Show THE BALT LAKE THIHUNE MONDAY MORNINQ DFCLMIUIK 24 1934 wool &j I ember Agricultural News From Intermountain Region AGENT MAKES REPORT ON DARKEST SOIL on hand About 10 111 at th flrit National Guard Leader Reports Makes Money Expansion Need t Bright Spot! Patent Office t‘r irri?d er trut of clip will tiiptfretiti y b over Into lyj5 1ht glvfj ptubbl carryover of about l thirds of all the amount urd In 191 f for all puipoatj ever pi produr’um of tarpeLi At tht piearnt ralt this car rvovrr will b nmtrrUH rediued b the time ahrating beconifi general in 934 (FOREST WORK MOST FERTILE! At to'f - WASHINGTON Dec 71 (JTV— bright r't for Mr xnd Mi wa shown In th annual report of th rommerr do partment— th patant oftue mad money SernUrr Roper reporting to President Kooaevelt said that tha patent olfire took in $4383 4ftU 11 and apent $30G 6H3 10 I pax WASHINGTON Dec 23 (V- Major General Ceorge E Leach chirf of th na lonal guard bureau reported today jhat us of th guard by 33 atatea In 1934 ahowed the need for expanding th organization Geneial Iech Bald In his annual report that th gunid assisted civil A IPjS Tapr Carryaver Net Krlua With continued or Inrrcaiinf ttiMl activity whnh reasonably cart ba ex — jpected the 1935 season should ba rea sonably good The weight of the car Maintains Program Carried on in 27 ryover u not o tertmui on an active Deeonipoaitlon market Renewed confident In bual Kidmen in Cround in 43 Instances to suppress nrai would cause larger consumer of 29 Counlie of disturbances and prison riots protect buying with advantage to th wool U S lira ring Crop Male market A maiked rU In prlcea can IVraliing Krnrlie South G’ntrul Diftrirt Proproperty gainst strikers and mobs nd guard prisoners and other threap not be expected however unlevj for N in For ’SF ened with lynching or bodily harm Iloliduj elgn market should advance ax they gram Completed Tbka la lh twelfth artkle Th guardsmen aided in reatorlng LOGAN— The Utah farm foreatry may do In that case American mill for 193 t NEW 3 ORK Dec 23 A3 — General order In J3 firea floods hurricanes with wool alrreblaley ef the nil a4 Itt project at i part of the Utah State activity could continu aerv Mil te of John commander to the J Pershing fertility by Agricultural college exteruion relationship correspond with earthquakea and explosions prices charged 27 of Dr Tbemae L Martin professor American expeditionary force during foreign prlcea and the Import duty ice program wa carried on In BURLEY Idaho — With the com af agronomy at Itrlbam Yeang the war In the returned fiom world Wool Europe! have been year 1934 countie during ihe 29 Utah Imports Another artirle a III annual report limited to some special tvprs not today on the liner Manhattan to spend Kflirftl Britiall Admiral anlverally 1934 according to th pdalion of du tu lakvn from Die rec M next Mandav l’aul In the United States tlie Christina holidav in New York forester appear grown i xleiuuon of the who uimplrlul ligely erdx of member World Waf Ifrro JMi He aaid he would leave fur Tucon The National Woolgroweu’ Lhinn v inch lie Just recrntlv been the bov' mid girts their proiert This Isolation has requested the secretary Aru where he has passed the wilder to Washington 4 11 club pingiam for 1914 hn lx en WEYMOUTH ’lie Eng Dec 13 he s xth vexf that thix project has Df war to let contracts lor supplies months for several yeais completed in the south rpntial Idaho woolen materials while wool prices Admiral John Co!!ingTaseIl tha ground in the fall of th year been included In the Utah faim pro-0dielrict according to Fail Mansell MCTOKY BRIDGE CRASHES are favorable to purchasers and also Gloasop retued died today H wai After these leave have been moot dulrkt flub agent with hrddquar PISA partdis-o-or u means of creating emplovment Italy Dec 23 (UP) — The 63 years old Two main projects were tera at Burley The etatiftlc al aum ened for a while the color change to th link! for“lrr to The reserve “Victory bridge" being built in the textile duturts Ine vice admiral served throughout program Jrm One loo mbulion of forest tree for farm supply of clothing and other woolen the main railway station with the the world war and was commander of nary of the agent 1934 report show of Intense blackness that there were 901 club membois lnl and th for has woodlot aet been crashed the the British cruiser Sydney at the a goods up haa probably observed that when city'a quarter during army planting in enrolled In Ml projei t s and 6U3 mein with a deafening roar None was struction of the raider Emden of th soil hai received large amounts of breaks and the 4 11 forestry club reduced through Issues to th C C C bera completing 629 projec ta fur a iGerman navy manure that aurh aoil gradually be- - work During 1934 a total of 41740 camps and present conditions of(r( hurt A Holstein cow of the University of Idaho’ come rating of 65 per rent in the deduct dark Tin is because decom- - small treea were planted on 258 farms the government a favorable opporin elas cow her in been herd has enrollment the 'dairy 27 outstanding adjudged Comparative project tunity to replenish supplies and at poaing manure is dark in color This In this aection which 14 Include The cow is nsmed Idaho Perfection Delight darkness nd completions m eight counties ofhe United States countiea of the tame time give needed support to la only thin layer on the counties of Utah and the district are shown in the report surface of th particlesi Most aoils Nevada The principal specie plant- the wool producing and manufacturBlaine county enrolled members in 10 ar originally light In color Many ed were Siberian elm Russian Olive ing industries 70 cent per The completing Tlirec-Year-Olprojects of the original rocks and minerals black locust and blue spruce w d Camas county 37 enrolled 81 per trees were raised In the forest are small soils made out are which of light cent completion Cassia county 125 colored Usually a little iron is pres- nursery maintained by the agncul The Great Intermountain Store enrolled 72 per cent completion ent in the rocks and minerals This turil college at Logan for the purpose 4IP 85 5 to the Gooding county 152 enrolled stock of so it is oxidized iron that aupplying planting appear per cent completion Jerome county at the surface of the particle as a farmer at a low cost 149 enrolled 40 per cent completion is 4 H forestry club project was redness This The red t thin coating Leader-aan Feeding and flttlag Llmtok Lincoln county 80 enrolled 73 per LA Colo— Th JUNTA grand further covered by a dark layer when carried on In nine Utah counties with By E J MAYNARD U S A C Minidoka county rent comphvlion 219 boys and girls enrolled of red total these in manurt decompose 121 enrolled 48 per cent comple champion prize turkey at the Arkan- soils in 22 clubs This project included the OUT BITH THE OLD ON WITH sas Valley Turkey show held recently to take a dark soi instruction fit the rural young people & It Is THE NEW The most popular project was 'IfoKleiii IJrerl at College in La Junta was sold for a record and heatInteresting it to dull redness and notice’- in the forestry range and wildlife It certainly looks as though the J rJ J (A lhflf i ntllu ciounng wiiii Gil km Is riiitmiiig it (kat -i iUra ua UJttV “W I1CII CWU fciaw ) vhasc an adovvi iiinetti a uiict ui Take National Honor price of $91 43 or $3 45 per pound to 411 completing The dairy clubs were uiiMiiukW UUiCH z oxidized Iron shows up If it is communities Thirteen forestry club ditional 50 000 head ofpui cattle In Utah Other prize winning birds brought next in numbers with 157 boys and exten the taken were a little field by treated with then hydrotrips substantial will Clas a in "go begging” by Age BAHAMAS Golden from 25 to 60 cents per pound and chloric acid the redness will disap- sion forester In eight of the counties eight girls enrolled and 85 members With only a week left In margin none sold under $5 completing Foods clubi had 75 mem and the original color of the with an attendance of 332 One three-da- y which to fill the quota there is little pear 42 bers with Other D E Phillips of Rocky Ford raised soil will be in evidence completing Reds and on th part of stockmen to trip in the vicinity of Puffer APPLES rrAmIuVoiAANS MOSCOW Idaho— Idaho Perfection the champion turkey A New York blacks are mostly coatings on the lake was attended by 60 4 H foresters activity projects are luted In the order of the reindicate for need any urgent Holstein 31 a three en last year-oltheir enrollments the winner Canning Delight from Beaver and Piute counties In lief of livestock in the state buyer who purchased outer surface GRAPEFRUIT for rolled 17 completed sheep 25 en cow In the University of Idaho herd year for $63 was the high bidder As stated before It Is the organic addition to the regular outlined proj rolled 7 completed beef 24 enrolled is an “AH American’’ this year has This is the second year of the Ar- matter that makes these soil par- ect club members from Cache Box In Partial explanation lies of course the fact shouldered cattlemen that 20 completed swin 14 enrolled 6 been named the outstanding cow of kansas valley show and though fewer ticles black As a black color it can Elder Utah and Juab counties co- with the CRANBERRIES— lb responsibility of disposing completed potato 9 enrolled and her class in the United States Pro- birds were exhibited this year the absorb much of the sun’s heat more operated with the state game and fish of their cattle last fall took immeThe completed forestry 8 enrolled and fessor F W Atkeson head of the quality m all divisions was better does This temperature department by raising pheasants efficiently diate steps to do so and many cattle CELERY— Second prize at the show went to much to enhance the producing qual- club boya from Piute county took an were moved completed farm accounting 7 en- dairy husbandry department of the at that time to feed withrolled 6 completed and of third restoration in a Joe haa advised been prize Hlgbee active game and of bacteria of ities university Autry part plants Other in and outside of the state Girls’ clubs made 1828 articles of LETTUCE-S- olid This award means that this cow Is to P J Hershey of Cheraw Norman for In addition to furnishing a desir- project by helping to control the cattle on winter range at present clothing and preserved 1793 quarts tthe best of her class exhibited in the Payne McCIave Colo was the young able color to the soil the decompos- magpie in that section be not could at rounded up possibly of fruit vegetables meat and jellies United States this year Her first est exhibitor at the show and won ing organic matter becomes colloidal Throughout the year inspections of this time However this opportunity MIXED NUTS A fBUt Members of boys’ clubs owned and honors came at the Pacific Interna three ribbons out of three entries in A colloidal state for all practical pur- the planted trees were made by the to sell down to one’s available feed cared for 175 dairy animals includ tional Livestock exposition at Port- the junior divison The Crowley poses means a sticky state This col- forester for the purpose of determinby moving culls and scrubs SWEET POTATOES & Yams ing 21 purebred Holsteins 21 pure- land where she won first prize County and the Holbrook Turkey loidal material just like a lot of glue ing the results of this project In Oc- supply at prices in excels of value should bred Guernsevs 9 purebred Jerseys among the three year-old- s and senior Growers’ associations exhibited birds or jelly will draw desirable gases tober questionnaires were mailed to heeded will be be There and 5 purebred milking short- and grand champion female at the Joe Hawkins president of the tur- to it gases such as ammonia carbon all the 720 cooperators who received certainly DATES— Bulk lbs gained by holding such stuff horns Other projects were repre show J P Eves Des Momes Iowa key show presided at the annual dioxide and possibly nitrogen and trees from the college during the nothing gf no over and is there ques possible returns aented by 133 Hampshire sheep 29 Holstein judge and a member of the business meeting O C Ulloid ex- oxygen Moisture too is drawn to past those and period the severe tion concerning present beef calves and 23 pigs there being The first recommittee pinned the tension poultryman at the Colorado it If very much leaching is carried are being summarized livestock feed shortage It is then 44 purebred sheep 12 purebred beef ribbons on her at the Portland show Agricultural college spoke at the on In the soils due to the application sults show a survival of 59 per cent an urgent matter for each stockman calves and 12 purebred hogs in these In 1926 the university had the re- general meeting and told of the great of too much irrigation water these of the 131000 trees planted during the to FINNAN HADDIE lb Sj immediately calculate his feed numbers All animals totaled 360 serve progress that has been made m re- colloids will hold on to much of the period to be assured that and doubly The completed projects were con These cows have resulted from the cent years m turkey raising and in plant food which would otherwise be The report further shows that dur- he does not need to avail himself of KIPPERED SALMON lb drained away Phosphorus potash ing the year the extension forester this final ervatlvely valued at 38700 with a breeding program of the university cooperative marketing in Colorado afforded opportunity Idaho Violet Posch calcium and available nitrogen are lot k part in 74 meetings with 1873 profit of nearly $2200 to the club started in 1911 through the efforts of state ad govmembers Dairy animals valued at Ormsby one of the foundation cows BOILED HAM lb lost this way However very little is persons attending visits were made ernment officials for it haa been defi$361011 netted a profit of $638 18 of the herd had a record of 1000 lost where partially decomposed or- to 218 farms and homes 1375 per- nitely stated and on augood very 2841 forwere written surletters state sonal a and beef projects were valued at pounds of fat 4n a year which still colloidal ganic matter in MILD CHEESE be the last lb thority that this will $1162 13 with a profit of $206 04 The stands in Idaho rounds the soil particles The farm- estry publications were distributed chance to sell cattle on the present Delight the new champion is five er can save much fertility by keeo-m- and 43 news articles were written in plan greatest margin of profit was shown MINGE MEAT Supreme in the clothing work in which cloth- generations removed from old Violet decomposing manure in his soil furthering the farm forestry project And now with the close of the old ELY Nev— Work of eradicating ing articles valued at $1752 50 gave who died a few years ago The sire and the of extensive an ending year a profit of $664 15 Other projects in dam and maternal granddam of the cattle carrying Bangs disease in this lb ROQUEFORT CHEESE-Impor- fed cleanup of culls scrubs and emaciatorder of value were sheep $817 80 new champion were all classed as county came to an end Wednesday “dawn comes as ed were cattle it the m type” at various shows when the last carload of infected anwith $214 90 profit swine $467 50 "excellent of another era” heralded by the Og EDAM CHEESE— The university herd has been built imals was shipped for slaughter The value $11971 profit canning $464 24 den Livestock show and a carlflt catvalue $205 06 profit The potato club up from a small beginning with a project may be resumed next spring rack 169 large lxe tle show and sale Jor showed the greatest value m propor- small outlay of capital A strict federal inspectors said cattle and breeding feeder fat cattle has followed been 800 program cows tion to the enrollment eight mem- breeding From about belonging tp lb bulls of the intermountam and westbers harvesting potatoes valued at which has improved the herd each 52 persons 102 reacted to an agglutin-izatioLOGAN — Another step has been pervise and check on the work of the ern slope country year until it is considered one of the test which showed them car$426 28 for a profit of $130 32 With ample moisture on the west 16 for representatives best in the country at this time rying Bangs disease which may occa- taken this year to improve the grade hatchery Hatcheries may advertise chicks coast to insure a generous supply of The soundness of the program fol- sion undulent fever in humans drink- of Utan chicks purchased from offibaby of with Immediate different under hundreds three forage produced lowed here has been proven and can ing milk from the animals 4-- H Dry Lg to Dr D E cial classifications with regard to corn belt feeders just back from the be easily followed by commercial The lowest percentage of infection hatcheries according to and International and looking with reand of tne conformity major animal type pathologist dairymen was found in dairy herds at Lund and Madsen CANADA DRY GINGERALE They may newed interest toward the west to fill Preston tnat supply most of the milk Utah agricultural experiment station minor disqualifications chicks produced from their pens it is beginning to look as By pro- for Ely There only 19 out of 420 at the Utah State Agricultural col- also advertise pie copy of the schedule 24-o- zi three different official classifications though carlots of good feeder cattle curing a copy they will be able to cows were reactors lege In order to provide a measurregard to testing for Pullorum both large and small are due for a study the questions and answer them Average price paid the owners for ing stick for determining the quality with refers warm reception was of chick to be advertised and sold disease Utah Pullorum tested accurately when the enumerator calls animals shipped for slaughter CHOCOLATES— from flocks which One of the primary functions of said to have been $38 73 per head POCATELLO Idaho — Bannock m January the Utah Hatchers’ and Breeders’ as- to chicks produced western livestock show is to dethe on birds had all premises have any of agstate and farm the sociation girl county’s boy department people disease during velop a special market for the carPUMPKIH— Can are cautioned by I W Slater county riculture and the Utah State Agricul- tested for Pullorum the season of sale and all reactors loads of good quality livestock 4 H club agent to observe seven rules tural college have cooperated in set removed re livestock Pullorum in area the Utah Utah’s passed in forming their clubs and launching CORN ting up certain standards governing produced from florks shows are an asset to Utah agricultheir 1935 projects the production of baby chicks The fers to chickshad Following are the on birds so ture as all attract far have which in only they the items which Mr Slater has outstandards with few minor excepRIPE OLIVES— 8nd which has shown buyers willing to pay lined tions are In conformity with the uni- premises tested clean test (no reac- discriminating a premium for good quality livestock one completely Careful adherence to state rules in form hatching and breeding program season J Once such buyers from coast or corn tors on premises during the No enrollments continued by the AAA and which accepting THE WEALTH PRODUCER belt as the case may be are conehemicals of the soil the farmer rec- Isproposed careful selection of club leaders de soon to be under the general su- of sale to refers clean The new year will give us occasion ognizes the only way nature provides vinced that they can find such qualUtah Pullorum sired by the community enrollment pervision of the AAA from flocks on which ity for sale "first hand" they will of only interested club members to look over the world and to exam- hrni for the creation of wealth The Each Utah hatchery entering Into chicks produced have on return and their friends will come the rereactors no premises miner and the manufacturer recog the program has had one or more more attention given to leader train- ine ourselves in the light of the two consecutive tests with them en- nize the same processes with differGRAPEFRUIT— f of its representatives take a course been found on ing through special meetings and 4H markable history which has been sale Every carload of good quality club council continued stimulation of acted recently developments which ent goods This knowledge of what of training at the Utah State Agricul- during the year precedingfound imit have to hatcheries feeder cattle be shown Some and sold no of show so has been not terminated wealth is having impressed tural college This training qualifies sign CLIVES-G- reen higher percentage of completion of W that the major upon the general run of salaried or them to select vigorous welldevl-ope- possible to meet all the standards for fattened elsewhere every carload of projects the getting of more definite but rather indicate hatcheries Such to shown official sold bulls to and credo have be recognition not taken workers who the steps yet proper professional information to all parents of club hens which have -with be used elsewhere is a living adverRAISINS— The American people are giving ate wealth but have it issued to them qualifications for breeding hens cannot advertise their product members on just what is expected of “Utah” but they can tisement not only for the owner but their children in projects they are much thought these days to the in- after someone else has created it Others are also trained to properly the officialenter so the into program for the region from which it comes More and more our economics will execute the blood test for Pullorum SALAD DRESSING Carrying and stressing the manage- creasing and for the time at least Purr as of disease ment side of livestock club work urgently necessary part which gov- recognize the After passing the examina- far as they find it possible should patronbabychicka through insistence upon accurate rec- ernment is playing in our personal superlative importance and then all tions these men were issued official chasers ofindustries so far as possible ords encouragement of yearly rec- affairs Newton D Baker calls this the rest of us who do something use-- permits which entitle them to do the ize home re- ful will be and should be recognized of work for which particularly in view of the fact that to FJEADOYBROOX our a in attention ords introduction of development type particular carefully hatcheries are now supplying planned method of demonstration pro- cent article in one of the national as important but economically subor- they were trained at the college In aUtah state by supervised product graded gram and discouragement of livestock magazines the disposition of increas- dinate to this first group By all the addition there have been appointed middle two chief Inspectors who are to su- - agencies projects involving only mediocre or ing numbers to rely on government rest of us I mean the OGDEN — Announcement of names bankmen for income and other assistance thus acrub livestock public officials teachers of the Future Farmer boys of Weber doctors naion-olers in the workers the American lawyers reversing county high school who have earned policy of government relying on peo- transportation publishing and amusepositions on the poultry seed and on not ment etc industries merchants The ple people government stock Judging teams which will repas no is to the our There imsituation argument serious resent Weber county chapter In the challenges Pound n thought because we all tend to de- - portance of these various activities Ogden livestock show in January was it is recogmzed that made Thursday lNCtirS generate uswhel our burdens are car-- and of course TURKEYS— Fancy the tasks which are performed by ned for These boys will also compete In Birds pound The farmers of America are par- many of these economic subordinates WASHINGTON D C Dec 23- -In re about cleaned up There state contests in Logan next August and accus- - are among the most difficult and im- 1850 when the first count was ticularly individualistic s TURKEYS— Choice larger consumer buying and as State winners will be awarded a free couragement to woolgrowers in con-liT made of the number of farms in the tomcd t0 relying upon themselves for portant activities of mankind No oig mills secure orders for goods they trip to Kansas City next November 1935 clip the with nection Prime for team market pound wool follow Dut! The the United Suites there were approxi-- what’ver benefits they receive They into are indicated coming advance in prices is the dole Seed judging— Phillip Trotter of About six million upon larger Durchascs mately one and one half millions are arnong the I3'! to mills during 'he raw material by those who create the wealth of the if subsliv or whatever form with farm property valued at $4 000- m0‘nthg of this year have pounds a week have been taken from Huntsville Don Olson of Plain City lb time and Melvin Hogge of Eden Carl The last census of agricul- - ernmcnt ald akes And now' recipi-tur- e nation And it makes little difference HEMS the market tn better shape than the supplies at Boston for some J as we ent whether these whom of Isaacson of Hooper is a substitute havelp taken in 1930 hows more than people agriculture is huge benefit’’ rom March untJ Qctober it while through the sum! ix million farms with a property Payments from the federal govern-valu- called economic subordinates are on Mar- - fall months sales totaled less Poultry judging — Claude Anderson lb u(ed Saturday by F R Wool CAPONS— of Hooper and M ke Avondet Burch ment farmers are not blind to the the public payroll or not They are h of more than $57 000 000 000 one million pounds a week of the National geCTetary wealth producers A Creek Some idea of the magnitude of the fact that this all is secondary to their supported by Miller Harrisville of Hubert Parchasea Discontinued ociation lb ROASTING CHICKENS task now being undertaken by the own individual effort and sooner dr farmer is just as much interested in growers is a substitute The " Early in 1934 dealers paid prices bureau of the census in connection later most of it must cease Stock judging— Scott Wangsgard of the valdily of the salaries of railroad of the with in line wools high point 0I fully lb and Norman Thompson of with the forthcoming farm census! The present wave of spending by and other corporation officials in pro-- prices GEESE— rue 1933 With the introduction in con- Huntsville Plain City William Hodson of Warwhich will begin January 2 may be Public agencies has not destroyed the fessional charges and in the rates he have been a result of the rapid wool agreetrade the of of last In 1933 reciprocal year gress in April ren substitute lb gleaned from calculations basecj upon farmer’s loyalty to the old virtues of pay for transporting his goods and Lein YEAL ROAST— Foreign ments bill the wool market practithe six million farms recorded in 1930 industry and thrift as the onlv solu- for his telephone or power as he is in prices began to advance and the cally closed up Dealer houses dishad market strengthened These farms touted nearly a billion tion of a people’s economic difficulty the salaries of public offiruled continued purchases and the remain- Oxford Youth Named PORK LEG ROAST w ores and crops were harvested from The farmer knows that wealth is not cials and in the valadity of his taxes farm credit administration had from sheep carrying loans ing part of the clip was taken on conwool that Stock 359 For All 000 bv these 000 acres The created issuance of government in generaL spproximately Judging agencies and inlb could be Less than 25 per cent of PORK LOIN— farm population was almost 35 dividuals providing they render a from government agencies These and signment He knows that wealth is the present wool stocks are owned bv by consignment or 24 8 per cent of the United dueed only by turning grass or hay necessary service and the public must Sold only Idaho— POCATELLO Leland other causes brought both manufac- dealers which is the lowest figure lb LEG LAMB-Sm- all SUtea total The broader classifica-mt- o beef or milk or soil nutrients deal with them are public just as Russell and Jack Fisher all of This fact and speculators into the mar- in a great many years tion rural population which is the (into sugar beets or potatoes or gram truly as though they were managed turers Banas Oxford have selected been to mainket to obtain stocks in the early part gives support to the effort lb population residing in places of less tor in some similar way that is by by government or were on what we of the rise Clothing manufacturers tain prices corresponding to those of nock county's livestock judging tesm P: POT ROAST— than 2500 and on farms was at that utilizing the productive forces of e call the pubac payroll Livestock to Ss the in 75 cent Ogden Since markets ahead participate per and large retailers also bought foreign 0 almost 54 000 000 or Bbout 43 8 ture to multiply things which people One of the serious defects in our liROUHD BEEF Unfortunately the public did not of the clip is held at prices based on show to be held January per cent of the country’s population fneed or by taking raw products and economics is that we have for decades join in the movement and the inveri-- Importing parity dealers have a The three youths were among the This census is one of the activities making work-58? SAUSAGE— All-Po- rk lb the burdens of these tone of wool cloth and garments chance to get the same prices So outstanding 4H club member c’nsumpurn or other goods been undertaken by the government pri- - of thee products through labor and subordinates and the created in 1933 had to be worked o'f far there has been no slash of prices mg on dairy or other livetock projincreasing for the benefit of the farmer 'management W So in the breeding and dens of the wea’th One res lt in order to get capital out tor rein ect I Slater county club agrnt lb and to gradually through 1934 SLICED BACQH and all farmer are urged to cooper feedirg of livestock and in the pro- - reverse this pence's producer is one of the was that mill buv uig of 1934 wools vestment in cheaper wools that mijnt plan to visit the youths aoon and con & ate bv writing to the Bureau of the duction of human food anijnimal 'necessities of the New Year and the a pracduct field tour lo as extremely light until November be obtainable from growers give them Census Washington D C for a sam- - feeds from th otherwise useiesa other jears to come About 25 million pounds of 1933 tical experience in judging iNow it appear that the old inven-4-- H PROJECT WORK ' REPORT MADE Ar r ? y j ao-submitt- 'f (Ah-V- f n three-year-o- Cow ld Prize Turkey Sold at Record at Idaho Experience Comment Price of $91 Age Mil 1 ffjw Season ’s Greetings FRESII FRUITS ftoyfeilj vkaiib-w- (Alia kaigo on n nniunro — II ripe 5c g 5 lbs 29c I 3 10c Fncy Eastern 25c k crisp 2 for 15c Calif 2 15c § 2 lbs 39c 4 lbs 15c g 19c 2 Large I VEGETABLES Delicatessen Dept 19c 1930-193- 4 d 25c g ill w M'i 17c g 2 lbs 25c College Training Offered Hatchery Men to Improve Quality of Chicks Small ea Franks and Stick Bologna 10c Glipot Gingerale— 25c 25c 25c Canada Bannock Club Agent Lays Down Rules for 1935 oz2' Sparkling Wafer large iI V S n st b' 18 an SI Oi eo Sa foi w S & Pabsi While Soda— of 19c Xmas box5 lbs 85c 3 2i 10c g '"S”” 2 for 19c a Tall cans 17c § 2 PEAS— Pierce’s 2 cans Cranberry Sauce— Tall cans Shaver’s tall cans ’ high-qualit- i wealth-creato- School 1 Judging To Expect Better Season in xt tl 1935 0 —Choice Stewing ’ Fresh Dressed e ‘'T Leg d — Shcdder cd P 1 1 n m 1 F 10 § g resi the n Greg five Sc LC oppo ment becai again murd dispa today A consu lie” l fate trial “Zmo 23c 23c g 22c gf 15c 17V2c Way-me- daMi 4 15c Rmp :lb 19c Small Lcia pro-00- 0 Aav F Wei foui We Bisl 12c Si Fresh Dressed ' 4 S I 3 n 25c & 21c 1 v L sist Ida Pot 10c TiSSTOMErSOQ ' g am twi Em gra Wn Super Quality Heavier Demand Leads Woolgrowers Federal Farm 15c parls 29c Teams Named Ea 25c g If oz pkg 5c Seedless Ge bu 35c Quarts d r 75c 59c high-qualit- n VenSUS ISc g i2 Cattle Disease Camyaign Ends 8c IL5c 15e 25c § S g g g §n § jectur Of! OKI man v ' tured near I author looted jestert Thre the ho one ha’ brose from t in an opened The N x fel C ach the off |