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Show We Do Job Printing SALINA, UTAH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1926 BRIDE-ELEC- T IS MOTIF AT Dollar Spent at Home Comes Back MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Enjoy Big Mug Sixty representatives of the baking, sewing and farming clubs of Sevier county assembled at Maple Grove Tuesday to participate in a party staged there undere the direction of S. A. Boswell of Richfield, county agent. Boys and girls from Salina, Richfield, Monroe, Sigurd, Vermilion and Venice attended the gathering. Upon the arrival of the groups the individuals were distinguished from the rest by a ribbon upon which was printed the name and the group to which the person belonged. A lively program of games and enthusiastic singing of rounds gave the desired spirit of and friendliness and the entire group participated in an instructive and enjoyable hike. At noon the cooking clubs served wholesome and good refreshments The baking club of Salina was represented by Ruth Scorup, Inez Peterson, Mary Mattsson, Dee Sconlp, Ruth Mattsson, Erma Peterson, Ana Peterson, India Freece, Vivian Anderson and Louise Freece. Ada Burgess, Bessie Jackson Jewell Willard-soThelma Anderson and Ardys Burr of the local sewing club attended. Others from Salina present were Mrs. J. A. Monroe, president of the Ladies farm bureau, P. C. Scorup, F . A . Mattsson, Ellen Scorup and Blanch Mattsson. H-- 4 ( . of the LProgresso club carried-o- ut a charming miscellaneous shower Monday afternoon at the D. G. Burgess home, complimentary to Miss Eva Burgess, a popular bride of the month. Golden glow in artistic cluster contributed to the attractiveness of the Burgess home, which was arranged to accommodate forty-fiv- e friends of Miss Burgess. The afternoon was passed in pleasant chat and at five oclock delicious refreshments were served. Afterward, the guest of honor untied the gifts expressing the high esteem in which she is held by her friends. Electric appliances (a toaster, waffle iron and an iron), exquisite pieces of china, lovely vases, silverware, buffet sets and other tasteful articles for house furnishing were the gifts displayed. Mrs. G. M. Burr was chairman of the committee arranging the .afternoon, and was ably assisted by Mrs. J. I. Rex and Mrs. June Webb. Miss Burgess, left for Salt Lake yesterday and next week she will be married to Woodruff Anderson of that city. Members planned and VISITS Congressman Don B. Colton, who just completing a tour through the eastern part of the state, spent a few hours here Monday conferring with local politicians and greeting his many friends. Mr. Colton stated that he had met with wonderful success on his trip and had the assurance of support for when the republican-estat- e convention Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGarry left met. Salina Monday for their home in Los! Angeles, after visiting with relatives SAUNA FARM PRODUCTS here for ten days. Avon Entertains Slain Cnnmlion The teachers convention for the stake Relief society, held at Aurora Tuesday, proved to be a marked success in the enthusiasm displayed by the record breaking crowd attending and the interesting program presented. The ward church was filled to overflowing during both the afternoon and morning sessions, the relief organizations from all the wards being well represented. Each ward participated in the program which showed remarkable talent and skill. The following numbers comprised the forenoon entertainment: Song, We Thank Thee 0 God For a Prophet, congregation; prayer, H. E. was the organization, play demonstrating the perfect plan for Relief society teaching, Aurora ward; flag drill, members of the Aurora ward primary; talk, Martin Jensen of Redmond; vocal duet, members of the Redmond ward; benediction, J. F. Peterson of Redmond. During the two hours recess following the morning session the crowd enjoyed a social time and were served delicious refreshments by a committed appointed by the stake board. At the meeting which convened at two oclock this program was presented: Song, 0 Ye Mountains High, congregation; prayer, Le Durfee of Aurora; vocal solo, Spring Mrs. Lora Day of Aurora; Song, reading, St. Peters Gate, Mrs. Mary Stringham of Sigurd; play, When John Was a Baby, Salina wards; talk, Patriarch Moroni talk, president J. A. Christensen; song, The Spirit of God, Milton benediction, congregation; Ivie of Aurora. ' Members of the Salina words participating" in the play were: Mrs. A. S. Crane, Mrs. Angus McDonald, Mrs. Lyle McDonald, Mrs. Herod Crane, Mrs. Nels Jensen and Mrs. George Sorensen. . Laz-enb- y; Miss Lydia Olsen left Salina Monday for Emery, where she will visit with relatives for two weeks. She was accompanied by G. M. Burr, who returned to Salina Tuesday morning after attending to various business matters in the neighboring county. Highway To Be Finished This Year Every dollar spent in Salina comes back to the spender with interest, figuratively speaking. There is no wiser use of money. In the first place, we are assured of getting the best goods and service, and in the next place, we are making an investment with the same cash. By patronizing our local merchants, we are helping to build up This means larger stores, bigger asSalina s business section. better service to the community. Visitors and stock of sortments usually judge a town by the size and appearance of its business disThe storekeepers ability to make a good showing in this retrict. SENT TO EASTERN MARTS ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN spect depends upon the local patronage they receive. GIVES WIDE PUBLICITY Bigger stores pay bigger taxes and the public improvements Activities in the shipping line from are enjoyed by revenues from come benefits that other and higher Salina have been unusual during the Statistics compiled by the Salt past week and as a result early Aug- all. ust shipments are running higher than at the same time last year. During the week five carloads of this seasons farm produce has gone to northern and eastern points . The Sevier Valley Mercantile company shipped a car of first crop hay Tuesday, the consignment going to far eastern points, and before the end of the week the Mercantile company plans to ship four cars of No. 2 Ernest Herbert, white, soft wheat. one of the successful wheat growers, is also making shipments of wheat to the eastern marts. Before the end of the month the car shipments from this point s expected to exceed twenty. VISITORS ENTERTAINED City Chamber of Commerce 42 per cent of the naltional campaign in used the space conducted by that organization this year was devoted to the state as a Lake show Nielson of Castle H. Evans and Mrs. Sawtelle, California, relatives and friends guests of honor on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Nielson at a well-appointed social and luncheon. Forty' friends of the ladies were bidden to the party and spent an enjoyable af-- j ternoon chatting and sewing. An elaborate luncheon was served at four oclock . -J PINS TO BE AWARDED Next Tuesday evening it is planned that the local Baking club will celebrate Achievement day by 4-- H displaying products of their work by presenting a fine program. County Agent S. R. Boswell will be at the meeting and will give the girls the pins they have earned in their club work during the summer. A business meeting to check up on the summers work and to plan for the exhibit was held at the home of Miss Ruth Soorup Wednesday afternoon. Light refreshments were served after the meeting. OFFICIALS STUDY PLANTS Dr. C. Dwight Marsh, superin- tendent for the Salina experimental station, accompanied by A. B. Clawson, assistant, returned Wednesday from a professional trip to the Dixie forests. During their absence they made an exhaustive examination and study of the various poisonous plants found on the forests. Analysis and determination of some of the plants will be completed at the station. The finding of some poisonous plants and which prove deadly to stock was made and were cautionade to beware of the weeds. and-Kaib- stock-growe- rs Inquiries received by the chamber between April 17 and July 10 in response to (the advertising totaled 23,87, and a tabulation of these shows that approximately 80 per cent sought additional information on the "States scenic attractions, 10 per cent on mining and new opportunities, 5 per cent on agriculture and 5 per cent miscellaneous. Each inquiry is answered within three hours of its receipt, according to chamber officials. Indicative of the growing interest throughout the nation in Salt Lake City and Utah, stimulated by the national advertising, is a feature article appearing in the August number of System magazine, dealing with the campaign which is recognized as one of the outstanding community campaigns of the year. of commerce Memmebrs of the American LePost No. 36 attending the regupleted plans for the opening of gion lar meeting held last evening at the school in the district on September 6 bssi-nepost rooms discussed final arrangeand has also arranged that the three ments for attending the American days preceding the sixth will be util- Legion convention and rodeo to be ized for instruction ' of the teachers held at Cedar City the first three and in making final arrangements days of next week, August 23, 24 and for the school year. 25, and also viewed with pardonable On September 2 all the principals pride two new flags recently pure of the district meet in Richfield to chased by the post. discuss standards for judging school Delegates and alternates to attend work, methods of making reports, the convention were appointed reand the main events in the calendar cently and they made plans last On Friday, for the school year. night to leave in a body for Cedar September 3, the yearly convention City early Monday morning and reof the teachers will be held at the turn Wednesday, when the big time county seat, with special authorities is over. The delegates appointed to speak to the teachers and oppor- were E. W. Petty, post commander; tunities for social enjoyments. J. I. Rex, R. W. McAllister, Em- BABY GIRL GLADDENS HOME On September 4 teachers will meet mett Robins and Dr. C. L. Merrill. Lincoln Crane was made proud as their principals in their respective The following alternates stand ready any peacock last Saturday when school and discuss problems and com- to take the place of any delegate who Mrs. Crane presented him with an plete arrangements for the school is unable to go: J. B. Stark, A. A. eight-poun- d baby girl, the occasion calendar. Registration and instruc- Anderson, Bryant Domgaard; Harold being his birthday anniversary. The tion will take place Monday, when Gates and Miles Curfew. It is ex-- 1 couple, who have been married eight school will be held the entire day. peeled that Salina will have a great years, have ample cause for rejoiccertified teachers many more additional representatives ing as the baby is a beauty and the The following have been employed by the school at the celebration. first one to arrive in the Crane home. In the parade, which will be staged All concerned are doing nicely. board to teach in the district this on Tuesday, J. I. Rex and R. W. year: North Sevier High School-Princi-p- al, McAllister will be standard bearers, INSPECT CANYON WORK Dan Baker; English, Stena Sco-- J and right proud they will be to carry J. W. Cerney, assistant to Arthur The banners Ridgeway, chief engineer for the rup;. science - mathematics, Albert the two new flags. A. agriculture-sciencare J. sure Fisher; beauties, enough. One is a1 Denver & Rio Grande railroad, Rpent Anderson; music, G. M. Wright; regular parade flag, the stars and a couple of days here the first of the La Verde Scorup; j stripes fringed with gold and topped week. Mr. Cerney was making an home economics, physical education, R. D. Richard-- j by a burnished gold American eagle. inspection of the operations of the commercial - public speaking,! The other is purple and gold, the railroad building in Salina canyon. son; Don Kinney. Miss Van Johnstone, j post colors, and bears the insignia of The slight delays caused by the rewho has been retained in the Eng- - the American Legion and the words, cent rains have practically been overlish and physical education departSalina Legion Post 36, Salina, Utah, come, he stated, and everything is Both flags are now going ahead in fine shape. The ment, has designed and her place is American Legion. fashioned from the best quality of dams and storage places, where the yet to be filled. Salina Grades Principal, M. I. wool goods used and will be of ser- construction company gets water Oveson; seventh, J. W. Gribble; vice many years after they do duty supplies for the engines, has been a sixth, Edna Jackson Crane; fifth, Oral at this years legion convention. source of trouble, as they were washLorentzen; fifth, Erma Jacobsen;' They arrived in Salina .Saturday ed out by the floods. fourth, Zelma Willardson; third, Lena from American Legion National Peterson and Marie Jensen; second, j headquarters at Indianapolis. Frank Rasmussen, now a resident asVivian Bicknell and formerly a respected of first,, Ewles; smith, May Dan Baker, principal for the North citizen of Salina and who served as sisted by Hazel Christensen. Redmond Principal, Delbert Han- Sevier high school, and Mrs. Baker, city marshal for several years, is in Jeannette Seegmil-ler- ; returned the early part of the week the local hospital suffering with a sen; fifth-sixtthird-fou- i th, Clara Johnson; from Berkeley, California. During severe attack of summer flu and Melba Ence. his absence Mr. Baker took special sunstroke. He was hurried to the Aurora Principal, Burton Thomp- studies at the coast university. He hospital the early part of the week Lucile Hatch; third-fourt- also represented the Salina Lions when his family became alarmed at son; fifth-sixtMala Poulson; first-seconclub at the International convention his condition, and is now reported to Rita Hood. be getting along very well. held at San Francisco in July. The Sevier school board has com- ss -- e, J budget to make federal aid available for this road this year, the county represented. With the need for employment already making itself felt, the county board believed the state could obtain a better contract price by letting the contract this summer, rather than postponing it until next year, A hasty examination was made by the road commission on the status of its federal aid budget and it was believed that by revision of some items the work might be pushed ahead. The survey of the road has been With all new right 'of completed. way condemned and awaiting appraisal, there was little reason to believe any undue delay would occur in getting the work started. Plans have nob yet been approved by the bureau, and this may occupy ten days before advertising for bills can begin. It was indicated, however, that by September 1 this work would be under way. The project will cost about $70,000, according to tentative estimates made. Of this, some $18,000 will be from county funds, and the balance will be from federal aid. There was some discussion of the state changing the basis of federal aid participation to require the county to put up 35 per cent of the cost, but in view of the fact that this project had been under agreement for some time before the proposed change of participation as considered, the road commission determined to allow the t full federal aid to apply. This means $74 for every $26 advanced locally .k linen Dentist that about whole. wide-awak- Mrs. Royal Mrs. A. Gate, Tolman of Vermilion; vocal solo, A Foster Funk of Perfect Day, lone Christensen of who are visiting Redmond; welcome address, presiin were Salina, of dent stake Mrs. Minnie Dastrup of Sigurd; piano solo, Mrs. Eda Jensen of Redmond; Salina-Auror- a turn from the state capital the first of this week. Mr. Peterson, together with Commissioners Tuft and Hansen, went to Salt Lake last week and held several conferences with the state road commission, wlh the result that a change in the program is to be made. Sensing the condition that has been brought on by crop failures in many lines, and realizing that some activity should be started that would create livelihood for the farmers, forced into idleness' through crop failures, the commissioners submitted the plan of advancing the program of road building for a year, and succeeded iii carrying over the plans. This in substance was the story the county commission told the state road commission in urging that the Aurora-Salin- a project, promised for next year, be undertaken this summer and fall to afford employment and help relieve the economic situation. Sevier county is ready to advance at once the full sum of its participation to match federal aid in the construction, amounting to about $18,000, if the state can revise its . CONGRESSMAN No. 9 The highway project between Salina and Aurora, and which had been placed on the government program for the coming summer, will be started this year, and if weather conditions permit, the gravel road between the two towns will be connected with the Aurora and Richfield project which is now building This was the announcement made by Joseph Peterson, chairman of the county board of commissioners on his re- n, ' It Pays 0 V VOL. 9 . fccrSlsc'i. VA The marriage of one of Satina's foremost professional men, and a charming young woman of Gunnison, was made public yesterday and the announcement came as a surprise to the many friends of the principals. Dr. F. O. Bullock, for years the leading dentist in Salina, and Miss Vera Jensen, a prominent society and business woman of Gunnison, according to the announcement yesterday, were quietly married at Farmington, the Etna Green of Northern Utah, The bride, last Monday afternoon. who had been at San Francisco for the past four months, returned to Utah Thursday of last week. Sunday she was met by Dr. Bullock and plans were made for the marriage Monday afternoon. Following the and Mrs. Bullock Dr. ceremony, came south, the bride remaining at the home of her parents in Gunnison. Someone suspected something and when- - confronted, the formal announcement was made. Mrs. Bullock is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maiius Jensen at Gunnison. She is an accomplished business woman, having had much experience in her line. While at the coast she was private secretary to the manager of a large manufacturing concern, and was in line for promotion when Dan Cupid buoeked the plans. Dr'' Bullock is widely known throughout Utah as one of the leadHe followed the proing dentists. fession here for many years. About a year ago he left for Salt Lake and was engaged in his profession there, but returned to Salina to resume his large practice. Dr. and Mrs. Bullock have hosts of friends who will join in extending the blessings and happiness for a happy and prosperous matrimonial voyage. They will make their permanent home in Salina. . Mrs. William Gee, Mrs. J. O. Anderson, Miss Zelda Gee and Mis3 Helen Anderson were guest? Iasi Sunday of Louis Jacobs, who proved to be a royal host. The party was sight-seein- g throughout the county and enjoyed a hike and picnic in Monroe canyon. h, first-secon- d, h, h, d, Mr. and Mrs.i Inland Ilugcntobier, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hugentoblor, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Keyo, Mrs. Annie McGill and Miss Mabel McGill enjoyed a picnic at Maple Grove last Sunday. |