Show C 0 33 I 1 3 W U a ae ahl ait tit died at north 0 ogden utah feb 1871 of old age thaddeus thaddcus alvord aivord aged 93 03 years deceased was bom in the town of ber hardston nard ston county I 1 massachusetts oe oct oct t 23 1781 when ten years of age he emigrated with his fathers family to the state of new york and settled in hamilton madison co in jan 1800 isoo he married martha bromley and moved to near lewiston niagara do co new york ills his wife died in 1809 leaving him with seten seven children all girls reserved he served inthe lathe in the wan war of 1812 1312 in 1811 he be married sally wellington in 1822 1823 he emigrated to W waterford oakland co michigan Ilis his wife died in 1834 1831 leaving one daughter in 1828 1823 while on a visit in the state of new york he married sally S briggs in sept 1831 1834 he received the gospel and was bap by elder samuel bent the fr prophet 0 phet joseph smith hing bing present at the time ile he sold cold his bis property yat at waterford and ld in sept 1835 emi emigrated rated to missouri stopping a short time in clay co and subsequently settled in caldwell co ang and opened up a farm ile he shared in the dr ivings y g and persecutions that the saints Q suffered c edart at the hands of mobs in the state of missouri ils and was among those who delivered up their arms to ta gens geus clark cark eark and lucas and were left ina lna in a defenseless condition conditi at the mercy of lawless mobs and wicked men in april I 1 1839 he ire jert left the state of yli missouri asburl and went to ta nauvoo illinois lih nois jo in 1816 ile he went up to winter quarters now florence and remained there a short time and then went down into the state of missouri blisso url uri to work for means to enable han ban to emi emigrate rate with the saints to the rocky fountains In 1819 he crossed the plains with his family and arrived in salt lake valley in sept 1819 ism lie he lived in the old fort oth ward some two years on gon the esth feb 1851 1831 his wife died leaving five sons song and one daughter he afterwards moved into the ward in the fall of 1853 1833 ho he married betsey cosset and in june 1866 he moved to north ogden on the of may 1873 helas he was ordained a patriarch under the hands of precis young and wells and five of the twelve Apost apostles les leg ills his mind was bright and active and h his hib Is memory was wab good his general health also remained good up ap to athin short time of his death and lived to see sec the fifth generation of hl his s children and when he be passed away it seemed like he was only falling asleep he remained firm in the faith of the gospel during the 42 years of his experience and with the church and died in the ruil full assurance assurance of a glorious resurrection with the just jast ills his ancestors cama came from som somerset erst hire england sometime about the year 1610 and settled in connecticut in they moved ts northampton massachi Mass achu hetts letts where they resided for several generations rations performing an active part in the service bervice of thein their country up to the close of the revolutionary conary war oden ogden junction feb 23 1 william hooper of valia vaila walla valla walla walia NV washington ashington territory afew a new few days since resolved to shuffle shuff leoff off this mortal coll coil with theair of laudanum but before he had received his quietus he begged piteously for a stomach pump and was relieved from the shuffling operation another excellent and much act passed by the tho assembly on friday is that designed to prevent the wasteful destruction of fish by taeup of nets so fine that the young fis fishes hes of too small mall a size to be available for the table cannot escape through the meshes unless the evil against which this actis act Is aimed is speedily checked several of the m most 0 st valuable kinds of ii nish fish h will ere long disappear from the waters of the state S f chronicle feb 16 |