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Show wiBuygjrrcinr . THE DESEULT NEWS 8ALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY FEBRUARY 18 1930 ip ii FEATURES FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN SILVER SLIPPERS! WHATeJm few 9" p, monkeys up the date trees to see are ripe If they are the monkey make a sound something like yum and the Arabs know then the datee are ripe. HAL FASSET. if the dates .- TEMPLE BAILEY Globe Newspaper Syndicate, New York ! Tone SYNOPSIS. t4ly. KuUIUhasutbsucharmls eves at mm tebr, iwl luxury fey hsr rich eefeool Ins - you bean. By Annebelle at y, N. Y. where in tbe world bate ..." Worthington Lafayette Observes Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished with Every Pattern February Birthdays "For a walk a Ilf "Why didn't you wait for mo.' USC. Atslslds DsSlisM At us ex"I had to think thins out . summer board: clusive In Of course youll want a blouse of ng houM ilatna. kam fey Pusalopu uara. Joss Is she lifted her face to hi. Drew eggshell crepe satin with tbe new usrvfeulma4 fey tku ardent wools of darting do it. cant I flattering scarf collar with flying fers Hallam. muck oldur than afea. sad "Do what" fetns bar promlsa at Iota cods at bade. (ins Marry you today." Tha tim takllua ot Draw's arbitrary This one is a beauty because of its manner comes wbaa. danctus with faun "Why not?' la tha woods aba lossa a heel off bar interesting flat hipline that is shirred "Because it . . . isn't right altppar and ka saa aba should not hats "That a creating lovely Why shouldn't ft at center-fron- t, than Branded but taataad should salt be right? silly swathed movement. kcr aunt for a new pair. Becauae I can t hide things. The long tight sleeves are fitted Tba party. Including Joan, bar aunt. "Don't you love me. Draw and Draw a aiater. Nancy, motor with darts below the elbows. to Oranttabaad In a rainstorm. On tbe "Ton know I do. Stvle No. 3294 is designed in sizes way they mast a Mrs. Carter ard bar Well, then. he up her 16, 18 years. 36, 38, 40 and 42 indies daughter Rosa. Rom la an old sweet hand in his, "showcaught me that you ... heart ot Draw's and complications ensue when she attempts to amice him away from Joan. At Gran Itches d. ether rbaractara enter the story Cblcf of them is Giles man. who keeps Armtger, an a book shop and Stephen Scnppa s mind former wnr aviator, broken In and spirit wbo ia tb basement of Arm runs a sbos mending shop !fr'a store fcer Joan take slipper to be manded me?s Gtiea,.. sad timber interesting developments begin ties lies e cousin. Mliy, nife of Wil.iem Tucker, keeper of e lighthouse IiUy represents the poorer branch of the family, but she too. ties ail tha finer instincts of hsr race. She brings a birthday cake to ike shop ia honor ot Ghee. Gilsr and Scrpps Htr sa an Island. With them lives a young woman, beau tifui. charming, but a Tilt off la the head and around whom identity there ia a myatary. When tha housekeeper. Sfargorida. cake for Giles, brings on a birthday woman. Amalia. this mysterious young Insists :t ia not Giles' birthday, chides Marcarlda and takes tha candies off the ilk nw do. She shook her head He dropped hey hands, his forehead frowning. You . know, of course, that you ,,, cutting J ourself off from forever if you really love me." He saw that she meant it. He stood looking down at her. "You're a strong little thing he said, with a sort ot grudging admiration "But I'll tell you this Some day you are going to marry me. On my own terms. And this is the sign and seal of It" He lifted her In his arms and kiaaed her. and klased her Again. Then he set l.er down and strode away. Joan atood where he had left her. And after a long time Peneis lope came out. "Breakfast ready. Where is Mr. Hallam Hes gone. Penelope. He isn't coming back . . ' Not discloses Amelia's tden-- y HAFTER FIFTEEN. me is nenpps wife. Aha was in franca during tba war and her mind The Flame of the Fire. became affected She think Giles is "Winter, said Dilly, "is on the her brother, who was killed in action Even tbs hen know it even though tbe d fferent name means way. to feUe nothing to her. and she utterly They go around making mournful aeeord Scrips? any recognition. little noises, and lifting their leg Scrips, weakened La will and goad- like rheumatic old ladies." ed by bis attachment for CHeg tells "It has rained." Giles said, "for This wife. e le Giles Amel Joan that pats Giles In s 'alee 1 ght with Joss, seventeen days If you hadn't come she can t understand how be. a mar this morning. Dilly. Scripps and I rkd man cou d hate pa.d her so much would have drowned in the flood attention she ia buieri disappointed in of our own depression." him and sorry. Tbe story Teacher meeting, which waa hW Feb. 13, in honor of A biwhera Linhad tba coln. The room that All, tho parent won a - plant. rooms war anxious to win wa prize. Tho following program f rendared: Bankfiig,' fooifl Arithmetia. II. seventh grade, MtTohiil. teacher. Songs, Tip To Through the Tulip,-- "Painting th Cloud With Sunshine." room 4, aevapth Lyon. grade. Miss Clark and. Misroom Dances, "Gustav Skaol, third grade, Mias Callister, teach-e- r. - We had a big week in school last week. On Tuesday we had our patriotic progiam. Each platoon honored the great men of the month whose birthdays com in February. Sketches of their lives, reading of their poems and writings, talking about what they have done made for each room a splendid program Lincoln's Gettysburg addretts was well given. Th Boy Scouts conducted a flag salute, On I riday we had a Valentine hour W were given the last hour ot the day for this happy time. bust. Each room had a box and every It is most effective worn with black child received valentines Many crepe silk skirt This eggshell shade we made in th art classes Pualso blends beautifully with almost their wishes pils exchanged good any other shade you might select and friendly feelings with each later for your ensemble, so will prove other its economy. If v eu should victf Mrs Dvers Flat silk crepe in eggshell shade, men ou would sav that tb.s Is moire silk in lettuce green, yd low !hc month of i e and snow Then as you looked farther you would chiffon, emerald green silk crepe, think that it is the month of red white crepe de chine, peach-pin- k white and blue Then again. chiffon and crepe satin, boney-beig- e month of many birthdays for you navy blue crepe silk are charmingly eee so men a pictures noted many appropriate for immediate and later about and something about each Spring wear. one under the picture February is Just full of Ideas for the art Pattern price 15 cents. Be sure to Fashion Magazine is 15 cents, bt classes Our rooms are beautiful. fill in size of pattern. Address Pat woa may order a patten and a Fash-tes' The association Department. Our new Spring ion Magazine together far 25 cents had a good meeting on Feb. 13. Dr. Paul gave a talk on "Health" emphasizing the care of colds. The children from room 15 gave their Na. 3294. Sise original play Madame February Party'' and entertained ail the great men who have birthday thi ! month Jack Decker played a Name piano solo. Jack plays well BERNICE HERSH, MAltY MURPHY. essgltfsH'feas Hi 8U t ijfl Editors Street Address as n Parent-Teacher- fMMM t,. South Junior High eV State Citr Has Oration Contest We are studying about the cities of Barm. Bagdad, and Tigris and We have a th river which the person Is going to give sand Euphrates table of Bagdad Ths Arabs We always use the best language: jn ,j.ose clothing of all col w can. After th poem or story tsora T)elr houaes ,r bu(lt of given the children make correc- - mU(1 an(j caJ They hay flat the language roofed houses on account of the like this work very much, because 8,anty rainfal, 1( it is coo! At by hearing other people mistake t th lor a alwp. we learn to avoid them ourselves. ,nf ndthv plare Th,r9 ar Tlng four kind of trees there They FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS. February is a month of famous r 'be date palm, peach, apricot birthday Edisons birthday come J 0r? LCLJbE SCHRAMM on the Uth of this month, Mr. Ed-- 1 ison is the world' foremost in-- i n our 4n 'able ws have a ventor of P '' W have camels. comes on Lincoln s birthday hor!,' soar, and sheep H was our leader m February 'I1?- - VT" thl th Civil war He is honored by aiiwhlch seen w have are P0pl4 willow coated with as- also a'n'5i Washington's birthday is famous one of this month. HeiPha.t. LEO DENOe. 4 B possesses many of th characterls- tic of Lincoln. CLASS STIDIFS PARTS OF SPEECH VALENTINE DAY. Another much loved day of this, The ae enth B cf th- - Jeff-rto- n chool has been studying lang- month is Paint Valentine's day The, We have learned the use of valentine box In our room is pret- preposi- ty It was mad by Elizabeth Bnowjadverb. pronouns noun We and adjectives Th children bring1 valentines eath'on, te have also learned divtlnguieh day and put in th box. it is being c lamatorv. interrogative f.lhd rapidly. The children await This afternoon with the grta'eal an.e. Imperative sertencee class also takes of interest and delight the same room and there are some ELIZABETH SNOW. Fifth A good writers ELNORE SWENSON. STUDENTS PLEASED. ORCHESTRA PLAYS OVER W have started our near work RADIO vary successfully. W are more Th Jefferson school orchestra than pelaaed with our first geograover books radio station KDYL And with the beginning played phy of ths new year w war each Wednesday afternoon. They playBed ed, Oid South," a march; "Spring proudly wearing a Junior Cross badge Breezes," and "On the Hike. HELEN SHERWOOD. They were alt played very well. Third B . Reporter. Our school is going to have a ARLENE DYKES. dance The orchestra will play for BERT NISBET, It. This will be th second dance Editors w have had this year WILLIS SORENSEN. amad? J 'rb deelar-Frlda- v Jefferson Pupils Learn About Bagdad Wasatch Students W are studying about Bagdad Give P.T.A. Program We have a eand table, and in It J of Diamond," room"grade. Arithmetic, "SharpOur Tool," room 8, third Miss Kirkendall, teacher. tha Pool. "O Moon in Ac fourth ening grade. Songs. room Shell." Whispering grade, Mias Roasitar, teacher English, Silent Reading, "Blue Ribbon Composition," room It. sixth grade, Mias Go atea teacher. Kindergarten Band, march, ''Let C Play Soldier, ''Hickory, Pick-or- y Dock," "Intermezzo Ruese," kindergarten. Miss Bowluf, teacher. .. LOUISE BRdWN. th Reporter. VALENTINE DAY CELEBRATED boxes ware Gayly decorated brought to school for each room to put their valentines in. Soma have two boxea for tha valentines the children "vajv Everyone had th valentine d m trFn P'r' male other happy PATRICIA PATTERSON, "L'l'J BAfiBAPvA BAGLIN. Editors American equipment la ba'ng need in the construction of buildings tn Brazil. Don't Go to Extremes 1 o End Constipation When bad breath, or a coated tongue, blliousuee or headaohes warn of constipation, don't take violent purgatives. There s no uae when a candy Caecaret will stop the trouble in a Jiffy, win cleanse your evstem pleasantly, end comtdetelv The relief you get so promptly from Cascaret is lasting. Cascarets xr made from rascara, a substance which medical authorities agree atnagtheas the hewel aaas-el- e. So Cascarets are a blessing to folks with weakened bowels; to there are Arabs, Persian ruga, The girls and boys of the Wa nld to anyone in need of children, Mosques, date trees and lota of fiat gave a program to enter- bowel habits. Ten roofed houses. The Arab send tair. their parents at the Parent-lint- s "i Xox.regular aif'drug 'stores Adv Dilly flashed a glance at him, I South Jun.or held an assemblyj dldn t know you were ever deJoan waked at dawn, and lay pressed commemorating l ho birthday of one of the world a greatest men. the into tne louut watching i.gnt But seventeen of rain . . . ? Abrahsvji Lincoln. pleasant room, Dilly, if you ve day twin, it was a with for lunch brought some of the The program was In the form unpiy furnished that basket. I shall fall at ot an oration conteet conducted by nice old thing that Penelope had us m feet in gratitude. th Service Star Legion. Nina stuinherited. Joan bed wax of the your Tvs more than brought lunch. dents were selected from our school d folding type-- with a as I've hot to deliver their oration hot, chowder, brought before wax a cover and tenter. There everything to go with it. Judge from the legion and before hooked rug. a Jacobean chest, a andEven You the student body. The judges had Scripps brightened with a Queen maple drtsving-tabla d.fficult time deciding the win-- . always make us feel like children Anne m.rror above it. I ner from the excellent orations were laid at a party On the dressing-tabl- e ac-- l A T went foolishness of three. He to been of lot age grow It's because like parties mydeliberation the much AfUr gnpn out Joan 3 toiPt things the bruah aid and written against rewards qualnted with the denti-- and to iudges gave the honor to Vera May and tomb and handglass of carved self, Diliy told him. "You two are You fiddle Coleibv, whose oration was Why 1 have been told that doing have him scratch and pleasant pais. William calls ivoiy and silver, the pale fiagonbox-of such us the three musketeers of the right should belts own reward. A about hi teeth. When by and by Am Glad My Parents Became Naprrlumc, the painted porcelain but doe he had a beautiful it which very tooth, theoiy. baby lunch es. These were the only opulent bak.t not alway work needed filling, he aas glad to go turalized the conclusion of th contest 1 at Uib g ip he room. They belong"Nobody by the kifdeA stretch was On hia a Atfollowing he return givennumbers were given. of the imagination oould call ms s ed tu the old life. new toy. Boon he learned that the a Without Stain, sitby The Flag Joan seemed to see Adelaide pleasant pal." Sorlpps said, "I every time he visited the dentist the eevtette: Abraham Linbad sat commend your charity, Dilly." ting beside tbe bed a she a definite reward would follow, coln girlV Bickneil Bench, vocal by hat day In the hotel . . . After all The three of them were In He wa left at the street entrance solo a and b number bv-- a format j a. grown-upI've done for you . . . I've treat- Scripps room. The bookshop shove office ss ni father South Junior student. William! well as children to tha dentist ed you like a princess . . . those was closed. Giles cam te it every mother went about their Post, are induced lojand Humorist Lincoln, th pearls you have on are north a dav, set his shelves in order, workPain manin the dtutis, s Fred do good shopping I Dent, Dorlus. reading, ed over hi fortune . th-- y account, and spent was to with this ltd nothing things Know Who He Was, f by Mary The old voice had hud venom in hours reading the books he loved. would a toy waiting for him. l.idetd, even erwire 1 and a selection by the Thurston, it, the old eyes had been baleful. But there were no customers. No not do. A emlic.at the age of six, he wouid nom-- ' . school r orchestra I Joan thought of Penelopes voice One uwd the boardwalk at this is a retard, so times beg to go to the demist Th students enjoyod the interand eyes as Ian night she had sat season and a drug store tn the town would like to have another toy esting program, and left the hallg beside the bed . . . iaith, and hon- supplied casual readers with magahe would eay. a greater and more patrioti-feelirwith zines and the latest novels. r esty, and courage . . hi toxin Po, also. for that man of history s Giles had taken one or two And set against these a clande- shot had no dread for him. He Av raham Lincoln ?4 atine martuge besides the on to Portland associated them with an awaiting L1LLIAM SLDGLEY The sun vas up and as th light ard hid added richly lo his stock Even pleasure. Of crurse, this scheme llgenth. Reporter UKHYGRI poured m through the w.ndow. It, But th Portland trip stood out money may be of rewaids was slartid early to seemed to Joan that a greater light! his mind as a great catastrophe, used very effectively to motivate a that there were never times when Honesty entered her soul e when lie come had back he uch expected pains were not hit of conduct, desiiahle definite andjfor ot had found Joan gone. "Fool that I courage, and faith' None wise mother leaches the in- - lowed by the reward. No one told to if her these would belong htiBaa" jl9 had raged, inwardly, to fant to give her pins and othei.hun that if ho d.dn't erv n wo .Id ran ajvay with LicW would desert her at such a time" thing he find upon the floor by get the tov. He knew that he him with a smilmgjget it regardless ot li's cirduct-'tbanFor he felt it ft desertion. There Bho got up nd put on the gray vou bo she tra.hes himjBut, as we expeciel, he did not dress which was to have becu hot j had been a mystery about her going HAWTHORNE SCHOOL An try or even register complilnt or Halijms and Mra Pelafield politeness or good habits wedding dress. Then rim wenljTh Tn our language ciasa w have a down stairs and followed the path had slaved on at the hotel until awarded star ha stimulated tnan fear. which is made of a Hhe de Its closing. But no one seemed to a liny tot in overcoming nad-biDon t, in such Irving situations microphone which led to the bluff tin can and a broom stick. It I and other un-j- j s ended to the moor and came fm know Miss Dudley's address. She ing, child of anV air- -. If ou painted red and looks much like a and haimful habii? a tov. gp and gp yop Wjj ally lo the sea Sho walked up had, it wus explained, simply gone desirable real one. Th teacher chooses Think of the scores uf joung (0 . it was on ahead of the otheza There waa the beach for miles . instead, let him ar.ow that when some on to b the announcer to Sunwho children go me thing is finished tho reward H announces a dull morning, and there wire a rumor that her engagement to happily the station a&d then flocks of wild birds flitting back Hallam was broken. But no one day school tegularly- fo. t .e eake w,n foiiowr. Take it fo- - granted he the name of tha its easy to keep floor lovely In a few a surface because it contains the highest perstory or poem of earning a simple ir. Think jjs g.0sng to b brave, and It he is and forth across the sands. TI.eir kn-a month without messy upset centage of the finest imported Carnauba Wax who more arrive tha thousand notf J0U h(ue not filled. The pain Giles had felt that their friend- of fries were mournful and were an That' why it brings beauty to work than sweeping. Give less with and and school at prompily day will be more easily bone by him swered by the mewing of gulls over' ship deserved more than this their hands and face-- i any floor, whether it is waxed, varto will go for t.can, double that last lustre feai more th time them instant head and e.j Surely she might have written him bed on nished, shellaced, or painted. Be and eal w holesome iiy overcome weeks and weeks with one application of Old sure and get the genuine Old English Whin at lart she turned. Joan a line. But ahe had not written. foods, tolime, MOTHERS ATTENTION! earn a star. Manv Mm knew She bad, apparently, not thought habtts can he started with thegood had made ber decision few Wax if you want the best result a uid cent. Thu writer f Ike MfPlIeat English Wax. A few minutes He had meant nothing now that when she faced Drew lie of him. rtlrleu f the bold at hardware, paint, drug, and rewards such of practiced with a made sj be to can floor glisten A to of Every battU had it ould not sway her her, and that was the end PARENT PROBLEMS stores. they by and by continue un department imis hard that it so But ha knew it waa not the end that wonderful been fought and she had won sheen, utterly der their own power. Made by The A. S. ! th plttw uf He wa wafting for her ot the for him. she waa in hia heart fors, and to childrens more be Rewards are Boyle Co,, 'Cincinnati, pervious to scratches, BABYHOOD edge of the bluff, "I saw you com- - ever. And because of her going win- than punishments; and stars are ter had. Indeed, come to him. rompings. Only Old English Wax can give such Ohio., U. S. A. Try it! Tery kick clans far more powerful thin siripcs la tor RMtken, He had done the beat to be the But. the stars of heaven an- - too SUBSCRIPTIONS! sain to Scripps and Amelle. Yet far away to be effective, live thild Oft SI. per there were time when he wonder- responds to stars which ho can fl.M fur tw pear. ed if they did not note the heavi- handle and enjo Immed atelv C24M far three year. ness which had coma upon him. What about material w irds' Rrtte MRS. C. TANffRR, He often saw Scripps watching They are good also when well emRepreaeatfatfra him, and now and then Amalie ployed. The damage only comes Kealer Apia. K. 4 What makes you ao from wrong uo of them Salt Lake Vitj, llafc. complained. PASTB OR LIQUID POLISH Phene Waa. IMT-- J. Toys? Yes. Our youngest lad. bequiet? So more than ever today, ha gan to visit the dentiat before the! welcomed Diliy with her brightness and her basket. -Pleased to Meet You She seemed her usual gay self THE NEBBS By Sol He until the feast was over. Then "Im she stated, really suddenly a I look. not a demanded. ''Why not' Back in the old "horse and They "Oh, William and I are feeling VUMO KNOW- S- IT laajx MUCH OF A GOMPU baggy days, it was tha custom the weather. YVe've had a roval im vou o stack, up mekiT to give large doses of internal fight. And we are still in the of IC B16&ER PLACES .MOW WOULO VOU UK medicines for almost every midst mv Giles began. dear," "But, TO TAKE TUE AFTER Vi OOXJ OFF AWO human ailment Then a North I know. she interrupted, "evTwe oeppo aajo so down Carolina pharmacist originated erybody thinks w are cooing COOkJT FREIGHT William V idea VapoRub, the better meth- doves. But we arent. the heavy husband. Lav60 THROUOM od of treating colds ezferaar. playing ing down the law. He aays I'm Mothers appreciate Vicks, be- not to stay at the lighthouse this That it I too isolated for cause it checks childrens cold winter. and that when the big Baby, without the risk of upsetting storm come, be can only reached by boats He wants me to delicate little atomachs. coma over llv In town, and he'll Adults, too, when ho can. And I have said I have found Vicks won't be separated from him. and She flung there we've atuck . Just as good for out her bands in a gesture of detheir own colds. spair. Today.tbe whole (Te be continued.) v DONT BAN, ALTOGETHER, THE IDEA OF GIVING REWARDS crewel-worke- o H , do you keep your floors so beautiful s. oth-cha- an(l-toi- jour-nev- 111 Students Study Correct Speech ful-Th- j j nr in just . . . ' 4 r?: v SHf e I k minutes t- thumb-surkin- g NOW w. heel-mark- mu rr tums away from tOSUIG" Im ul all right but to 1 w--e trend of medical practice ia away from - needless "dosing.' cars as ? V EGGS CARRY ADVERTISEMENT The novelty of placing advertisement on eggs which ia aoid to have originated tn Germany, has been taken up by Canadian exThe Idea of sending a porters. m on an article destined to reach the housewife le declared by the German to bo sur fire." grip a month . |