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Show p J A HOME E DEVOTED TO T H E INTERESTS OF JUAB PAPER FOR HOME PEOPLE The Times, Vol. . I COUNTY Nephi, Juab Countv Utah Friday,. November 27th, 1925 15, No. 46. INSPECTION FEES LEGAL, OPINION STATE OFFICIAL Ruling of City Attorney P. N. Anderson Sustained By Attorney General ClufF State Statutes Are Quoted. The- Three Women in New Congress NO MAIL DELIVERY SANDERS REPORTS ON CHRISTMAS DAY The activity of the Nephi' Red Cross is given in the following arti cle from the pen of P. J. Sanders secretary of the local organization : 'The Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God" glitters with meaning "so befitting the spirit of Red Cross activities that I would that every reader of these lines be imbued with that spirit. How often our busy minds are wont to cast aside the precious jewels Just because they're - y, r" TT JSL A- In response to the request of City Attorney P.- N. Anderson, asking for an opinion from Attorney General Harvey Cluff relative to the authority of Nephi City to collect a fee for meat inspection was answered this week by the Attorney General In an opinion sent to Attorney Anderson, a copy of which Is herewith published. Since the city ordinance was passed about five years ago providing meat inspection and the collection of a fee to cover such inspection, there has been some doubt in the minds of a number of citizens here as to whether the city had such authority. This matter came to a head several weeks ago when two of the meat shops were closed for a few days owing to a difference of opinion as to Christmas. tht payment of delinquent fees. Citv Attorney Anderson ruled at the time that the city had full power under the ordinances to collect the fees. The opinion of the Attorney General sustains the ruling of the city attorney on the question. The following is the opinion of Attorney General Cluff under his own signa- LOCAL COMPANY RED CROSS ACTIVITY Under a recent order of the Postmaster General received by "postmaster J. E. Lunt, there will be no delivery of mail on Christmas day from any post office in the country. While Christmas day is a legal holi-laby it has never been observed I r-t the postal service in the past due to the rush of mail on this day and postal employees have always been ompelled to work harder on this "-'. 'A-M- i day than at any other period of the be will The present change year. in the nature of an experiment and if it can be successfully carried out it will in all probability become a perThe order in manent" regulation. part reads as follows: "Postmasters will suspend all work at 12 o'clock midnight December 24, except to retain on duty on Christmas day only such employees as are required to make the regular mail holiday dispatches of first-clavs. . ' j to the trains and to receive, but not 1 to work, incoming mail from the " These tiiree women are members of the rains. There will be no city de- congress which meets lvery, village delivery, or rural de in December, but it is not yet known rwhetlier they will get together and form a bloc. Left to right, they nre; Mrs. Mary T. Norton of New Jersey, livery, on Christmas day." In view of the above order patrons Mrs. Florence P, Kahn of California aOd Mrs. Edith N. Rogers of Massaof the post office should endeavor chusetts. :.j o mail their packages early enough to insure delivery the day before ss I kLwwW-- Sixty-nint- TAXPAYERS TO MEET "not understood." That most wonderful organization, the American National Red Cross, is a Government institution, u is me spirit of Americanism in action. It is that silent angel of peace that bathed the aching head and dried the tears of that soldier boy on those far off lonely fields where they suffered bled and died. Now that the war is over; now that our brave soldier boys have returned i to us, some wounded h LEVAN'S WEEKLY ITEMS OF NEWS DECEMBER 7TH MAYOR ISSUES Vtrf News Vol. 9 No, 45 and bleeding, our hearts naturally go out to them Years in sympathy and blessings. have flitted away since we bade them that sad farewell at the. station; the. hand and the tear that said: "Goodbye." - Now we bind up their wounds aiid dry the tears that blind the eye. It is needless to say that it is doing more than they were dur ing the war. Says one: "Now the war is over I thought there were no further need of the Red Cross." Not understood! So vast Is the need of assistanceT twenty five different organizations have sprung into exist- ance to lend a willing hand to suf fering humanity. 27,000 . disabled soldiers are in the hospitals of the from their country recovering wounds. They braved the battle- ield for us; they placed their young sweet lives upon the alter of sacri fice. They are calling. Shall we not lend a listening ear and a willing TO BUILD NEW SALT PLANT Mt. Nebo Salt Company In corporated Nephi People Offered Chance To scribe For Stock. Sub- In another part of this issue will be found an advertisement of the Mt. Nebo Salt Company, recently Incor- porated for the purpose of manufacturing a pure grade of salt. ' It is the intention of the company to build a modern salt plant ' in Salt Creek canyon, piping the salt spring water from the present site of the plant down to the main canyon near ' the railroad. . For the past two or three years George O. Latimer, the president of the new company has been manufac turing salt on a small scale, but the market for this salt has now incre ased to such an extent that the present facilities will not supply the de mand. , This condition has been brought about by the discovery that the salt manufactured here Is equal to the best eastern salt for the making of butter, and recent tests have demonstrated this fact. In order to erect the plant now contemplated it will be necessary to sell stock to raise the necessary amount of money. According to the advertisement of the company this stock can now be purchased at $1.00 per share, and local people are being given first chance to subscribe for . A quilting bee was held at the in State wide interest the coming convention of the Utah home of Mrs. Emma Mangelson Frt .. . Taxpayers association. The general day, committee made up of eleven repreture: On Friday, November 27th "E. W. sentatives of all taxing interests in P. N. Anderson, In keeping with the Chistmas Seal the state have called the county com- Peterson will leave for a six months same. City Attorney, Proclamation of the Governor of the mitteemen from all the counties of mission, to the northern Btates. He . The officers of the company are: Nephi, Utah. State of Utah and in the interest of Utah to meet with them for a dis- will have his headquarters .in. Chi- 'H acknowledge George O. Latimer, president; Kenreceipt of your the welfare of the citizens of this cussion of the problems peculiar to cago. j ' favor of Oct. 23rd, in which you community, I, THE MAYOR OF THE this state. neth Latimer, secretary-treasure. ') enclose copy of the Meat Inspection CITY OF NEPHI do hereby join in Board of Directors, George O. Latito Chairman Henry H. Honoring Mr. Peterson, ar picture hand. According mer Leah Latimer, Kenneth Latiordinance of Nephi City." You ask the movement for the pre- Rolapp who is head of this state org show was given Tuesday night, which endorsing When the floods in this state but mer, J. F. Latimer, and Archie Lati'Has the city the authority to en- vention of Tuberculosis. was successful. Before in the state the very anization,- every county horn force the payment and collection of I hope that all citizens to whom has a thorough-goin- g tax show, a much enjoyed program was a few years ago devastated the the mer. es in and Willard Farmington, the inspection fees as provided for this proclamation shall come, will ion. Every taxing interestorganizaf in i"the rendered as follows: Music by the Red Cross of Nephi Immediately in Section 10 of this ordinance?" give during the month of December county is represented. " Every tbw'tf Levan Band; mixed quartet; Dulcie sent funds from their treasury for the "I have considered question a little of j.heir. thought, time ,enej. in the county has its spokesman! onJjFraneom, Grace Christensen,' Ray E. disaster at submitted, and am of "Tntf opinion gy and money to herpTinancir'rae ttiecomfeltteirsTrtht.a'horoi; iTFra fccortj. ani Christie .Chrjslensenj relief; when the mine into CuJtthgrtteaonvjw a.nd that under the laws of this state, cause which is being presented at plugged n is had la talk, E. P. Peterson', Character Trio, of Nelhi City has authority to provide this time Asa F.owler, J. E. Christensen, and death so many of the good people' of the Utah Public Health each county group. of Association that place, again the Red Cross Chapby ordinance for the inspection e Earl A.. Beck. After months of contact with through the sale of ter of Nephi sent relief to the suf meat and meat products, and to re Christmas Seals for the support of tax officials, these county ferers. Today that same Red Cross gulate the sale and disposal there the fight against disease and to are in a position to report Sunday afternoon Mrs. John Grant and of. I direct your attention to the maintain in our communities an act- their findings at the convenentertained Mr. Peterson and his tthru its members has knitted coming The regular meeting of the Board ten sweat following sections of the Compiled ive health program. relatives at her home. A very de-l- boxed ready for shipment tion. Some have achieved exceptionIn hospitals. Just of Education of Juab School District ers for soldiers the Iaws of Utah, 1917 relating to the Let us all. join in proclaiming the al results in pointing out to public was htful dinner served to the powers of cities watch word "All For Health Health officials how levies could be lowered, following: .Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pet waiting word where they are need- was held Tuesday evening. Present: ed most, and these tokens of love Harry Foote, J. H. Lunt, Raphael 570X44 "To provide for and re- - For All" and make this possible by how proposed bond issues were un- erson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor (Turn to page eight, column fgur.) buying and using our full quota of necessary and how a number of pro- Mr. and Mrs. Reed Grant, Daune and affection and comfort will wend Garfield. The park and school ground way to these brave sufferers. Christmas Seals. posed expenditures could be defer- Peterson, the guest of honor Mr. and their were authorized to arcommittee the The services pledged during S'gned this 25th day of November, red. These illuminating reports will Mrs. E. W. Peterson, and the host for the leveling of the grounds 1925. be given at the convention other sub- and hostess Mr. and Mrs. John war to the soldiers and their famil range ies Is the first primary obligation of east of the high school building, the THOMAS BAILEY, Grant. as follows: for discussion being jects work to be done in with all chapters of Red Cross. Organi Mayor of the City of Nephi. budgstary system, independent audit, a in similiar committee from the city for relief zation and preparedness And on Thursday Mrs. Alex Pet bond issues, school expenditures, council of Nephi. BUSY etc. These subjects will all be treat- erson served Thanksgiving dinner in case of disasters in our home town The clerk was authorized to ad is a major or communities nearby honor of Mr. manE. W. a Peterson. technical and thorough ed in PRESIDENT BELLISTON vertise for the sale of the barn near If of Cross Red of the Nephi. duty ner. our disaster is of vast proportions the Central school. Mrs. was awake a Anderson wide county-hahostess Our Mary The first meeting of the Nephi The swimming pool which has TALKS TO K1WANIANS county committee under the direct- at a quilting party held at her home that outside helr is needed, all we Post of the American Legion to be been open to the public on Thurs will It is to held and need do for call A afternoon. W. ion of J. Paxman. It is expected Friday very delicious be held in the quarters provided at the given by our neighbors in other day evenlpg of each week was ordthat a representative delegation will luncheon was served. new City Hall took place Wednesday and even the National Org ered discontinued, as the patronage counties, convento from this of noon the the luncheon At go county Monday night. Post Commander Arthur V. at does not Justify the expense. with anization Mrs. headquaraers Newto week the at the be held Hugh which A. is tion Taylor spent President Claims against the district after Pyper reported that the local post the local Kiwanis club. neces will relief if send Washington end In Provo. un visiting now had a membership of twenty- - II. Belliston, gave a very able talk house hotel, December 7th. It is being duly audited by tha commitsary. in other derstood that on and to taxpayers the members any the origin three, paid up for the coming year The natives of Alaska who were tee were nrdorpil nalH The M. I. A. Membership dance After hearing the report It was de- meaning of Thanksgiving Day. The this county who care to attend the by our Red Cross during the helped was one of as most dele a the named convention Friday night may.be cided to make a special effort to in address was listened "to with much successful affairs of the season, both scourge of disease In that land, are crease the present membership and a attention and was greatly appreciat gate upon application to Mr. socially and financially. Before dan heard to say: "We live, because of Mrs. P. B. Cowan Entertains committee was appointed to take ed by those present. The musical Let us The Ladies Literary Club tax The fact the that prob clng started games were played, and the American Red Cross." very care of the drive. It being the sense program consisted of a vocal solo by of a Red Cross, not of the think several folk dances America in Introduced. is an one lem Light state alone nor outstanding of those present that every available Miss Bessie Painter, and a violin Just national, but man should be prevailed seleption by Miss Mildred Sperry. today should gain for the efforts of refreshments were served. an Red Cross part association the Utah the Taxpayers L. The members of the Ladies LiterPresident Will Hoyt, occupied the upon to Join the legion. a world-wid- e movement of for the OVIIss Ruby of Wednesday of citizen undivided Tunbrldge every support A. F. Bracken won the at club met at the home of Mrs. P. A committee was appoincd to draw chair. ary and Edgar Christensen were married betterment of man. the state. B. Cowan Tuesday evening. The proup a suitable resolution to present to tendance prize. Is to note It dur in that the Lake Interesting Salt Governor Dern will welcome the Temple. Miss Tun gram consisted of three violin solos the City Council thanking them for bridge Is the daughter of Mr. and Ing the Red Cross drive for member by Miss Helen Cowan, entitled "The delegates and open the address. the provision that had been made Mrs. A. W. Tunbrldge. and the young ship, the ladies of the Nephi Chapter Hindu Chant." "The Camebrakes " for the legion In the matter of quar- - LOCAL BAND MAKING man Is the son of Christian Christ did themselves wonderful credit, as and "Adoration." ers in the new building. accompanied by In a most ensen. usual, Both are very popular obtaining splendid Local People Take The date for the annual election on Armistice Day of 98 Miss Viola Starts, who also renderenrollment the Levan. GOOD folks of PROGRESS young and ed several piano selections. Mrs. of officers was fixed at the meeting Advantage of Rates Mr. Christensen Is in the M. I. A. members. Gerald Cazler, gave a book review to take place on Wednesday, Decern a have of host presidency. They of the "Mansion," written by Van ber 9 th. friends who wish them success. Dye, which was very Interesting. The matter of furnishing the room The concert given Saturday evenexcurTUBERCULOSIS a mile rate SUNDAY The The one cent was then taken up and a committee ing by the N. H. S. band at the Ven- sion following members were present MonMrs. S. P. Christensen entertained put Into effect Friday until Mrs. W. C. Andrews, Mrs. Alberta was appointed to arrange for the ice theatre was a good musical treat a a- number of of was by taken friends and advantage relatives day NOVEMBER 29TH Belliston. Mrs. George A. Sperry, purchase of a library table, chairs and brought forth many compli number of local people. The local Thursday In honor of her birthday Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. E. R. Forrest. and other necessary fixtures. ments from the audience. The band train which generally suffers from a Mrs. T. W. Allred, Miss Neva Booth, The meeting was one of the best under the leadership of Prof. Engar lack of was filled to capO. W. Budge and M. Chard left patronage Miss Ida Parkes Mrs. Wilson Glazheld by the logion for a long time has made rapid progress and is capSalt from and Next been has re for going returning Wednesday Sunday Logan and Ogden, designated ier, and the hostess Mrs. P. B. Cowan and now that the organization has able of rendering some snappy mus- acity viswho those Lake City. Among spectively, where they will spend as "Tuberculosis Sunday," and talks permanent quarters the officials of ic. The same commendation will also ited in the above city Saturday and appropriate for the occasion will be the post expect to have a much apply to the work of the orchestra Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Thanksgving. made in the various churches GIVEN SURPRISE been Interest taken than has greater and chorus who are also showing a Carter, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C. BryMrs. Rilla Christensen entertained throughout the state. Mayor Thomas ' the case In the ON BIRTHDAY past. marked improvement since the open- an, S. U. Winn, Hyrum Broadhead, at a quilting bee at her home last Bailey has Issued a proclamation on Mr.s George Booth, Mrs. Hyrum ing of school. Friday afternoon. Luncheon was ser the subject which will be toiind In Mrs. Clint Price and family, ved to the busy stitchers. nother part of this paper. The sale Mr. anl Mrs, J. W. Brough were Population Increased Mrs. David Cazler, Mrs. 8. B. of Christmas Seals opened to Utah the recipients of a very successful Mr. and Mrs-- J. W. Olpin, Mr. During Past Week NORTH WARD yesterday and will continue until surprise party last Thursday evenChristmas Eve. The money subscri ing the occasion being the birthday HOLD REUNION and Mrs. Lynn Olpin' Mrs. L. P. STAKE UNION Anderson, Mrs. James W. Vickers. MEETING SUNDAY bed will be used to fight the dread of Mrs. Brough. The A daughter was born to Mr. and following were Miss,Margaret Foote, Miss Lois Lunt, tuberculosis In Utah. Mrs. George Belliston last Thursday present: Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Brough, Mrs. Mrs. Elam mem Maggie Mecham, The annual reunion of the The regular monthly stake rrl'."t Mr. and MrMalon Brough, Mr. and Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cazler Mrs. Mattle Vlckers. Mrs. bers of the North ward was held In Howarth, Mrs. Alice Goodman, and hood and union meeting will be hnl Eliza Mrs. Ralph Urough. .Mr. and Mrs. Inst Thursday, a son. H. Price. In the high school building fundav Howarth, and Miss Mabel Howarth Hyrum Brough. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Hrleham Garrett, re the Amusement Hall laRt evening. A Mrs. C. afternoon at 2 p. m. On account motored to Eureka Sunday where Glazier. Mrs. T. L. Rchofleld. and ceived a visit from the stork Tuesday fine banquet was served to the adult came was fol which Mrs. up Richardson Reeve of members ward this meeting the regular sacrmncn they spent the day with relatives Mrs. John Schofield of Provo. Utah, the home. a son at their leaving dance. from Lynndyl Wednesday afternoon meeting In each of the wards will be They were accompanied lowed by a program and home by Warrllow Broiigh. Miss Iris Brough, Mrs. Leah Chase went to Salt Today, the young people of the ward to spend the holiday ith her par- held in the evening at 7 p. m. in con Mrs. Lizzie Adams who will visit and the guests of honor Mr. and Mrs. nection with the M. I. A. meeting. will be feasted on good things to eat ents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brough. J. W. Brough. here for a short time. Lake City Wednesday afternoon. -- " k J r; - . - SCHOOL BOARD tax-paye- rs eorss-seclio- HOLD MEETING pub-lic- ogan-izatio- if to-w- it: LEGION HOLDS SESSION . s Pax-ma- n. lnter-antlon- - Tol-le- y, e, . ' al |