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Show icat cough andg not to listen to roiuicai harangue. i demand. Pocket We trust the rebuke will do Mr. in cure gteat croup e done only 25c Carpenter good, and that he will in the Ue contain twenty-fivChildre love it. S61J at the city drug fature.have the good taste to reserve his politics for the street cornors and the tore. 11 THE SENTINEL. UTAH MANTI make changes of time, beginning with Jan. 1st. - We are informed that the North bound train will leave Manti between seven and eight in the morning and ratnrn about three. The WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER SEJMTINEL ij , 1893 PUB. SO. R.G.W-wi- ll August Swilberg ami wife uf Gunnison A email party assembled at the resi.re visiting their friend in Manti. dence of Hon. W. K. Reid on Tuesday 11. G. Bradford and wife are spending evening and partook of an excellent few day with their relative. after which an enjoyable even- tump. The part were well sustained and the audience well satisfied. It i to be hoped that the "Home Dramatic" will soon furnish another treat for we feel certain that their neat efforts will be better patronized, ae they deserve to be . supper, SMALL THINGS THAT COUNT. The Ri liool house will be dedicated ing was spent in various games. jaiiiuuy lit. 1894. An enlarged picture of 22x24 that will L- - 1. Becker and w ife spent Chrict loxt you thioiigh agents, and the cash It may seem lo many who have never sent east, $25 or $o, w ill only cost $15 ::ia at Mt lleasrnt. and the thought the matter over seriously, that studio at Bros, Ntriniiam A masquerade hall i being talked of, the item of enlaiged pictuie is a small at home. but so far it due not teeeni te mateallzc. money spent u one, but from the be- -t source it is more the in the Ainake graaa"ia thouthat between fifty and sixty Mr. Jet For is visiting her mother at from being unsuspected- - So are sand dollars are annually cent out of rt. Green. blood medicines offered the othe many No better field is ardcle. for this Utah Jacob Johnson was in town the begin-- n public. To avoid all risks. 'a.k your than these of sale found the for ingot the week attending to court druggist for Ayera Sarsaparilla, and also whaw people spend annually San,cte matter. for Ayers Almanac, which ia jiutoutfor upwrds of $7'xx. in this way. new year. the and Mr. Lydia John Warner and family If .he goods were of any value when dull of Provo are visiting their mother Not every woman, who arrived at delivered it would not be so bad, but Mrs. Snow middle age, retain the color and beauty most of the so called pictures are niere Co-op are closing out their on her hair, but every woman may do so daubs, unfit to adorn the wall of any Manti 1. acres and Missel wraps cheap. Call by the occasional application of Ayers dwelling, and their beauty, if they ever Hair Vigor. It prevents baldness, re- had any, aoon fades. sod secure a bargain. The work is usually done by houses in moves dandruff, and curca all scalp l)r. Mai ev proposes vLitsnk the south, diseases. the east, and tlie maker are usually, unern part of ilie county ibis week, in the known to the purchaser, who'. ha orderi liter est of the sufferers from toothache Three nnlivc of locetion were filed ed through some traveling agent, who 4 Recorder's office, locating has disappeared long before it is George Snow has shipped all his goods today in the lithothat the picture is worthies. It to Salt Lake City, and henceforth will two murl.le quarries and one of near U safe te say that 90 per cent uf the arc locations The stone. graphic order or.Iy as he sell. toe McCarty crossing, on the Sevier workjjiloue is worthless, but a there is A great many Manti people who are N. Jennings is no one to fall back on, nothing iasaid River below Faye'te. now re.idents of other place, are visitthe locator. Devclopeineuts will be about it. ing fatnilar scene just now. looked for with interest. The people of this vicinity have now us tell for home that Bros, Striuglrarn a chance, for the first time, to obtain For a sore throat there ia nothing bet work, part produce will be taken for all work from parties who have lived crayon ter than a flannel bandage dampened pictures enlarged. Stringham & witn Chamberlain's Pain Halm. It will in Manti for years. into the business have Another couple, C. I. Christensen and gone nearly always effect a cure in one nights Siringham Caroline Larsen, have concluded to join time. This remedy I also a favorite for with Mr. Allsworth, a pupil of John the order of St. Benedict. rheumatism and has cured many vary listen, Utahs famous artist. The work that Mr. Allsworth i turn bottles fer sale by Oliver Christiansen, ha just returned severe caes. 59 cent out is of the best quality and it i Stoic. ing ironi a trip to Idaho. Ur ay Manti Is City Drug to watch the artist at hi the liveliest town he ha seen in hi Lost A three year old, bay horse interesting work. No chance for deceit in thi. travels. coil, half Norman, branded II on left as the work can be seen in all its Was lost about a year ago, and case, bin. at the Sentinel Art Parlors. When you want gents, or ladle under.age supposed to have gone north. Any one is it proporaJ by the new firm lo wear, or overshoes, go to S. It. Atwoods, knowing the whereabouts of such animal make their headquarters at Manti, and where you can do better than else- will confer a favor by reporting to turn out auclt work a will b appreciatwhere. tf Manti. Richard Hall, ed by the people, while the price and J hf now famous, 'Rax Lewis" I. exlernia will he such a will bring these pected in Manti at an early date, lie goods within the reach uf all. PROBATE COCRT. will Htti-nthe fam'lr reunion aoon to be held at Mr. Christiansens. Before you know of it you will be sorry von did not deride earlier. ifne thing that every be made happy would and wants body by and you can afford it a new watch eitiier Elgin, Waltham, or New York Standard; elegant and accurate; the gein f.u a ladys belt; the mans every-da- y watch; a pocket guardian for the youngsters, teachi ng them lime value. Also eight and ene day clocks, chains, charms, spectacles etc. etc. Sewing Machines high arm latest improved with full set attachments, all at prices to suit the times. N. J. Provstgaard West of Maim St. one block Depot Manti, Utah It is so simple; the tsti-nate- When vnn want inusieal Instruments, it will be to vonr advantage to see Bros, he watrlwiaker. Dec. afi Quite a number of the young people In the Soren J. Nielsen estate an order were feeling lollv, having received was issued granting tha administratrix invitations to Mix Belle Tennant's partv an extia allowance. In the James P. Olsen estate certain tonight. articles were stricken from the inventory Karls lover Root will purify your having been listed erroneesly, aud the blood, clear yrmir complexion, regulate estate was set apart fur the family of your bnwel and make vour head clear ax dereaed. a bell, 2ec 50c., and $1.00. Sold bv In the estate of John Andsrson the Mr. I. I), Brunei. entire estate was assigned to the widow and children. T.et us no longer send east for life The execator of th 11. C. Davidson sie nieturex. Mr. AINwrrth, now with estate was authorized to execute certain Strinsrh-irBros., i well tin in hit biisr deeds. :ie.. ami will shortly have something Hire to show the readers of the Sentinel. M- - I. ASSOCIATION. From now on Stringham Bros, will do all the enlarging at Manti. So do not srd vour picture awav. Mr. Allxworth wili. if encouraged, make Manti hix Program for Conjoint Session Jan. ad home. tSy4. Address l'te. N. R. Petersen. The Homo Dramatic Company will Music, Guitar and Mandolin club. present another play in about two weeks. Addreas, Pres. Ethel Lowry. A derision as to what the piece will h Song, Miss Inda Madsen. list not yet been determined, but it will Lecture, Lew iajAaderson. be announced in due time. Song. Misses Billing. Reading of "The Jonrnal" by the Captain Sweenev. I'. S. A.. San Diego Cal., save: "Shiloh' Catarrh Remedy editor. Miss Olivia Peacock. Recitation, Wm. Ellinford. i the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50c at the drug store. Try the celebrated Diamond S. Bak- NEW YEARS DAY. ing Powder. Satisfaction gnaranteed or money refunded. Tuttle ft Co. Quite A 1 Jiar-iliO'i- ne.-iiu.- CUSTOM J. SPECIALTY toget Clothes. We guarantee a perfect fit, and good workmanship. order. . V George Brox, Watchmaker & Jeweller. MAXTI Edward Beid, UTAH Manti SOTS' A WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL dictionary nmwawrsftti - IMS Ffl MilrJiiM" GOODS 1 Everybody sals FOR It an tes qn 1CM and places; th esnntriss, and natural fsasnrss sf tha 1; muiaiaikm of foreign quotations, words, phnooa, and proroibs ; ate ate, ate. T hie Work ia Invaluable la ths honsohold, and to tha teaehsr, scholar, Man, and sl r. 'OfclEY. r. TjiEYARnil jjX. WTOSOF; ' V A in Itaelf. itahogtvas te a library tern eoavsnloat far wady zafnanae often wanted conoenunf aminant aoctent and taodsrn; noted fieti--1 ft. E. TjlYLOll PROPRIETOR. yA laving of Mrs stats par dap for a year will provldo bom than oasagh axwsr te pwshaso a sow of ths Interns Hon. te Lo wlthont UT Can yaw agofd awsyosrgsskssilsrslsirit toyom. O. JkC. MarrUm Co. FuNUters. aprtmgflM, Mam. I. Standard ..THROUGH THE.. MOUNTAINS! IN THS WOULD. Two TEJH FAMOUS ODELL rfJtfERlCff BISCUIT Typewriter. Blaise, an extensive rea estate dealer in Des Moina, Iowa, nar rowly escaped one of the severest attacks of pneumonia while iu the northern part of that state during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Illaize THE had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly Gange chilled that lie w as unable to get warm, and inside of an hour after his return he RAILWAY! was threatened with a severe case of pneumonia or lung feaver. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest drug store and got a beittc of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had often heard, and took ROCKY a number of large doses. He says the effect was wonderful and in a short time He kept he was breathing quite easily. Choice of Three Distinct Routu, on takirtg the medicine and the next day Mr. was able to come to Des Moine. An turn Blaize regards his cure as simply won- HOST UA6KIFICENT RAILROAD SCENERY derful. For sale by City Drug Store. Mr. A. is by having your suits made to arising eonosrateg tha history, spalling. prontuvcisUoa, ana meaning of words. poses in Hoods Sarsaparilla. -- The only way to obtain satisfaction "Trust Which I Fopulari There I a great deal of indignation felt against trust The Sugar Trust, the Standard Oil Trust, the Welsh Tin Plate Trust, thd English Salt Trust, and other combinations of the kind, axe vigrously denounced, and it is a subject whether there are of controversy more trusts in Englaud than America, and whether protection or free trade fosters them. lint there is one form of trust against which no one lias anything to say. That is ths trust ths public re- TORE Good 1894. ha-be- Orders and Correspondence solicited is the place a party cif our nirqrod went out On Monday next January, ist. 1S94 on Tuesday to visit the haunta of the be will a held a usual there rabbits. back jack They brought thirty Ykahs "Nawr Mektino". five of their long eared friend a in the Maitl Tabernacla omzaeaeing samples. at 10 oclock A. M. All are cordially A InviteJ to attend. thtproiniiesgoo;! return made a few mile South from John H. Maibcn bee. It iv a ledge of bituminous hhsie Hah Jensen weicli burn like rubber, a good in. T. Reid. l like that A picie ha heei rent to S.ilt I.;iki City for ar.alvrix. Kail's Clover ibjot the ;;real I.lo THE L NC 'K11IR6 J ASS. IuiiiVr. K'ws fir lmt-u- . and iiv: i.e-- s to the d. iup!i'iuii nnti cures coii'iip.itin.i, .. y:C., and Sold it Mr. I. I'. Th; pi.iy on Fi id ay and Saturday B: li ii i. evening was a sui prise to many who Mr. J. C. one of the bet doubt the ability uf our home players. Few traveling troupes who pass through ln mn nu.l must oitixens of here aie ax good, and while some Iittic v lioiwnwoud, Tea. suffered wi-intake iv the players dcsetvc .'or a loir; time and tried ninny credit effort to amuse their for great dltterciU remedlr viihuut benafi, until Chaiuherlaiu's C.'lii-- , Colera and Diiir-rho;- :i tbeir fi ieuds. Mr. Carpenter made a tather had break, by airing his political Remedy wa use I; that rclieveJ him at once. For rale by City Drug principles, hut the audience rebuked Evihim by ignoring the Insinuation. blors, had aee a come to dently they play and THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR m should earn Dec. 23 A decree of distribution was issued in the case of J. C. A. Weiby, and the administratrix released, and a like order was issued in the estate of OIc Swensen. MANUFACTB i&BR OB The St.hoais House dan-gerio- ue For purity, strength nd healthfulne the relrhraird Diatnond S. Baking Pw der is unrivlled. ROLLER VIILL Louis Bccltcr, Lessee. MANTI WHAT TO HIVE THEM. Fast Express Trains Daily THE LATEST IMPROVED In order to get the Odei.l in MANUFACTURING CO. ev- Successors To ery house, office and libr.vty, oil rec eipt of $6 we will ship one of our $ 20 machines. You can use it two month without paying another cent then, if you accept it, you pay us $2 a month until paid for Th anables you to own one of those Cracker Factory. MANUFACURERS OF Silver Brand Fine famous' machines at 50 cents a week Remit by registered letter, P. O. or money order. ODELL Adress, i CO. TYPE-WRITE- R 358 Dearborn St. Chicage III. CRjAeKEISdCtKS. Our goods are made of the pure and freshest materials and are at all times guaranteed. Henry Wallace, Man 'gi Halt Lake City, Itah. When oti a visit to Iowa, Mr.'K. Dal acs wav iimn ton, of I.uray, Russel County, Kansas LAKE AND DENVER. SALT OGDEN, called at the laboratory of Chatnbertain & Co., Des Moine, to shew thrfn his six year old hoy whose life bad bent saved ELEGANT RECLINING CHAIR CARS! by Cha uheriain'a Cough Re nedy, it Oh having cured him of a very xeveie attack Direst Csaiisetlsns msds ia Unisa Dspcls. of croup. Mr, Dalton is certain that it saved hi boy's life and is enthusiastic in goer thoiodbhlt irvotu xazlyat ii tai his praise of the Remedy. For' sale by I Store. City Drug 2). a COOSA A.E.WBLBY, J.S.BBSIETI; Ste Mai. air. tr.ar.s. Pm of m 910 ud $2o. Genuine Confederate Bills only five rents each ; 50 hud $;no hills ti cent each: 2c and oJ 10 rents each; $1 and S: bills 23 tin. Liiici'Xi V POULTRY JOURNAL : cent cat'll. Sent securely srl led 0:1 re1 Ccipt of pi ire. Address, Un.. 1). Ilsn-KT90 S. Forsyth Sit , Atl.i:iir, Gs Chiix. Trnnsnt has bei'n n the sick lilt for a few iIfjs but i imeri inure di: rihniing mailt 1 ,rvV, i!rt vvi'i---ni;NrAis- Wi. I',.-- I Vest1 1 . -. ? i;,t . f ;: tli a 2IOCKV rziuud T3C7S K7TB If A TOm Teeth and Bfiith,Ste. ILU ill for theFavorite Cnptnin SwMnsy, D..A,rta Bhiliih'a Caterrh Rmnedy la tba Am myi! nwdlchiol have ererfound that would dose r y.'ar; njaood. rricaBOcta. teiid by LruggMa. ig tinV.il. j,,.. ; J -- s. An agmeable Inxatlvw and Mann Tom, Bold by Orngirlste or sent by mail. Mo. tec nodgLCOpur parxarw. ftimples frasv ' u i " csaU. SHILOHS CURC. Vara Oxasr Oowan Cm prmnpttyMrts whura aU o Uvsrs fslL gqrCaaaampUenltbas o rival: baa curad thsusaads, and will eras TOtelftaknalaUmv MNtSria.lGMa.ILS4 I OBTAIN A rATFNTf . and sn bnur-- njiiniiir. wri O.e Who hSYS llAfl BWlytffljri the patent bawnew. Otrlirb f xnonsncp In00n,tei,tlti. A llasdbouk 1 i rniAtnsi xml tiow li I'atrm. tiuu hew mm it Ires. A iso s leal anti Misntitte books Mutrsukuutol fiet. pRMit taksa throMuta Wiur k CMW Rtfeuu ntrtlce id the lirlenfHif American Unmet;! public HiWitnr. 'J in iiHcndid SELT.wt p wifcklp. slersniir illsifmtei.ha)(hYi o( snp snenTifle work i S???1 proHMri snawHT e Ac JJir? is sent frw Bul.tliiw Kiiition, amnllily, CDpim tJOOs r. cent. Kve.--j numtmr cuaisin t tuui Plsink in colors, snd uhoirruili. ul bouw-wifsiisbluw uuildtr lo shix plaus. -' iwntimi IS. A'bin-- I ui'.i'tr'fc,1! MUhN & CU, JUW EoiiK. U JilMAU yriilJ |