OCR Text |
Show e sAcr, DLSEALT-- - I4EWS dry LAKE AlluRSDAY JULY 23 1 - - - - - . 0.-i.,-1'..,:V:i..ói.$- . , . rudspeaker System ASS111.' eS All Will Hear , . at , Old Folks Day Founder ilBack In Fete Paid Honor At Unveiling 11For Pioneers And 3fain- Erected I 4 i 1 1 l- O'clock; No Cuts WM Be Permitted After a rehearsal last night of the Utah Cavalcade and John Charles Thomas Concert, Covered Wagon Dais olndais were able to maw the public today that they will see and boor JA troll worthwhile and thrilling performance tomar row at Et13 p.m. at the University of Utah Stadium. full-dres- s These factors stood out In the mirk--hest's! lest sight. according to the f es bee. During the pressittative the tableau. a Pilgrim'. OKInte di ' I , . sing. 'All Hail to Thee.' Charlotte ' ',, O Sackett is director at this num- P , . --- - , . s - - ( -, , 1,, Reclaiming the desert will then , k,,,e--, , e be depicted in dams. The dances1 I , , will oymbobae the 'Spirit el "peiLoneliness.' leavthg the desert se , 14.... r,',i; 444..4.4,44..4.4,...., i , ',..tellIft.4..,,,..- -. uis appeoaddng 'Sprits ot Mee are felt, Tiles hollows the planting ii:g,:.....,roNL ' ' ' of seed. prayer tor rain, wrirmt . . , ; of graii . and an exit inteprt4Me 4 - .t. , ,, ' ' ,, i ; , the solemn and grateful procession ; ' , to a Ured heart.' at- thanksgiving . -- ..... ' Here-- - dim rinmistie- - treater rvilli ..,- -, ....', read --0, Demert Sand--0 ' ' , ', Land. This will In followed by an '' other tableau. the chorus singing- It , ; , , .';- ' . , "Oda ,, train Is Irrigathe 4 eseerpts ' ' ' ' , ii f don." by J. J. McOelisui. ' John Charles Thoma s. noted ti t - - ', alli t - - , '' 4' ai-- , ( erotic singer, enters the Cavalcade t., 1 "'' ' Carroll Holds. ,, at thia point;--with -, r , ir. ,, , ter as accompanist, and singly -I ' 'I 1 .I d'i,,,. "Take Ile Back to My Boats and ,' 1 4- - - -- -,- I -- 1 - - - e,,, - IDraws ,,,,..' You will be able to see and see - well from ansest in the Stadium. Amplification over the louldspeak. Pr system is one hundred per cent" You will be able to hear everything well. The program mover. Thera is not a slow Cr a dull moment in the entire presentation. The rebearsal. despite vatious stops to iron out.problems which twasentad themselv es. was over at 11 p.m. To Bo Ile Cats 'This means. officies sai& that the public will be able to hear Mtn Charles Thomas sing all of his numberx there will be no cuts, in the progrant The choruses are thrilling. They are 'simply beautifur said one spectatry. have never before seen 'such perfection of dancing. such thtilline ftnished performances by such a brae cast mid another. Surprises orator spring at you throughout the show: Indians dashing into the opening In new coo names in all their native splendor. emend wagon and all manner of vents are re- interesting eriv-daenacted in aft their stirring gra deur. said another. Any Dart of the show. front seats. is an amazingly beautiful picture. said another. And still another said: "If you raft to asee the Utah Cavalcade and to beer Thomas sin e. you will! ewer be, sorrvr., The Cavalcade In In charts of the followhtg officers: Josephine bL (loft author and diekeetom Albert J. Southwick. director of music! Margaret Burton. director of dano bac Robert 11. Guggenheim director of prologue. The procession begins sharply at pm. the night of NIT In the University of Utah Stadium. As well as the Cambay. a rommt also will be presented be 11 John Charles Thomas. anted ono". Ole linger. who arrived In Salt Lake City last night hi' piano The pmgram will begin with a Parade of Color. a magnificent spectacle. witkh will OK the pace anti instill the spirit of the noes-oin the temendous aspftente expected to snood the perform-one- . 4 I -- - ; - Z , s (Continued From Page One) wagons over the trail made 89 ing , .A.-.yetus ago." ,...,Zie fle 'then pictured the valley tof ward which the first wagons mov,., ed Comparison of 89 away the lSweeping the narrator pointed ,to e t ' celebration of - the' Stagone t today. ' .. t i lee, they are on a paved road. ;leading to oomfortable homes, to to blocks. business towering L"- !churches.- schools and to transpor- ' -- Itauon arteries leading- out toevery, , I, -- - , ,-, its Old Folks today, to Charles R. Savage, monument a of the unveiling through founder of the Old Folks movement in the West. It was a tribute who gave to the accomplislunents of the aged of the commoot their best to the upbuildthg.of the city and state. It was a tribute of the youth of activities In prelim:ring the community to their forebearwlpioneering and2h,c'TtatraP.h ths And it was a tribute by 'Every., to the man one in his Folks themselves neighborhood loved bine brought-aboutlwhose Salt Lake paid enduring tribute to YalleY ----e- -- z 4 4 ., N, . Monument On South Temple Covered Wagon Train To Memory Of Charles IL Savage Enters S. L BY HENRY A. SMITH , l "1,tati ) ; -- - .1-- offklak - I - I Entire Prograrri Timed To Be Over - new Of Savage Monzunent thweilingltrim eTurned le Me Cil point,g, the way A labiate wM be prism, e& with a chorus singbm 'Come la Saints." Tim Stfipsit kkithers will present 401. NSe kkither Pioneer.' by Eva Stepb- - ens Mrs. A. IL Curtis. eminent.' et the Salt Lake City Parent Teach- er Associatioin will represent Me' Eleven noble mother pioneer in um num By , . Performance Perfect ! von t ie genius Mr. 'Nes len said and sorrowed Mt " establishment of a custom which his passing." acclaim. has received world-widwu his motto of never te Ice and which has been adopted far It the , calf) people that led him to get and near as one of the fin..I conceive and promote the- Old means of honoring the elderly por- Folks Mr. Nesien said. Movement. ' ..tion cd the populatim monument to kir. Savage is Elder George Albert Smith. rep. The trails association. 'great center of surmounted resenting an attractive work. I Mich in material accomplish- - with the bust figure of the fo r spoke briefly. paying tribute to Mr. let us ever zherisk that in-of the movement. The unveil- 1Savage and describing Ids early intents. which inspired the t Saddle." was made a part of the Cover- memories of the pioneer. ; ''.. lk ,, ,, , ing All Day Long on the Prattle,' when their valiant. Its,. of James. John markthe neer' and ed president ceremonies, Wagon ' President, Brigham ed the ond of-Gidoic and 'Moine On Tha Range." trek which tart. Cambrian Society, another of the a ttie right ad in Guinn. !Young said; "This Emigration Canyon as the organizations responsible for the Mare dancing is next provided. !place. he concluded. reenactment at the Pioneers into erection of the monument, said the --contribution given by the society From the Emigration bluff the the valley.- syndicate et tha industries of cop-- , . ' ...'"P ' 'N,.r. '"'.1. ):I I silver. cold. electricity. etc, i but feebly expmsed the admirs., caravan. proceeded to the northeast 4 loaders Attend witb a dance following to niechant- corner of Broadway and State The monument. located on the Lion to the man who had been a 1011011.01111.1011110110111M cal rythm depicting tha Machine Suset. southeast corner of the Temple friend and associate. ', 1,....- -, ir" It' Aga in all ha power. The progress Dttcb Mewed i '., -, Block. facing South Temple Street. Boy Scouts indicted in the um. ' 1.1 '''' .,:7, and skill of man will be presented 1 lk , the scene was the emue of a gathering num- - veiling ceremony. Immediately up. Here wu ' wtth ad Its irony with a peat fin. ,4,:i When the first irrigauon ditch. a bering many hundreds. Among on the unveiling ot the monument 41 ale representing wheat. salt. au- ; '. ' '.. single plow furrow, presented to them were many wearers of the which is in the nature of a fOIMP , gar. and 'wool. 'rho exit will be i the United States the vast ,' red blue and white badgesthe tan. the drinking water was turn. regioni, Old Folkswho were guests .now under irrigation? of ed on and for more than an hour ' In"Zd"1.767;nvaru Industry i t , ';'. ' ' t . A MU after the ceremony was concluded furrow and a Utiles honor at the ceremony. might." wM then be read. prior the par. Seated on the speakers platform the crowds lingered to read the stream. yet. this furrow to another tableau by the choreic , were many prominent Church and scrintions and to take tlwir turn iutt of the Boulder Dam. "The Budder." ' Another dance next symbolise' William Carter plowed the first civic leaders. Among them wire in having a drink from the mow President David O. McKay. Preald. ment on the first day. Arta and &knee" a statue will ;furrow. His grandson. W. A. CaBishop Sylvester Q. Cannon. depkt Art. Collegiate girls enter rlir, held the plow today. John' E. ing with a dance interpreting a strong another grandson, held the who wu chairman of the Old CAI was mueerie ot Duty and Intellectual Res,Mrs. Saphronia Ellen Long Folks - Ilittl Committee, , 1 Ward. dluSbelt orter 'of cerenionleic- Eider Deoete 'den öt toonaintlity. They will exit denotAlbert Q t ,,kta Councli of the Ingth -ing the prwislon and 'strength of jaw --"plowsnW. looked, ' theWea1flnf musk leterature. draState Street. the Twelve Apostles and president of up Proceeding t lib Pioneer 0IMMMO Trails Land. Utah and ma. and religion. 'Covered Wagons turned westward it of tozb Students and faculty of the te After a dramatic reading by to Main Street and halted in silent imarks Association; others E. B. D. S. Business College met in ', authorities; Mayor Shaw the chorus comes in again tribute before the Church Office 'general torte Old Barratt Hall this morning to .41'44, members ot Erwin the and with "Chong of Hornage." building, where President McKay Folks Central Committee. i to sons of the students tribute pay John Charlet Thomas enters said: who hay won honor and fame again mow, singing "Do You Fear Hera is a chomp al ths upper portion at the C. IL Savage with the A large section ofoffSouth Temple for their hands Church "The joins school.' and chaint the Wing.' and "Nocturne." Curran Sisausawat. which was savelled this aseraing at Main sad South state today in commemorating the Street viesfor roped the old people. Long Guests of honor were Miss MP. and "Prologue from Paelacci.", provided sc. heroic tam The the lives Sweets. with is bust noble and shows, plaque together Temple before the ceremony began tilt lam Parker, first place speed wino Leoncavallo. complishments Of the Utah Piofigura al Mr. Savage. Is the upper picture is seen the leading and before, ion nee of the International Comm's. DencIng follow,. traboltsing crow&gathered Shorthand Contest at the number of chairs to aCCOM41- - Clar triottem. Here la ted a Iasi ligurei at this terementy. ea Vise platiorst.1 Mail J. Glade. mam businews . to is "It fitting suspend at VAL. Is sees at the microphone; Bishop Sylvester Q. et troopx aiidoçwmtton date the old people was Insuff- Chicago last month: Miss Dorothy as" on streets to banners Commosi. sad Mayer Z. IL Erwin ars shown seated at right. place waving icient After a brief pause at the Davis. high at tho same contasU government and the spirit otell::irit and dwellings, to indulge in legiti- Church Office Building are shown. with a the Cover- Mist Ruth Snow. worlds record mate recreation to pay glowing 1ri.1 ed Wagon Caravan the shorthand wrIter at the Intimation.. for the odt. the but Elimination Of butts in song and oratory. John Matto Thomas now sings entrance into the valley the al Contest in 193t. and Miss Mildred best to express appreciation way bond of pioneers, travel- Darnel, annual Mph Iota Sorority "Menthe Del Mem 'My Mee", Leaders' and honor of the founders of Utah original award winner for being ths most ed to the site of the monument. sage. UNardelot; 'het tor To intheir maintain to Is their ideals, outstanding scholar of th MPhil Sewer. 'The Lord's Pro Idaho Thousands Net broatkast Program Theta Chapter. tegrity, their industry, their loyalMalait& intnwdiately fOIlOWSIref; director J. Earl Glade, to managing our to and country. ty right ....... the chorus singing p4i1t se HerOther littIOCIA1 guests wars Prat TWIN PALLS. July 22.- -was of ceremonies master of KSI, and in their faith god unwavering C. Wilson. former president of oes," Roman Steiner. real-Is- e of the Goy Collette. first This will take half lot boar. and the I In! farmers portion will truth.' Church APIIclaho during ! The Youth at the and Dorothy Ingalls Challenge brings was broadcast of which win be, followed at 11111 b the , program Ward oir Watch of the the Cavalcade. thousands, West the up dollars School. a former dosing East Czlebrate the Intermountain instructor of High pedome of Cavalcade: a portraval throughout Hare ot Snouts the Salt the threes conteetants. was the the When boy "Westward Ho' ) the voltmtary agree. through of the Coming of rather Umlaut.' wa- - country. 1 Lake Council Preen Club, sponsorwere watch word. there The deep of tho assemble was theme of the Greet Salt maid of chain store grocers of ' to to the Talley Day ruts on the Oregon trail but H. described the oPProoch of In harmony with Covered Wagon ) al by Ilse Deseret News. take the , ----. LOP. the nation to eliminate "loss gon world mto for drive 89 years axo that caravan pin. the covered wgons and gave a gen- Days, and portrayed tit growth Grebe thefIn While Pioneer Utah celebrates its and chorus the At ism. and pew"- - et aU leaders, Carl L. DeLong . exLured today had for many weeks eral historical sketch of the occa- of business education. Miss Karma tra will present a stirring owl'. Day tomorrow. the eyes of the' ecutive secretary of the Idaho the eonting years. been carving a road through the sion including a description of the Knight sang. tura.' "'Pomp and Circumstemeet." Be Viable hope of tomorrow b In Church imembers and former canyon gorges to the heart of the monument to the listeners. Inc--, preand then fanfare will mark the 0 lites bands et tho Youth of today iltalute in the eastern part of the Vegetable Producers, then introduced Mrs. Nan Savage' Of the 89,648.000 Great American Desert entrance of Hiss Utah end lose easquare yard' dicted and ere. TM a Youth today. on of focus Nand eldest From the Bear River to Emigre- Richardson the today daughter of of linen piece goods manufactured corts and )Lai& of Honor. Mimi at the Hill Cum Chain store leaders have tion CanY011.1 mouth, wagons hadle. R. Savage, who officially un In the ready to weer the challenge' they countzsz M the first Utah wM be reneaseinted by WW1 United Kingdom will say. ith heeds erect and orah an annual event of the East given prompt consideration to been drawn behind the crowbara'veiled the monument Sylvia Cannon. dautrittser of Bishop! we est. Mission. $aya an States break- - I Bishop Cannon was then Intro. five months this veer 19.016,001 110 forward bold,' era road said. axes purpose the advance of and DeLovig protests. and Mrs. Sylvester 0. Cannon. Shp square ,aids were exported to MS Ins high the standard" and ideals gated Press dispatch. era- - Often they had been lowered duced to make the official The Idaho Producers' OrganUnited lltates. trM preside at the Stadium durum melt wills where no rnaditentation to the city. He explain, isittion asked consideration afUnder the direction of President the performance. She will have finale "rill be "The be made. were could Idaho Don B. ter Colton of the Eastern Itil placed potatoes 20 escorts- - repreeenting the lot that worthy age is a symbol Star Spangled Banner." Today. thousands were gathered a threeday cele- on sale at below cost to lure States service well rozviere. and that counties of the Watt. who will The text at the Cavakade was bration Mission, in automobiles Hundreds of stool Kansas CUSWITIOTI oteervance into on and City this A. IL natio. prosidest Itre, Ithe occasion was in honor of one 'Pats of honor-oak. and ugo. the and descrub a was Mormortiatn"The Gladys had stores. result Melt Iwbere et Pains& Lens the will chorus Mir time who believed in paying tribute to the this ions, lion more than a century Today, there is a itood road Wong those who bad Lived will moralization of the potato who will worth while shit. "Utah We Love Thee." writ- Teacher inAsseriatists, Wade N. chose Aland The the water pioneers grade. tomorrow Becky and continue market in Idaho, be said. the Utah Case trade mond Is begin appear ten be Eve Stephens. lives. time the bluffs the for rather emote. mew accontpenist as Medlar rtasoar. "Noble !through Sunday. A proclamation bit lifer StalesBe said the Old Folks Central Spirit 01 Illeromf Elder Richard L, Smith. president stream bed then chocked with litstrgaret Derion. director at Te Slag OW Songs , ta rtah will be ordered and dePlower Characters --- NOBLE lows and trees. This part of the be will of Cumorah the IN Disttict, is the Carakale. elordasettog of the a and creed. portrayal The program Will begin with a MOTHER PIONEER - CieneVieve was today over unchanged Saturday evening. loos schleornments by the merle of woe high probe loot sight M Curtis. Mrs Earl Donaldson. lourney that it may stand as a motiument 1,0, prayer meeting of inissionaties and . a be will there her pest State wift ontedd bpfore rehearing boomtorCovered Wages morning tomorrow member" in the to the Old Folks movement and Brimfull and Mrs. Z. P. mol. morning iting Old Scalp the mom, el Curnorah. Hill service atop the ems of the spectators. in their Days officiate Here near Grove 'Sacred decades to i for the that founder The old 'its Palmyra. Nonni Miller. many Dr. buoyed E. songs, John ha. she arenas: Is the is on of a in the dewing the raising flag hbaory ordershowing heart" of men and women who for CM. Brown. Albert Z. Margettx Brig- the memory of the pioneers who 'ergonomist st the ittedisas. -. 111am as far as Utah and the west thIP wilderness to the Great polo the first years came to build on Young. Spencer Young. Two croased Accepted By Mayor I le concernedFrom 'the next numb,. orre110111111 Vonguards. Medea Pratt. Dr. Salt Lake Valley will be honored. flfheld religious pageant. "Truth part of the caravan approached. Mayor Erwin in a brief speech Glen show. widow knows for bir items, be will a be will Earth." given Sunday The Orpheus Male Chorus and Lad- of campfire proDance. The IndiansIn new Lawrence Snow; Old man (DarFeatured acceptance paid tribute to the Oft se a reader. will follow an In wtile the musical gram with' community lunging of ies Chaminade Chorus Joined unmist, symbolizing John Polder. Betty Jean Olson. songs of Utah. He explained Pioneen elan Janet, to Ow ebyttina at tom- A miselottariet furnished of Pioneer of Albert J. direction by the Days. der typitid Robert Burton and Rkbard Dow. of quality services Southwick. maidne a combination without the pioneer men trumpeters will ploy from Saturday htspirational The here be not 100 would "we a of today.' land cast of bil will be held in tbe Sacred Grove to top the that thrilled the audience as the no 'Ode To brigades. real be he portray the story a thell Book mornine sun crept back horn the pioneers of Utah are the of by a pilgrimage to Mother. Father, Sohn all followed them 'Mormon" Church in that to the historic place where roes of today and becaum subsequent history spots ,valley Chlich:' Mariorie and aresi.--.-' and theh relationship of the President Young made the pro- Salt Lake City is a h Helen tee. White. Annabelle to present day Christian phetic dedsion that founded an colnin unity and their accomplish The win tittliilo-1Bartow . 1 ity. vhdt to titrimalwHill h., menta will stand as worthy monw empire, Wheels 01 tallestre - Farm. - the be Sacredl Smith Wilford Woodruff. impersonated mtmts throughout the &gee., Otrol Luntt "Agri" 71ettle.e.eriills" Harris Far ,,kt, the Martin the late Pres. Wilford Woodruff. said. Eatelle T a y I..tr; was mortgaged to finance who drove the light wagon that He expressed the honor that o"'V Mrit.111. Rod HMasni: 'Sn- lwhkh IN ?NI SOVINIAND It? "I of the Book of Mor 1, carded President Y,oung to the hie in receiving the monument4 IL Devic "Salt' Eleaeer.' 'Illwas Pioneer' snot Mire honored as the' i grave of Alvah Smith,. behalf of Salt Lake City. r - " - nor Ashwac Mold.' Mary lo John-wa- x Peter the Whitmer Farm Utah. in Shrine of Fayette , ',"11i-.--. Former Mayor C. Clarence Nos 'Silver,' Helen McDonough; where-thhad come riders Ian Church was them N. i r Before of life ."' LociDe Oakey. paid a tribute to the ;4 hied of the Book or the advance scouts of the pioneers- Charles R. Savage with whom be lianniacturbto Marvbt Lunvati. ' 41411 anprtml .. Erattus Snow and Orson Pratt. was well acquainted. He explained as 'Bela And delearsie An open air ineethig In &arse of enter' they were impersonated e his Mr. Savage gave much of that Miff. 23, raneethe ed valley. July No Malaita: WM Stokem attention to community life. ' IAmps with sick wag Coakielo President Kbriban, young severty , don: 1MY 111 Whitey Paul Whit' More man offered has hupiration; AND mountain fever. back M the camp Virgieda Harwood. Marian 1 1 nel: "blade,' Franc" to the young people than Mr. Say-ag'' ' ' at Big Mountain. LockriDauncy, Catherine Beck. Vecnda- ,. :. Me On Our 'Panding . Mr. Neaten said. adding that a Feel Lyre Arline gayDory Aide" . pacific - ", , Drmnines Wbitback. BIB I- a e, ' ..' t before he had ever Men favorite saying of the'plorteer-ssePcolAilar tom .and Naomi Amin. Beatim Mary Ttanchlei all for the room at is top , Abe valley. Preeident McKay told "There . BRONZE that have not been SCCOTII ' es her the narrated things audience the 4. ICaor mel Vitro' st Oltio . advent, President Young plished." pioneer FINISH ' Matinee Balk He told of the civic life of Mr. knew a great deal about it liol als.11.1.16 bebbilater. la o o' lielog Bromic Indian War onericanSIdier. his 801.' , in his of of the art; interest lure Borne the felt ' !Savage. great ond , , owe e , I Hinckley; Spiel land of the Pacific. I. I imingourried tomotoweswoon. III , - ; World War 42eyClbarrldier eck thetedswebY . Meth. repress1"x" Ueel 'IrasThistbewatqtutahe climarticla .irctme' r ;, . 7. Brigham.When TYotmgu mood vela be bump , :I , . 1 told PI 'Bel Crass Charles Willatillt ion by bar Milk , 4 to select trout , Prots - i ' ' a- mod bee o Sill Ole IMMO, ' rise celebration. (Girl). Ruth Hamm kjai dyes. kosebioso AA r,, I sods-Itaablog locked a E. Helen it ' - ' : , the drivers the wagon: Upeift UTSTA NDIATC There was. said Pres. McKay. ," N !la on golotookor or f' , nee-Ar- thur Sweet Jr; (German). airewly Wheel; limn Om downward tours landotimaterialpromise -' ',:'h. Illmoill bwiwoollok,-elchorus' caravan the QUALny-7-----and the started. to direct khke Elloontin (Mexican). Silvio as a the ' - boo kw el. SU tot Si old , magnet acting ISM ANA. mg. haw wlmher logronis and words over otorolo mot the hills the Johnson Maio Curtis course of (Italian). , Empire. clothes .1Iot,e - "vat,.- sustmer. bool ore see doom ilato OW , ' Regular priced at $4 ' "But" said the narrator. "Pres. music of "Come. Come. Y. Saints.". (Sirediabl. Mike Pan, (Riamian), - ,, , ' , below II imsok. IS Om 1111.bil I tIs told Emma" Snow- anitOe. Nephl L Morris was master of Frank Campbell (8001) Um Cooks, Young eell keels IPPM.111 ler lb 111111 'MS AD SITU IOU son Pratt, to turn to the right and ceremonies at the 'unripe celetoraq laztlidered , belt I. IL Immenut web fog beel:q-1speaolists Matthew. (American). . into the valley when, they don and John D. Giles was the loreeolog wee& W. glee you a beber proceed omens. lobe bodes le Sooty ode inponsi marshal. Boy Scouts were the ' would find the promised land." , "Winged Ps0 " for the marshal' .DoriDGIn.". As the caravan approached the ENTERTAINMENT zrAcnrc. an sob a co;rti ecofts.yet ef-- j and of canvas the curtains wagon they light dill ' , ; t the ,11. ficient ware tied back and job Connell. B. IL A.: Spencer - , - , Ille,, Bactyll,LaReobe '.111,1 Rondozvous 2 for the pageant. Crider& . Young impersonated -- his grand-Maeda Officials ' father. looking over- the- Valley Dancers bi the mikado trill be AcorkileollOsibbitaiiilisessmo . front the Wasatch gallery te the Zees today there was one un- , ' LeamZtli C::1"ra 4 . Bell,' Ilabilashillk usual tribute to the modern world , , lak" Bilimors tow! Jean Dinh - Th 'inksh:rrIns, . . ellen Itoodele &Mos ontions bag. on the bluff. This was a truck gegen Weeds' .... , tTamir. Josephine Hardy. Berbera Wonmeorry emmisa Is city mad dine-tr- , the 61,111111111641111.6., 11..WI'W 1 ' Mere Pres. McKay ' quoted the loaded with equipment and power: Lake Salt Davie, VoMa Belle 1110 Ogdert SJaut. Shirley arable albso, Osage stria: 11i work of Pres. 'Young in deecrito- and topped with improvised radio Sorrell. Smirks Hennate. Ibelma dram WW2& !Morale et 11110 at .w vp 12 SO. UM 2374 Waal. Ave. bm his thoughts as he lam sick on broadcasting towers. Cahoon. Margaret Folsom. Norma yiebt loos el Toed. SOISCIts et esior.- , SUPERS FLOOR SHOWS' 411EL,A,. 0,..) , Hamm 11;30420 Boma .304-3F. B. Erwin. with Mm asked that the and Gee JerseS Vero,wagon bed. a Mayor latzetives p. Opel , FAMOUS FOOD , - , $tmday 124 Sunday 114 be turned broadside to' the valiey. Erwj n. headed tthe delegation of (bluing Us IL öi Mailliall mat -- Lucile Farnsworth- - two. I457 -- - --and die.' et rinsilight Anderaud.it ' I- - felt that the Sainte would tinguished at the cerw, .L..: ,eb.inir----guests . , Weicter EMUS, cow. ,J I ' , Lind rotection and safety bere;imoules. , rhos ils Crearatass slifier . -- Cobbles Sarin. Knight, Virginia i ., 11-- - , - , , ' mr I - At ..."" - ',1'',----,- f I , ow - - A, ' - 1 r, ,- ' e - , , -- ot-th- - - - , .- 1 -- 4 1 . ...--.- I,. 9 - 6 -- . , . : ' 4- ,..,. , i Is -- , d : 1 it v Pio?, I , School Program reL Honors Students- ,,,',,.',, I Is - Hill Cumorah Fete Planneil n T. ham-spec- At ial - , 1 I, a To 'Lou llembers 0; To Pioneer - ,', I 1 I pre-ov- forbeart J realen StnE apt momsMent I , 0 : God-fearin-g Mar-wis- -- I SPECIAL ! .14;;y4, UFaA - - IOUR e - 1. --- 1 , ' a: 0 e ' - tree , rm. , PORTRAIT" i ) :,cQ9L I ' - 3- - -- .. - - tl i , - At. 0 414444, 1 - -- -, -- - . -- by , CUSTLUCLI J'' , - , - - .10TEtt,.. 1;4 ' L . ' E. - - 0 &lipids 1,4-12-b- -- rt -- ocmtere "aides-de-camp- y ' St u cllos 'Tine Portraiture , i j:c. ' 1 0 vistilictire rork" boas eatne--eree-m- e 1',i1A-11Fpi- - , ' , - , , . |