Show 8 CEU Friday November 7 1986 number one in the nation priow their loss to Ricks the week oefore they played the Eagles Johnny Allen and Edgar Cash ran the only touchdowns for the Eagles "Dixie was a better and more developed team than the Eagles Dixie kicked butt" Flodin said Last Friday the Eagles traveled to Arizona Western in Yuma Arizona Western has the number three running back in the country who averages 160 yards per game Against the Eagles he averaged less than 100 yards because of the strong defensive line shown by the Eagles most of the season CEU had many opportunities to score but were kept scoreless because of interceptions and fumbles which Arizona Western capitalized on On Saturday the Golden Eagles take on Eastern Arizona for CEU's Coach Flodin said homecoming "Eastern Arizona is a good team but they are almost in the same situation as we are” Eastern is a winless team compared to CEU’s record of This homecoming is very hopeful for the Eagles because they have never 2-6- won a homecoming contest However with the record of the Eagles are becoming a well "The kids are developed team competitive they play as a team and they get along well" Flodin said Flodin establishes his team on a two-yebasis The first year the must gain respect for players themselves and for the team The second year they must gain respect for the league With this philosophy in mind the Golden Eagles should have a great team next season -1 LU! IMOT SIGMA MU SIGMA is planning their annual Scholarship Fashion Show along with the cosmetology The show will be department 18 in the Geary November Tuesday Theatre Students wanting to attend can purchase their tickets at the cashier’s window in advance for $3 or 35 at the door The club is planning fond raisers to help send some of the members on the CEU Hawaii trip STARS recently finished with a successful run of their annual spook alley Over 1000 participants toured the 21 rooms during the lour nights it was open Proceeds from it will help send some of their members to Hawaii over spring break Their next activity is starring in the plays "Of Mice and Men" and "The Children's Hour" opening November LAMBDA DELTA SIGMA will feature Mary Hellen Powell as its speaker on November 12 Initiation 9 Week runs from November with a scripture study night Golden Eve night and initiation night On December 3 the sorority will 16-1- exchange ar by Brenda Bofdln of the Eagle Staff n After a respectable College of Eastern Utah football team dropped their last three games They lost a close game to Snow 2 were blown out by Dixie 43-1-3 and shut out by Arizona Western 21-The CEU football squad handed mid-seaso- 17-2- 0 Snow two touchdowns resulting a defeat for the Eagles CEU struck their first touchdown in the first quarter to lead 0 The defensive team for the Eagles stopped the Badgers from two attempts for field goals However Mark Adams failed to get the handle of the snap and fumbled Snow College in 7-- turned the fumble for a touchdown In the second quarter CEU gained possession of the ball and fumbled on a handoff The Badgers scored a touchdown after the Eagle mistake With left before the halt Gary Swim quarterback for the Badgers threw a pass to Kevin Wright for the touchdown The Eagles capitalized on many of Snow’s mistakes They put 10 points on the board because of the inconsistency from the Badgers in the third quarter The offensive team for the Eagles handled the ball very well while the defensive team held the Badgers from scoring Snow solidified their victory in the fourth quarter when Swim threw a We now offer JETO Tennis Shoes HI TOPS - $2695 or LOW $2395 - i CEU Bookstore touchdown to make the final score 17-2- 2 Head coach Bill Flodin contributes the loss to the Badgers to the problems CEU is having with their special teams The special team has received many injuries including Doug Beach the regular kicker who's out for the season because of a knee injury Mark Adams the punter has been kicking for the last two games and this coming game Saturday to fill in for Beach Flodin said "He's not happy about losing the game to Snow we should have won that game" The Eagles played top ranked Dixie October 25 The Rebels were (Continued from page 7) anticipating they will need tutoring nearly doubled to 11 percent Nearly half of the 1967 freshmen said they could describe the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights by 1977 only 30 percent could The percentage of freshmen who frequently smoke cigarettes hu declined from 17 percent to 9 percent since 1966 The percentage of beer drinkers jumped from 64 percent in 1966 to 76 percent by 1981 and has since tapered off to 67 percent Use of tranquilizers and sleeping pills is down o ii "5I0 LDSSA its Christmas gifts is sponsoring during the annual dance PHI BETA LAMBDA is sending attend the Western Region Future Business Leaders of America Conference in Anaheim California on November 2 They will hear lectures on leadership business principles and motivation According to their instructor 1-- Henning Olsen colleges from throughout the western region will be in attendance at the conference The club attended the state leadership conference in Park City on October 31 and November 1 PEDD's doggers are performing for various civic and church groups this quarter The rest of the group is learning new dances for their annual spring concert Good Luck Eagles Beat Eastern Arizona Athletic Fund Raiser Dinner the U ol U’l Bttnbll CkcIi Archibald Lynn at tha guttt speaker Wednesday November 19 7:30 pjn Alumni Room baaketbal squad wil be Introduced at the roast beef dinner CEU’a Golden Eagle SI2M dagb 12800 Mpb Tlckdi for tickets see Bonita Harrison its computer dance tonight (November 7) A television will be given away 12 students to Good :EU quarterback Terry Thomaa throw a acroen paia to running back Johnny Allen during recent CEU va Dixie contest 12-1- 5 CEU Bookstore i |