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Show 39 WOMAN'S EXPONENT. to us for a short time and joyable lime' was spent from,, noon until Whiteustalked after wh.-:instructions, some good m gave A suitable program midnignt. Ruhiirds.. . Jo' President Jane recitations and addresses was we served 'refreshments. songs, Each member preseut gave her ten cents Tendered.' A fine repast was provided and T' lnse fova moment and backward, tuni back to one ocean of time, 'much appreciated. The light fantastic 'roemtership fee, which amounts' which ( v'r life's strong ts billows ana roar, was duly tnpped; indeed it was jusi sum a dollar 'and thirty cents .($i.3) ' it lore, And tempests best amount we send as'ier instructions. know mothers and wives as time sublime. pur of grandeur To i scene Margaret Budge, Sec. how to make. home of our God T:s our lather's dwelling, the 1 . - .. .. K K 1 I lU I I ULIVI. h ' . . Who dueUeth in mansions, alxjve, Vhcrc zephyrs so. calm,' ' Hear only the balm, The .balm of true heavenly love. KLP.VENTII WARD. D. R. SOCIETY. . The Annual meeting of the Utah State anniversaiy of organization of the Society Daughters of the .Revolution was ward hall, on Mon- held Saturday, March 16, 1901, m the T'le father called forth from his palace of jeact, Relief Society-injbei- r 'daughter so trusty and true, day evening YhefSth, when the following Woman's Exponent office, Templeton of your worth, Building, and was an enthusiastic gatherprogram was rendered. A mission on earth, Charles Praver. bv tht rVoir. An excellent program was rendered ing. to ' you. daughter my Read- - and followed Madsen. the election of officers for by Co forth in your calling, tw humble and brave.. ing, Alexander M'Master. Duet, Olive the present year: Mrs. Clarissa S. Williams, Act' noblv and wisely your part, Recitation, Regent: Mrs. Julia P. M. Earnsworth and Gushing. andAlice Wickens. The cross you must bear, Mrs. Mary A.' II. Cannon, Hrma Felt. Soprano Solo, Emma If the crown you would wear, Recitation, Ethel Allen. Soprano Mrs. Sarah F, Smith, Rec. Sec; Mrs. Eucy And reign with' the righteous at heart." Sketch of W. Smith, Ass't. Rec. Sec; Mrs. Julia K Nellie Penrose1 Whitney. solo, was a born, little baby neat cottage In a Y. Rossiter, Society Work, Maria Bidgood. Recitation, Lund, Cor. Sec; Mrs. Myra "only a girl" it is true, Treasurer; Mrs..Mary E. F. Webber, RegisJohn Knight. Solo, Sperry Lawson. Reci; x So tiny and weak, Morris. With no power to s'peak. Henry Hul-ber- trar; Mrs. Susa Y. Gates, Historian; Mrs. Song, Josie tation, Committee 011 Or tell what she came here to do. E. B. Wells, Chaplain. Remarks by Bishop Morris. 'Bene J. F. diction. Isaac bears. Program and Entertainment, Mrs. Claire All. all was forgotten of that blest alxxle, Eund, Mrs. E. W. Hyde and Miss" A very enjoyable time was spent. That life of exquisite bliss, With music and song Clawson. SAkAii H. G! M'Master, Pres. From heavenly throng, Sec. Thf next meeting will occur on April 19, Elizabeth D. Leaker, All changed for the sorrows of this. as that day is the battle of Lexington. The AN ENJOYABLE TIME. Hut often there hovered around that dear child, next year's work includes the following: A spirit of heavenly ray, I. Colonization: (a) Growth of April Which helped her along, The Relief Society of Lehi celebrated the Colonies; population, (b) Nationality; from and wroncr. onnimrarv nf the first organization by the what class of society, (c) Language; religion; is the way." Hy whispering, "This Smith, on Monday evening, industries. Miss Katherine Wells. ,. Joseph JProphet snares, shunned many She heeded the whisper and March 18, 1901, by having a social party in Government of Colonies: (a) also and MayIL youth, childhood through and Through hundred fifty one Garffs Hall. About New England; middle colonies; south, (b) ueii u iiit.wki'- - vvww, of all After partaking sat down to supper. In our Father's name. Charter; proprietary; royal province, (c) was of truth. Ami brought her the Gospel the repast the following program Leading cities. Miss Mabelle Snow. June III. Great Political Parties: (a) Twas the "Pearl of Great Price," she gave up who man the to Praise America, her all,' Opening hymn, Whigs and Tories in England andinfluences. by Prayer communed with Jehovah.' That one precious jxarl to possess; Famous leaders, (c) Their (b) Welcome of the Address 'twas She knew key. Elder W. Southwick. Miss Claire Clawson. The To life's grand mystery. by President Rebecca Standring. September IV. Causes of the American Which opened the door to success. in Kirkbam Revolution: (a) Rights of Englishmen; company joined Elder James work life her moment w began, . From that very establishment of the ouu, iu. tnanfc mee, "We Charta; singing Magna to Subdue, Kach weakness she sought T. R. Cutler. prophet." Speech by Bishop State Senator TTrniP nf Commons: petition of rights The cross she "won Id bear, Solo, Mrs. N. Garff. Speech, crown she might wear. (Charles I.); bill of rights 1688, etc.; Kirk-haM. Mr. James Solo, of people under such acts, (b) ReA' J Evans. For she knew that the Gospel was tme. rights R. Anderson. lation to American history, (c) OppresSpeech by Counselor A. We can but begin to portray the good vork, President sive laws and acts and .their effects on Dancing then commenced, That her willing hands have clone. the erand march, fob colonies. Mrs. C..S. Williams. I5ut tins we must say, ' events of 1S75 By her unselfish way. do.ved by the Board of Directors 'theImportant QctoberV won. were ukuu Our love and respect she has and 1876: (a) First Continental Congress; trustees,, and teachers,, wno a,, place of meeting; purpose of president; And now to our bountiful Father in heaven, guished by Wearing wtnte wai.sibauu etc. (b) Beginning of the We earnestly, fervently pray, and wore very slight headdresses. iioted'delegates, skirts, So loved and so true, remainder .01 tne evening v The war; Lexington; Bunker Hill., (c) Survey and Zina Aunt to you, time A long of opposing forces, officers, etc. (d) Siege very enjoyably in dancing. Mav have happv returns of the day. S. E. Moench. (d) Declaration of Independof Boston. be remembered. Alice standring, oec. ence. Mrs. Hyde. November VI: From 1776 to 1783: (a) 17, MARCH CELEBRATIONS, ST. JOHN, KANSAS. Geography ot .the American Kevuiuuuu, outline the battles; movemenib, -en.., T a,mthe POCATELLO, IDAHO. through instructed, We have been Relief locate important Historic .spoib uum the all that Exponent Yorktown. Mrs. Lucy .wnuu. Tuesday afternoon the Relief Society Woman'sshould 17th of March ington to on the meet ofthe the Society anniversaiy of Pocatello celebrated December VII. Government ot . . .1 the n organization celebrate Revolution: (a) Con-rof its first organization py tne rropnet each year, to colonies during'the a to. pay. the society in the year 1842; and articles of Confederation and the Josepli bmitn. a meeting wu uciu m 'each. cents fee often , (b) Great leaders. State government. afternoon, and a program was rendered membership e, was January organized , Our society Mrs. Mamie Cannon. rep cathe consisting of speeches, songs ana being he, T. W. Jack, VIII. Close of war: (a) Wintions, and a paper was read by President 1899, by Elder mission at that time. January of independence. .(b) The definitive Harrison giving .'the history, rise andpro-fii- p president of our ning St. m John, - our church atThe extent of terriWe met of 1883. (c) cnnphr'' Tn the evening an on treaty .being Our com- a Kansas March 1.1901, (the colonies, which the (d) to after ceded was served, tories elegant supper . fV, .nnrnnv of celebrating v mission in Pans'. Mrs. Webber. tne was yuuug. oiaanu dance entertamment enjoyed Dy d short a had Romantic events that day, and February-.-I: MORONI. r which the tollowing is a with the Revolution: (a) Boston of Monttea party; Nathan Hale; death Our "Rpii'pf cinriptv has iust held its andf Arnold's treason; Andre; Lee at gomery; nual celebration of the organization of the T Protrpr was surrender of Corn walhs, etc, Monmouth; come first society of its' kind, by the Prophet bv smeing ni. rvnti"rmerf " Mrs. A. S. M. Home. iainer etc. paku. me an maiii and Smith. " Mearly Elders King Joseph ' all ye sons of God. tolks participated, and a The .Eleventh Ward celebrated 'the fifty-nint- h ; . . "i'..'i-:ius- e Rpif-rtm- n Is'-iv- en ., Ann-stron- vice-regent- g. s; ; T-wa- t. " . , . . . . . v . . " . he m. . i ' . . . - x- i-- P ti-i.- con-necte- X. prff teT . - . |