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Show Ju r The stenographer you need will answer your help wanted ad, Ivair tonight and UTAH: not much Sunday; change in temperature. l. S! LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH. FIFTY ENTER 15. 19279 NUMBER 13. liREOOEST SUPPORT OF CITY LIGHT PLANT CONTEST SWIMMING WRIGLEY SATURDAY. JANUARY MAYOR LONDSTROM APPEALS FOR AMERICANS OF PACIFIC IN BRINY WATERS re WEATHER Movie -- O AMERICAN FORCES To Comedian MADE TO WITHDRAW NOW ON DUTY IN NICARAGUA STATE City. Foi many mom Ik your City ha Commissioners boon woik MAURICE CHARTON Collapsed Upon HERBERT WENIG Start At Eleven Oclock mg on a planMo sop,, our elect-- : A Communications Move Made? to Make ric Gave whuh has light problem' Today As Pistol from Public What Has TakNicaragua Under; Arriving in N. Y. been a very impm umt matter Experienced Signal Strict en Place in Senate the in minds of ihe people of Censorship By; Mariners Predict Good NEW YORK, Jan. 15 Logan for many yeuis. l.ogan Governor U. S. Ves-- i Foreign Weather H'harles Chaplin, who arrive (j City has long etuovd cheap" sels On (iuard Along Committee Kellogg's We want to lights. continue to Classic jyestoiday from the west col-- ; have our lights the cheapest m Coast Situation Quiet Statements Revised. 1 lapsed t the home of his at- the State and still put the City Till-- : ISTHMUS, Santa CatalBLUE FIELDS. Jan. 15. (Ah torney, Nathan Burkan today, plant on a paying basis e con WASHINGTON, Jan. ina Waml, Calif., Jan. 15. (P) A neive specialist who oi derod fidently believe thu eai he done - One himdi ed America sadors While congress whs. 'swinging men and hundred a than Mole Commander ,K)VV or lie coopera under Lieutenant him to hod said that his non--,'into another debate on the Mix-icaswimmers women plunged M. I.abounty are iolicing all ol and all the lun ous peo support had been affected system with the through the breakers Nicaraguan situation today tiafficon the Eseondido river by the strain he has been go- - IL (d Logan in thro matter. starters pistol shot at 11:21 a. new source of controversy de- n Lmgr thur As tuet quarteis you know, Logan Clty ing through during the airing m. here today and struck out nov has an investment m its Aloi man dislriet. veloe(l over a move to make of his marital troubles. , out-toward the dimly doggedly The transput Argomie andi distriits City the testimony given Wedplant including public Cali-lined shores of Southern j bution system, of approximate the cinroer Rochester, Rear Ad-- j 22 miles mainland nesday before the senate forfornias Latimer's flagship reAnnual ly half a million dollars, .and we miral Meeting channel San Iedro the in relations committee. eign away, feel that the city plant should mained anchored off the bluff. j marathon. MU at was described by the The Cleveland is oft of-- : of Thatcher Bank be given a fair chance from W.,Puertocruiser Prizes totaling 840,000, state Cabezas, headquarters business standpoint and be put department as a correct Maurice Charton, a railroad official, fered by William Wrigley, Jr., ed copy of the on a paying basis, so that it cr the li oral government and has been the arrested French stenographic swim by to the police to the first person record of Mr. Kelloggs testiThe annual stockholders meet- - does not need to be supports ithe Galveston is at Corrinto, on as a spy. It is said he was carrying swim-the channel await ; frigid the west coast with two iltslro-ju- s confidential mony was sent to the commitdocuments, revealing ing 0f Thatcher Brothers Bank- - from the taxes. mers on thcNdistant, sands. on patrol Other tee by the secretary with his French mobilization plans, to Munster, nearby. Hie ul Electric Light Pant Forty-thre- e nieifreand ninej Westphalia, the German secret service ing company was held Thurs- American naval vessels are . Herbert Wemg of to Angale It permission to make it can not succeed from a business public. women of the olticial entry list; C9nter. The papers were found in his day. now the champion schoolboy oratoi But Chairman The annual report pre the' coast. Borah said some standpoint as long as it is oper- along was . inci eased handbag of 151 which of the world. He was presented with he wai nabbed absented showed the The hue is situation 1926 here of the things that took place in quiet year ated on a flat rale. This has a great silver loving cup by President from 15:1 at the eleventh hourj Cologne. to be one of the best exper- - been fully demonstrated now all press or other messages are Coolldge when he defeated dost the committee meeting had been by the arrival of Ruth Rhodes, to censorship bv Octavo Munos Costa of Mexico stricken out of the record and" City by ienced in the hanks histoiy.j tor the past twenty two years. subject to failed of Seattle, Wash., Salinas, for the Diaz close margin In the firet International that the committee would congovernor Each of heaters use the Ata1 make the start. ,The statement of condition also, administration and commander scholastic oratoi y contest, held In sider later whether to give out A heavy fog lay over the San 'reflected a steady, consistent has increased. The large amount of the conservative army on the Washington. Five foreign countries what remained.-t is electric energy which be were in to the and Pedro channel, separating the hank represented. 1:1st coast. growth, Secretary Kellogg apv condition. The fob ti'Hvagantly and wastefully used Isle'of Santa Catalina- from the before-th- e peared committee he the inr direc-;hconstantly y southern California mainland patrons as lowing were took along his own stenograUtah Delegation l illustrated is his wel ceases, Close S. Banks Robert H.; today when the swimmers re- Anderson, Doors, jtors: pher, who took down the record in Washington, D. C. Blair I). C. Budge, M. s.. by comparison with City owned ported at their designated places Cut of Off Revenue in Lieu of the committee stenoon the beach here and gazed Eccles, S. S. Eccles,' II.' E. P ants of Murray and Brigham Wires Legislature grapher who usually are present Income Cantonese are where meters used, toward the mainland, 26 miles' Hatch, I. K. Hillman, G. W. City, at such meetings. The question own its will which andAfUiTa be City operates their goal away, Lindquist, llyrum Nebeker WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. (JP, ATHENS.. Jan. 15.(A) Five of Latin American policy was and serves when a pistol shot at 11 oclock; Municipal Plant R. Owen: E . After a confer nee todaV the revived on the senate floor toenExtension workers are 725 customers. The Phaloron now sent them away in the Wrigley . in ermset s, highest Utah congressional This is the 44th annual delegation fetish day by a statement read from gaged in a service that it is 415 were to reached oraered Peak thtre Iad protoday stockholders meeting of Thatch- -' sunt a telegram to the LUn leg on pnge four) 'ont n President only educational but of high er Coolidges home state. ceed to China imtnecliately. kilowatts. Brigham City has islatuie liana, vv nen u uana bas 1521 customers advising it that CaliforIt .social value, in that it helps to "as signed by a number of the highest nia interests were opposed to apd giown steadily over a period of: .Massachusetts--eiti-maintain American l i ea s in prominent, Refugee President load ILHO FOOCHOW, is -A kilowatts., Jan, peak , must! 4 have served amendments' the4 six,trtte A niob yean, it for. withdraw-a- l .rural homes of Utah of students representing. of Nicaragua Now &an has 1513 customers, it development ., treaty regarding of American E G: Peer80"' dedared al forces from Constructive load reached have students last a operaTeTTf peak night in San Francisco way.' of the Colorado river how beforif Fuing Nicaragua except those absolute 940 of the dominion this morning in addressing the Ex-- , atonVYinldora' winter past during Spanish theltih legislature could Following the now in tension Service staff P anae vicarage and church ly indespensable for the protecof Direc-- . kilowatts. From this you will its judgments in acting upon Board the SAX FRANCISCO, Jan. To. !tbe third meeting anof a weeks near e day see here and drove out the tion of American life and pro- that the aie peop Logan those changes tors convened and (Pi Don Carlos Solorzano, Senator Walsh of Massa conference. President H. E., wasting about two thirds of the Those attending the confer- - sist?rR. abducted the Chinese ugee. Ilesident of Nicaragua erson stressed J;he opinion that the following officers: a democrat, put the cluisettsi, Will and wrecked of the the S. S. Ecclofl, Pwenice were Senator Smoot, re- orphan girls Hatch .taxpayers who has ecu living in seclusio -it is as important to rural We,vice pi4ident; D. C. an City continue to sanc-tha- t publican and King, Democrat, property. The nuns are safe in! , egram into tlfe record and Budge, in .San Francisco for nearly a "e ani "Is republican col-moral and spiritual stand- Leather-woo- d the foreign quarterat Nantai. H. j. Hatch,1 1011 such extravagance and and Representative car - i:d today he is the pre8ident; Ivuguo. Senator Cillett, were W Wards he maintained as that The Spanish sisters and priests and Colton, republicans. B. Squires, assistant waste. cvicutiv e ihkf of his country, niateriai benefits"" be derived cashier; C. Pf'cpared to take the Jead in with the We of the the hear exception bishop arguSmoot afterward Senator said sopietimes ' Rot shall not CU8sinlf iL to lenve today. ment that we should continue that the officials of his state two oais, he said On the house side, on discussion Coaliuued 'lv.o) ainem) of, iuge moinings regarded the pending Lack it 'had bo as a asselfed, and about 75 per ative piivate citi- project work dealt largely democrat, Virginia lr-Jan. An ments to the Colorado river qact zen. forage produced in do not wish to stir up In the day to later expected livestock and range manage-.uta- h Reuters uncensored to as absolutely assentinl the dispatched comes from grazing jand. b'oubU an address on the Uiof. K. C. Ikelei, dean T(ie HalanCe of Utah's Good Will on ment, jde.ivpr intimate Fliers the of interests. of today Utah's closing protection agricuU ,;k elected in 1925 by the of agriculture, and head of the banks and other Uusi- - jcan'Nicaraguan problem. In the SALT LAKE CITY.Jan. 15. France Field With tura, wealth he said) conies l"'l'o tor the constitutional animal in Hankow ness ..The ensuing rt!1 discussions of the foreign of Utah Both branches department, the husbandry UP) farm8 0f the froni thfi ilTipa-eturn of f, ur venrs. My term ex-- I Planes C. ofr Crippled of and the cut reaction a on :.tate college, aj.8 conimittee . he severely will, Monday also big source of criticized legislature state, and in' a' the end of 1928 then I Hent the course followed by n ot n tc the Calitonese funds ilie which for give' consideration Hr legislation P1' in p. pire measure ma Mtmn jg President Cdo.idge and Jan. 15. (A3) PANAMA, Great Basin Expei iment S.a- - U dependenj collected taxes ido on business Color in river the compacts control Two of the five United States grazing )n ' ary Kellogg. Senator Borah in Hon on the - Maiiti. NatiouaL : which propei. transactions. .sml the.Boukler Canvon has a direct influence-on-thwill Assassinator of-- :i dicated which saidr good planes discussions army the officials With Chinese new the Forest, leading year of irrigation left San Antonio December 21 project presiding e today. Paes Arrested In outlining a livestock ex- waterpermanency Februaiy 2 approaching when aT8 before the senate commit-agsupplies. decided divi have to the first whether make A1! setfor from tension compcted 1927, customs demands Receipt of the telegram program long While the greater ! !IliC l,4lL. .f sion of their 20,000 mile flight the Joint Utah delegation in tlement of all debts national' Pu ,ac emDhasized the! transcript of en of state are London, Jan. 15. (IP) An Professor Ikeler ,,5.. the problems went it by Mr, Kellogg. Central and Ssuth America congress sayipg that California ,to all for hog- were of possibilities 'DPny. splendid provinces Forcountered on the National exchange telegraph dispatch secretary advised him,1 Mr. i t fused to consider Utahs a- - said to be demanding their pay j Lorn Lisbon Borah said, that he had elimin- n says that Jose Cas plane ' New mendments to the in arrears. long Julio da Costa who assassinat- till caused something of. a The correspondent declares 'ated fl'om the transcript those stated that A"1 piobabb grazing problems on irrigated! ed PicsKleiit Sidondo Paes of wiH 1,1 Gudtama crash sensation afftd a here, er by the southerners have found the ; matters which he regarded as. farmer the groa give andg to which fm lera'amveii at France field from to the receipt of the tele- - British concession wTiich theyfd a confidential nature. an Up Portugual in 1918 for political turns if hogged-of- t give their generally could well a whiter- Since the transcript had beer, used in any other way. He mahire man- - 'Costa Rici vesUrday afternoon gram it was tebeved that Cali- - triumphantly took reasons was arrested today. pwr" attcntion. con-- 1 edited by .the secretary, the of under least command at would the Sfornir he Captain give British the of the hope elephantClosing piesrod aid1,Clinlon F- .agement. rtTTtuli ac was to dilator added, members of th sideration the kemks and claims I41Sarnntr,91imrI 'Volsey contests would be roe Lr. Sidondo Paes was one of stoppeotliemost promis 'committee ' comm'.t-- 1 materially Louis. St. citizens the The innaturally would w ant in advisory companied by but nationalist held this year Utah, g0urca cf Ihe mganizeis of the revolu-Fio- n 'V n4n st vr Hons Major lJa,'ue commander of j tee is expected to finally cotisid- - come and ow there is no busi - to examine it carefully before i.i December 1917 which vvmrn farmeTntiainstnt:ig;ir.;iif at Amapalaier on Monday the reports of the giving it publicity. session the suadron Honduras with the three other recommending resulted jn the overthrow j of pressure hog salesmen. ecretaiy , has not lth In several points of the terri C 7? ' calls in cel tain amendments tha th Pin'18 to make official 4an' 'a ' Canton-111r Costa and banishment the As legards dairy cattle, py tory conquered by Lucille . n bill. He atn and Hd Hlldulas Nicaragua. said: "F lj .L of the document Prof. Ikeler expressed the ese, opposition to their rule has;!d Machado. club team f romNorth j j pubhcaUon . raised its head. - , ucmuiKUKited the mp-- ' lU cad to more debate on th i,uj(mi, Teetotaller Is associations Tlie correspondent declared " stt up and Dr. Paes became! andjng 0f a bungalow apron; amr York unived at K)I ' in His 101st Year ample evidence had been uir sel.1,1 po"- can make the "iih K"!'"; ln,iIar;'h disagree-.secretary show Hankow to covered at sire associations, cbemjgjry ja the college, dem- - h . , ag' Life His of non toon if he desires orn and her t ran.scrqrt Young public niem with his itators maintained for two gneiaI)onstrated the difference in keels mashed in four places. She 4 ministry andlwnth the object of not ours. It nent. statl a special trainOervice from p instead Kcniul elections were held the herd improvement hardness of curd m cow 8 SAND FRANCISCO, Jan. .15 atement on the Pacific he made, to the one made descent into coolies farmers and Following bringing was making undue attempts month. and showed how these differ-- , San of He mttee. (A1) Wentworth to John has aviators the change permjt elected. to the city to swell the ranks of ;he eliminated jciease the dairy cattle popula- ences might be determined by, Francisco began the 101 st year parts of it and mob for the demanstration. Tlie first anniversary-oj thejtion df the state. He argued simple methods. today-'witit up. life the eut his ful cf still a faim evolution of thq preceding also that Utah-iYesterdays poultry judging) set of natural teeth he acquired nai was celebrated on Decem- horse state and. although thentcgtj tween two groups of jhere in bothjiianes and repairs as a young man. lie is a Leeto Summer Tourists Air Transport New Yorks the ber ,3. landing gear tractor is finding a place he,'e county agents, was by the wiR 1)6 but taller and a to Europe Going be! started not immediately, should horse breeding Service Develops 'Fats against the Leans. was! In compIcHng the first divi eats plenty of meat. lie neglected. Range livestock working 8ame teams will compete: 1827 Jan in U. S.; Mails born in j 14, With Bristo,. LONDON, Jan. 15(P) the aviators Today in Washington j he suggested, may well con-- j bjs afternoon in judging farm81011 to back his and American goes 000 ancestry go, Jfigionaries, miles behind ,have put tinue along the same, lines aS,crops division 'will '.the Flower. Mr.' Wentworth says so'oOO Rotarians 100 vech j second The them. ' last year. . Fongi oss meets at noon. is in perfect Jhealth. Americau singers. 4md 500 Ahj- -) , Yal Divia, Chile louse begins debate on army , Just as livestock is the founSteve Sterlich of Bingham, wtake them toturn east r of finnish extraction al- - :Pent in the history of Ameri-- I ericans to ArgcnppU Ui. dation of agriculture in Utah. wrestler, who was to have met here hey booked for passage to ban aviation to furnish air tran- ready Senate continues secret 11 ! so grazing is the foundation- of Mirl Christensen in a match at tina. British 8Port service developed ted iy summer, re after Woo!sey " Captain ot Lausannetreaty. the livestock . industry, Mr.fVellsville recently, was among to the Pennsylvania investigating Forsling stated in discussing those listed to make the swim at; spondmg 8aid He failed of Island Utah, Cataline eeninnttee meets j today. Mayor the grazing proberas tnat the Ltndrick. pro- to enter the cold water. He Livestock and livestock Chicago Line ago lake diversion hear-ln- g and San discussed before special HH'tvr, Charles E. Hughes. ; 1 For Prize 1 I Relations . 15; -- . n i . - i , . " j ln i - 1. - 1 EXTENSID ' ' j , . 1 i ' -- Lo-an- d usefaaed re-'nu- aj j I - l - I ' j ed : I Represent-SllANGHA- "ith-cenj- . I, ; I : . Mexi-Britis- h 1 I 1 I"1 -- ! -- e -it-- might Usr-Revc- nil'' 1 testi-troo- ! Swing-John-so- j - j - 1 I ' ten-litt- er - ; iita-ve- ) d ee : Pi-er- Tres-ulW-ft - ad opin-;g.ir- I 1 Swing-Johngo- cow-testi- XteS i , iys j f , .. , s non-smok- er j, ; - 29 - 1 . dis-eussi- - - h pro-jdu- bt ps 1 |