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Show SAVE 16.C03.0C0 BUSHELS OF WHEAT THAT FORMERLY WAS LOST IN THRESHING Farmers. Urged by Food Adminis'tra. tion. Provide Seven Extra Loaves of Bread for Every American. IV ndnptlns clcnner threshing methods meth-ods tinil hy' literally combing harvest fields to gather grain formerly wasted, wast-ed, thrrsl'.ri'iiien and fanners of the United States this year saved fully 10.000,000 bushels of wheat, estimated as equivalent to about seven one-pound loaves of bread for every person Id the country. This result, accompanied Dy corresponding savings or Durtey, oats, rye and other grains, Is shown hy reports from 33 grain states to the U. S. Food Administration. Other states. although not prepared to furnish definite defi-nite figures of conservallor. In (he grain fields, report greatly reduced harvest lossrs. This rural food saving achievement, accomplished In scarcely six months' time, was In direct response to requests re-quests by the Food Administration, which nsked farmers and threshennen to reduce harvest losses from about 314 per cent. the estimated average In normal times to the lowest possl ble minimum. Country grain thresh Ing committees carried Into every grain growing community the official recommendations for accomplishing the results desired. In numerous instances drivers of rack3 with leaky bottoms were sent from the fields to repair their equip1 ment and frequently bad order threshing thresh-ing machines were stopped until the cause of waste was removed. But In proportion to the number of persons engaged In gathering the nation's grain crop, cases of compulsion were com pnratlvely rare. The Food Admlni tratlon freely attributes the success of the grain threshing campaign to pa trlotlc service by farmers, thresher-men thresher-men and their crews. Incidentally grain growers of the United States are many millions of dollars "In pocket' b a result of tb" grain saved. |