Show BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS 1 9 kepler sessions Session sand and wife who I 1 were down for cori conference ference returned to their home W ni in chesterfield ida last las t week k william reed of of castle gate utah was here lat last la a st week visiting tim relatives A fine f ine daughter was born to mr air and mrs leo leb ha hart Hi t on wednesday at sirs mrs J A brooks clyde bar barlow ow as if rs buil building dino an ad to his res residence denee formerly the roland String liam home i the daughters daughten of the pioneers will meet wednesday wed edday april at the home of mrs irs fred rampton I 1 at 2 3 0 p a I 1 A fine daughter was born frilay friday at mrs leanor eleanor f williams maternity home to mr air and mrs airs william J sell csoll and the first of this week ason to mr and mrs arthur horsely mrs dollie dollic i hardman was struck by an automobile as she was getting aff offa or on the street car at the J C cj penney corner tuesday evening at the time it I 1 was thought she was v not seriously injured an agreement agre emen was reached by the city council counci and t the lie bishopric of the ilic bou atif ticul ill 1 F first arst ward cedil wednesday edday ev ning ning whereby the lawn 0 the tabernacle will be taken are of again this s summer u amer finan ial matters pertaining to the ity were also discussed at said ne estino eting miss josephi ie e Burning burningham liam of bountiful t cowf now vice president of the junior class at the agricultural college 0 iba utah was elected vice president of the colleges student body 0 on 4 april apri 11 for next year miss burningham k has exhibited her ability as an executive in ih many past I 1 college college functions and won the election by a ma major majori jor jorl i l ity airty of forty votes she will son par in a delate debate given hy by the empyrean club the question to be debated is resolved pe solved that an honor system should should be establish ed at the Colle college cV she will re rc present the affa affi active side of th the fuestion lu estion tile the ladies Set etter tennent ment club with their huab ads spent wed evening with governor govern or land and mrs arrs charle 1 R mabey tt at their new home 1390 yale aven avell ue salt lake ci y Y tile tiie evening was spent in gain 9 s and music and refreshments we ve e served tho governor was v ry pleased I 1 to 0 have bave his Bour bouncil itil il al friends and aall neighbors spend in evening with lim and his fam ly y lie ile hoped it was just the bagi ining ni of f a num ber of such visits those pre present were Bisho bishop and mrs irs J K R mr and mrs W A mr and mrs F B smedley mr air and mrs A L M IN donald mr air and mrs L S ramp on mr air and M mr rs angus 11 figus smedley mr air and mrs A J holt mr and mrs irs J A mr air and urs mrs J hn in stoker mr air and mrs ira C holbrook mrs judson I 1 mabey mr air and airs james 11 ram ramp p on and mrs esther naylor f the beautiful three act 0 crettis pandora Pay dora with dramatize dra dramatization im matiz aciz xon of songs and stori s will v ill b beaven gihei by the children of the he h st er ei friday even evening lec t apri kp ri 27 in the bountiful fiant ward var ar ta tabernacle S toker stoker school childr n awil will be all ail in bitted free I 1 atin assion ion of all others peter nelson Nel lefoll tone of the two men arrested akre here recently by sheriff mann and ana marshal lawson as lie he and his companion 0 an 0 were tac nip toward passing through t i wn v toward salt lake it is allea allege I 1 with whisky which had been imported from canada will have a hearing in the district court in I 1 armington this saturday ka the brick work wor on the front of new picture theatre is now completed and nd the side and end walls of the structure re are arc very nearly finis led T J harrison I 1 the cont condrac rac or who did the brickwork on th the front is receiving 0 numer numerous ills co con aliments ments for his ability as a brick bric ayer tt it is is a beautiful buil building din one that ev every body admires in the way of show houses bonn B ou aul is sure going from one ex esl f e erne in I 1 to the other remarks are being made like th the 0 following 69 he only fault I 1 have haie to find with i is that it makes tilt the rest of our mainess busill ess houses oil main street appear like shacks sli acks 1 i consider it at tt afi c third nices show house in thea the state waite till it itt it finished ii with ith its pretty lobby and porch c cec centric lights heating lio atin and ventilating systems mr air trump pro ictor of tile the davi i 3 county ilea iieana ng and beet metal works put 0 oil I 1 the heavy metal cornice it s expected that lie he will install he ie heating t and ven ti lating p plan Is 4 which alone will cost over 1000 1 00 |