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Show 'w THE DESERET SALT LAKE JSEVC5 CITY TUESDAY FEBRUARY IK 1930 looted one of the lockers of between road commission fa and $9 cash. Police are Inreetl-gatin- g ness. AMER1CA bus- - on official FroEc Planned To Pep Morale Of Price G. O. P. IORK. Mra Glads Bowen Jonea of Provo oil Mra Hugh Woodward Provo, wee arraigned Monday in the city of local court on chargee of issuing a fraud- speak at a general session 11 r March her societies Relief was ulent cherk. She given until travels aboard the Feb 24 to enter a plea, and was regards to her HALL Afloat Maurice bv University released Hard'ng XPRIAGYILLE Judge TRlcK Ltah, teb. 18 (Ppscial) on her own recognizance. held A wedding reception was of the State Republican Ofifc-- s TOOELE . from S to 11 o'clock at thehome of b, M MT. FLEAS A AT of Tooele par., will be fe.ed .t For. umu Dr. and Mrs. John R. Anderson for Ths thljr at county nd TRedneeheld Emery who s club will be r.rbon Vesta, their of Wotusn the Tha daughter, Priests Quorum ' High s 0 pm, Ward Also Completes married Friday at the Salt Lake North Sanpete stake is sponsoring day at the home of Mr Alfred M - a Saturday atchurch -a Counavenue n Ihft jnce CVmmunitv temple to Karl Kent Crandall, son an xcur,n to the Manti Temple Nelson on Glenwoed Outside on of Mr. and Mrs- - M. E. Crandall. Jr Thursday. tv Attorney Clarence Baker will rorjin to J Perry Egan carbon merv Jesse Conover !glve a book review. .chairman la agisting ) tv Chapel. In vio of the fact that Tol-lcounr ident and Mr, uamei Kasraus-- i rir Asks Utah County bait Lake. of this city, has recently been county dog. hsveben Group of th K ffuMat j h . the chairman of the Jo -- ill rubhren ...f Joiih Jui-tU-activity To Refrain From Vrnm .hi Will One of MIDVALE, Utah, Feb H (Spe Kolob cMunltM. an- Inter P.t. ...I ar. where he has scholarship Inland completion of the nounces that the annual play, Sue- Ur thc lnf.ction of rab... a da, of Best amusement hall of the new $47, cess coached by Mra Appeal was held here ' vaccination 60 Midvale Second ward chapel, the Anderson will be presented Feb . of th RepuMiean clubv of been elected has or to jjemembership recently the Haroid P Fabian national com annual old Folks day will be 27 at a matinee performance Celebrations. in Sigma Xi, state children and March was fraterIA, H, an. miteeman W tV Seegmlller it Wednesday. Fb. research evening national forjhonorary PROVO, Ltah A delegation from nounced Tudav. iulta ranta'-l'lirl!Jr Membcrahlp In this fat.rnltv' Marre chatwln Kay a org.mter. and Thilo T Famsthe Nebo school dfstnci conferred t Mrs E T and and a dt,tric-George honor a Wright north, bv S. Kav Gl rard.d fTnm of club of M.rabera Girls' tha Utah the with commission.jivorca county are Brown IS. celebrathe MT. PLEASANT, Utah. K,b ha result of real a.hleAement arrarging U B a musicale In er Monday morning to protest an tion, which wilt include a dinner the (Special! The ML Pleasant Pioneer that mght be made to the and sard chapel Monda) a thren act play and a dance in the the program, Historical association will celebrate appeal to case court relative the supreme oraa"l7aMonwithin sid for the re- arroll, will be presented Announcemet was also e'nin jElsie brjure to preside. its twenty-fir- st evening birthday March a A. tax I M. from L T with South the mard anslng adjustment -made advanceof oar J Friday Joseph Finch of Oreo wit el.-- t .pntite counties book pha recent result of rapid Tuesday tha Tha general committeeAi Columbia he Bteet tn w mt. he South ard chape! at le ment in completion of the fccPra drite made by the umlnary, Prln-il- Ir .tresident of tha Sharon farm Monaen, chairman, Mra & D. Longa A writ of mandamus was granted ca V--' held tn the with outside construction clpal William T Tew announces P u at a tneetln "J dorf, James Monsen. O. M. AJdncU, in the Mr a R. D .bndistrict court, and a suit to building, Cur- done some C. have T. volumes saluable Madsen. Morgan. entirely that .BTwKennart Koyal ch3pel Monday night Seely, nan Joseph collect fJ.OSO, and interest Miss from In Johansen, The Johs to new structure. addition rice presi F. J. W. Candland, nmed been added to tha aaminary library.! I Elmer Jensen (ioTlior wej. )lg tress-uer- er from Utah the Blanch Seely. Kay Peterson, county an amusement baal and C- - K Holt Neilson and Mra T. C. Candland la ftcretarjr a"d Mis dRt n,! has been filed. Although no containing will have class rooms. Re- - Mrs Emily Jordan of Mapleton Is Anderson, Jay Wlnkelman treasurer busy outling plana for the biggest action was taken by the commission chapel, lief society rooms, a baptismal at the Aird hospital where ahe i Margaret Peterson Mrs. Grace Ja- This annual affair the event eve r. delegation protested an appeal front, shower, a cement vault, and Kuftering from a broken collar bonecobsen, Wavne Pterson. Fger has come to te a home coming o the and severe bruises and lacerations Monsen Ross Anderson and Cleo supreme court. It was coml'RK K Utah, Feb 18 ispeciai) banquet room event of considerable importance. posed Warden - Christensen W. of autoJ. an when Robinson, struck sustained No work will be started until fal by exercises attorney dedication Elaborate homes Committees will visit the Toi-hurschool T. on for the atate 1 the mobile F. In mine No 2 of the Standard Coal district, will be conducted when the buildSaturday night RICHFIELD Utah, Feb of the city in the interest of tol where -- J of disn Standardville near school the Provo cemetery. president la highway company Sevensen. Wiilar E completed. ing j (.Special) Iscting old relics and photographs trict, and the following school Sevier men met their death as the resultan- f A. K Kel- deputy game warden for Commissioner to add to the already interesting board members: J. County PRO! O. L t an explosion Feb. 6 It wa operaler. Castle Dale; U W Petersen, - countv, has submitted! his restgna-display of the organization, as well Dr. W. T. Brockbank, ftBriaghurst, Regular T. Taylor on to J Arthur Mocham. state nounced Tmsdav been as to solicit additional membership and William Cornaby, clerk Gaining entrance to tha Provo Emery, and J. D Ber Green Kivresumed in tion have alreadv of the 1, C effective April Balt warden, Lake for a school game ty of have mechanic arts buiidinger, high departed Anyone who is 8 descendant full ehift with board who were Others first the panel because of poor health state present meet 193Q, with the window where will a thieves to 1&$9 of is 1IO by eligible breaking glass, they pioneer Otto Erlaadson, E. Street be included A program and display will Ai C Page. features of the i fternoon program and of several bridges near The repair ball A grand overall and calico the Provo plant of the Strawberry will be held in He evening Hater Leers association and other road improvements In that district was asked by Joseph Jensen of MaMt HR AT. Utah. Feb. U pleton. who met with the commis- Canning crops growara from(Special the en sion in the afternoon aeaaloa tira county assembled In mas? meeting at the Murray City hail Tuesday, preparatory to dispatch, ing a committee to Ogden WednesMT PLEASANT. Utah. Feb H buday, to confer with growers and The Cheater farm (Special) officials who will canning company reau has reorganised with the folannual meetgather in a state-wid- e lowing officers and project leaders ing Mra Hallenbeck, Clyde president. to be contracts discussed Growers Byrd Suuasion, vice president, bam Chaun-te- y arranged with canning companies Martin, secretary-treasure- r, Oth-a- r contract tomato of and prices Thompson, board member, proChaun-ce- y problems confronting the farmgram work, John Han were ers taken up also d Thompson, leader, dairying, sen, president of the country farm Candland, leader, poultry, W bureau, and Vere L Martineau, halt D. Clow ard, canning crops, Sam PROVO. Feb It Appointment of Lake county agricultural agent, at. Martin and Elwood BagnalL lead- three of ended the meeting which was called chairmanship Important ers. irrigation, Joseph F. Bagnall committees was announced by by William II Breeze, chairman leader, membership. B c. Christen- President L-- W. Nims of the Provo of the canning crops committee. sen and J W Anderson, leaders chamber of commerce at from Wet Jordan. Riv. Monday Delegates met the County Agent C O Stott, of the direBandy. erton. Midvale, regular meeting Murray. aswith the officers Monday and The appointments include J Bennion, Granger. South Jordan, He ctor. sisted In the reorganisation. I other state and William Crescent hospital. Knight, Taorsvit, Maralso talked on. EL city beautification, points of the county attended. Federal and Brockbank, keting and Tuti8 of W. J Thayne, agriculture Farm Board comstate The AMUSEMENT PIONEERS SOCIETY School Eleven Womens Groups Organize Home, Community Sections Announce be Mt Pleasant's Affair Choose Officers South Sevier Holds i Mutual Conference ELSINORE Utah, Feb. H (Special) Mutual conference of South Sevier stake was held here Sunday Balevening with Elders Melvin Sait lard atd Andrew Jensen of Lake City as principal speakers. 1 18 RICHFIELD, Utah, Feb Mr. Virgin us Bean and Special) of Richfield, left Monday for family, Palmyra, New Yoik, where Mr Bean will help his brother, Willard, take e ear of th Joseph Smith Ferron Dugway Project Asked farm. )b. Buchanan Family Puts Over Reunion tf- i : Close Until Fall Chester Farmers organization are: President, Mra Evalyn Smith? vice president, Mra Holly Bagley; and secretary and treasurer, Cra. J. E. Bcobee. The first and tta.rd Wednesdays erf eech month will be meeting days at Pleasant Green, where Mre J. W. Bidd is president; Mrs . Ross vice president and Mra C. E. Hnopa, secretary and treasurer The principal projects to be fol lowed by ell groupe during the ooming year will be nutrition, regarding child development, and cloth ng experiments. Assistance In the reorganization Is being given by Wltford W. Porter. secretary to the director of the Extension service : paJ Mine Will CANNING CROP GROWERS HOLD MASS MEETING Help Run Farm of Joseph Smith, N. Y. J nrCHFIELD, Utah, Feb H n Reunion of the Buthsn-a(Special family was held Saturday night In the Richfield high school auditorium. with between 3 SO and 400 people part clpatlng, in honor of A. Buchanan, br, who, had he lived, would have been 100 ears old Feb Mr. Buchanan was an Indian War veteran, and an Indian Interpreter for Brigham toung He was called Unca Tibe, Red meaning Mountain, by the Indians A four-athe Hr play, Friend, was presented, with the Enemy, following cast Mrs Muriel Brug per, Mrs Letts Barlow, Miss Mabel trice, Miss Amy Buchanan f K BuDel Buchanan, A E Buchanan chanan Golden Jl Buchanan, Ro Buchanan Mohonri Breinholr HarK1 w nod old Oldrovd Buchanan Sterling Bre nholt and June 18 EMERY. Ltah, (SpeuaD of Ltncr citizen A committee accompanied by the county of acheols and president of the slake, met with the etat oad commission at the capital nuildlng Saturda. Their object was to induce the commission to with the county In the proposed change in the Ferron dug-wa- complete hospital mittee, consisting cf Chsirmsn Knight, Bwen O Nielsen, and I E Brockbank, reported that they had met Monday with the House appro, priatlons committee to urge the additional appropriation of f 178.000 to permit of a separate building at the state "hospital instead of a wng It was held that the present structures built 40 years ago constitutes a dangerous fire hazard, making It Impracticable to build additions to it The chamber went on recrd a supporting the d annual livestock at Spanish Fork how to be he early In aAprfL Efforts will he made o have large representation from Provo present at the show Mark Anderson manager of the Roberta hotel, appeared before the board to present an anal sis of the hotel business in Provo at the present time Figures were presented by the speaker to show that at the present time the hotel business docs not jusify additional Investment in his line The local organ'zation will be represented at the annual convention of the United Btates chamber of commeice to be he'd in Washing, ton J. C isle in March, bv Karl Keeler and Harold Smoot, if th accept the appointment UTAH PIONEER DIES AT CEDAR Utah John GITT, Feamau, 88, Civil War and ltah veteran, pionser, died Mondav morning at his horoa In Cedar Cftv Ho returned Saturday from Salt Lake City where he had been invited by ths Republican club, to attend the celebration of Lincoln a bTthdav. because he was one of the few living todav who had voted to elect Abraham Lincoln preident of the United Ftatew He wa born Sept 1 1842 in SarYork W htla a atoga countv New voung man, he became a sailor and it was during one of his voyages at sea that he had the privilege of his vote for Abraham Ltn ottng coin and sending it back to United States. Mr Seaman served as a Union soldier during the Civil ward He of Jeo had joined the Church Saints somehrist of Latter-datime before In 1M4 he came to 1 tah and In HTft married to Alice Wright tn the bj salt Lake Endowment House veara Three Fder Joseph F toSriith Kane county, and later be moved has been d pioneer in se.eral southern Utah town For years h was engaged In tne sawmi'I buines and m the shingle indutr fterward he became owner anl of a hote a Ranclv proprietor I tih FinaIv he served as postago master at Racii Five vears he moved to Cedar OD, where he redded ha since lie ha alwavs Viero active In the i lumh serving a tnre time a s rrc idirg elder are his wld w hi Surviving I Kied b Seaman, PanguMrh e daughter. Marriet Wikerson Lt-ULDAR Whitehead The new plan met the approval of the entire commission, and thel members expressed their willing-- j ness to meet the county fift fifty on the proposed change The peo-- i pie of this vicinity have been vervj much concerned over this piece as the school bun must of road t pass over it. The dugway has a 72 per rent grad and 1a to the north nuk i in etorm ing it very dmgerou weather If S Kerr road engineer j Ivan J Feb H But gave th estimate oe? of th proj ,,f oten was elected priDnt of t ftfin e t aa Me also at Orem chamber ft 4.mner ouM no the grad" redu ed th annual membership lumhem more than Pr i en meeting Monday evening In the Lincoln high school The other officers elected were as f iliow Gunnard I.undgren vnej president. K H t aider 1ee retarv H E Strang 1 oma treasurer D. U. P Frolic Set oh J B rhnstensen Ce. V Harold (alder a d son, Fran8vomng, For Richfield Wednesday AMhRirw M)RK L t u ,b 1 S HayJI GilJmari Lowe, hoird of directors Utah daukhtr Licy it', 1 an I.4ve ger Springvii. (Special I Members nf I RICHFILLI' 18 Vk tali, K her ork F rst rani will gather In reEphraim 1 ta'i of union Fob (Specal) Bvirr 2h tamp the taberFuneral services will be heldia stake the Daughters of I tail Pioneers wilt nacle t e b Set or (1 ward will chapel tnt Special hold their annual rciehraMon at the has not been deemed presidenev M and their wves Anona pavilion Fb 1 In the form stake w be uu Tn affair d'retin of a pioneer coatum A $lh ball of th (mmunitv k t vitv B. P. W. Plan Luncheon. priz will be Aw.irdtd to the I) P tee. with chair BJaf.mqui xl camp having the largest percentage man, v in wi)i ?iej IWiKLE Utah. Feb charge a pecal) URO O, Feb 18 Requs if of attennanta in otun Ar with mnen ch T oele Business Irofesional partv road nert wer mode b a in the afternoon undr direction of de'egatImprove club will hold It mot tbly ons appear'ng before the P. I tah the Frlmarv luncheon at the h'rre f Mr co ntv commission Morda The aduit program w,f start at from Spanish Frrk Thu ladle' orgai tzntion Mthonev. 8 oelcvk Honored g wilt The board Promised to nvetfgitr of the StNlarguertte a hur h will E J 8avtnn. r r rt re meni-b- r before the rad improvement pro of the bihopric, Orval MerThe committc on 1 ealth end pergrant is launched Mark Kartehner cer hi suc es-rof the Grand View ward, and sonal research will have charge of bishop v 11 f ro The program a o inluncheon and c'insi t of the the 18 Ahted SPRINGVILLF Talor the Keb ltah. siriglnr dlr td bv S Mr stallation cf evrnrequested Lencrt street Ughts or following An im reuse of hooks Ballnotyne, (Special) M Laws, th Alice Wtwcen the rhairman privrr slate with werb borrowed from the public li- Luelia Grenv od highway 'lr Grant miartet directed hv Mr I'rovo t tv Maeu re, and Miss over isl Mi OremMis Margaret brary during i addt Blh tow n r' h.nils and th kor Lllen M ihonev Louine Rowland librarian report Greenwoid w T Howard ed iT due? op w m 27 129 Id 1928 the rirtulatton Mend nbaM and vfe address rtakr In lzy it was book o c j, ore dn v Milrn m erru The greatt no 1 U 5eatrand irra,kin childrens book latton was S L Nirho1 RtiVn ng There was a decrease m fiction t Mpman eonti reading Mattie Mcamong adult reader and a marked Allister and sonr hit Garence Increase in biograph, hi&tcrj, nd Grant ard Par divisions other non-fictiPanclnr w Ml cercud th In 1929 47 pew book were add-a- d a of 5 Ms hook total making the librarv catalogued At present baa subscribed for 3 magatinAe Plans are being and three paper 19 made for further extension of reading material This month a new division ha? 27 been Installed for current government bulletins Many of these are press and are already Dining October a woman in Mon just off theand 'My fret bottle of tani te open for us catalogued hru hen alts lasted almost 4 Red-White-and-Baod durir g that tme 1 lost lue !5 p Minds of fat krushen is all -I voti c it feel letter than i av r v tMr tie re ip that banshee hi t n 1 b" rg into b!oo' all the nan ai an a that every u p e n r 'S'-s. Lverv pi'rr ne tak one half D Tbla Far Qelrk Krllfl! nomful cf Kri schyn Faita in a giwss wate- - befrc breakfast Moat digestive suffering i due to of B h.t re rtd d i th evetv nmrn-i- T M m h too much acid' in th k 'It the little daily dos causing gas heartburn storm h that it thf fat Dent miss drstressirt,D "nip a t pain and othe ThKruchen habit fcriif cverv toms. Bv taKing a little Surat of pois n- -i article wb r Mag nesm eating acids hvrmul t u i n ,JU j aver pain is felt t v I t j from I lie 11 a is move th f th r ufated MaKii'' i lutrihz s ivc ore ins acid insta ntiv l h are soothed, heal'd and trength-ne- d In a woidirful wa aid normal healthv dig-tioit Is s quo k so safe, so sire ! fn ending di troubl tors reromtm r d Lisurated Murnfu nd thousa 1 usr it all vrr the Orem Chamber Elects President thtthe Ward Reunion Set At American Fork 0. y dr ir Springville Book Circulation Gains rao it ad Rrn ph Motor 03 Pounds She Lost ol Fat In Days Available at All wk (M fr !i Your Stomach Torments You PARAMOUNT tvuse ta STATIONS it aH a'tr and Dealers Salt Lake, Brigham, Logan i i 5 lmUK.lIoi rrm.clj .u ... n. ronrt -- u - treub!- -. -- n4 mirl It ft f..d . .nr 1, ill r - If t M, - rl, tor. If ton r.l Ki onn.n(. t nnt. and aqa'n - joy 4h pleasure of care free pain- digestion ,, Adv. .r.. ar,, v !rr, , i.nh drih :.1 -or , , , n The Paramount Lubricants Co. ,, ,,r,JC k, r f nf THANK YOU IN THE NAME OF GermProcessed h!r 3 th, ft; Delegations Bid For Road Improvements tie euts - 11 tlo Retign. Family Leaves to H rr" rriy .tk. mi treasurer. tv. trin;n Jse Mrs 1a Koelaen has been chosen of the Hunter club, with Rresident rs James Mner vice president, and Mrs- - Georgia. Coon, secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Hannah Nielsen and Mra George Bertoch are director of the Hunter unit. Officers of the East Mill Creek it x9 2 rrpun Work r, T ATLORS V ILL. Utah, Feb. H (Spacllt) Reorganization of olovoo home and community sections of tha 6alt Lake county farm bureau is being effected tn as many communion of -- th ties with the extension division of tha U. 8. A. C-- , and Mr. Ivy I. Hall, county home demonstration agent, the latter announced Tuesday The Taylorsville unit la one of the few which la already reorganicall for sed. Plana for the year active program of 10 months, in with September and October left vacant. Meetings will be held the first and th rd Thursdays of each month, under direction of the following newly elected officers. Mrs. William Breeze, president; Mrs. Annie Tency. vice president, Mrs. Viola Lindsay, secretary and treasurer. At Holliday a similar program hat been arranged with September and October as dle months. Meetings will be held the first and third Wednesdava of each month under the following newly elected beads Mrs O T. Jensen, president, Mrs Anderson, vice pdealdent. Mis. V.il-- 1 and am O Fenwick, secretary i mtm, Register HOMECOMING Plans. - Delegates ,ih oi Utah .n Krl-h- r anY .nra n und.rtat dm. th.t lm !. satisfied w th reulta m,nc back - Thank you for the immediate and tremendous response to our challenge, on the introduction of d Conoco Motor Oil. Thank you thousands upon thousands of "Regular Customers as well os the many thousands of new users who have flocked to Red Triangle stations, until it has kept all of us on the jump to drain and refill crank cases with this remarkable motor lubricant. Because of unprecedented demands for Conoco Germ Processed .Motor Oil, ithas been difficult for our refineries to keep all our stations adequately supplied, but now stocks are moving faster and you can depend on quick and efficient service at any station displaying the Conoco Red Triangle. Germ-Processe- An Adr, t if i nr - u. -J CONOCO" I I Conoco challenged the oil world last November with the revolutionary new Motor OiL Definitely the first fundamentally better oil of the century. Germ - Processed oil is now smashing all sales records in our history. Converts to its use are bein made by the thousands every day. No reasonable person will use any other oil once he hat heard the story of ! new oil and its Penetrativ LubricU tf" Wo invite you to atop at the Sifa of the Red Triangle for your first crankcase full. Come, today, and remember die name . . . Conoco Germ Germ-Process- ed t Procetted Motor Oil! |