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Show EEAP. RIV:ER VALLEY i MAI' KIN E COOK, Ixx al Con epoiidei:t Fhone 60-a-- TIILTDAT, 1IAY 2S, SWINYARD RTTt HELD ATGAKUND By DWIG SCHOOL DAYS and Social Items Loctf LEAT, Funeral sendees for Henry Palmer ' ' died Friday. was lie born March 5 r. Sittingboume, Kent county' ? to Alfred ad Sarah Anne Swinyard. He married Clara vVf on December 26. isss ir England. They celebrated wedding anniversary last W' He came to Utah 2 Mr. and Mis. D. A. Whitney, of Stocks, of Bountiful. home of Ericham, iirLnour.ce the birth of a! wa3 a weekend guest at the is a M. Schaffer daughter. May 19. Mr. Whitney daughter, Mrs. J. W. W. Whitney. were son of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Stocks end daughter, June, Schaffer the at 3unday dinner guests Mrs. Francis Moore and Mrs. Ross borne. vrstw wore Loiran visitors Wednes-- , j ilrs J C. ( CUVr hr tbw tw j settle the L. D. S. Church, Mrs. J. C. Thomas will leave Satur- day. w day for Sacramento, camouua, visit at the home of her son, Harold, ,. ere Swiri, 7? gan. In 1909 he brought postmaster and Mrs. James ton, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Anderson Mrs. J. M. toenail ilrs. Thomas Hardy, of Ojai, Cali and Dr. and dinner a at week given in honor of; tuests of the fornia, has been a guest General jamts a. Lake at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Postmaster in Salt Hotel Newhouse at of honor the Cumraings. She was guest Mrs. and evening. Mr. Monday at a dinner given by i !S Cummings v great-grandr- (ttty' x vj?f' . f cS 'i?v tl church work, serving in the S' School and Mutual at Logan a genealogical worker and wardtf er in the Garland ward. He is survived by his' wife and ff, children, Beatrice Wright v Idaho; A. H., E. W., andMa sen, all of Salt Lake City; and ,' grandchildren and 16 dren. Interment was in the Logan cwc. 3 MMh rwj with other guests from will return by plane She Mis. Julianna Harris accompanied Salt Lake. to her home from Salt Lake, Sunday. her brother, Don Lassig, to Salt Lake Tuesday, where she will remain unui Don Mrs. and Monday. Mrs. J. H. Fronk Peckenpaugh entertained thirty-sie Enroute to California are Mr. and at Crystal ccwiples at a supper-dancMerwin Christcnsen and Mr. and Mrs. Springs, Friday evening. Mrs'. Harold Sandall. They left Satand will travel from San FranMrs. Wilma Anderson was hostess urday to Los Angeles, thence to the Literary cisco at to the Tremonton-GarlanBoulder City. Nevada, and dam CHub at the final meeting of the Southern Utah. via home at her home Thursday evening. Anne Morrow's "Listen the Wind," Don Lassig. of Salt Lake City, was was reviewed by Mrs. Glen Eldredge. weekend guest at the home of his a S;ecial guests were Mrs. D. B. Green. Mrs. Golden Harris. Refresh-sister, and Mrs. Itoscoe Heppler. and to the served guests were jnenta Mr. and Mrs. Fred Borg and famnineteen membeis. ily of Sandy, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dr. Eli Hawkins is attending the Ixs Angeles School of Chiropractics Stenquist. where he is engaged in research work Mrs. LaRene Scott, Mrs. Margurite for several weeks. Ballard, and Mrs. W. W. Whitney attended the graduation exercises at Mrs. N. E. Shaw and son, Norman, the Budge Memorial Hospital in Loand Lucille Cropley left Monday for gan Friday. ait extended tour through the East, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holley of climaxing with a visit to the New York World's Fair. Springville, spent the weekend witli friends in Tremonton. Mrs. Holley j Mrs. Ross Miller entertained Fri- was formerly Miss Leah Cannon. day at a Bridge luncheon at her Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Israel iKtme, Special guests were Mrs. Reed Giles and Mrs. Franci3 Moore. High called at their home following RanMrs. James was awarded Sunday evening. Present meeting prize dom, and cut prize was won by Mrs were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Munk, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Fanny Lower. Mrs. Margaret R, S. CaTderwood, Bill Storrer has had as guests this Pack, Mrs. Rosa Kerr and Mrs. Kirs-tin- e Parker. week his father, Eli Sorrer, and his suiter, Mrs. Ben Sauder and her hus Mrs. Oscar Strand sang at the fuband of Tekin, Illinois, The party wis dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs neral services for Mrs, Marie Laxmann at Salt Lake City Tuesday. Mrs. Sm Getz Tuesday evening. Is the mother of Mrs. Lars Anderson, P. Mrs. T. Meister will leave formerly a resident of Trefor Peoria, Illinois to visit with monton for many years. relatives for several weeks. She will Mrs. Leland Hansen visited Tuesaccompany Mr. Ell Storrer and Mr, and Mrs. Ben Sauder in their return day with her daughter, Margery, at the U. S. A. C. home. hit lj udiiaiiu wriere ne establisv or me eany blacksmith shoi of c,, vaucy. ne was active Wal- - tery. Announcement d Miss Mary Burns will present a group of students in a piano recital at the Tremonton L. D. s. Chapd Friday evening, June 2, at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. fiea-fc- ,t Hun-sak- er Lax-ma- MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARMS OR HOMES JAMES BROUGH AGENCY FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE Mrs. Eulalia Taggart and daughter, Larie, were guests of the week of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Summers. INSURANCE TKEMONTON, Mrs. Margaret Pack entertained the Midland Camp of the D. U. P. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Walton. The lesson "Mining In the West," was given by Mrs. Ella Anderson. Special musical selection were furnished by Mary Westmoreland Refreshments were served by the hostess. UTAH UTAH BERRIES NOW IN OUR MARKET Sunday and Decoration Day iiiiiiiniwuimw, ;-- 'i";r 'MS 7725' r mA m Hitch-hike- post-gradua- t materials put into it Hardware - Coal Glass and China Ware ScedG - o farmers' Cash Union TOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET Phone 41 Sponsored By Box Elder County Business Men 850.00 IfJ CASH WINNING GIRLS TO THE NEED ANY OF THESE? Aqua Velva Williams -- Gillette "Blue" Blades Pkg. of II A 10 ADT Vlil OIL CAPSULES For After Shaving NEW! THIX GILLETTE BLADES txiJc cspu tally to give real shuvlnj; cotnlwt at rotk bottom price. . . for a? PETROLAGAR Those F.hi.les are - Fresh, Live Rubber Hot Water Bottle 19 97c - COc size "MICKEY MOUSE" "OUR GANG COMEDY" "NEWS and TRAYELTALK" 49" Fountain Syringe .... 49c Genuine CASTORIA - Children's Laxative Ise. size, 39c - 40c bottle 3F J. and J. BABY POWDER 83 39 33c VICK'S VAPO RUB fL Wednesday and Thursday 1 I ""inminmiiiMiiiminniiiiimii s ,7 "r UT " "SNOW WHITE" mn-- . , in Uie 1i'IHIMIltm(fNlt lUt design. i FROSTILLA LOTION Drying - No Stickiness :?3c bromo QUININE - oM tS1 91 Quick 33c size 5 FILMS FOR ALL CAMERAS ( werk-en- I tl FRESH FILMS All Sizes vmrj outings and trips. Complete at Moderate Trlct Films for ExjKTt . . . IeTlopinc tuMlttlmllflMHlH)lllMtHfllfmtlMift'lHlitHllHfnfltalrttfHtttlltHwtl,1T, i J .. :MHlH!HHni)!MtllIinMlUMUIIHMIIMII1IHUIIilt1tlHtlltlUnitlIlitH'lPtlltlll''',li;l((llft''1 f hlKh quality, d0lM.ndJ ... . i aiwl IHw Lrt . i(ie? an 19 23c Size o n& """"'"""""I'liiHMiminiiMmiiMiMinmi, ALARM CLOCKS and POCKET WATCHES at Lowest Priees alirni JUNE 2nd and 3rd 0 JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE A 59c ENO EFFERVESCENT SALTS 60c Size QQd OCT We Can y a Complete Line GENTLEMAN'' ' size - Real Value! t. FACE I0WDER Sizes Each '"- "SORORITY HOUSE" "ALMOST A 89 RUBBER GOODS SPECIALS 10c $1.20 size 21 For Kidneys 250 Mennen's Talc 6 PROBAK JR. BLADES 50c Size IPANA or FOIUI AVS TOOTH PASTEL - 30c Size FINN" SALE! 33c Medium Jar .... U MILES NERVINE .51.00 Size Only "HUCKLEBERRY GEEAT Q7r MEN! Jir rPr?M,IE--? JAMBOREE' 30 42 BATHING BEAUTIES ON REVUE Storewide Health" "WESTERN U Utah j HECOEATf OH DAY MAY In a Friday and Saturday autry - Tremonton, CRYSTAL SMIINC '6 si FaHnes (Bates! 8 in TO snw Tremonton 4 for Sunday - Monday - Tuesday MICKEY R00XEY in QUALITY MERCHANDISE ELEVATOR BATHING REVUE Cooperatives Organized In ;i:ne Grain FIFTH ANNUAL Hitch-hiker- "THE HIGGINS FAMILY" BUILD NOW .... I TREJIONTON, UTAH 1 Values. STOHL ; Tremo- OrpheumTheatre Good Houses Need Good LUMBER i! Wc Have It! A home is no hotter than the 3 All Kinds of Seed I te n, Real AND LAWN SEED iar returned Wednesday night. .1 I - Appreci- r J D. Gunderson of Garland is the new president of the Box Elder! nrhPrs1 association for the comineri year. Clifford L. Frye, principal of the Central school, is the retiring; president. Other officers elected are Norman Jeppsen of the Box Elder high school, weeks. first vice president; Frank Stevens of I want you to know that I am very the Corinne school, grateful to you and this little city. I think if all the cities, large and small, could or would have accomodations like have here, that the Mr. and Mrs. William Jensen and officers of you law the would be more young son, Randall, of Rock Springs, thought of and respected wherever were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. you go. Israel Hunsaker Thursday evening. I sincerely hope you are able to Mr. Jensen is doing on like this forever. Thanks carry work at the U. S. A. C. for the honor of being a guest of your clean, respectable jail. The Garland members of the " "A nton-Garland Bridge Club were guests of honor at a Biddge luncheon held Thursday at the high school Two New lunch room. Those in charge of arB. E. Co. rangements were Mrs. E. H. White, Mrs. Mattie Stone and Mrs. Alma During the past week, the Farm Theurer. Security Administration organized 2 new cooperatives in Box Elder coun. Mr. and Mrs.' Aaron Weese enter- ty, both of which were machine co tained the following guests at their home Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kendall of Cornish, Milton Love of California, Mr. and Mrs. George Love and Mr. and Mrs. Parley Ray of Lay-toMelvin Widdison of Hooper and Mrs. Weese's sister Miss Arvilla Love, also of Layton. W. McDermaid, Otto Schenkel and Howard Glenn left Sunday to fish in Montana. Dr. D. B. Green, R. Z. Heppler and Don Sheffield left late Sunday on a fishing trip in Montana. All Take a Tip from the Birds .... Shop Thru The Ads For Rest In City Jail Stella Christensen accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christensen of Clarkston, to the wedding dance of her sister, Ann, whose marriage to Sidney Sorensen took place Wednesday, May 17. urn- U operatives by which the cooperating mCTYihATQ Mprp lnnripH monev from to the FSA ateS purchase machinery co-ana operative ly given rive years to The following letter was recently repay at 3 per cent interest. During the week a meeting was found in the City jail: W1L" ule 1tIlutls dl nwicyvinc nilu 91 1Q?.Q ivrav Ta;w and cooperative loans explained and city initial steps taken for the organizaJailor: of a sprayer cooperative headed tion I had a very good night's rest last Ben Tolman. by the in one a of first night, couple Teachers Association Elects New Officers CLIFFS Grinding - Rolling Cleaning ALFALFA - CLOVER Dr. and Mrs. J. Fred Potter, of Sandy, were weekend visitors at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ricy Anderson. CHRISTENSEN PRODUCE FRUIT STAND ami r' $5.00 CLOTHIEKY, LaThair Federsen attended the spring formal of the Lambda Delta Sigma at Logan, Friday, A Larpe Supply Will IJe On Hand Saturday and Monday So You Can Have STRAWBERRIES and CREAM in -- - Freeman Shoes, line j Hring u wiJ i , VtMJ' f I; |