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Show ft " THE GHANTSVlLLE , thmmmm 444fcaW4414,44aw4V4Us4irimittiwwq 3 Open A Checking Account With Us Today I x X X X X Jf X X X X X NEWS, (GRANTSVILLE, UTAH. i S x s X X i X K X X X X X X X 4444444Vi444iia4,irti3wnnvrt04 a." . x x magnitude of the great war in which we are now engaged, has unusual preparation. Mighty forces are marshalling great stores food and munitions are being gathered, and the energies of the nation are focused on problems incident to the war. At the very beginning of the war, the whole Bell System was placed at the disposal of the Government. No nation has entered the war with such a comprehensive and efficient teleplume service. ' As our military establishment grows, the demands of the Government npon the Bell System are bound to increase and always they must take precedence over all others. Increased activity in commerce and industry as the result of larger demands for food and munitions from our allies and for our own use, means more need of telephone service by private business. But private business must always be subordinated to the Government service. in this patriotic service, and submit Each individual American will to or inconvenience in his telephone service, when he undercheerfuly delay stands how vital it is that Government service shall take precedence over THE X X X i X X X X X X X X X X X X all else. X i a The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company X X. X fa Ui 1 X X X X X X X : : ; ; C. L. Henderson of the Dunne of Tooele, and Mir. E. . was in Anderson of Sait Lake City, Oquirrh ionsorial made a trip to Fish Haven on Salt Lake Cit yon business tne , Mr. ami Mrs, II. Ji. Doremus Beai- Lake last week. They also fore part of the week. of Salt Iiake City who were vis- visited Montpelier. Soda Springs Ilobt: II. Page, head timekeepr iting with relatives in Tooele the and other towns enroute. er at the smelter, spent the fore fore part of the week, returned home yesterday afternoon. Judge Neilson of the Juvenile part of the week in Salt Lake Entered as second class mall matter Court is trying several cases in City. Elmei Elkmgton says that he the Court House today in which at Grantsville, Utah, under the Art of has arranged to have a foot-m- i! Mrs. T. O. Smith was in Salt the defendants are charged with March 3, 1879. placed in fixmt of his soda foun- contributing the delinquency of Lake City the fore part of the tain so i.liat the drinks will taste minors. .week. better after August 1st. ADVERTISING RATE3 TOOELE PERSONALS - s pal-id'- I - X , X The Grantsville News. Published Every Friday by BULLETIN PRINTING CO. i Utah Grantsville, Display, One Dollar per Inch per Frank Barber had a sign on Month; Single Issue, 15c per Inch; Full Position Top of Column, Next the water wagon on the 24ti which read: Get your reserved Reading Matter, 25 per cent IL D. Halladay, Editor. early and avoid the' rush hasn't degderi whether lie will have a roof garden or not after August 1st on the water t eats Subscription, $1.50 per Year. Fi-.-- rk 1 $625.00 Delivered to You! SPECIFICATIONS Motor: lype, Nimrrj liiwli-r- , ulve-in-hoa- :i 1111! In Valves: 1 Vi inch diameter. Connecting Rod Bearings: lTgil!, in. Crank Shaft Bearings: Front, 1 in.; rear. in., collier 1xl9-32-- 8 4iii. . Oiling System: Splash, with Kisilive plunger pump, ami individual oil pockets. Carburetor: Zenith improved double jet. ignition: Connect irutt Automatic. Clutch: Cone type. Transmission: Thermo-syphosystem, extra size cellular radiator, with overhanging tank carrying head of water over valves at all times. r Rear Axle: floating wheel bearing carried on the wheel-huand In axle housing. Load carried on axle housing, not axle shaft. Nickel steel shafts and gears. Hyatt roller bearings. Ratio Sts to 1. with .Front Axle: Drop forged; with integral yokes or speeial steel, double heat treated: tie rod ends, steering spindles and arms of Chrome Vanadium steel, n lai-g- Three-quarte- b heat-treat- - Wheels fitted with rup and cope ball bearings. Brakes: Emergency, Internal expanding type; service, external contractml. d bore, 4 in. stroke. Cylinders: Cast on Murk (Including upper hair of crank case). Head 1 s , OFFICE Novelty Store The Place for the best reading matter. When you call for Dont the Mail, take a good Magazine Home with you. waste your time in idleness; spend it profitably by reading a good Magazine or Periodical Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Iee and Mr. :nid Mrs. Ilobt Shield? are spending a week at Fish Haven on Bear Lake, Idaho, having left last Wednesday. WE HAVE THEM. . Elmer Larson who drives the stage from Venion to Indian Springs was in Tooele on legal matters this morning. Mr Lar- x son reKrts that the alfalfa crop this year is excellent, but that the grain is decidedly poor. t Local Agent for the HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO. Office of the GRANTSVILLE NEWS J. W. Bell brake drums. ing type; Mrs. J. L. Wexels, wife of Dr. Wheels: Wood, artillary type, clincher L. Wexels at the emergency J. rims, large hub flanges. front hospital at smelter, left today Tires: 30x3 inches; and rear. for Des Moines, lawo, to visit Drive: Ieft side, center control, siiark with her relatives there. and throttle under steering wheel Fool accelerator. F. W, Frailey and family moSteeHng Gear: Compound spur and sector, adjustable for wear (patent tored down to Levan where they steering wheel pending). front and spent the latter part of last week Springs: rear, each with extra wide main visiting with her relatives there. leaf, or driving plate, made of Chrome Vanadium steel .Another detachemnt of solBodies: roadster; five diers arrived this morning to passenger touring; and five passenwho left of those take the place with top. ger touring Wheelbase: 102 Inches. Monday. Finish: Black. Equipment: Electric lights and startMr. and Mrs. Will Kirk spent system, siner, highest type 21th in Salt Lake City. the used. Complete lamp gle wiring equipment, including head light dim-mers ; mohair tailored top, top cover Former Sheriff A. O. Evans pnd side curtains (two passenger returned this morning from A roadster and open touring car only) ; windshield; speedometer; electric trip to Salt Lake City! horn; complete tool equipment, inMrs. J. E. Westover and cluding pump and jack. 10-inc- h non-ski- Dealer iq 15-ih- Semi-cantileve- r, Two-passeng- er FULL LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE er two-un- it This Gar will be carried in stock at Tooele. OPHIR MERCANTILE CD. Agents. POST Ophir, Utah LARGEST STOCK OF SHOES IN THE CITY AT THE OLD PRICES daughter, Ruth, were visiting with Mrs. Westovers sister, Miss Susan McKee, one of the urses at the. Tooele General hospital last week. John A. Lindberg, wife and family accompanid by Mrs. S. E. I WE EXPECT THE TRADE BECAUSE WE HAVE THE GOODS |