Show From A to Z These Little Ads—Sell Everything— Was 22 12 330000 Pairs of Watchful Eyes—Buyers for Everything! 10 1936 Ad Sells Bike Range Ruga These Little Ads Raise CASH for Vacations Ad Sold Tent Fish' Basket JLUTflUflklLE! TENT— $7 cost ST South 8th East basket THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING JUNE 590 flhing State and Local Obituaries FUNERALS SPECIAL NOTICES HELP Wanted — WOMEN 9 MONEY TO LOAN MAN8 bicycle 930 gas mad coal comb rang tLorained oven) $10 8x10 nig $2 415 South 2nd East 15 Wanted to buy-- mi 1K1BUNJS AND ALLRIDGE — Funeral services Wyo J Alitidee will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p m in the Ferron ward Friends chapel Counselor KllvecallKllpack offi- y BIhop Alfred Eves will officiate AUCTION SALES at the Friends may mav call at the residence of a sister Mrs Thelma ciating 36 East Seventh South street Hans Miller 546 West Slxih North street THALES M DERRICK Funeral services for from 10 a m Thursday to time of services and Monday ud at the home Synday In Ferron Thelma Irene BrowBurial will be In the Provo Citv Burial Tuesday and Wednesday BIG COMBINATION SALE Interment Ferron er 26 of 759 West prior to services park uoder direction of the Deseret morTHUR8 JUNE 11TH 10:30 A M Fourteenth cemetery under direction of the Deseret To highAT 410 SOUTH STATE ST tuary conbe will atreet mortuary est bidder big lot furniture rugs ducted Sunday at 1 PARTIAL mdae and ranges general BIRO—Services for Alma A Bird 51 will Mrs Mary Ramsey p m In the Deseret elec washer twin size LIHT: Maytag m 1 in be the at held p Wednesday mortuary size beds spas bd complete other full cablrfet KAYSV1LLE— Funeral services for Mrs Friends may call at George A Jenkins mortuary at Murray radio and matt healrola the mortuary until Mary Ann Sullivan Ramsey 67 wife of Bishop Ephraim Wahloulst of the Grant elec maefa bookcases office sewing Friends will W officiate ward William may call and prominent church time of services Her Ramsey buffet tables tables chest drawers 1 at the mortuary Tuesday evening and will arrive worker of father avion rockers dining and kitchen chairs inter-men- t to aervices will be conducted at from the east Friday Wednesday prior floor lamps clocks 30 PAIR NEW 2 p m Thursday Burial will be in the nffi Murray city cemetery SHOES NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS the L D S jtavs-- £ Citv cemetery breakfast sets 6x9 83x106 9x12 — Larsen for Services IJAHLQCIHT Mkry are her vllle tabernacle Surviving by rues com gas 1 pictures will be held davenports at Thursday Dahlquist father Frank Brower Bishop J W Burton and coal ranges marble top counter n m in the Sandy Third ward chapel a and of the Layton ward dishes fruit utensils clothing jars J will Jensen Ernest officiate Bishop and ix Friends may call A world of articles coming too in Friend ‘may rail at the George A at the family home In numerous to mention here Do not fail In Murray WednesJenkins mortuary Mrs May Muggleaton to attend Wednesday welcome (BUY Layton Everybody noon 12 and until and Thursday day Edgar and Stanley afternoon and eve-- j AT AUCTION AND SAVE ) at the ward chapel 30 minutes prior Brower Mrs Rachel and to 1:30 ntng to services Interment Sandy city BIO AUCTION gALE of MIRRORS and Burns Estella Beatm p RUfJS now going on at 262-26Thursday: cemetery So rice Argenta Billy be Burial will Main at the old Boston store Jack and Barbara Every a v t o n — Funeral Kaysvtlle-JOHNSON for services Quet home can use a nice modem mirror all of Salt Brower di- under cemetery be conducted will Johnson Thursday Mis Brower also Oriental and Chinese rugs— all Lake City rection of ihe Llnd-- i at 12:30 p m in the Richfield ward —no imitations Rugs genuine Orientals quiat and Sous morBishop Fay Manwill chapel Idaho GUARANTEE sold on a MONEY-BACtuary of Ogden will officiate Friends may call at If not aud as repreOrientals genuine In A Isaacson She had lived the French room 36 East Seventh sented she Layton since and South and Tuesday Wednesday WM H ADAMS Is In charge of Mrs Jennie Anderson Isaacson 50 died Lame here from Engat the home at Richfield prior to this sale— you know what that means Tueadav at her home 1093 South Seventh land while still a aervices Interment in Richfield cemeAll will and must be sold Fast street from complications following girl surIs She under of Deseret mordirection tery in operation son six vived bv Wm H Adams Auctioneer tuary She was born April 21 1896 Jn Elsi- and a daughter She nore Utah a daughter of Jens C and was married to Mr IN CHARGE OF SALE FATT1HON — funeral service for Mr Johanna Sorenson Anderson lter she W U ADAMS In 1897 AUCTIONEER Marcia Davis Pattison widow of Lawlived in Richfield serving as city treasurer Ramsey W Pattlson rence 1484 to 1486 BO STATE HY 4800 will be conducted there four years from St Paul’s Episcopal church Shales m For the last IS years Mrs Isaacson derrick auctioneer Mrs Kale Emily Howe Wednesdayfc at 31 S m In charge of lived In Salt Lake City High class auction service Was 9616 Mrs Isaacson was A Butcher Friend the Rev may employed by Auerbach Co as general cashcall at Evans A Early 574 East First OGDEN — Mrs Kate Emily Howe about ier 16 yean She was active lit L I) 8 LOST AND FOUND South street Tuesday until 9 p widow of Frank Howe and former 75 Church work Interment will follow in the family plot died Monday In Portland Surviving her Is a son James L Isaac- Ogden resident A ad in this column costa' Siuu In Mount Olivet to here word received cemetery son and the following brothers and sisters: Ore according (or three days including Sunday Her PKHRHON— James Anderson Venice Cal Edward O The cause of deAth was not given Funeral services for Maren service both Trib and Teleg ) Anderson Salt Lake City: Raymond Lamar husband died here February 27 1925 Pehrson will be conducted Thursday at COIN purse containing $11 tost 3rd So San Francisco: Mrs Ines A Mrs Howe moved to Portland following Anderson 1 p m in the Provo Third ward chapel 4th E to Main Rew 131 So 4th E Brown and Mrs Victor E Brooks Salt her husband’s death Bishop Alfred Ives officiating Friends DURING first The body will be brought to the Lake City part of year lost pair of platicall at the home of Hans Miller may num clips set with 62 round diamonds mortuary Ju Ogden for funeral M6 West Sixth North Provo Thursday 4 marquise diamonds and 2 emeralds arrangements from 10 a m until time of services $50 reclips fasten to make brooch Interment Provo city Burial park unSusie McAllister Call R R Moe 1301 Walker ward der direction of the Deseret mortuary Gillis Edward Was Batik 2500 Mrs Susie McAllister Donelson Bldg 78 widow of Charles M Donelson and formerly of WRISTwatch and braccelet (yellow gold L EUREKA -- Edward Gillls formerly of CARO OF THANKS Balt Lake Citv died in Loe Angeles Sunday lost Sat eve $5 reward Hy 1166-West at 6 died June loa Angeles Eureka Of rapseg incident to age He Is survived by Waa GLASSES lu case loet Reward Mrs Donelson was born in Philadelphia following a long illness CARD OF THANKS his widow Mrs Mary Aim Martin Gluts 760 To assist you In preparing "Card ot January 11 1858 and came to Utah as a and Mrs Utahna Faye two daughters She spent most of her Mfe lit Salt child ‘In Memoriam or catalThanks notices WESTINGHOUSE salesman’s supply Harrison ami Eltabeth Kddean Gillis and Lake City The Tribune and Telegrams lost Finder call Was 354 ogue She is survived by a daughter Mrs A a brother Robert H Gillis selection of appropriate cards have a Reward at PhlHIpburg Gillis was born Mr R Candensen Los Angeles four sons Arand verses For further Information thur J Donelson Leo M Donelson and Ray Mont April 28 1888 the son of Albert phone Wax 690 and ask for Dorothy He marDonelson Los Angeles and Charles M PERSONALS I) and Elizabeth Kayla Gillis Winn A brother Salt Lake City William ried Miss Martin April 22 1914 DR W F COMPTON 300 Scott Bldg W His funeral will be conducted by B P McAllister St George also survives FLORISTS 6060 Treats foot trouble electrically O E No 906 P DR L DELK 304 reit Bldg Corns in SPEtnXfTllorai tributes BrowlTPTofafOoT A S grown nails removed without pain or 5th 8 A Jor riv 214 K 2 8 W 1540 attei soreness Was 2128 — LOGAN Mrs Esther Ann Scott Blmlrup kODAK finishing Films 10 a m ready 66 widow of Joseph Blndrup died at her 5 p m Estab 26 vrs Utah Photo home 320 Fast First South street TuesEXPERT Mat 27 W So Tem Was 2235 day after a lingering illness REDUCE swim coo) prlv course $6 Prof She was born In Millville December 9 Was 1732 Wasatch Thornton 1869 the daughter of John ami Esther 8pga AWNINGS AND TENTS Yeates Scott She had lived in Cache DR GRIFFITH specialist for men Call her all life and was active In So Main at Was 5514 113 valley A 4L A TENT PAWNING Awnings 70c L D 8 church work and up umbrella tenta and camp DR L ZAMBIA treats aU ailments of the She is survived by four sons and two Was 5955-So 243 fitate 1323 Was 102 W 1st So feet equipment daughters J Erval and Junius F Bindrup More than 150 delegates are ex- SMITH ft ADAMS FREE! STOMACH ULCERS GAS PAINS Mrs Relda B Marshall Logan Joseph canopies awnings mfg Wick-haINDIGESTION relieved of Donald and quick Get free Blndrup Mrs Lavergla camp equip lowest prices: awnings pected to attend a convention Los Angeles Cal : seven grandchilsample doctor’s prescription Udga at complete 7 pc tip 225 Edison W 1654 Auerbach’s and Broadway Drug Co dren eight brothers and sisters Freder- Rexall dealers here Friday during SPERE Tent ft Awning Co W ick Scott Sanders Idaho David the stopover of the milllon-doll- ar Awntng SUMMER course In woodwork games swimtents waterproof covers 270 H W Scott end Mrs Sarah M Bair Logan Streamline ming for boya sewing dancing swimtrain W J Hart local Jacob Scolt Oregon Reuben Scott Menatt ming for girls Deseret gym w 1424 I BED BU GS EXT E R M N ATE D Idaho Mrs Hannah Morgan ' Lorenzo manager of the Owl Drug company DR WM ANDERSON of 159 k 8Main Mrs Idaho Melissa Walker Rexbnrg announced W 1333 206-- 7 rma Res Hy 2836 ALL INSECTS killed in 2 hours Tuesday Guar Idaho Mrs Vilate Hilton Los Angeles GUAR 10 YRS Cal At least 18000 persons are expect' Mice rats etc TERMITE control 5 Funeral aervices will MASSAGE AND BATH' be rondurted to visit the train which will Research Laboratories Was 7555 Thursday at I p m In the Logan L D 8 ed MSAGETreuuii Seventh ward with burial in Millville ceme- arrive here from Idaho at 4:30 p m CONTRACTORS — Day or Job Main Km 210 W 3786 pack 150 tery BY Thursday remaining until the fol VERY best massage hot bath alcohol rub CARPENTER cement wk remod bldg 10-SALESMEN Agents Wanted I la Hours Atlas lowing night bldg £26-22- 7 reas Fred Wilkinson W 6697 r guar Convention sessions which will last V6h 1st class cement wont call Delbert EXPERT massage $1 Frauco-Amencaag Km 315 23 E 1st So Marie Morres PAYSON — Mrs Esther Jeanette Tanner most of Giles Hv 7237-- J SALESMEN WANTED Friday will be held in the 47 wife of Ears L Tanner died at the EVA McNALLY aud massage maguetic l cement wrk gen SHARMAN AUTO CO HAS OPEN mach 45 E Bwy W 1U011 trt bean family home 315 West Utah avenue Denver & Rio Grande restaurant CARPENTERS wrk Call WAS 3535 Fred Was 66Q7-INO FOR TWO SALES jtnd bldg Tuesday morning from pneumonia and In- Attending in addition to Utah Rex MItiS RENEE— Swedish massage bath 10 MEN WITH SALES ABILITY PRE fluenza NO IND0R8ER8 to 9 Was 10361 23 N 1 W Apt 209 K all dealers will Lewis be FLOOR FINISHING Liggett Mrs Tanner had been an active L D 8 FERRED IF YOU ARE A SALES MASSAGE 32 Vi East 4th MAN AND HAVE THE COURAGE Church worker throughout her life founder and president of United ELECTRIC sanding machlue for rent also RELAXATION South Miss Walker Was 7913 11-TO Mrs Tanner was born In Provo July 15 INTERVIEW THE GENERA! VALLEY Ho M W 350 Waa 4948 State polisher Berg 1889 a daughter of Henry and Betsy Drng company and PUBLIC WE HAVE A PROPOSI hot bath alcohol GOOD massage rub FINANCE COMPANY TION THAT WILL INTEREST YOU She was married to president of Owl Drug company N Kay Goddard Hours 10 to 6 335 Atlas Bldg 705-70Walker Bank Bldg SHARMAN NOREN Mr Tanner in the Salt Lake City temple APPLY MR Beaaou bftth MASSAGE rubs — 220-22Together with Mr Hart the two December 4 1912 and had resided in AUTO CO 51 80 STATE bldg 25 E 2d So Trained nurse 11repairing B factory equip Pavson since that tin?officials have been invited to be SHARPENING M Ideal H 11 2111 Rep Shop 198tf She is survived by her husband three WANTED TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES 6 sons and two daughters Lyle Verl Earl guests of the Exchange club at its LAWN mowers sharpened and repaired fi Three livewlre salesmen to sell two luncheon meeting Friday atr f nla Tanner Payson Chan A Fowler key safe and lock Call Art Dodge and Plymouth cars William Brothers and Hugh Goddard works 20 yrs et 62 w Bdwy W4980 Visitors may inspect the train Stringfellow Hy 2124 OR LESS hiiivu one sister Mrs Roland Olson Salt MOWERS snarpeued 50c at your — from 4:30 to 8 p m Thursday and UWNhome Lake City commission Good SALESMEN Something YOU THE repair reason Hy 280-Funeral sendees will be conducted Fri- from 10:30 to 12:15 in the 21c CASH GET new Ask for Murray entirely YOU NEED morning LAWN MOWERS Sharpened Fowler’s Key South ffWeat Temple day at 2 p m in the Secoud ward L D 8 AND CAN HAVE QUICKLY A Bo W 2:30 9 109 W Tem m in be will Interment to 6389 and Repair Payson City p chape) A YEAR OH LONGER TO REPAY Friday equipEXPERIENCED salesmen for T--office Trib-TCemetery ment real opening Box PHONE OR COME IN TODAY The Rexall convention which will MOVING AND STORAGE feature a sales meeting will be BENEFICIAL 12 L A Culmsee BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OVERLAND MOTOR VANS concluded with a dance to be held LOAN SOCIETY Low rates— fastest safest way to NADA — Dr L A Culmsee postmaster aboard the train 307 Utah Oil Bldg (Formerly Clift Bldg) ship furniture anywhere in the west died here for 23 years Waa 1277 suddenly of Man Bonded insured Expert china packers cerebral hemorrhage at his home SaturCorner Main and 3rd South Streets No crating necessary For local and He was in good health LEGAL NOTICE In a safe will establish State Supervision Under $350 you day night distance long moving packing storage Funeral sen-ice- s Earnshort time before his death eihtcal and profitable buaines shipping phone Redman’s Was 818 will be held at the Methodist church from $200 to $500 per month ings Warehouse So 136 located West at 4th F He (Coimilt county clerk or tha respective In Milford at 2 p m Wednesday Yon must be capable honest forceful SAMPLE LOW FARES COAST to coast movin at redimed rates If selected will be burled in the Provo cemetery you will be Information) energetic ‘ N Y (gpersjtojirther $8 No crating packing covered by Ins $3425Loa Ang Waa home office at Call the trained INTERMOUNTAIN “NOTICE To 'i'REDITORS DISTRIBUTOR Friday 13 Wash nec Fireproof Storage Mollerup Mov 3340Port1and 3373 from Ask for Dr Culmsee waa bom In Copenhagen p m only Estate of Zina W Cummings Deceased 15 HUDSON-TERRAPL- ANE Detroit 24500maha Trib-Teltng Storage Co 155 8 W T WT 3562 Mr Keith or write box He came to America Denmark in 1863 will present claims with vouchCreditora to or 8 Boston $300 less single and married 3680Denve£ He worked his way ers to the HADLEY when he waa 19 TRANSFER STORAGE CO SERVICE station ou main highway to lease You umlrslgud at 410 Utah Oil people— a completa eervice 49 East Broadway Was 1176 through high school and college to get flee Mr Hansen 526 W 8th So be- So Salt Lake City Utah on or beService to Flagstaff get the cash you need quickly and Daily his MD from the Iowa State univer- Building 0 m tween a fore the 15th day of August A D 1!):!6 can have UP TO 20 MONTHS to Phoenix $12 $1010 — PAINTING PAPERING— CLEANING sity TODAY WINNIFRFD come in or WOOL8EY A Phone TOURS for of un Administratrix costa in SAVE ON ad column CIRCLE $2 pay in 1912 he and his family moved to the Fstate of Zina W Cummings Dethree consecutive Issues (Includes Optional routing liberal stopHe settled California and then to Utah ceased service of both Tribune and Telegram! return limit overs 6 mo prhanglni F W Jacksun W 6438-In Nada and established the post office Date of ftrat publication: Juna 10 A D PAPERING SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY And store remodeling painting guar GUSTIN & RICHARDS RECONDITIONED M 1682 ft M Inn near airport Reas FTed Wilkinson Was 6697-He la survived by a sister Mrs George 1936 Room 405 Continental Bank Bldg Attorney lor Administratrix W No Temple on new highway No Colbertson St Attager Iowa his widow too fto Main San Lake Was 2007 REPAIRING arches built $2 up Paperiug GUARANTEED W 10223 business nionev 40: making Mrs Clara B Culmsee: a daughter Mrs NOTICE OF BI’FCIAI UNDER STATE SUPERVISION remodeling cleaning 50c up W7114-- J STOCKHOLDERS a San Francisco Cal Evan Casenave TIMES Square lunch good business near PRICED TO SELL MEETING BE8T papering painting cleaning ifc price TEMPLE SQUARE Mr William Dlbkey HOTEL foster daughter 372 8o Btate bus depot eet Was free 4599 guar son Carlton sample a Wash and WK WILL ARRANGH LOANS North Cove Notlca la hereby given that a apectai EXPERT Culmsee of Provo free cleanmg 1930 FORD Tudor Sedan papering painting Stores-Offic- e $235 For Rent 1 2-- A meeting of tha stockholders of Balt Laka fst G W Jensen Hy 5725-N- J 1930 FORD Coupe only 215 Preasd Brick Company haa been duly 1929 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL thia 145 week Coupe price called uv quarters papering and will be held on Saturday June pttintTICKET Daniel CITY 20 1936 at 10 o’clock a m at No 3180 lug sam fur WRDul ke Hy8 194-cheap rent 382 4th ave Waa 7385 3935 CHEVROLET Sedan 575 8UICK CHEAP AND CONFIDENTLY Salt Lake PAINTING ralsomluiug wall clean work MAMMOTH — Funeral services for Daniel 8outh Eleventh East Street 1935 FORD V-- 8 De Luxe Sedan 585 will City Utah tha offlca of tha corporation guar price reasonable Hy 3115-Ferris 70 who died here Sunday To Sell & Repair 14 — 3935 FORD V-De Luxe Coupe to 575 or elect confirm Typewriters In MAIN officers to m 1 SOUTH consider 167 at p be conducted Wednesday 1935 FORD V-- Regular Coupe 545 and approve all acta and business of our PAlNT paperhanging and brlok staining the Mammoth L D 8 ward chapel Inc SMITH ana C Corona L R Free Call 7708 estimates Hy Typewriters and to authorise and ratify a 3 2 Friends msv call at the home in Mam1 officers New and used typewriters rentala 40 3934 FORD V-De Luxe Coupe and conveyance of alt tha prop475 free - lug moth up to 12:30 p m Wednesday tranafer West 2nd 8onth Wasatch 3939 COMPANY 1934 FORD V-De Luxe Sedan Mr Norton Hy 5808-485 erty of the corporation to a new company Burial will be in the Eureka cemetery V-Bank Bldg Continental 215 wlIT to 1933 De and Tudor transact FORD Luxe TYPEWRITERS standard 385 business Va any keyboard that the may been OUTSIDE or Interior painting papering Mr Ferris bad suffering Hours 8:30 to 6 Phone Was 5724 coma before tha meeting De Luxe Sedan 1932 FORD V-Rent late model 3 moe $6 8 1 345 and cleaning Free est was 1164 effects of a stroke received five and one-haDated at Salt Lake City Utah May 20 Co 333 8o Main Waa 2?sr writer time to that Previous years ago 1936 S GEORGE 3932 OLDSMOBITE CURLEY 325 only Coupe 25 he had been employed In mines for SMALL 3 933 TERRA PLANE Cabriolet 375 PMENJAJTONEYS Secretary Now years TO 15 MONEY LOAN PONTIAC 1933 Sedan 425 Raysons William rHOMAtTA THOMAS U a Reg” TradeSurviving are five NOTICE TO CREDITORS W 7292 Besson marks mond James and Clifford Ferris Mam bldg Drawings $5 two A Eureka of Estate Ferris Hose deceased Frank moth and Charles LOANS on AUTOMOBILES— A MUTOAL give YOU what YOU WANT TRUCKS Beth Ferris Mammoth and Creditors will daughters PRINTERS— BOOKBINDING present claims with —New Low Rate Immediate 8ervlce Mrs William Strandy Spirit Lake Idaho vouchers to the undersigned at 206 JAM CHEVROLET M Pickup $4 S3 on Your Signature Only —Loan n Boston Bldg 1022 CHEVROLET DAILY EAST on or before the 9th Panl 345 com work 235 Edison st W 1801 —Payment to Suit Your Convenlene 157-1914 FORD V-Staka 495 Month or Lee to Pay day of August A D 1936 —4 Mrs Emily 1935 FORD V-- g 157-I- n Btaka and public library binding 675 ON 3 DIFFERENT ROUTES —No Indoraert No Mortgage FRANK A MOURITSEN Administrator frOll F"private u 1929 FORD G Dust Co 221 Edison at W 1670 Panal 83 Office! Transaction Prtr —Confidential 208 Boston Building ELKO Nv— Death claimed Mrx Emily to Service Frequent and Sarvlc matron Monday Fine aged Elko early —Unequaled Courteay Los Angeles and San Francisco Date of first publication June 3 RUG CLEANING morning at the horns of a daughter Mrs A D 1936 Baker BURLINGTON TRAILWAYS O G Simonson WILL HELP She was a native of Cornwall England 8 L PACIFIC TRAILWAYS Authorized Ford Dealer furniture cleaning Oriental rug special- DENVER an and had resided in Elko 18 years Walker bank GRANDE TRAILWAYS RIO bldq ist 1630 So State Hy 7276 About two months ago she Buffered TRIBUNE-TELEGRA& tn tea with20 —To East cash mint) obtain fell GJL&EKET CLEANERS — Flnit ru clHJk-Ifractured hin when she slipped and 1 out mortgarlng your furniture assignSo and since then gradually failed la city Wilton Orltntal or Axmuk or check obtaining your ing salary She Is survived bv three aona Harry work at home If desired Hy 646 UNION PACIFIC JOIN the first of the Fine Ralt Lake City: Stanley Fine STREATOR-SMIT- H tOJklNEY Rug Cleaning Co It costa no more Up to $50 made to Repon1ble People Ed Fine Elko and two daughters personally conducted tours— by Nells for the best 1013 So 7th E Hy 8502 —To ent down monthly paymanta ou their peronal promlae only P Larsen— Scheduled June 15 8 L Mrs Simonson and Mrs A P Michelson Chevrolet Dealer or owo car on No still your you C Chicago Niagara Falla New York SALT LAJ£ C&rpet (jle&ulug Expert work ecurlty Elko Her husband died many years ago to Miami New Orleans 8t IOUis Denreas price 436 So 7th E Hy 2019 Funeral arrangements have not yet been THE SALARY LOAN ASSN AS A SPECIAL FOR YOUR fl Make L to ver a —TO SELL OFFERS C to cat return your and prospective determined Waa 6645 WEDNESDAY ONLY Inquiry now Waa 1366 Hy 3855-purchaser on tun yst raallzo cash out 610 Continental Bank Blda DOUBLE SERVICE— AU week-da- y want WINDOW JiHADES— DRAPES deaL m of tha 6 after p ad are published in both tha morn2XRDEK8 WINDOW SHADES Mrs Maren DAILY service to Kommdyor and" Jackson" Lowest Tribune and ing evening Telegram KeminererNM&5 Jackson $6 Wyo prices free samples and quotations the same day for one day's coat PROVO— Funeral services for Mrs Maren B allowances mad on old rollers shades UNION BU8 DEPOT Johansen Pehrson wife of Oliver J PehrWas 7995 So State reversed 848 A I) RATES— From Square Hotel Bide Was 1366 Temp'e IA)CAL Coach— In good condition throughout anywhere hi son who died Monday at the family home on personal notes to people work the state FULL PRICE of Utah thia chart of West carcinoma So street Fifth 1030 Loaned St 486 North Mam 555 Was ANGELES LOS Oldest est No No $6 security lug signers will assist you In estimating the wdll be conducted at 1 n m Thursday in in H L under same management firm LEGAL NOTICES eost per line: Callente Ploche Las Veas Ely Bonded ' he Provo I D S Third ward chapel SOCIETY FMPLOYE8 LOAN AUTO LOANS Insured Free pickup Overland stages 10 W 1st Bo 521 McComlck Bldg Depot 167 State Semtoh hotel W 165 4JU1CR AND CONFIDENTIAL NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF NO COSIGNERS— LOW RATES STOCKHOLDER OF KEYSTONE PERSONAL CAR DEALS FINANCED 6-WE HAVE IN STOCK NOW STEAMSHIP TICKETS EXTENSION MINING CO BUDGET SYSTEM la hereby ABOUT Notice given that a special KEY MORE of OR S3 the the of stockholders meeting :i lines WAR 5311 tour INFORMATION Issued every morning by The Salt 122 MOTOR A VR cruise 36 LATE MODEL CHEVROLETS TO EMPLOYED PEOPLE STONE KXTKN8ION MINING COMPANY American Exp On 2- - W 2 8 W 260 Lake Tribune Publishing Company A NOTE SIGN AND will be held at 430 Utah Oil Building in the TAKE THE MONEY City of Salt Lake County of Salt Lake 18 LATE MODEL FORDS State of Utah on Saturday the 20th day o -MEN 8 CREDIT WORK Wanted— LAKE SALT CO ’ by ALSO A FEW OTHER STATES— A flat rate of 6o per June 1936 at the hour of 12:30 o’cloel TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 23 Bant 2nd Smith inT4 ItpBBnn Bldg PLYM0UTHS DODGER PONTIACS p m for the purpose of confirming the sal word for Sunday Quick Cash — Low Rale each consecu90 $ fiueday one month Pally and HV on want of the ranch YOUNG BUICKS man situate work ETC mining properties company’s 3o tive day only NO RED TAPE per word per day 1060 Daily and Sunday one year 8041 in West Mountain Mining District Salt Lake ALSO 2116 Ho Main thus 3 days Including Sunday Tha above rates apply in Utah Idaho aa known “CHE8 Utah of State County Nevada and Wyoming for lie per word 4 Sunday 17c TER" and "VIRTTICK” U 8 L No 3967 ABOUT 20 TRUCKS H Elsewhere in the United States: 7 consecutive days of per word HELP Wanted— WOMEN 9 SEE OUR BIO USED CAR for the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollar $ 1 25 week for 23o per word Pally and Sunday one month Mail cash IN 5 MINUTES— YOUR PERSONAL NOTE cash and for the transaction DEPT AT ($1500000) or suitable credit references with of such other business as may be brought EXPERT salesladies The Tribune is on sale in every iropor NO SECURITY Mra Elieson 1118 999 SO STATE PR HY 212 tant city in the United States Readers may before said meeting JOHN A HOUGHTON your ad to Insure Immediate pubave Roosevelt IF YOU NEED $100 OR MOKE ascertain agents in any city by telephoning CREDIT lication President Bee EXPFRIENCKD cook 25 to 40 2 in family thia office D Dissi: ite RUBS ELL M MILLER CO 401 Utah Saving ft Tniat 233 Homh Main Hy 5958 CLOSING TIME— For the Sundey Issue City references required The Tribune is a membber of the asso Was 1788 A dividend of live cent 204 Judge Bldg per share LADY over 25 to ink over established busl-ne(first edition) 5 p m Saturday dated Press The Associated Press Is ex TUDOR SEDAN 1936 FORD V-brand Box Deadline 9 p m Saturday for SunNo capita) required haa been declared upon the out ciustvely entitled to the use for reproducnew $715 Raker Motor Trlb-Te- l final editions ads & ot tion of all news dispatches credited to It Mammoth —B LOANS NOTES stork day Monday on standing capital Security de PONTIAC 8 luxe 1936 or not otherwise credited in this paper and cylinder Com In and neat our plan accepted until 9 p m Sunday The RELIABLE girl around 25 experienced In payable July Mining Company sedan never run $175 disc Hv 4855 the local news published herein business office closes at 9 p m on Sfrrrg2T? housework and cooking good wages of record 1936 You to stockholders With Tako Away Money at de luxe rumbl 1934 PLYMOUTH The Tribune is a charter member of the Saturday Hy 6723 Sundays and holiday CONTINENTAL BANK BLDG June 20 1936 Transfer books will upholmetal coupe gun Place adi before 6 p m for all Audit Bureau of Circulation paint PERSONAL CONTACT BUREAU art-tim- e work FIDELITY LOAN SOCIETY unincumbered close at the close of bualneas June WOMAN WAS 1182 motor and tires art excelstery edltione next day if 6106-to for The ’Iribuue fa a member of Media 1 place Rnetnft Rid 1938 — Lower Rates 20 1936 and reopen July Waa 1202 stay 622 636 lent Schofield Was Mr Privacy Records Inc group DIAMONDS GIRL to hjhiiu w:ih housework and care of WR WILL gladly help you write your od ROY A McINTYRE Secretary and jewelry LOANS 1 Reynolds-Fitzgerai- d me child $4 week 1595 E 13th 8o national rep—If you will tell u the details— Ik YnU would Iik o perstluoi man call LOANS on Diamonds — Speed Queen washer $15 discount resentatives Offices: New York City 515 O Box 867 or 145 8a Jewelry D NICW floor P address Mm Burkev Was 664f samples at reduced prices: May-l- a June 9 3936 Madison avenue Chicago 360 North Mlchi- Main Salt Lake City Utah ir Blarkstone Hang WesttnKhouse Philadelphia Land Title build SaEtLAKE LOAfToFFlCE NOTICE The quick way to turn the old ran avenue: Lowest prices and terms tu the city Detroit 8269 General Motors building rolls all mskes Psrt snd for 1 will not be responsible for automobile into cash is to offer Los An-wringer EL Bail Francisco 58 Sutter street 76 2nd next to Dayton Drug note Hnnsen FtsritmMnr 779 Ho Mntn anih'p on vo’hrnoown Weet Ninth atreet? Seattle Lloyd seier-tHIGHEST LOANS ON DIAMONDS - no am uhity or for debts attraccontracted described and by my jndokskks adequately V FORD excel roml 1612 jfdeYixe ktxlak Me coupe wrtchf Pudding rff! intfeecf Commerdfli Discount Co wife Mary Ethel Rowell on or tively priced ia The Tribune-Telegrabargain 1430 Hollywood Hv 744O-THE DIAMOND KHOP 176 HO MAIN A‘ —Just Ask for Want Ads Foreign ’bureaus of Information of The ' No are: 1 225 Was 412 Judge Bldg Rue Scribe Parts Tribune PRIVATE owner must sell 1634 Ford Tu- HIGHLY respectable place where ladle after this date Want Ads France 125 Fall Mall London England! '1 gentlemen can borrow money on I dor: he had excellent cere In good HARRY ROWELL (Signed) Unur dta Linden Berlin German condition 303 6th ava diamond aud watches at legal rate $435 Irene Brower SMILING $5 TO $50 four NATIONAL Jennie CARLESON'S Made' to Your Order Car’s A CAR TO SUIT TOUR PARTICU-LA- R PERSONALITY — WE WILL RECONDITION PAINT AND STRIPE THE CAR TO TOUR TASTE— AND GIVE YOU OUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE THE COME EARLY— CHOOSE CAR YOU DESIRE AND LET US RESERVE IT FOR TOU No Money Required Special Terms to All LOAN CO YOUR Question Answered Donelson $641 General Finance Co Esther VETERANS KEEP North Bindnip $50 Drug Dealers Slate Parley TO $2000 CALL AN REMEMBER PEOPLE'S MONEY Esther Jeanette Tanner PHONE $300 UNION PACIFIC STAGES Dr or Woman NEED CASH? Gus Koehler 24 West 5th Personal Finance Co UNION BUS The hord Corner DEPOT WAS 1366 $5 TO $50 Ferris OFFICE WAS CASH CREDIT 03 Operating to $50 6 SCHEDULES AN AUTOMOBILE LOAN YOU Fine 360 Classified Want Ads INFORMATION State Was LOANS QUICK 06 Pehrson Mutual Credit Assn ADVANCES J Burnham Co UP TO $50 Motor Company 3rd South 3rd 1931 CHEV ONLY $240 $aU £ak $t itornt "MONEY QUICK' AUTO LOANS A C $5 TO $50 LOCAL ' We LOAN Money r WASATCH 590 CO itjL 505 SO MAIN FOR SALE 17 AUTOMOBILES i6 laULOKAM Strive HJGMESl prices paid tsr M4 gouL Diamond loll to protect their reader garnet fraud LOANS on NOTES & Security— B Shop 176 South Main deception or Injustice Readers art cauNSW dealer will pay you highest price foi tioned to make NO payments to get a bouse furniture store fixture or what poltion advertiaad In tha help wanted have you columns Ada in other columns which Hy 8439 a Inveetment in etock require ample W M MeCONAHAY JEWELER equipment or a rash bond should be LICENSED GOLD BUYER 64 MAIN thoroughly investigated before paying out money Only bona fide offere of HIGHEST spot cash paid for safes cash with pay belong In the employment -registers restaurant equipment store Help Wanted” columne Kindly refixtures of all kimia Waa 5166 port any exception to this rule to the classified advertising manager NATIONAL or Remington cash register State model number and price Box GIRL over 18 general housework help WE should call Trib-Tel- e care of baby Our place the $3 week room and "HA PPL Y LOAN CO' board Hy 41fiJ AUTOMOBILES WANTED— A Because folks who ’i'EACHER professional service work Must Deal here borrow be free to travel WE WILL SELL YOUR OAK Transport Trlb-T2 nlshed Box Small comm or will buy It outrlghL EXCELLENT opportunity for out of town JORGENSEN 153 E lat So W 14SO student to earn living expenses while With a 8mile and BOTTLES attending day school Hew classes each JUNK Wnted-- B week Pay With a Smile Positions for graduates Write EVERYBODY HAPPY Bfi nng qta 32c pun 12c other u for ipform Henager Business College 2nd W proportion rags lc lb 44 REFINED lady over 25 to qualify for Was 9497 or Waa 5386 Trlb-Texecutive work Box 5 YES! YANKEE pays more lor raga junk mtai Give address and phone number "THIS IS THE furniture love odds and ends H 7574 PLACE" WHEN Schools — TRAINING 10 YOU NEED MONEY CLOTHING WANTED A NEW COMPANY AIR CONDITIONING— ENGINEERING A field of many WAS (0357 PAYS 52 TO 510 for those able to qualify opportunities American School for need tuita ©’coat ladies dresses chilrepresentative will Interview those InNo 33 8 W Tem w pay dren’ dohtes terested in training for this field EmBEST PRICES FOR FURNITURE ployment service Inquire Box T-- l Tnb-Tel- e 218 KEARNS BLDG UKDNICK'S pay MORR tor mn'i clothing GOVERNMENT Jobs Start $105-11764 E 2nd 80 Was 10210 n month for 136 B0 MAIN Prepare now EDDIE GREEN pay Highest caanjuic tot ednea-cationext examinations Common flnthlng ahoea hat luggage w moon List positions FREE Write Immediately Franklin Institute Dept FURNITURE Wanted— F 468-Rochester N Y HEMPHILL D1EHKL SUHOOLM WAR 6559 PAY8 MORE for used turn It wtU par you to Investigate if you ruga stoves washers pianoa 8 pot cash are looking tor an active future Call or Capitol Furniture Co X36 Btate write for Diesel News 312 Mi Felt 129 Bldg Balt Lake City Was SPOT CASH FOR ANYTHING HOLER BARBER COLLEGE enroll now No mattr what W 103S7 33 8 W T SPECIAL RATE 118 Regent at POSITIVELY HIGHEST PRICE AND WHERE SHALL I GO e DEAL in city on' your FAIREST HELP WANTED— MEN II ruga piano WAS 9616 WHEN IN NEED OF MONEY? WE pay 23 per cent tu 35 per cent mora for THE TRIBUNE AND TELEGRAM strive WE THE LOWEST need furniture ruga ranees heaters to protect their readers against fraud REPAYMENTHAVE SCHEDULE IN THE CITY Waa 7742 Big '4“ Furniture Co deception or injustice Readers are cauCALL NOW — W H Adams Auctioneer will tioned to make NO payments to get a guarantee to give you more for your position advertised In the help wanted free Hy 4800 columns Ads in other columns which furniture Appralflal TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT require investment in stock samples USED PARTY PAYS MORE PRIVATE 100 LOAN ON equipment of a cash bond should be FURN 1 piece or more etc W 6797 'thoroughly Investigated before paying TO UP out money Only bona fide offers of OTHER AMOUNT8 used furniture 329 8 State W 896 S300 IN PROPORTION employment with pay belong in the ‘‘Help Wanted" columns WAS 3009— Au honest dealer who gives Kindly re2i2 Monthly Rate port any exception to thia rule to the fair prtcea Fishier Furniture Co classified advertising manager PRIVATE PARfY WANTS RlGlI'f AWaV fura ruga etc for apta W 7709-- J WANTED 614 Continental Bank Bid Waa 3776 WK buy furniture sewing machines and e Three salesmen to sell innk Beat price paid Wes 9676 Dodge and Plymouth cate5 Call Art SALT LAKE FURNITURE CO buys sells Stringfellow Hy 2124 trades furniture 33 W 1 So W 3637 1 WANTED immediately two hundred auto CALL WASATCH 7804 mechnifs Strike conditions Good We guarantee to buy all your furniture Address wage?V permanent Jobs GUARANTEE top price for furniture ruga Seattle Automobile Dealers Assocla-tioranges machines pianoa Waa 9616 P O Bex 271 Beattie Wash CASH FOR RANGES FURNITURE RUGS DISCOUNT STROCK’S Employment Agency Oldest and 1 MONfH UP TO 12 WASH AND SEW MACHS W 5375 FOR YOUR V best 51 W 2nd So Waa 6000 A RELIABLE help furnished on short notice 4 93 Mo 50 Year C $ $ AUTOMOBILES t FOR SALE 17 Utah Emp Office 68 W 2 Bo W2305 100 1 Year A 966 Mo FRY and pastry cook Colo dishwasher T 200 1 Year 19 13 Mo waitress Interstate I 500 X Year 4754 Mo Wyo Employ- ment Agency 171 8 W Temple OPPORTUNITY for out of town student to earn living expenses while attending school Inq Henager Bus College BOOKKEEPER and STENOGRAPHER— WHEN YOU BUY A First-clas- s bookkeeper one who can SECURITY : do stenographic work too Must have FINANCE ft THRIFT CO USED CAR FROM US BTATE Auto STREET 157 mercantile experience and references Furniture State age experience and education WAS 1976 —IT MUST MAKE Trib-Tel- e Endorsement Box MAN with car steady- no layoff if you GOOD OR I WILL work 8 hrs daily 327 E 3rd So ifOME for honest boy about 18 for Day Hotel at Fillmore See Mr Day Temple Square Hotel fiXffacVomm (atTfcy oung w omen Bum m eT vacation Particulars Box 153 Jack-sofor Charles VETERANS ' OPEN EVENINGS— SELECT NOW! 86 Cars to Choose From All Makes and Models OUR GREATEST USED CAR SALE IS NOW ON CARLESON Your Friendly Ford Dealer 535 So Main St When Buying a SHARMAN Reconditioned Used Car YOU ARE BUYING FROM A CON- CERN WITH 31 YEARS OF AUTOWHICH MOBILE EXPERIENCE IS YOUR ASSURANCE OF HONEST VALUES AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT SE 1930 PACKARD DAN motor completely overhauled new paint and upholstering excellent rubber You will have to see and drive this car to appreciate its real value $425 1935 3929 1931 1931 1931 1928 3927 3931 1934 1931 1933 1932 1925 3926 3926 1925 DODGE 6 w w 8edan PACKARD Sedan CHKV Coupe CHEV 8edan CADILLAC Conv Coupe BUICK Brougham OLDS Coupe 8TUDE Sedan OLDS 6 Sedan BUICK Coupe FORD V-- 8 Coupe CHEV Sedan HUDSON BUICK Brougham JEWETT Coach 745 395 275 325 545 225 115 295 625 395 445 425 65 75 915 CHRYSLER Sedan 75 Cars Listed Below at 51 So State St 1931 CADILLAC 6 Sedan 16-c- 1935 PONT $850 795 Tour Sed Sed 1936 PONT 6 rad and heater Liberal discount Low mileage Tour Sed 1936 PONT 8 radio Liberal discount Low mileage Sharman Auto Co ' 630 SO MAIN WAS 3350 ATTENTION!! - VETERANS!! IIBONUS NEWS!! Make Your Selection Now BLAIR'S have the finest selection of used CHEVS GRAHAMS DODGES BUICKS Arrange to Get Your FORDS PLY-MOUT- Car RIGHT NOW Pay When You Get Your Bonus LOWEST PRICES— 6 INTEREST 26 Years of Automobile "Business in Utah BLAIR MOTOR CO — 2 Locations — 425 and 558 So Main Was 2517 Get Better You USED CARS From a Buick Dealer SPECIAL— 1931 BUICK 840 Athroughout looka and run Ilk a nw car Only 3379 d luxa' 1931 CHRYBLFR Sedan haa nw aat cover very good paint Job and excellent mechanically only 379 1931 8TUDEBAKER Sedan haa beautiful black duco finlah mechanically A real Sond claaa car at a low price 1931 HUDSON 379 Sedan Just In a beautiful ehad of maroon dneo good mechanically and haa good rubber A buy at 325 1934 1935 1934 1934 1933 1930 1930 1929 1929 1930 1930 1929 1928 1930 1928 1900 1926 41 BUICK sedan OLDS "8" Sedan TERRAPLANE “e” Sedan DODGE Coup FORD Tudor BUICK Sedan GRAHAM Sedan new rlnga GRAHAM Sedan BUICK Sedan OAKLAND Sedan OAKLAND Coach clean OLDS Sedan RturK Redan DE SOTO Sedan DODGE Coupe WHIPPET Redan BUICK Sedan runa goods 765 795 525 510 385 295 265 195 225 225 185 175 175 175 125 inn 55 Written Guarantee Arch Browning Inc 570 SO MAIN WRECKING 1923 WAS 6596 cotid pari available st 733 6th East UltANI) NEW 1916 FORD V 8 COUPE -- X70U Baker Motor WHEN vou buy au auto your dealer about the $5 down pi ayment plan of the PERSONAL FINANCE CO 415 Continental Bank Blda W 2007 (Continued on Following Page) Hup An l |