Show IMPORTANT EVENTS review of important events of home and abroad congressional activity active aside entirely from the tariff bills has been most noticeable a great quantity of long delayed legislation especially relating to the regular appropriations being disposed lis posed of in great haste and without any appearance of part isan sail friction the alic senate committee burdened with the duty of investigating the charges made as to senatorial connection with the sugar trust brought in a verdict of not proven accompanying alie principal report which was signed by every member of the committee were supplemental remarks by senators davis and lodge the republican members in which the republican party will doubtless find campaign material for two or three days there was comparative calm in the senate but on thursday senator chandler brought up and displayed to the public gaze his picture of the bomil dominion ion coal company A canadian corporation made up largely of americans who naturally are favorable to free coal it is quite probable that the company will be tile the subject of senatorial investigation in the house representative boutelle stirred things up by calling upon congress to adopt a resolution con granulating and recognizing the hawaiian republic the resolution will probably be reported favorably by the foreign affairs committee earl early y next week chicago is promised a police investigation ti similar to that which has been and is being enjoyed by new york Chi cagos grand jury declares that gambling houses are being run contrary to law and under police pro lection tec tion the commission appointed to investigate labor conditions and to recommend such remedies as may seem to it proper organized in this city on monday and will commence the taking of testimony within a few days A destructive fire in the lumberyard region of chicago and earth quake shocks in southern california attracted considerable attention in their respective places the death most commented upon was that of judge joseph holt who after being commissioner of patents postmaster post master general and secretary of war judge advocate general ot of the army and judge advocate of the court that tried and condemned the lincoln conspirators FOREIGN japan and china have been stirring each other up with considerable success in the two naval engagements which have taken place the japs were overwhelmingly victorious in the one land battle the chinese claim to have walked all over their adversaries and left more than two thousand of them on their last field formal declaration la of war has been made and there is now apparent certainty of a bitter and and long drawn fight in ter ference by other powers is not probable russia is said gaid to have declared its intention of doing its best to prevent any assault upon corean independence santo caserio caseria the anarchist who assassinated president carnot of the french republic has been condemned to death after a brief trial walter wellman the american journalist who is in search of arctic honors is moving pole wards at a 9 satisfactory rate of speed there is a trifle of cho cholera lers in several european towns but no great epidemic in constantinople earthquakes have caused several panics IPA |