 774 8515 '89 Sundance; doesn't run, selling whole car tor parts. 16Q0, best otter. 825 0141 4 Tires and rims 16" Ford 23585R16 like new. bar. $25 476 9673 '76 Pace Arrow, newly remodeled, low mi,8 excell S680Q 732-2tow rond '779 Road Runner, Class C, chassis, 460, 23'j It, Ford roof air, rear bath, runs Eve 989102, $00 good, Day '78 Toyota Hawaiian, -, low - mi , excell cond , tamed, $5,200.392-970- 8 7$8Winnebago ibotor home wgeneralor and air cond. $3500 Call 930 Great '98 bik.e, J3200. 1200 Harley-Davidso- n Sportster 3500 rm, $9995, ' - or 94 - Sports- - n 3,?230y7mi extras, er I extras, many '89 Harley FXSTC, total cus tom, show quality, mint, 119.750. . Softail. '85 low mi. Lots of chrome and extras $11 500 See photo at www rlutah corn '98 Honda Shadow 750, excel cond. many extras. $5700 of- fpr. 399 5540 96 Honda CBR600 F3, like new, S6000 '95 Suzuki Ka- -. tana 750, custom paint $3900 n 9 2d 5626, 583 8761 6700 '96 Honda Magna. mi, excell cond, $5500ftrm. 393 4959 Honda CR250, excel ' '95cond, wdesert lank, new 5 tires, $3,500 '94 Honda CBR 600, low mi, lots of extras, $5500ofter. 394 2757(H) '84 Honda Magna, immacu3u00 orig me 2plus exlate, tras. 12850 firm 750 lour K, low mi, '78 Honda jmmac, $12u0. Call Dan, - S380Qotfer9L-413- 75 ,i .tW6 Kawasaki 2X7RR w1 yr GP, ' warr, new Dunlop D207safeti steering dampener,10 100 mi. 76 $1900 'BO 750 940 &)19 Kawasaki. mi siOOOoffer. 19K . excell cond. $1500otter or pgr.591-ZS2- 3 '9S KX100, new top end, pis. ton rings and sleeve, runsloo k$ great, $1800. M07?3 days, 744 2456 eves, f '98 KX 125 Race Ready tots of extras. Cali for into $37oO. I' '96 i t best offer 771 0577 " Motorcycle trailer custom S piace, chrome rims, excell. $950 Suzuki Intruder. 1400 cc, s runs looks good, $5400 offer. 795 7fi6ll07 tt .'93 Suzuki RM 125, nica clean $l80Qbesl offer. Slip bike, f 782 72 fl GS Suzuki S00E Sport tow mi, bke Looks great, $1000ofer 78? Brandon, '92 Suzuki GSXR 7 SO low ml, more b ire tor your buck. -J- 3920 StterMOiJjder DR6S0 txceC Suzukr 91 qr. t or bell otter. .$201X1 Totatty restored KX125, FqukI new everything. coo'ed. I - 51.400 985 0248 1996 Yamaha . RT100 Like new cond $1400. . '95 Yamaha Virago 1100, maroon gold mm! cond, tow extras $6!00 offer. John234 97Q9 '90 Yamaha RT180, great 'mi, h looks runs oreat. y,.cond, ; V '79 Yamaha, XS 1100 Spral New tires battery $1 2u07 otter 544 0081 544 076 ' I AU TERRAIN m '96 Banshee, rode $ times, Tommev piws, milled head, and much more Must see. V'7Z79J304 '85 Honda Big Red Good tires, Nice! $8 j03o Xg9 '96 Honda 300EX, 13050. 97 kawasuxi Moiave B'lth great bikei. 920 5626, . ' 589 8"69 '93 Honda W0r y ovan " , 782 d? fues, 59, Honda 300 4X4 $4300 '96 Honda 2W 4 &nh k e ne at cond 73 W4 Quad Racks hauls 2 in bed ot truck f,$ jhgritwHljjs sOSJgi 5j84 786' 250R Four Trax, excett-, oxcond, rebrjiii fr'd. tofs ot 97 3 $1 hi otter, 73JR42 Sandrail, Aat 4 hopped up btue 4 point tog , chrome seat belts w rutter brakes, runs great, 7 $2.250, . 89 Suzuki 92 $1 000 825 LT2X), 3i Ouadr acer 2 vj R too much to list $2 60d Both 435 723 send. 2 icpi Wbee!ers.'84 izJl2O0X Honda 3 . SS75'Otter '85 Honda S400 otter 985 831 alter 910 Cat '620x6' .732 cass, book$7030, jrench box, $6200 OR COPY To- e,riC' excell vo'a, $53,85 otter 415 734 9o8 UOk new$i?M 9feU22 125k, I 6222 7 '70 Bronco, lots of extras. Must see $6,900 Call Bran it ilhJilL '95 Chev Tahoe, 2 dr, red, cond, excell cond , $vu95 firm See to aubreca'e. 73) 0456, 89 Chew SIO Blazer, new eng warr, many extras. 03?1 '87 Chew Blazer, verv met cond new tires wheels e Iras, $6CJ3 '86 Chev Suburban, Ui ton, 4x4 manual trans, $58 0 Da 7Z3J37LI7i J25L '85 Chev Blazer, lul sz, loaded, newer tires, excel! cond, $15, 546J516, 5i2 8352 '82 Chevy Blazer 4x4, fuly ot'erjsnm. aulo, fifed, new low m, $4900otfer. loaded Mii83 after 4pm Chevy Suburban, 400 M, 4x4, 5232- Blazer - auto, In- - P8e Ji res specteo i4ot) twsljjtterJi.5 9455 8 '94 Ford Explorer XL! 4X4, 4 dr, auto a c toaded fow excel! cond, below 7AS., Exptorer 4X4 XLT, eceil cond, auto $12..9544 0L '92 Ford Exptorer XLT, sod overdrive, new tires S L Ford Bronca It, exced pw,p I 8599 auto, shape. 'oher '88 $3,300 776 2446 I I 546 5608, '96 Kia Sephia, red, excetl. cond air AMFM stereo new tires. 12k mi $8800 782 2927 '97 Mazda Protege, completely loaded, perfect $11.900. 726 8297' 93 Mazda 626 LX, white, sunroof, security svsiem amfm cass, elec everything, 8SK. great cond $7300offer. Call 476 6846. '86 Mazda RX7, no rust, runs needs paint, $1700 Af-tgood, 8 30pm or wknds dr '84 Mazda 626 LX 5offer a'c, good tires, . ong., new fch, new trans, runs 7 $1600 offer. Ford F250 '76 5 after 4 pmwkends Marcades SL460 must see, h a r d t o p c ' '74 Hiboy, S13.(fo0offer 773 8527 '93 ASitsubishi Eclipse, nice stereo, excell mtexter, runs Qreat. $8200 . 92 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS, toaded, $75O0'ofter Chris a! Ext 1? 444 0 lU or '90 Mitsubishi Eclipse AWD, 1 owner loaned, new tires, 1 oreat cond, $5000 or $1900 best offer. 728 9415 74 Ford F250, 4x4, '460, Shell, many rebuitt Items, . 4ut, have receipts, $6000'best of- fer Brent 825 7162 alter 4, '73 Ford truck, sleoper, stepside 390 motor, new tires, $ 1200 offer, 825 2W3. S spd, 93 F2S0 Suporcab, 450, bedliner, 54k mi, excefl cond. $15 850 otter. 782 2523 '79 GMC to Ton, now heads, 3 extras. many lift, $3200 offer. 621 6418 ...- '76 GMC ki ton w'97 350 CC eng, 12k ml on new motor, $7500 best otter. 78 GMC 4x4 Shortbod dying 350, lift kit $999, otter. gray and green 4 ton P'U. repossessed, must sell1 $16,b00 otter. or ?23 5231. '91 Isuzu pickup, low bedliner, great cond $ otter. jlQ7.atlef.A '93 Nissan 4x4, 4 cyl, 57k mi extras. $90oOoffer. Call 9f.Bi!L 86 Nissan, V6, ext. cab, pw, pi, a c, custom rims, CD, no rust. vtoOQ otter '75 4 Ton Chevy 4x4. '71 ton 2x4 Desoerate Chevy must sell' $1500 for both or 7 mat e otter" SR 5, restored, 86 Toyota new engine, new $4S9MuiUeM '85 Toyota wsheit 4X4 ext auto, excetl cab, cond, '85 Toyota 4x4 Shortbed red, air, $ sod, good cond. $2800. I I 4WD TRUCKS Bronco, exced shape, No reasonable oiler re' V$?4J7? J.432JEOriunSL. '79 $3200 Z7I ChevGMC Vor r kvv tJO Cab. 150. auto 80K, Silverado, pwr everythipq. S15.WQJ82- - 7(L. '93 Chav Z71 ext. cab Silverado, auto 350 pw, pi, excell. W ion shortbed. .cond. $11,500.476 '93 Chevy Z7I shortbed toaded auto, CD. custom seas, tKKttmer tow P0, rims . 95k mi eceli cond $13, Ow of'?lLc i '6, JZ2. itiL .. '92 Chevy Z71, Silverado, exceil cond, CUSfnin shell, 776 ffllJJ-47JJ6 $ .2 '91 Chev 1 Ton Dually 4x4, Ext cab, Silverado, tow mi, o",'81296 4x4, fu8y 45U14.M '89 Chev K3500 tilt, new tires, auto, $7700 otter, 4j5 723 ton 6 in. kM '87 Chev 35 s a c, EFL needs panf Extra monr, axle, $5500 of- ?r. 444 U ?z '8S Chev 4 spd, 350 eng, 94k mi, excetl cond $4600 offer (43SJ j4 98j74f'er lpnT '82 Chev pickup, good cond, w shell $25uObesl otter. 4J5734 9628 excel '82 Chew Shortbed, cond, runs O'eat, lots of ex- $500 Otter 774 9(,97 '80 Chev 4X4 $2500 offer '90r. Dodge Dakota 4X4 $4ixX Must sell NQM2 0257, '77 Chev W ton 4x4, cherry cond, must seti, $4500 otter toaded 745 im. '76 Chev Vi ton, 350, auto, 33' tires, 4' lilt, fii 4017, $200 '73 Chevy, good eng axcett ram. 33 tires, cracked '98 Dodoe Cummms diesei 4x4, ton duai'v, cruise, tow fcnkg AUTD SPORTS CARS 970 '94 Camaro Z 28, auto, maroon, fully toaded 80 posi, 2!k mi, cherry, $13 fecJ9LZ?4ifieL5pm. '28 Chevy Z28, 350 eng, alum, heads, alum Intake, 4 spd, i 12,000 Jl722t546-iD- mi dark green, exceptional cond. l2i5MJCa!L4iL 871 '86 Corvette, 84,700 ml. '93 Corvette, buraurx 0321iptesse ttavecnssL. '85 Corvette Coupe Metallic blue excel! cond, 17.500. Qt'er. 825 3 27A. '75 Corvette $5X0 otter 3.94 ?721 new 87 Datsun 280ZX, 5 sod, excell cond. 731 n r ft HQll iQ a SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES '72 Chevy Qi2Z Toyota Tacoma 4x2 tow mi, extra snows $9 995 Days 54ij 9147. Lrt'S 546:18 14 '93 Toyota, 1 owner, 76K mi. new tires new bedliner. 4 cvl high book $7400 sell for SfrfeOQ best offer. 627. 9418 S '93" Toyota ptekup, spd. tinted rear window, AMFM metallic gray, very cass, $6400. nice, excell. cond. 97 '85 Toyota van LE, toaded, I56K. runs ureal, $!5u0 otter eng, passed offLj74 cond., 96 AWD, blue, nice, V900 122k '76 immac $!6.5fi(U47JHn9 Nissan 5 spd, 100k ml, cass. Mag wheels. $M00 otter. 544 4061 Not pretty, runs greatt '68 ton, mechanically Dodge '93 Sport, pass, rear ac, toaded eceil CSEdl $6OQls!terJJ29t650 Tovota Previa auto, '91 3 '87 Hyundai Excel, runs and looks great, $1500 Lannelle, amfm V6 '87 Ptymoutti Voyager, 30, auto, a c. tint, seals 7, $6,400 Soe- - Camper 1987 Voyager, excell - ml? Itouobtter. loaded, LRV Expo '92 Mitsubishi Minivan. 3 dr, excetl cond, 9 V.JZJ 5113 94 Ptymoutti Voyager, auto, pw, a c, am'tm s'ereo, 74K. 945 3H&- Ton, 3S1M 4 spd, cial, cab over, runs good 782 8161. ?S5 5124 $80i '95 GMC Vi ton ext. cab, fuly tires, $l,995oft mtilZS off?rJu4 j4jkPontiac Trans J2I V '69 Ford 8?5 0670 loaded $80 MO. stinger. wcarpet cond '78 Ford $8300ol(er. Plymouth good, passed shape tLulL!2Lm '81 Ford F250. Work Audu 11200 best otter. Vuttos-Va- n, very tow 779rmt loaded 5. at'er qfter 8 Ford E 150 custom van, loaded extras, must sell 2ieL4iLJ23!Lai!S!liL '94 GMC Safari, great cond,$8 SuO best otter Priced OeCaravan LE, $4.30fi 829 0 F ISO, runs Ford body-goo- d 0 Excel '88 Hyundai excell cond, runs great, goo tires 51500otfer. 731- '88 Hyundai Excel d cond, SIC '78 FordBronco 4WD Runs great! '78 19k, $?8 400 776 3741 22, Dodge spa- Dayrona, - lifer eng. non lurbo $17M off?r62L95Qi 2 5 fl Corvette com- 350 cu garaged, medical sale. TPl, puterized wover drive frans , T.$65O0JL2-l397 Ford Cobra convertible, pacif c oreen'saddie, UK, $25 000, best 9tfeL71L1766 '89 Ford Mustang GT, conv, auto, 7sK mi $7300 of-Trov 737 !01L74470L '89 Ford Mustang GT, toad-e- d exhaust, pamt fmmac. n cL$ & l. . '88 Ford Mustang convertible LX 5 0 new too uohoisfnrv, tires, and transmission Runs 2reat $5000. pter. y4i 6I5 '91 Mercury Capri conv 2 dr. a c, pw. 58K, $4000. '91 Mitsubishi 3000 GT VR4, excell car, must sett, $9800. 46 45it, '84 Nissan 300 ZX7 $1,000 Cat! 7)8 6757.. '83 Nissan roof '86 NX. Pulsar runi6eQ?,Wl" Pontiac Fiero Gt bst sod, V6 $? 800 After 3 leave msg 5 975 AUTO offer. 4 LUXURY '93 Cadillac Sevitte SLS A 9CHl mi, warr $1 1,900 53 847, 579 tlz: '91 CadiBac Fleetwood gold pkg white w 'gray leather in! $8.09 9ffe8?4 03ii Jputuc, '90 CadiBac Seville, leather, looks runs grea!, $75uOot-fe- r 625 8?37 good, $1500 '95 '81 Vft 360. auto, Dodge stretch cargo van, 94K ong mi, new electrical system tires, removable rear sea's, 775 Qi7J li30 or trade. 93 Ford Aerostar XL Sport, 87k ml emlm cass, aC, new tires, 5 spd manual, 479 8668 '95 Ford FI50 XLT, V8.S spd, tongbed, loaded. $9,500. Vi 2877 '94 Ford Ranger XLT, V-auto, loaded, 40K ml dean. s9o6 firm 392. 831 i 92 Ford Ranger, auto, V4, '8S Ford F2$0 Lariat, nice. $upercab. w shell, 53 BO $7,000. $1200. Ford F ISO, 351 runs needs paint. looks Accord, '84 Honda great, runs good S1480. 1575 Farr Dr, 334 8549 runs 83 Honda Civic, well, needs CV joints and tif rod ends, S600otter r96 Hyundai Accent, war' ery low ml, has393mfg7046 ,6999'best offer '93 Hyundai Excel, 2 dr, new air cd low mi engtirespamf 4 spd S4000 offer '92 Hyundai Excel, auto, 68 000 mi, oc, 2 dr, excel cond. S2200 firm. 399 0894 '91 Hyundai Scoup LS, spd, air, pw, nice shape. 12000otfer. , '89 Hyundai Sonata GLS I dr, auto, Pwr sunroof, moonlight pearl, lifted,sHeiJ52Li43i2iftLi $4300 79 GMC 4X4, completely re mi. built, new engine, low Ask-Ino Show truck Musi see black, low mi, S4000. Dodge Grand Caravan, oreat family vehicle, excell maintenance, very e'ean, mileage, 393 8048 Accord LXt, high si 500 offer '85 Honda Accord, ac, dependable, cruise, S1750. '86 Ford Bronco XLT, Eddie Bauer, loaded, V8, aulo, $4995, offer. '85 Ford Bronco XLT, auto, pi. pw, ac, cass Plaver, $3500 make offer. 85 Ford F150XL 4X4, strong, nice paint, shelf, carpel kit $3300 393 5801 eves 299 0077 di '83 Ford F150 4x4, 6 cvi Runs good, $1991 e xcetl cond $8900 asking 13500 '80 Datsun King Cab, 105k good cond., $1000. orig. mi., fl 4337. '92 Dodge Dakota, V6, ext. cab, tongbed, matching shell, SB new tW) 524 7654 392 5481, 15M.Jlt!srZ7758L71 89 Dodge B3S00 Ram Maxi-Vaseats 15, excell cond. Jvg, HEAVY 8679 Forklift 70 5 EQUIPMEKT 3ISL, 2100 hr, (Hi 773 '68 Chew, rebuitt 350 eng., new wheels, $1700olter. $:i5W gfteL745 38?L '90 Chew Suburban, 4X4, jias'8257.s'OJ7 wheeler, 250 R ' a '90 Dodge Caravan, remote starter, cruise, a c, amtm loaded X, 95 . '84 Honda very, very . f M0 259R cK '69 Chev to ton long bed, 327 eng turbo 400 trans, custom wheels. Si?0QJi??il '69 CHEV 4 ton, PS, PB 999fe air, 396, auto, $1500. iArrvi75Ji '98 Polarii Scrambter 400 low mi must sell. $4,425 best otter 78 2 5384 'lAA '97 Yamaha Blaster, usd very lime extras $24uu. Ca" for dean$7 3 13t6. excel cond, '96 Banshee, Toomey T 5 P'pes, sand tires, 544 otter. 544 5012 '71 Chev truck w 'custom camper Runs great. S16U0 $550 pass, rear air, mce cond, AAA , '72 Chev PU 4a Ton, 402, new tires, a'c Must sell. to ton Chew Van, must sell fast, very clean. $1800 721:96Q3 MarK '92 Dodge Grand Caravan exceil cond rear Jw 88 Grand ton, $950. Si59tantIi4iOQ Jlih5745 I run$ great. lift, 6 good work hydraulic truck" JSJ5 '85 Custom '93 770 PU, J34JS25 4 LEMKTM 50, good cond. great learner bike. '77 Chevy CIO In line 6 long bed, runs great, $750. Celt 479 66& 350 V8, '76 Chew '78 Chew Van Customized excetl shape $3000 best of- I I i lbOO Honda Accord. white hatchback, '86 Honda . or Pager $2800 H). 524i76l '87 Chev Astro Van, dark blue, tinted windows, ac, '87 '89 Ford Ranger XLT Po- peer CD, 3 lift, 32x1150 tires, 9pod condj5100best offer 'SI Chev S10 wshell, amfm good cond, cass, ac, runs great, 80K mi, 773 9998, $89 8?69 '86 KXSOO cond. Call 546 6lU7 power everything, loaded. Looks'runs great $4800. '96 KTM360 FX. kke new, - $3900 '85 CRbOO very fast, with extras, $1500. low pkg, '89 Ford Ranger XLT super cab, 140k, shell, carpet kit incl , new wheels, new tires, '93 Chevy '94 Chevy Astro Van, AWD pw mirrors, pt, great cond, $lQ,8f)Q otter. 75 3627 '94 Chev BeauviOe van, fuHy loaded. 15K $10 900 best ot- ter. 43734 96j '92 Qwv Lumin, y,n, V6, 4 '89 Ford F2S0, 4x4, 74 diesel, new trans, 5 spd, cruise, ac, after 5 PU, 34 '89 Honda CRX, spd, white, cd, sunroof, alloy wheels, oreat cond, $4.700 '88 Honda Civic Hatchback, avg mi, cass stereo, $2700. ext '90 Ford Ranger XLT,ftber-glasod, ac, cab, 4x4, 5 bedliner. $10.200. 7 5 4WD TRUCKS 782 2972 9619 $4200 Lariat, shell, a '91 Honda CRX, good cond, new tiresbatlery, ac, auto, 399-331- 4 '97 Chevy S10 S spd, ac, CD, 16k ml $9800. VANS 435-f- TAS GOODYEAR 1690 Washington 2WD TRUCKS '73 Chew wire, Muzzy Pipe, asking $8x1) 773 jQ?Q after 4 Nma 250, 15k 96 Kawasakt mi runs good helmet tncl, -after 4 176034Z8 94 Kawasaki Nmia 250 EX, piped and ietfed, 5900 mi, great cond, heimel included. ac, SERVICE & REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES fully loaded, tow mi , $27 900. Cal) after 7pm. 394 6745 '95 Toyota 4Runner, sunroof, CD, excell cond., sl9,000 firm. SR5, V6, '88 Toyota amtmcass, $900. Call '96 Honda Accord V6 silver gold pkg, spoiler. 38K. excell cond $16.S50 93 Honda Del Sol St, pearl green, alarm system, oreat pw, cruise, fun stereo, car. 7 ml . SBlfeO. 77510 '92 Honda Accord LX, excel pkg cond, white wgold $7995.776- '92 Honda Accord LX, 4 dr, excell cond, new tires, S8.200. 621-7- 6 or '92 Honda Prelude SI, 4WS, sunroof, tfnt, loaded, $9500. CORVETTE '96 Toyota 4Runner. Black, 'best offer. 825 2757 '79 Chew 1 ton, ?50 engine, 94 K mi mechanic's special '88 Ford Taurus LX, loaded, er only 77K ml, S2895besl excell cond $10.495. 786 082 350 V8 auto, dir, tow pkg, high mi 1, runs great, $3950 offer, '74 Suburban. Seats 9, air. Excell cond $2500 82 5 3039 for more info. $8 Suzuki Samurai, new tires, nice cd player, 4x4, 950 '84 BMW 3181, 2 dr. 4 cyl, while, sunroof, 136K, $2900. Ford F250 4x4, super cab. XLT Lariat, air. till, cruise, amfm cass, 50k m '88 Suburban, excel! '89 BMW 3251, 5 spd, excelL '90 5 loaded, Int, loaded, sunroof, SI6,700offer 773- '85 Audi, runs good, S800offer. at 825 4936 Bill excel! cond, low mi, 5 spd, $7200offer 51, S6000 F250 bedliner, 460, ac, excell cond, $13,500. '96 Subaru Legacy Outback, offer. $1800 5 best list. XLT, shell, 546 '49 Plymouth Special Deluxe owner, 73K ong rm. 2dr, All complete, all original Ex-ccond Needs wheel seals, pamt upholstery Runs great with fiat$ motor, $2300. offer, '65 Pontiac Tempest Custom, caU tor info SlSuQ firm. -- CalLZMLfi 3 389 '64 Pontiac convertible, V8 restored and beautiful, very rare. $12.900 479 9330. '66 SWB Ford F150, rebuitt 400 modified, C6 trans, new tires and rims, too much to 9079. Ford V8 91 very8230clean, $9,200offer. . XLT amfm cass, '85 Jeep Cherokee 4x4 Runs good needs work. $900 offer. 776 8933 '68 Jeep PU 4x4, $1200best offer Cat! Butch exceH 91 Mazda Navaio 4x4, sunroof, $9000 cond 54 7 5 $44 or '93 S10 Blazer, 75,000 mi, OLD TRUCKS. '29 Model PU $2 600, '32 Chev $1,250. '34 International S2 700, '3b GMC $400, '38 Chevy $750. ?4k mi, $6QQ offer. 3S0 Honda Street Bike 1973, less than 19K actual ml Ask-in- g $ $600 make offer 97 Kasea SOB (Moped), brand new, 32 mi , si 700 3 wheel vendor bike, S400 96 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500A, 400 mi. excel! cond, $6400. ' Call A red, ' Pflr '95 Audi, exce cond, leather elc. '91 Ford F250 PW. PL, air, '86 Jeep Cherokee, needs work, as is i 800 of ter , Z42A V'73 Honda 7S0, Wmdiammer Fairing, King'queen 4 seat, u 1 S7900 $16,000. cruise, bealiner, air, $6000ofler mi, '91 Acura Integra, low ml., must see, custom wheels, '92 Ford F150 4X4 must sett, Laredo, Jeep Cherokee 114K, pwr packaoi cond, $6250. 393-4- 6 '87 Jeep Wrangler 6 cyl, runs good, $5900 otter. $17,000. to list. A A '90 Mitsubisni Mirage, $2000offer '97 Nissan Attima GXE, auto, 24,500 mi . loaded, gold pkg, $12,000 Call 94 Nissan Santra, only 41k $5500. m, xcet3i-a- Maxima, dean, pwplps, spoiler, ac, cass, auto $75(0 Charles 92 Nissan Sentra, runs good, looks great, mechanic owned, ac, $4800offer 7 Call Little John or Keri '90 Nissan Santra wagon, Nissan '93 spd, air, i low wheels, S13.800 ac much '89 '56 GMC. restorable, w1981 GMC 2w eng S400 best Rob- -, 5 ert after 3. 77 Lincoln Continental coupe. Clean, good tires, $1200. '74 HONDA CL125 A Runs great, S300 firm A A Call 8 $7.200. 775916 '89 Jeep Cherokee, rebuitt eng, ac, AmFm cass, new tiresbrakes, straight 6, family car $6900 '69 Dodge Coronet 440, att excell orig. lots updated, 5 after 5. conch $2700, 78 El Camino, aU pwr, 40k mi. super condition' Beauti-lu- ll 3 13800oHer '76 Ford LTD 2 dr, excell cond , low ml , 2nd owner, 2 must see $3500 '69 Ford Torino Fastback, great shape, partially rebuilt, very little rust, 3o2, new tires, heck of e rod $2500of-fe- r. Troy. '65 Ford Falcon, good cond, tow ml Asking $1,900 or make offer Plus '81 Mus- Igpg, osKingZW, 427:4852 '65 Ford Mustang, cherry red, restored, new carburetor trans rebuilt runs great. custom '93 Ford F1S0 XLT 4x4, new tires, excell cruise, cond Asking $9,500 '93 Ford Ranger XLT, 'ac, standard great shape. 5 $8700offer '93 Ford Ranger XLT, 5 spd, excellent cond, cass, ac, S8560oHar (435)723-331- 5 '92 Ford Bronco, loaded, too '91 Jeep Cherokee Laredo, navy blue, loaded, 86k mi, Bronco, rare 12 top, uncut fenders, 133k orig mi 289. shell, bucket seats A lot ot newer stuff. J or best offer. 544 2043 after 3 pm. '69 Buick Skylark, 90K, paint exhaust, tires, an orig $4Q01firm 731439 338 2356 '67 Buick Riviera, great classic, great cond, looks good, new Tires S800offer '68 California Special Mus- tang, rare, 390 $5Q00otfer. Wilitrade. '79 Camaro Z28. excett cond, all original, S3 995ofter. 8 after 6 Pm. 66 Chevette Malibu 2dr, 6 cyl., auto $1600. 985 4314 ,, CLASSICS 1966 '95 CRI25, $2500offer; '94 CR250 $3000 offer. Fxcell cond, 476 8 256 Iv mso '84 FJ1100 Yamaha, new runs needs minor battery, tune-u- p SlSOQoHer '92 FZR 600 Bullet Bike. L A0T0 IMPORTS AUTO '96 Acura Integra, Crew Cab, diesel auto , loaded, 58k mi , $18,900 hard tog con- ac, auto, good cond S320boffer 90 Nissan Sentra XE, 2 dr, auto, blue, good condition. S2000otter Call '90 Nissan Santra XE, ac, needs work. $2500oest offer, 89 Nissan Maxima, charcoal, spd, leather, sunroof, amfm cass. cruise, j4,999 5 '86 Nissan 200 SX, 5 sp aU pwr, ac, runs great, safety-l$13l0 '93 Subaru Legacy L, only $600 ovsr low book, excell cond '90 Subaru Legacy L 4 dr Sedan $2' Cindy 593-- 1 '89 Subaru DL, dr, clean, 4 S 950offer, or '89 Subaru GL wagon, auto, vD3$2500besl offer. Subaru 4WD, bo wagon, $2000offer. 88 GL-1- tur- 771470 07 Subaru Turbo Wagon GL-1all options, new int, 1 owner, perfect faint, $3,300best offer. Must sell 92 Toyota 2 Cellca, metallic gray, auto, CD, sunroof, ex-c- cond $9500 Toyota Camry DX 4 dr., auto, ps, pw, cruise, 90k mi , air, new tires and great cond $5500. braxes, 5 91 lv msg or Toyota MR2, auto, air sunroof, excell cond, fun car! eves $6200ofter, 87 Toyota Celica, ac, sun 91 cond. roof, cruise, excell 4 S280(Soffer Toyota Celica conv., GT, clean, CD, air, pw, power top, well under book, $3900. 8 or 87 Toyota Tercel- - 2 dr. 87 hatch hack, good cord., $1)50 Scott. 731 1939 '86 Toyota Corolla runs great. New engine S2000bes! otter. Tarcef wag Toyota 4WD. runs well, $12 83 2 '82 Toyota Celica, runs good, Toyota 2 dr, hitched and wired for lowing flat, new tires, mint cond, $1500offer. 81 3 '81 Toyota Tercel, 5 spd, new clutch, runs good, $750 8 '80 Volkswagen Bus, Westfal la camper wrebuilt eng, $2500 '71 VW Bug, 77k, slock, hardly used, S35 '87 VW Cabriolet conv, white, 5 spd, excell cond, 132K mi, $3 600 of fer AUTO DOMESTICS Chevy Corsica, 4 dr, full power, ac, excell cond , $3)95 bedliner for Chew shortbed $40 alum running boards for PU 1 Regal custom, loaded. 52K ml, asking $9.900 Call '89 Buick Century, PL, air, am tm cass, 4 dr, 4 cyl, $2000 offer Ken '85 Buick Century, excel runs great, 1 owner cond,12600 479 8364 only '83 Cad Eldorado, whitetan toother, n$ce shape, loaded. V90Q 786 0703 '85 Cavalier Coupe, 5 spd, 4 cyl, $950.' Eves 546 28?0 '98 Chev Cavalier Z24, auto, all options, pwr everything, 9 purple. $35 Chev Lumma Euro, L, pi, good cond. 3.1 90 auto, pw, runs good, $2895 Berretta. Good runs great. $2800. Tara Chev cond , 816,000 129k mi, offer. Moving Chevy Cavalier, 89 $l,700best to need sell Chev Corsica, auto, 4 dr, good cond $2,500. cruise, or Call '86 Chevy Celebrity, " 87 1300 $ 86 98- 5Z24 Cavalier, Chev V6, sunroof, new tires, runser CD, sharp $1900of-fgreat, 7$4 116 85 Chew sedan. Caprice runs great, unnd Int., $950. Calf 497-- '' 72 Chevelle, 350, runs and locks good $4,00obest otter. 731-1after 6pm 97 Dodge Neon, auto, ac, 4 dr, dual airbags6 S950oner. Call '96 Dodge Neon Highline Ex- tilt, presso, red, ac. spoiler. $7999 4 95 Dodge Intrepid, dr, 3 3L, auto , air, tilf, cruise, ps, pw, pi, great cond. S9.b00best offer '95 Dodge Neon, AC, cruise, great cond, new tires, $7000 0 '90 Dodge Shadow, 4 dr, auto, 2 S3. 00 5 AUTO DOMESTICS 990 1992 L, Dodge Aries LE, one owner, good condition, offer. 89 deep maroon, great car, $2500 best offer 85 Dodge 46 Ton PU, V8, 55k mi, tongbed $1700. 89 998 Geo Storm, runs and looks good, auto trans, 107k mi. S2.500offer. 86 Grand Am, great cond, very reliable auto, alarm, 7 CD. $1500 otter MECHANIC'S SPECIAL '78 Nova 350, V8 '87 Plymouth Reliant Good cond, $600 offer. 92 S350 1994 Mercury Great cond Sable. Loaded. $6500 or 5 best offer '94 Mercury Topaz, 54K, new cond $6200. tires, good Call Mercury Topaz, excell cond, 34k original mi, must see i5.400offer 622 9222 '91 Mercury Tracer, 4 dr, ac, cruise Must sell $1.500 90 Mercury Topaz GS, 4 dr auto, air, cruise, tilt, maroon, good cond , 78k mi., S1500otter '94 Olds Cutlass, A-pwr doors -l and windows, cond, 42.000 mi. $7350 '93 Olds Deha 88 Royale, 60k ml., excell cond., So700. 92 '92 Olds Detta 88, clean, all pwr, new tires, $5,500. Mark. futtos? 775 8290 Grand Am SE '94 Pontiac sporfv cond , excell mt, air, cruise, alarm, 3 $8000 low . tint windows '92 Pontiac Grand Am SE, 4 dr, V6, auto, pwr all, air, cruise, alarm, fmt windows, new trans. $4500 '92 Pontiac Grand Am SE, low mi excell cond 4 dr great on gas $5200ofler. '92 Pontiac Sunbird convertlow great cond, ible, ac,15900 295 360d. mi '90 Pontiac Trans Am red, fully loaded, V8, $6.500 '89 Pontiac Grand Prix LE, 2 dr, V6, auto, many options 5 Good maint., $3500 '89 Pontiac, new pamttires, very dependable, dr, 2 81.250 88 Pontiac LeMans, perfect body, needs eng repairs, new tires. $600. '86 Pontiac Grand Am, ac, cruise, auto. 6 cvl. Strong 0 runner $20Q0offer '85 Pontiac 6000 STE, looks runs great, feels (jer. 80k awesome shape, loaded, 9 AUTO DOMESTICS 990 6, mi, $2999 622 8774. great,$600 444 0014 great '84 Pontiac 6000 4 dr, air. auto, good cono. $1300. Call Pontiac 6000LE Station '65 CJ5 Jeep, or '86 Oidsmobile Cutlass, auto, good second hand car, $650. '84 '85 Olds Cutlass, 3.8L-Vpassed lM in May. $1595. or Pflf '81 Olds Omega runs great, $500 Part out 82 4x4 Subaru Pontiac Firebird runs days, good, $1)00 eves. '96 Saturn SL1, S spd, ac, cass, 45k mi, excell cond. or Won, $200offer Plymouth Acclaim uto, wair, amfm cass ).5dl mi. $2.700 fuel 88 Plymouth Sundance, imected, needs rear brakes. runs well $900otfer 627 3645 91 $600 1500 77 $9506ofer. $12000. And '89 '94 Saturn, Ford Tempo,2 $1900 Leslie more info Saturn '94 SCI, For mi 65k mi. roongrav, nice car, 392-01 ac. sunroof, $7,900. 547 9211 Ford Escort ZX2, red,. 1.IK, fully loaded' $13,W0otter 95 Ford V8, PW, PL, 98 sunroof, $ 7 94 10, 000offer. Ford Escort, 56k dr sedan 5 spd, ac, 4 Slow credit ; ml, prime cond S59O0 LX, Ford Taurus, excel mi, overhauled trans . $8 500 '93 Ford Tempo, 4 dr, auto, cond , 73k exceptional, $44 50offer , 898 " '93 Ford Tempo, er 65K, excell int, red $4500 5 eves. 774-- i '92 Ford Crown Victoria, loaded, good cond, S4000offer, '91 Ford Probe GL, excelL cond $3750offer otter 4, Dave or Chad Ford Tempo, loaded, waccessorles, 42k mi , new '91 cond , $4300 Ford Escort 124K mi, good cond. $1500 'best offer. 7ft9 Ford Mustang. 2J L eng., f, ac, ps, 2206 pb, pw, 8K 90 mi '88 Ford E$cort GL, good mileage, great int. ext., SiOOOoffer turbo coupe Ford spd, loaded $3200, '61 5 Fore airlane, 4 dr $750 '87 Ford Crown Victoria, for 150K. $2650 Call details lM, runs good '86 Ford Escort $6S0of best offer. 9 dr, AC. tow mi, great body int Mus! see! S2f95 offer '83 Ford Thunderbird cruise, sunroof ac, auto, digital en-t9 $1500 or offer 72 Ford Galaxy. 11 IK actual Call $1200. cond, mi., good SO eves 71-0- 6 ;66 Ford PU, needs eng, $260. '66 Corvair parts, $150 50 Chev Panel truck, $2000. '83 Ford LTD 4 . Bankruptcy Credit Problems Try Our 794 Call '73 Boonevfde Pontiac, rebuilt eng with 73k mt, mtexter decent Purrs tike a kitten! $I800Qfter '95 Buick AUTO DOMESTICS 990 needs some work $600otfer. 990 1 , 1 Saturday, August IMPORTS AUTO d 980 $1900 '93 Ford F350 $12.250. $500 Call CYCLES A SUPPLIES 760 '93 Isuzu Rodeo LS, air, cruise, CD player, sunroof, excell cond $93uQ. 621 9716 '87 Isuzu Trooper, ac, new motor, $2500 84 Grand 0 Prix, ac. all pwr. 52000. '96 Jeep Grand Cherokee, new tiresbrakes, 66,000 mi, 515.300 offer; '95 Jeep Cherokee Sport, 4 0 liter, forest green, 4x4 45k mi., pwr., $13,995. '95 Jeep Wrangler, red, 48k mi, hard lop, excell cond. 980 LUXURY to view only S'1 500 '93 L! itoln Continental, leather, extras, like new. $9,700. '78 Dodge 4x4 many new parts, very clean, 17600nffer Call '73 Dodge W200, new eng, new from ere brakes, excell farm truck, $2000, '96 Ford 4x4 Supercab F250, $21 000offer excell cond, '9S Ford F ISO XLT, 4WD, auto, loaded, low ml, excel! 2 com $16,S00offer '9S Ford F150 XLT 4X4, must loaded, 1 owner, sell $14.750 '95 Ford 44 ton. Super Cab, 460, aulo wshell, 24,600 mi, 0 mint cond, $21,500 '94 Ford F250 XLT Ext. Cab, low mij. jbedhnersking 731- - 731 0673 S23.5QQoffer. - vertible, leather int, new tires, excell cond, priced at 50offer '96 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4, standard cab, 360, 18K mi, warr , S19.000 94 Dodge Ram Vi ton, Pwr everytgreensilver, 2 hing, $13.000ofler. '85 Dodge Ram 50, 4x4 wlotta miles left. $1490, $4 '95 Isuzu Rodeo silver, 32,350 mi , new wheels and tires, Leer Fiberglass shell, whde, 7 carpel kit, fits Chev, New Towmatic II tow bar, $175, drive Shaft coupling, $50, rock shield, SI 5, tube ' Crown Wire rkm. Wi fit GM 5 lug Excell cond 865Q offer. 13 Goldchrome plating unit. Complete wsupplies for Cars, lewelrv. $300 6r m 5 '97 CMC Jimmy, SLT model, fully loaded, very low m, must selLDave, 544-t'96 GMC Jimmy SLE 4x4 white loaded new tires excell cond S?0.500offer '93 GMC Jimmy auto cruise air, hit, pwr everything, Vo Vortec, 4X4 $10.400 737 1743 '98 Isuzu Rodeo, 4x4, silver, fully loaded, must sell, AUTO PARTS AND SERVICES 920 MOTOR HOMES 6982 '93 Geo Tracker LSi, dean, ownersofthard top, 4x4, 5 spd, low mi, excell cond International Dump Truck, $220Qbe$t otter. 975 AUTO '78 Cadillac, '71 Chew 4x4, good cond, auto. Leer shell, low mi on rebuilt 350 motor, depend-abl- e '86 Ford Bronco XLT, good cond, $3800offer. $8,?00 740 960 4WD TRUCKS I " 4 Fresh Start Program" call Bob Wilson j SHERMS STORE 3140 Wash. Blvd. fcZI-717- 7 Poor Credit? No Credit? Slow Credit? Bankruptcy? are offering straightforward answers and a program that really rebuilds auto loan credit We can help ! We Its as easy as a phone call! Call our Credit Resource Dept, or our at 393-013- 3 at 24 hour hotline 91 4 Allen '95 Geo Metro, 2 dr. 32k mi. great cond., $6000 offer '94 Geo Metro great cond , ac, rear 5 Mu st sell1 '95 Geo Prizm, 4 dr rear ps, defog, spd , hatch, blue, hatch, defog, air, . black, it ou wmwm Woods Cross Exit on Ms, Bountiful ' tr- |