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Show THE 1\iiiDV ALE JOURNAL AND MURRAY EAGLE SUI 0 YSCHOOL JOE SMITH CAlLED HOi ·oRS OTHER TO ~11SSION FIElDn DO YOU KNOW That the CATI'LE BUYER for Peter C. RASMUSSEN was very successful in buying a big bunch of straight HEIFERS, the best that money can buy. It is no wonder that the RASMUSSEN STORES are always supplied with the BEST MEATS. They select their animals right from the feeding lots and t hey don't have to depend on somebody to select them-they do it themselves and they have the experience. You should always insist on getting MEATS KILLED and CURED and you will be sure that you are getting the BEST. PETER C. RASMUSSEN& SO S USE WHITE LILY FLOUR I Stanley Oldham, Newton Gaskill, Ke nneth Larson, Roger Peterson, l'e arl Gaskill, of Sandy, Nellie Sharp of E, Midvale and Sadie Dwight formed a party and enjoyed a wen.lie roast at little Cottenwoud Canyon Wedne,;day night. Mr. and M£s. George Potter and fam ily of Park City visited with .Mr~. Putter's sister, l\1rs. Jack Dwight, Wednesday and T}. 1r~day. They were on their way to California whe1·e they expect to make tl->eir home. The many friendH of l\lr Norman Hogland, formerly of MiJvale, will lie pleased to hear that he expects to be able ·to come home soon after spending the last nine weeks in the "L. D. S. hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cockayne and. :\.1r. and Mrs. Earl P. Bateman and daughter, Leola, were dinner gue"ts of Mr. and Mrs. J amef; A. Batemm1 Sunday. The "M" Men and their partners en .Mr. and Mrs. J. Berch, of Coalville, are visiting their daughter a nd son in law, Mr. and Frs. Cla ud Abbott. The Junior Girls of t he M . I. A gave a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Batem an Tuesday night in honor of t heir mothers. T he room was decorated in pink, a nd white and games and luncheon were enjoyed by 27 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Dall, of Eureka, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith, of Salt Lake, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Yates durin g t he week. A surprise party was given at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Christenson in honor of her daughter , Mel va's ninth birthday anniver sary. Refreshments were served to eight little guests. Suits Made to Order--· Clothing Cleaned and Pressed and Fully Deodorized We CaBFor And DeliYer Telephone Midvale 107 1U9 Center Street . Midvale Utah HICKS TAILORING & . • CLEANING CO. HERRIMAN NEWS Mrs. Spencer Miller, Corr es ponden ~ The Ladies of the farm bureau met at the Ward house W ednesday with .Mrs. Ivy L. Hall in attendance T he time was spent in sewin g . Those pres ent were Mrs . A. H . Dansie, Mrs. 0 . R. Freeman, Mrs. Willia m Swa n, Mrs. J. H. Bodell, Mrs. J . H . Crump, Mrs. J. R. Free man, Mrs Spencer Miller, Mrs. Alice Bowen a nd Mrs. Levi Freeman. Miss Ruth Butterfield visited last week end with Miss Nelda Fraser, of Salt Lake. The M. I. A. h eld its closing party Tuesday evening of last week in the Amusement Ha ll. Dancing was enjoyed. Carter's or chestra of Lehi fur nished the music. Mrs. Spencer Miller and two small sons, Loran and Douglas visited last week end with relat ives in Payson and Nephi. Mr. and Mrs Spe ncer Miller entertained a number of their friends at their home Wednesday evening of last wek. A radio concert was enjo.yed and progressive games were played. A midnight supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. Heber Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Christensen, Mr. a nd Mrs. Parley Butterfield, Miss Mary Hales, Miss Sylvia Butterfield, Miss Afton Forsgren and Miss Ruth Butterfield. RIVERTON Mra. z. T. H. C. Wilkins gave the address to the Sea Gulls, Mrs. Harry E. Page, of the Y. 1.. M. I. responded after whic-h the class sang a song. Address to the Trail Builders by Mrs. P D. Christensen, response by Scout Master Roland Page. Song by class Reading by Del· bert Page and Utahna Silcox Afte1 which r efreshments were served to 45 guests. Miss Ella and Lois Swenson and Warren Swenson spent the week end at Magna the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Rasmussen. Mrs. Thomas B. Lloyd entertained at luncheon at her home on Thursday. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lloyd, Miss Thelma Nordstrom, of Burley, Idaho, Mrs. Mahonri Butterfield, Mrs. Z." T Butterfield and Bryant Lloyd. The Sunday School officers entertained the Mothers of the ward at a special program on Sunday, after which each received a carnation and a book, their being 125 mother;; pre;-;en t The Junior high !':chool held their graduation exercises at the school auditorium Tuesday. Invoe;.ttion !Jy Bernice Page, speach of welcome !Jy Guy Crane. Miss Vera Butterfield and Teccoy Sorenson were the val dictorians. Numbers rendered by Mary N assach and Velma Cline, Rpeach to graduates by Prof. Boyle, of Provo. Piano Solo by Edith Freeman, bene diction by Rex Crump, after which a dance was held. Danford Crane of Salt Lake wa::; guest of Mrs. Edgar Morgan and family on Sunday. Miss Anna Wiberg who is Rtaying- at Park City spent the week end vii;iting at}.~~~ ahnodm~irs. Butterfield, Correspondent Clifford f:wenson had The members of the Laf-a-L t l b j as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. entertained at a party in honor ~f ~~s ?le Peterson, Mr. and Mr~ It. Ra_sr;m ~ Elmer Densley at her hom Th _ sen and daughter, Franc1s of :\1agna. day. Games and sewing w!r~nenj o~ed 1 Mr. ~nd Mrs. Harry Samh'trom ~ad and luncheon was served t o twent y- , as t~e1r guests Sunday ~Irs. N_ma three uests 1 Dansie and Mr. and .Mrs. Joe Busmth, Mr. gand Mrs. N . J . Nielsen en ter- and .children, of Salt Lake. Refreshtained at dinner on Sunday the g uests men.s were served. • . were Mrs. Jean ette Crane, of H erri-' Mr. Z. T- Butterfield ~eft Tue~d<ty man, Mrs Florence P age a nd famil y, for Wyommg where he w1ll spend t\'-·o and Mr. and Mrs. H a rry Sandst rom 1 weeks. and family. Mrs. Meredit h P age was hon or ed T HE MIDVALE COMl\IU~ ITY guest at a party at h er home F riday METHODIST_EPTSC'OPAL CHI RCH the afternoon w as spen t in sewing and 1 D. l\1. KITCH, PASTOR luncheon was served t o Mrs. Florence Page, Mrs. T . P. Page, Mrs. J ohn I. I T he collection conte.;t in the Sunda~ Wiberg, Mrs. Roland P age, Mrs. H a r-1 School is being entered into very heart Sandstrom, Mrs. Hans Nielsen, of S .. ily by all the classes. The Supt anJordan, Mrs. W. 0. Page, Mrs Z. T.j nounced that several classes were runButterfield and Mrs. H a ttie reeman. ning about even ami that it would bC' The officers a nd teachers of t he pri I a close race for the honors. The win mary association entertained at a par-,' ners are to be entertained by the rest ty in honor bf the Seagull Girls and of the school at a pm·ty or picnic. the Trail Builders at the ward house Miss Bennett, who expc~s to leavC' Monday, the following program was next week for California on her vacareJadered. After the preliminary Mrs. tion, entertained her Sunday School I I · ·~················ ·· ·····~ I I A miscellaneous shower was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs Shirley Richardson in honor of Mr. and Mrs. i Earl Maxfield Tuesday night. Games j! were played and a two course lun.;heon served to the following -guests. ~ :Wr. and Mrs. Earl Maxfield and May Maxfield, of Granite, Stanley Oldham, Lamar Berkinsha\'J., Gwenevieve Hau~l. i_ Hazel Jensen, of Sandy, Elmer Palmer, Orland Newbold, of South Cottonwood, Ross Bateman, Randall Walker, Rullen Henderson, Roy Bennite, Theo. Dwight, Lucile and Bernice Bateman, Sadie Dwight, Reta Richard- Thursday May 2Gth at their rooms . in the Community Church, the Ladies Aid Society will g-ive a Silver Tea. All person;; intc•r esteci in tllis organization are invited to attend. THANK YOU. .CALL AGAIN Miu Lucile Bateman. Correspondent GIVEN COUPLE • QUALITY AND SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO WEST JORDAN MISC. SHOWER lAD"ES A!D TO G~VE ASJLVER TEA by PETER C. RASMUSSEN and SONS .. Joe Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Smith has· been called to perfrom mis sionary labors in the Southern State~ :l farewell party wm be given in his honor Wednesday May 25th at the West Jordan Chapel. He will leave for a missionary course May 31st and leave Salt Lake City f\ :r;., field of labor June lOth. On account of Stake Conference on .'!other's Day the Sunday School under the direction of Armand Rundquist gave the following program on )lay Hith in honor of Mothers day. Song " Love .\ t Home" by congrega"tion. Invocation, Edna Malstrom, and ~ong, "God of Our Fathers, We Come :Unto Thee." Sacrament, Song Prim. ary Class. Retold Story, Mary Sabey. Son!:-, Kindergarten. Remnrk11, A rmnnd nundquist. Son"" "Dear To The Heart of the Sheph~rcl" Benediction Mrs. Charles Cundick, The Mothers were presenteel with a booklet written by Thomas l\1 artin. and Sons has just returned from the South, where he . MORE EVIDENCE THAT WE GET RESULTS L.asl week we collected for Walton Bros., Coal Dealers, at 33rd South Street, an account of $86.70 which was 4 years old and considered lost. The account was in our possession only' two days. Give us your accounts for collection if you want the money. Promp~ fair. SILAS BROWN & COMPANY Midvale Collectors Adjusters Utah Notary Public 1 I rfrD ALE STATE BANK PARENTHOLD TEACHERS ~' ........----......_..._._................---__.............~_____.....__..:. MEET - ••••••• -• -••••••••••••••• , 'on, My~tle cundi~k. J UN~T The parent Teachers association met .<t the School Auditorium Wednesday night whet·e a well arranged program was given and the following new officers of the coming year were elect2d: John C. Richards, president, Mrs. Arthur Richardson, secretary an,! ~reasurer; Mr. James Henry Jensen, Virgil Goats, Arther Peterson, Mrs. Samuel Lancaster, Mrs. Axel LundlUist, and Miss Francis Critchlow as new board members. After the m ee. ing refreshments and games we en joyed by a large number of parents and teachers. \\li~.h raised on Eagle Brand Condensed Milk is now almost seventy years old. Since 1857 -the safest of all infant foods. d_ass on Tue,.day evening at a party _.,n·en nt the church. Tnere will be l'p ecial mu><ic at the Church .Servke on 8unday morning at 11 o'clock and the }Ja~tor will preach .~ n the ·theme, "The Go.'pel of R0ad ~igns." This hour of worship is ar, anged for the purpo~e of being help, ul to those who attend. It is a time .-:hen high it!eal.; and noble resolutions are form e:- d and when you forget self ;n the thoug-ht of things high and holy. ••ket us at church next Sunday. The? Epworth League will meet at 7: 30 on Sunday evening· for a devo.ional ·crvice and a busme;;s meeting. ~rr. Chas. Davis will furnish cornet !Ill . ie . The Ladit s· Aid will gi,·e a Silver Luncheon on Thursday May 2Gth at I :::!0 in the church parlors. Everyone .,:ho is inte rested is invited to attend. The m usic pupils of Mrs. R. W. Quick will appear in a recital.on Tues l~y May 24th at 7:30 at the MethodiRt Church. The public is cordially invited The Spring Court of Honor of the <lalt Lake Council of the Buy Scouts will hi' held at the East Side High f.: ·hool c,n FriJny, Mar 27th at 7:30 p. '11. The Scout a e r C' qu ~sted to bring l;eir par n+F:, th'! tickets for whom may be E-<ured from the Scoutmasters This is to be the larg est Court of Honor on recr rd. Troop 119 arc look:no- forward to r eceiving a number of bad o-es and of bring- awardPrl a Sen ln1 ck for thrir "V.lampum-Belt." The tr•)Op m~·ctinv is on Fri1lay evening from 7 to fJ o'clock. The nPxt hikE is 1 ·ein;; plam'ed for the memb~r~ rf the tr"op who are clomg: tho reqUired '.l''lrk nnrl are in good standing. ' '{ {! - ·. -·... . . "' Insurance. 1 write all kinds of Fire Insurance. I APER Hanging, Calsomining, Wall Paper 1927 Samples AINTING and Decorating Estimates cheerfully given. Tel. Mid. 120 Call J. W. GRACE 724 E. Center Midvale, Utah S CAFE and Restaurant, the best .in town. It's A Treat To Eat At The U. S. CAFE • We buy and serve only the best foods on the market SAMAS & THOMAS, Proprietors . Lawn Mowers Sharpened Roller Skates and Novelties Repaired Canvas for Dams Auto Top &Harness Work Small Hardware Phone Mid. 140-J REG. WHITE, SANDY, UTAH ~-- ·RUG SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK Large Stock to Select From il 9 x 12 extra heavy seamless Axminster .... $35.00 t 9 x 12 good quality seamless Wilton . . $37.50 8-3 x 10-6 good quality 'seamless Wilton $35.00 I 36 x 72 extra heavy Axminster Rug . . . . . $5.50 36 x 72 famous Beauvis Rug .. . .. . .. .. .. $5.90 23 1-2 x 36 famous Beauvis Rug ........ $1.95 i 24 x 36 Chenille Rug ........... : . . .. .. $2.55 t ALimited Number at these BARGAIN Prices Call and see the NEW SPRING Patterns I I 1_ I JTerms See me before Telephone Midvale 36 320 North l\lain Street For Furniture and Save Money I •... HEBER C. AYLETT j i . is its most perfect form. The .:hewiug docs it. You'll love 1ts fine mint flavor. Results are surt. . ''GO TO GRASS" I .... LAXATIVE t t . -.. ,., ~ it is too late. A welcome home party was tender' nd Elder George J. Miller Tuesrlav ev'ning in the amusrment hall. Dancing was enjoyed. Elder Millrr rPcentlv rP turm~d home from a mission to the Northern States. i i q f;"f...-:-.·.··· ..J.,':',$.'t.t . ~~~ •v 1 ~ :ry'~J ;<:;:~~·~ --~.:-~ - ~I •• . ,_ . , , ..fJhe Ouwing Own At druggists, 15c and 25c In honor of Miss Olive Leak who is leaving for Seattle, Washington, to spend the summPr a party was given 1.t the home of Mrs. Albert Olsen by \he followinr; primary officers. Grace ·md Edna Malstrom, Myrtle Cundick, :\fr: Ze!la Holt, Mrs. Armand Rund·tuist, Mrs. J. M. Herbert, Mrs. Armanc, Rundquist, Mrs. J. M. Herbert, ThelmJ Dimond, Ora Finlayson, Gwen ith Silcox, Lavenia Evans, and !.irs. Leo Gardner, Games and refreshment~ were enjoyed. i •• -~, .... ., "'~"' ff;cl_·j"t ~ II! ., 1-(oj";. f.Wr. ~~~i' rul'~ HONOR PARTY FO~ MISS OL~VE LEAK CARD OF THA-NKS I wish to extend my sincere thanb to the members of Queen of the West Rebekah Lodge No. 22, Wildey Lodge No 39, the Woodmen of the World <tnd the friends and neighbors who ren rlnrpd such loyal assistance rluring the illness and death of mv beloved wife. \nita Barr Taylor, and for the beautiful floral offerings .. Walter J. Taylor. A Reason Ml· l1ciHe's most w odem laxa! 1 ·e needs thoroolgh , :hewin~. Furni;;hed room for rent at 44-4th Mrs. Nephi Gregory spent l\hnday A venue, in l\Iic!vale. Apply aftet' 4:30 with Mrs Sarah Lemom; of Brinton p. m. daily. Hates rea:;onaLle. 1t Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Clemmon Green anMr. and Mrs. Sam l\Iackey, of 'T'ay- nounce the arrival of a babv girl. Jr.rsville, were dinner guests Sunday Monday afternoon at the School bldg )f Mr. an•! Mrs. Nephi Gngorcy. a closing party was Jriven thn 4 I )Wer • rrs. Lizzie C. Amott of Salt Lake. <~-racles of t.he sehoul. Dancing wa > Mrs . Wiliaml Johnson and son, Newel, enjoyed and a very social time was j motored to Saratoga Sunday. had. Cottonwood, Utah PRODUCERS & DISTRIBUTORS OF GOOD JIILK PACKED IN ICE DELIVERED EARLy; Midvale Sandy 'l'cl~phone Douglas !ll-J4 ,. P.. Chewing Gum FOR RENT 1 I It takes a smart man to SAVE it. I joyed a part y at Saratoga Saturday nig ht. A plunge jn the Springs was fo lowed by a wennie roast which was fnjoy ed by over s ixty guests. The Glcanor Girls of the M. I. A. entertained their partners at a dancing party at the Dluebird Thursday nig-ht after which Ice Cream and cake waH enjoyed at the home of Miss Leila A bbott. Mis s Martha Burmester entertained at luncheon J\londay afternoon Covers were laid for eight guests. l\Ir. and Mrs. Samuel Lancaster visited at I~iY e rton Runday. Under the leadership of Vir~il Goat es, Art hur Peterson and Glen Hoglln, th2 boy ::;coub of troop 125 spent Friday at Saratoga where swimming anrl refreshments were enjoyed. ~Ir. and Mrs. Olin Zetling, of Seattle, Wa,;hington, .:\Ir. and Mrs. A. F. l::;etling, of Salt Lake, and :\.Ir:;. E. l\1 Bateman and son, Keith, motored to H eber City Sunday and viRited relatives. They were special dinner guesb of :\Ir. and Mrs. J. W. Winterose i\Ir~. Vernal Hogland is seriom;ly ill at the St. Marks Hospital. Mr. Hogland was iormerly of this ward. The maniage of Miss Agnes Myers of :\1m-ray, and Allen Spratling, son ·>f )1r. and .Mrs. Frank Spratling haR just been ann ounced. Mrs. Ea1l Maxfi eld of Granite visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Slurley Richardson part of last we.ek. l\Ir . Richard Farmer, of Sandy, bro ther of Mr~. Henry Egbert, died Tuesday morning at his home after being "Onfined to h is bC'd for many weeks . :\1r Fa1 m. •1· and family were former resioPnts of thi:; ward. Te acted as Janitor in the boarding house at the Ltah Idaho Sugar Factory last fall. RY Mosi anyone can make money, but- KEEP • enOL WITH A North Pole Refrigerator and Florence Oil Stove will make warm weather pleasant this summer• BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH and RECORDS CaD and hear them Extended Phone Midvale 119 I .. I -I Mr.. ·uarding, Manager I !MIDVALE FURNITURE COMPANY I; . I"t H. Grass Furniture Stores ' ~ ~ .._. ~~ ~ ~.._,. ~ 1 - U -~ I,._.o.-.O - ,_. ~~~.- ~~~,._._,......,~,..._,~ ~.._..I _ C: _ ~,...... _ _ ___ |