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Show I mi: sauna srs. sai in a. itaii CF ' KITCHEN ! CABINET r tmww i;t $tt !, lit UttUUM A ifc l'W M-i- tl sirifs ltl Ulx! m4 lf IM nl ft ? It 111 Arls do! itr ut i 1 aH rSntil It l bwttMW trrJlci im-lr- t irf4 tlk Ul!.J fxml If d?i fk.lt.i b I u' a n f wr t-- f dnwrU nil l pens-me- l l it t U uti a brub de and Jltc )hi H rflf lkr in barn) itirttb tffctl, t4 I tlttiuUir quit f "itr4tfc attthftiijrrjt, called, I really n$ various dye MMi srtppla - 1 iuti (, I Ik I I IM I S'fcf b UU4 ye I wist a4s ImI, I AUt; imo mMi r i tkUf I k ! it I 'tltH IM MkUkf ! 1kruk "TH HEADLESS EMBROIDERY"; DRESSY BLACK VELVET COATS ltl t4 It U rf 4w4 lb fa I ! roram, tt r ri flir IV M t It Al.Lt, ta ry 1 14 M ibaiau, a M lain! ( a tucb mrUtt ftt f f fete F-- f drlu kink NiH mt with J7 ,f krrlA I 1I4 it kiriili'i kt ; !.! Iknin rniralx Iht-u- wb II o klultins Inal !.( rhqq-- I. a m. ra.ki-( a h- -- ijminrf stuff; wl jry he yolk and pepper lo heal hot, remote from lh Move ta!, white of and fold la the Mi illy three egg and one half cupful of cream. Turn Into luilered cup or soulfle rase and bake iwenljr minute. Pound Cak. 4rvara one pound ol butter, add one pound of sugar, the n Soma 6smplt Hie new dye snJ palm and color rfcctcd are nothing mgs as now abort ot marvelous. Some of them fad that actually launder. In fact Is coins Ihe rounds Is to hand paint one's silk lingerie a butterfly on the loaf. of shoulder of one's crepe de chine night Charlotte Run. Soak one-thirfestoon of floweret across gown or a package of gelalln In three of cold water and add one the top of one's (eddy." perhaps. Of course painting on crepe tie chine cupful of hoi milk; si Ir until Ihe gd r of on georgette Involves quite a different cupful alia Is dissolved. Add than that used for threadless of three process teuton Hie eggs. yolk sugar. Strain and eool. add one quart ol embroidery on black satin. The best way Is to equip one's self di!pod creum, the lieaten egg white and one teaspoonful of vanlllu. four at the start with a complete outfit of Into a mold lined with lady Angers or dyes and paints, both plastic and liquid, to accomsponge enke and pul on Ice. Serve and then one Is prepnred decorative la tall glasses with whipped cream plish really remarkable and maraschino cherries or pineapple effects. One necessarily need not be an for garnish nrtlst to do threadless embroidery Good Things for Everybody. with a brush. In the first pluee, per An iNviislonul potato salad Is always welcome. Here Is one that Is foruted patterns with powder dark or light are available so one can stamp slightly different German Potato the motif Instead of sketching lb Salad. foil six Speaking of plastic threndless emmedium sized po broidery 00 satin, theres no end of tatoes la their one-thir- table-spnonlu- of tha Nla Art. collar ties at the a high ermine-linethroul with a sprightly little cravat bow ot the white fur. In fact, these tittle white bows occur at every vantage point at the wrists and at the front opening where the coal fastens. Another coat, also of black velvet, has a shawl collar of while fur, with deep cuffs reaching almost to the elbow. There are dangling little bows positioned here and there on this coat, too. with the addition of a black velvet muff which also Is ornamented with a bow of the white lapln fur. Another arresting fashion Is the black coat of fur or of velvet with a long streamered scurf of the ermine, matched with a little white muff, the ensemble completed with a toque of the snowy fur, against the background of which nestles a single huge black velvet flower. When ermine or white Inpin fur la not used then white caracul Is sure to be chosen to carry out the modish black and white note. of the thin Clever neckerchiefs slice them quii thin. Add one 01 two finely cut onions. Cut two slice of bacon Into squares, fry potatoes In the fut. Now add three tablespoonfuls of vinegar to Ihe pun and when boll Sea ing add to the other ingredients. son to taste with sail and pepper and place In a warm oven for teD miputes to season. Grandmother's Hot Slaw. Shred a small cubluige very fine, fut a table spoonful of liulter In a saucepan, add the cabbage and a very little water Cook thirty minutes, then ndd one pint of thick sour creum and cook five Add one scant cupful of minutes. which has been put pep into vinegar per, suit, sugar ami a pinch of mus ard. I.oil up once and serve. Cook Maise With Cheese. of a cupful of cornmeal in one pint of boiling water and one teaspoonful of salt thirty minutes. Add two cupof butter and ful of snappy cl.eese. Spread in a pan. When cold cut into blocks and fry until crisp and brown. Serve with salads.-Perfec- 1 iii d f t Orange Marmalade. During February usually oranges are the most plentiful and the cheapest. Take one dozen tart oranges. live lemons and slice very thin, removing all seeds Let stand covered with two gallons of Now hours. water for twenty-fou- r rite hour one after point boiling cook Set is reached, stirring very often. twenty four hours away another Measure one cupful of sugar fur every cupful of the fruit mixture and cook one lo air. Four into Jelly glasses and seal when cold. This amount makes twenty four glasses. three hard Eg3 Fritters. Tuke two sardines, bread cooked eggs, crumbs, egg, salt, pepper and vinegar. Cut the cooked eggs into halves after removing the shells; remove the yolk. Skin and bone the sardines, mash w ith I lie egg yolks, season with salt, popper and vinegar and rub threugb a sieve. Refill the whites, brush with beaten egg and cover with bread crunil s. Fry In hot fat and serve garnished with parsley and lemon quar tecs. 'HtAU 7Wrt IS. of u b Mr. id u. thought Potato. For attention atl lh . w w can b stewed, w can ! mud Into can fr Box With Bright Red Tomatoes, they plan to use us." said the To- ?f asked you he You have been in a hot- house, spoiled and petted. queer if you weren't supdor, sun and warmth to give you fine color." I.ut the Carrots and Tbtatoes that they really were tie most portant of all the winte vegetal''. Do you (hink they weie right? .Y-C- wft-wi- th Mustnt, Teacher s If you do not get your 4 letI write to will have heller ter to your father. Little Mary IIcase, teacher, you shouldn't write to my father, cause to have my mamma doesnt like women writin to papa. You accessory sets to wear with one's party or sports frocks. Hats, hand bags, pocketbooks, belts can be so cainted as to suggest the exquisite ,'int petite embroidery which Is worked so intriguingiy on many of the French Importations. rts surprising Imw ingeniously one can decorate and even retint satiD shoes. For evening one can work high heels with glitter anil plastic paint uitil they look as if white furs sometimes are artfully knotted about the neckline, so arranged as to serve as a close-fittincollar. Then again, a single rever darts diagonally across the front of the coat. The stunning evening wrap In the picture is of transparent rayon velvet, collared and cuffed in ermine. The fine shirring catching up the wide sleeves Is a distinctly new note in the treatment of velvet for the formal JULL DOTTOMLEY. wrap. g . 1929. XL Western Jfewepsper CnioD Teacher In. tu4y Frel4-llula a reiikU n It ta modwtaa. a4 berk. au!4 hf drucsiku. In boik f ul4 &a4 uUu. Wi m U h lh ta . IbM. MMi IWS enkwV I ktM4 mad routs I rum noiSMk I imU M wr inqiwk M S SUM 1 k sM, M MV1 Mk. 4 M I kw k euMikk 4 im w,U to 4m wiikkl W. 0 Ik " l4 blw Ikm Uukt at to. hma'a Imm Smnk- 1 am iwkaik S4 I H Into M I kailt ti CU Om U miw bikivtuk'1 la Of I . sMiom s or tboiov.ch4a pimopCy wiili AhkoitarM. It kit It pMUittni remove It m bUkitir m Ult, Yoa n wmk lh hots tl thtmum.fLrkciite LJt drwc(it or dot t yooi pxipi-- l far viol Ii ktiuvUut. Will (i far vtluil 1 butt bock A mm kfliM! Tit MM knt sk 4-- S It IMHII tm Kedlt t4 far a lye-son- The Process Teacher Now, Jane, please tell os how forests bee me petrified. Jane Well, U most t the wind makes tbd that comes ahmg rock. trees formerly have seen a number of dinner gowns," she said, "and they are lovely." She added with a laugh: "Of course they are remarkable for Intltude rather limn longitude." I lie IIOTEI. Nevhouse SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Ont of Sart Ltkt Oolflt, Mbrr (u-- vllk Ctrtr M Clift Iwl S4 tun nnt IWCm MtMilloa. Hv nd caltltr's. 49 Room. CACII WTrB BATH 12.00 to SKIeAlIh Thm It. 00 Mvlnj long It. Tewriet Mmntlalii Wml trondorfui dmmt fwrl of 4 Writs Cr A Chmftsy Mdrrrlottd C.llmilA UmiM-pirot- litl Virns. tt CimkI llolwle Howlfioriwiui -- ld lliialni fjpringVN Ctt.tPOItKI.1 Long-Live- d Indians An Indian ehlef, whose age Is given In tribal riHords ns one hundred and thirty. Is mourned at Valtevistiv. Calif., hy four sons, each of whuit Is more than ninety. The aged lend- er was Manuel Fortes, chief of thv Santa Rosa Indians. The tribal records relate that Fortes was born In 17! iS and that be passed bis entire life In the vicinity of the Santa Ross mountains. who laughs last Is usually the dumbest. Men look to the future nnd women look for the picscnt. j. ' i H i f . V. u kM4 Pa4 10 for trUI pkg. tablet ta lr. Flerca's InsaUd lioiel. UuSslo, N. Y. IX to clill-liv- Hawes, i I lt n that your form regular Imwet habit , and at the first sign of lnd breath, coated or conatlpaHon. longu, blllounef-llttla fulifornl.t 11s give them Fyrup. It regulates the liowels and siomnch and give these organs tone and strtmgth so they ronllnu ta a t a Nature Intends them to. It build tip and strengthen put, llstle, Mlllleent f : Nature conlrd nil lh functions ft cur digcktlte organs except on. W have rmitrol over that, sml lts lli fundlnn tliat e.iue the most trou-II- . Children love underweight children. It rich, frully taM and It's purity vegetable, so you can give It os often ns your child's npjetite lag or he seems feverish, rrof or fretful. have endorsed leading physician It for 50 yeor, nnd It overwhelming sales record of over four million bottle year nhows hour mother depend on It. A Yestern mother, Mr. It. V. Ftewnrt, 4112 Raritan St IVnver, Colorado, any: Raymond wn terdown by constipation. lie ribly pulled got weak, fritful nnd cross, had no nrpetlie or energy nnd food seemed lo sour In his stomneh. California Fig Syrup had hlin romping nnd playing again In Just a few days, nnd soon he was back to normal weight, looking better than he had looked In , months." iTotcct yur child from Imitations of California Fig Syrup. The mnrk of the genuine Is the word California" on the enrton. r ft ay hcits'l hr vorli Tells Story y eaten for lunch as a fruit, dessert, and we ran be eaten for supper as a vegetable, or almost any way shouldn't atery vaU u.'a Denver Mother the duchess of Sutherland, wns talkfashions. ing nhout the present-da- we can be And why Mr. Potato. fovely ways of working out charming r Lady Were very superior, Black Velvet Touched With White Fur. ronrentraM It Liberal Yet Restricted Modesty la the concealment of whnt Is ugly. There I nothing Immodest In the display of whal la beautiful." matoes. strife. hatchery, with Hut Ptr'Ut ii Fraaert-0 a coma 14 ill. Wat br la t4 d an extra abundance poputniton, ef inseci shm snd In lh water If II lh finny denlxms sr ta hat their rtilr appeased. And hctic th light a lure the Insect lo tlM-lAloiut the lamp fountain hat been InMailcJ and lh two mk an effect he combination for lh automatic feeding of the fikh qi ulallog the lak. Inscd sr lured by the light Slid daohlu;: Into lh Mrvam of water nr carried down to hem wotk lh fih. Th very sucre full nnd Inrldental'y rid the vhliiity of goodly number of annoying pct. h said Mr. Potato, w can ! fried or tMilli-- d or baked, and w can be ewed. Ion. "What I more than anything. w ll Wc'r simply mashed. can ! I hen." "Well." said th Apples, we don't think Sla much of on honor to bq nmohett. Not much. "A If anything thought It fin to h mashed. That shows you are not 0 fin as w are." lla, ha," chuckled Mrs. Squash, at h rolled to on side. Mr. Potato had teen very md to Mr. Squah and she was glad to henr him being snubbed for a change, You see," continued the Apple, breakfast as eaten "wc can ! A 1 , pud- 1 talde-spoonfu- ls green Carrol,'' said k Now potatoes are vegetables nnd nothing else. You never heard of a potato pudding, did you? Why, even Mrs. Squash can he made Into a pie." Of course Sirs. Squash was very And the Apples conhappy now. tinued talking. What delicious pics we make! W are the favorite pies of the world! Think of that for a distinction! Some people like mince pie, some like pumpkin pie, others enjoy squash pie, or lemon pie, but almost every one likes apple pie. To think of being an apple pie It's a wonderful thought. And we can he eaten just as we are, tool "No one could eat a raw potato. That would he too horrible!" Now Just at that moment Hie cook came down In the cellar to pick out the winter vegetables she would want for dinner. its Well,'1 said she to herself, nice to get something from the hothouse once in a while. "I pot so sick of these everlasting winter vegetables and apples that we keep in the cellar. It's nice lo have a few tomatoes for a change. Down she put a box with bright red tomatoes just from the hot house. mid the Vegetables, Well. peel jackets, while hot and one-hal- f th h dell-Clo- null one-thir- ! tato. of butler, adJ lh beaten yolk of ten egg. one pound of flour and onebult teaHsmful of nutmeg. Mix thoroughly. fold In the Hilly beaten while of Ihe egg. add leatqoonful of anil, and on half cupful of orange Juice with the rind of one orange grated. Hake la a P.u-- r, dings, pie and tart. Toiat- - can Juof I potatoea. that all " "Well, lhat'a enough," said Mrs. Po- 1 res, right. quit And whyf" w aided to l u baked, adr anl the lightly lieaien M any-ti.!- Mrs. Kquath, .ily. IWamw m wiib JcFy. Atl.w fifteen nilnui io lli Mund In baking Spinach Satffis. Roll Iwo pound of i!tsu In Hi wafer which cling lo liir leave. Suit anj drain wlu-t- i tender and pres ilirough a Met. Melt spinach of thr.- - - Vu re hlltiM-Jf- 1 on kd Aljde. Hut n.li tt'r'r lh oto-- i Uut," appr-aran- cfin. fl mt lh d In th wur.d t v whHhrr they r cooked 111 rl'i4 111 ron!d-re- pot rrrt keep a nearly II. tSiuT with a .it.l d JtiSt Mbr going to Th Mhl.Hs," said lh Carrot taUit.ilijr. Thy Ihlt.k tnr of th than f anything le. Mt Inti dears," ended th Car-r-.t irtmn and lau laid IJmI'IuIi of fj tall I fli Tum it wins under II hark iliat t Ik l' hat a plump Inin !va across l,ard Iti lo rar rt.liki'ii wliii wo rw of M poik and bake uti'll aril d.i. b.iiltig li u ('irfMr u b-.- - ail tk way or th olher." Ai-who thint down u al II. rsivfully i )." i. They'r and rviiM'i Ivrat it drum Hks and but break ri'MP many Mid Mr. I'ututo, ' could we," Mid th Kquask th family, 1f only peopl would wond.-rfu- t kn lwBlb rbl tii iL t k. ta tf. raun qmtcrtylng tuuHi for Mry, lh light I that In th (ii laftton tf th lak sr fiah of many kinds n4 Stic, for th Ink I Flh hatchery by local fikhenurn. mukt b fed. nd they prefer Insect t I or tPl&f rh St u4 d:f- - about a .uUV etked Mr, tvisio proudly. I'm sar d.n't know why pot," Mid Miw, Kquh VII. Writ - Mid th Carrot, what can on npe1 front H Kquah fsm-- ) (it JUtfi r.kv b rw "Who rvi; . "W Rb o.t, inisM irii oa Th It, WINTER VEGETABLES Icoutil," lik ) tWVSkl.qt cawykM.iio.rwra MATfY I nrt it ht th JsliKvJ hern ItiNMliigUa shout th water liiktaltr) a s.lj to th natural beau ty of Ik park, but ther I tnor ta I try Mil I b Mory f latrcpirfcd by Ik" up.: a fabric fur. iLls splendid Dlltli ChUkt Sul draw lb tbi krd II ll kail and lH and wilt a sharp anil lf A Fort W)ie. lrt la I furred 1!! tUNCHJON OHHU rUUt Dadctus Ewmiucr FainjJTalo mfl fitkrtlfcf rf tutrifuief M TWl ffnit rufctlc brw tia it I IW14, I bra bat a story led! aftrro fw Food Supply Auurec Fih in iUtc YUltors ta It UlrtlJs If you have presents to shed, pnre to shed them now. X-:;- ! i |