Show F costing a cake to sample 41 A professional cake baker frosting one of the hundreds ot of cakes cake which were made up in the experimental kitchen laboratory main 4 bained by C houston goudiss in new york tork city in the course ot of 1 I selecting the winners in his recent cake recipe contest by C HOUSTON GOUDISS N I 1 am accustomed to seeing exhibits of delicious and interesting foods in the experimental kitchen laboratory that I 1 maintain in new york city bu but in all the years of its existence it has never been a busier nor a more inviting place than during the last few weeks when the home economists on n my staff have been busily testing and judging the many fine cake recipes submitted by readers of this paper in our recent cake recipe contest imagine if you can a big cheerful and colorful kitchen filled with long tables upon which row after row of handsome cakes were arranged proudly testifying to the skill of the homemakers who cherish the recipes from which they were made every type of cake entered A whole of white cakes with and without icing chocolate and cocoa cakes of every possible type all manner of cakes fragrant 9 rant and delicious spice ice cream honey caramel maple syrup nut date pineapple orange an ae lemon butterscotch jam banana raisin oatmeal cocoanut coco anut and marble cakes cakes baked in long sheets square cakes round cakes layer cakes old fashioned cakes from grandmothers recipe books very modern and up to date cakes and even one that was said mohave to have been a favorite with general robert E lee ive never seen anything to compare with the collection even at the biggest state fairl do you wonder that the home economists on my staff required several weeks to pick the winners for with such a wealth of exceptional cakes from which to choose selecting those for top honors was indeed difficult the cake bakers were trained for their work they fo followed the recipes precisely they measured accurately they checked oven temperatures the scoring system was highly scientific and we can say with conviction that no matter how close the race race the winners definitely out pointed even their closest rivals first prize winner the first prize of 2500 went to mrs D F kelly 1004 charles st whitewater wis second prize winners the five second pr prizes izes were awarded to mrs H harshbarger Harsh bargen of 2427 fifth ave altoona pa R A williams rosemary ave detroit mich mrs C A burns box oakland miss miss sadie cunningham avon more pa and mrs laura meyer pleasant st plymouth wis third prize winners mrs T H fjone flaxville Flax ville mont mrs lester ralston 4 south judd st sioux city iowa mrs harry A kramer 16 marin road manor calif mrs F D mcdonald route 1 amherst texas vera commodore pa mrs george ahlborn R D no 1 mt pleasant pa mrs B A robinson box emmett idaho jean guthrie campbell st kansas city mo mrs walter richter bonduel boeduel Bon duel wis mrs P C blakely alden mich honorable mention emogene williams damon texas mrs simon moen norma N D mrs dick collins mason ville iowa mrs B IF herman box 1118 crosby miss mrs paul lorenz P 0 box strathmore calif mrs S S arentz simpson nev mrs vida hilger box rockland ach mich f mrs grace H peterson box qa 1 amherst wis mrs cecil skinner bedford wyo mrs joe furnace west twentieth st south sioux city neb my thanks and my compliments to every homemaker who submitted a recipe I 1 only regret that everyone who submitted a recipe could not win a prize |