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Show Gen. Stilwel! Road Completed to Supply China TAGE- -S f pele8Sa imb CR EENR AD! 0 Newspaper Union hv Western - jfr 4 I il- has Lieut Comdr. Were hert Montgomery for They of out he's that now sendable, is lining up stories for ;cntl, and Gable to choose from. Bruce his first picture, Ws completed he was W ORourke, since Paramount in North Africa; Ladd into "And Now 0 put Alan when he left the army ruorrow Columbia t1ie months ago. Glenn Ford out of the charge; Metro un-rfi- re recent-welcom- UT rarmes. EE n scenes James Cagney and Sylvia Blood on the Sun. Says jey in nes, A quick kiss here and there all right, but long clinches, heav- look Don't for love AGENTS WANTED A jf J X Washington, D. C. executives GERMAN UNDERGROUND Hollywood easier now SEETHES According to uncensored tthe shortage of male stars now reaching with old favor-- e easing up, active guerrilla warfareWashington, from the released is flaring being lich Andrew Stone UP on a mounting scale behind the e aic med forces. German lines. Tohn Carroll for a starring intn First real indication of an active Manner a utt in Bedside Fifth column in Germany came air the army days after with accurate reports ol :ce captain got his medical irily :ts DEPARTMENT, Jc ' VALE By VIRGINIA to ft ri CLASSIFIED J"W be-,ee- pitched battles inside Berlin, Bres-laand Bremen. This new warfare differs from that guerrilla of partisan units inside France, Yugoslavia and Greece in that few of the guer-nll- a troops are Germans. The bulk are Frenchmen and Russians who were captured earlier in the war and have been used as slave labor to the reich. All of these workers were carefully guarded by Himmler until recently. Most lived In big cities and worked in large industrial plants. In Berlin for example, hundreds of thousands of slave laborers have been housed in fenced off temporary barracks to the heart of the city. But recent powerful allied air raids have created such chaos t-- ft thousands of foreign work- J X-i- $ - h5- I j,1 A V r . xiw a 1 k 4 ' V - ! u that ' r-5K- V Yu '"tr1 INSOFAR as fan mail goes, the bulk of the correspondence we have received lately concerns the scoring in boxing matches. Apparently there Is a nationwide interest in attempting to solve this problem, which Commissioner Eddie Eagan of New York has tackled so intelligently. He Is making progress, but there ar6 still many tall barricades along the road. His campaign, however, has started many fans to thinking along these lines. For example here is one letter I think worth recording. It comes to me from Maj. Richard Maibaum of the U. S. army signal corps: Dear Mr. Rice: As chief, combat films branch, signal corps photographic center, one of my duties is supervising the review of 4 'I Y y & s. "vt ' -- i ? ITOfcvAi a Af-i-i 1 f.. X t nrf y The greatest engineering feat In the annals of the United States army was the completion of the Stilwell road through Burma, by Brig. Gen. Lewis A. Peck, his American engineers and thousands of native laborers. Not only was the road constructed, air fields built, mountains and Jungles conquered, the monsoons defeated, raging rivers bridged, but malaria was licked to solving the problem as General Feck and bis men slaved against time, nature and the Japanese, thousands of miles from home. several I think I found the answer to the puzzler about scoring boxing matches the night a friend of mine lost a unanimous decision after a fight to which I thought he won every round. The boy was young, clean-cu- t, and honest, skillful. I had a strong personal Interest in his career. The match was crucial, a big step up if he won. On the heels of the shock administered by the decision I indulged in a little introspection. It came down to this: how could my eyes have so completely deceived me? Yet deceived me they bad, and with my own stubborn connivance. I saw that boy win because I wanted him to win. It was a pure case of ' Actually I had fought that fight with him. Identifying myself with his efforts, and seeing It through his eyes. Havent you caught yourself following only one of the fighters in the ring and saying, Now Ill "follow the other fellow for a while? When the two men touch off no Interest, it Is usually special pre-figsome incident during the bout that suddenly 'fixes' your preference upon one of the combatants. A display of courage, a sudden personality appeal, a common prejudice aroused (or overcome). "No matter bow Impartial we try to be, we do subjectively choose the man we want to emerge victorious. And we Interpret what we see In that light. Especially to close bouts. The bafflement is caused by the fact that the choice we make Is often a subconscious one. Were not aware that we have installed one of the men as a psychic favorite, the one who somehow squares with a lot of preconceived notions so much a part of us we don't even realize we have them. I think this also applies to the officials, who may be as honest as Abe Lincoln, but who are still subject to the same psychological laws that govern the rest of us. Maj. Richard Maiburn, Signal Corps, U. S. army sultry eyes are not. audiences hoot, hol-- r at such scenes these adds James, Im ys Anyway, ot the type. Speed and activity, believes, are more Important chests and kids In the a"d whistle ;g e e youre one of the thousands of fotees of the Hardy Family pic-irit's a question how youll like set-uie new Now that Mickey it es overseas in the army, ooney's erell have to be a new jrdy. The other regulars one, all be ill V present. And Metros gone engaged the famous Tarkington to supply the story the next picture. avish h Andy Lewis Fay Holden and Sara Haden lor and Arnold, who plays under-nrl- d the CBS Crime Doc-ha- s been offered a role in the fcture series of the same name. th Is one of those Holly-- d Ilit-Edibom gals who came east to be- -' ne a success, and she refuses to Edith roles in oum. Pity Marjorie Reynolds a dozen ornaments were stuck to r arms, shoulders, chest and back tb liquid cement, for Bring on which stars her aronica Lake, Eddie Bracken my Tufts. Taking them off Placing them the next day e Girls, with and and was impractical, so for 3 days and nights Tarjorie had a d torso. star-studde- hot many film stars are consulted musical numbers theyll but the Hoosier Hot Shots of ational Barn Dance renown have Iie privilege of selecting their own rks for the series of eight Colum-- 1 Pictures they are filming this far. a'loat the Jennifer Jones wnt in The won fame as a Song of Bernadette; jlcgory Peck is doing it as a priest The Keys of the Kingdom. So, avuj 0. Selznick, who owns all of nnifer and of Peck, J cast them as a siren and an Wlaw in Duel in the Sun. one-fourt- h J Shirley Temples certainly grown Formerly, the studios called rsii Temple, and got an immedi-Ve- s or No when they asked Shirley could do something. But en asked If Shirley would do a 3 t ifr , Cris ust: ..rtf lous- - Rais derf- rsonal 1 ld- - - appearance recently, she "JU ask Shirley. The urgr guests at an' old ladies Galveston wrote John Tes Thomas, saying that they'd ayj hstened to his Sunday radio toda? 1 i r8,rarn i .1 t' tivm lem 1 I i iiP JN St ACS- JPfl 108 NEW MANPOWER recently, when their had been changed; erent allowed in the dining 10rnas promptly arranged to Pro8ram recorded for now he sends them a corl each week. JUS WD ENDS Rudy Vail re n.rf ,.uamP'ng the RKO studio with l,,Uert Mince he been 'or a romantic role in Man ,lll, , Columbia has bought the r,fn to the radio program u,l, , , Now that Oliua er su,t aam, tmrr'inl,,nU10n n return to the tcreen ln$mottnp "I ' V' ell Groomed for Union- - irnnfrank Sinatru i tinted .1. . f ( enriy ,n If 'Hoii 'b Tad Co'"'," i how, in NllC' and Si'icr, program on the ,fM . 'IW,,', ''reently Frank Morgan tel Zned,.COrd 0 d0l"S While Industry is still laying Us careful plans for the day when swords may be beaten into plowshares, the government has already put into operation its machinery of reconversion for the men discharged from the armed forces. Thousands of young men are being discharged monthly, and many of them, like those 1 shown above, have resumed their studies or are receiving training for new vocations, Assistant Chaplain General Eddy Wins Decoration PROGRAM War Manpower Commission Director Paul McNutt may put a new program Into effect very soon In all light labor areas. This would limit employers In or less essential Industries to a certain percentage of the number of workers they employed last year. This program has already been tried out In Chicago and proven successful. Chicago employers in and less essential Industries will be required to cut the number of employees on the March 15. payroll 10 per cent by it' ; r vi 4 A ceiling-employ- SECRET RED WEAPONS The Russians are way ahead of both the United States and Great Britain to the use of rocket guns, have employed them with devasdrive tating effect in the lightning and particularly Poland, through the Nazis in the offensive against In East Prussia. One new and very important unveiled in the weapon which Stalin tank named new drive is the Stalin tank is The himself. after royal tiger superior to the German tank and our own Sherman heavy gun as tank It carries a 4 on our carried gun against the reSherman. So long as the ground tank is capa-bl- e Stalin the hard, mains of resisting any but the largest German shells. On the point-blanthe mobile gun on he hand, other of the can pierce most Stalin tank fortifications so secondary German encountered by the Russians, it ' v 1 ' 5 ' AAAA x a, i r y a- A K . 4 - k 4 iL V b ' , t Mia iWlH'hlT , Y I ? ' v rf xi Six-Year-O- hfr X it - ifrrMiftiTfrm Maj. Gen. Manton S. Eddy, right, receives the Distinguished Service medal from Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, for his leadership of the 12th army corps to the drive across France. He is the officer who German Field Marshal Von Rundstcdt on the Moselle river and led assault between Nancy and Metz. , , INSURE your poultry future with our 100 pure top ranking money making strain of Leghorn chicks hatched from breeding hens 2 to 6 years old. Straight run $14 00, puU let chicks $28 00. Cockerel chicks $5 00 per 100. Volume discount We pay expressage. SO leare Experience Write for Factual Folder GRAHAM IMTCHFRY A PUT LET FARM HAYWARD. CALIF. SCHOOLS ld Expensive Wire A platinum wire, now used In this country, is drawn so fine that, although sold at $1.50 a foot, the cost of one pound, avoirdupois, would be $217,500,000. d Judges H 4 f in i j(Wk m I wC a. ' Sj, VERNcA lake si?. 4 1, CRLOX YV How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly because lt goes light to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. In- flamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way lt quickly allay, the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, 6 ronchi til Here Is a true report of at least a part of the picture. You and I, sit ting together, see two different actions taking place. Do You Hate HOT FLASHES? I have only one solution to ofIf you suffer from hot Bahe. feel Believed to be the first woman ta fer, the major says. The age weuk, nervous, a bit blue kt times serve as a chaplains assistant, Mist limit of officials should be around .11 due to the functional "middle-age- " period peculiar to women try Ethel Wilson of Harrogate, England, six years. After the scrap the kids Lydia E Pink ham Vegetable Com will serve overseas. She has been should be asked Who got licked? pound to relievo eucb eymptoma commis-sloTaken regularly Plnkhame Comassigned for an I think you'd usually get the true pound belpa build up resistance to East Africa, answer. The kids havent had time against such annoying aymptom la made , Flnkhama Compound to sop up that ego that makes most especially for women it helps nato want see what fans they fight ture and thate the kind of medicine to buyl Follow label direction. see, because what they want to see LYDIA E. PINKKAMScvumS must be the way lt Is. This Is a completely correct statement. We usually see only what we 8 43 WNU W want to see. As Hughey Keogh once wrote The worlds greatest Uar Is the man who says be can bet one way t j and root another. , r A This Is like saying a man can 7 stand on bis bead and bis feet at For You To Feci Well the same time. A contortionist can 24 hour very day. T day vry f i Week, never topplnff, lli klduey (UUiff perform this feat, but he wont be blood. from the matter petite standing. He will be in a knot. If more people were aware of how tht n i - Ger-Moret- h, i Uk.' ' 4 y r f! k - V A t L-- 12 Roosevelt If Murphy takes it, Rosen- Sam m nominate Judge L . Reports homeland. L1f"; Madrid Stockholm and trying to veal hundreds of Germans out of to get frontier crash the .1 t . ' ' Y. i i i j i J The Lady DArtagnans of the University of Pennsjlvanla loosen up rgWethbeTtoenCchosloiikWEovcrn. Iheir sword arms In preparation for forthcoming season. The duillisls the toward the here aie Elaine Wexler, I mily Lou Butler, Gerry Clpola, all of Philaatop first the !Jn of an eastern European' delphia, Jean Alice Brcnna, Gloucester, N. J Irene Quinlan and Arlene lh Ventis of Philadelphia. blessing WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS Admiral to Senator The Lady DArtagnans Practice tlTln tt? C. Germans are already threatened Nazi the from escape from Moscow's POULTRY iiitulMOV WAR NOTES SiSAl-g-- ,j I far 111.. r - A k is said. f' - 'JX fiSftiwiriT A ? a yO ' tr 4 x J - .4 ) J f ai f 100-to- n bH cteon hour SERVICEMEN E ONION SEED Crystal Wax Onion Seed, high quality. Postpaid pound $3 75. Send tor plant catalog Cabbage Onion, Broccoli, Tomato plants. MEAD FAUMS. Overton Nevada. LA& ? stout-hearte- OVER-AG- Kit BUT AND SELL Office Furniture, Files, Typewriter,, AddMachines. Safes, Cash Registers, ing SALT LACE DESK EXCHANGE SS Waal Broadway. Sail Laka City, I'UL 'Irish Fulfillment' shell Greatest hardship on men to the army probably is with enlisted men over 38, now too old to become officers but who cant resign as officers can. Typical case of how this hardship works is that of CpL Alexander C. Sioris, age 45, who has served in the army three years, most of the time overseas. Corporal Sioris is not only a college graduate, but holds a doctors degree. Twice he was recommended for officers training school, but each time his unit moved overseas and he had to sail with his unit. Now he is too old to be commissioned, too old for combat, yet under present army rules must be kept on doing menial jobs. There are thousands of similar cases. What the army needs is a good overhauling of its manpower, especially older men who have been in the army a long time. OFFICE EQUIPMENT thousand feet of ytx.J Salt Lake Barber College film per month shot Edw. F. GlllstU, Grantland Rlce Formerly Molera" Mgr. Class., now starting. Write for by army combat 110 Rsgsnt St., Salt Lake. cameramen, all over the world, much of lt under battle conditions. Used Cars Trailers The exposed negative, unprocessed, Is sent in from the field accompanied by caption sheets in which the cameramen describe the action they have photographed. And I am often amazed at the discrepancy between what actually appears or the film and what the cameramen in all good faith believe will be found there. Enter College for Postwar Training Ex-G.I- .s ers escaped from their enclosures and have hidden in the bomb ruins. At night, the guerrillas prowl the streets, capture Nazi sentries, steal food and ammunition, commit extensive sabotage. They have been joined by some German army deserters, afraid to return to the front, advices say. Once Berlin is taken it is expected that the several million slave laborers will flare into such revolt that Germany except in the mountainous south will cave like an egg- hundred LADY WANTED In very community, both rural and city, to aell line of household necessities to her neighbors. Our line In eludes such scarce Items as cheese and laundry soap. Liberal ),commission. General Albany. Georgia products Company Adm. Thomas C. Hart baa take office in the U. 8. senate by appoint ment of the governor of Connecticut He Is shown with his wife and theii youngest Hart. daughter, Harriet laf How About Eyesight? Along this line I have just received a letter from Dr. M. T. Gilden, optometrist and eye specialist, to connection with boxing decisions. Because you speak of the Importance of eyesight and I am an optometrist, I suggest that both Judges and the referee should have their eyes examined to determine their visual acuity. In plain words to determine what their degree of vision is, and their visual speed of recog(An extremely Important nition. detail, seldom mentioned.) kidney tnunt constantly remove eur plus fluid, e&ceea Acids and other waste matter that cannot star In the blood without Injury to health, there would be better underatandme of wAy the whole ivatem is upset when kidney (ad to function properly. Burning, eranty or too frequent Urination (omiiimcl warn that something le wrong. You may mitTpf nagxmg bark ache, headache, dizrmeoa, fn umaU pains, getting up at nigbta, aweling, will kou Why not try Poant be ut eg n mrdicirif recommended the country over. Poan t stimulate the funoto tion of the kidneys ud help them Allah out poieonoiifl wants from the blood. 1 hey con a n ahlng harmful. Get 0fin e today. Lae with confidence At all drug stores. |