Show rt i ' U Second Section SaIt Lake City-Uta- — Wednesday Morning — December h rage 28 1937 11 SL Commission Agrees On $13 "Million Budget RaKoTV Fog falif Sfilmnt S-a-lt Page One- - Dan Board Faces Officers Nab Fine Ogdcnitcs Problem of On Liquor Hauling Charge SptSial to The Tribune Fund Source- WENDOVER— Arnold Ferrln and Harold Ambler both Valentine's i kww W'hT 4 ) Nothing Serious® JUST ABOUT THINGS: How snazzy can you get? Clair M Senior lawyer has an oil por trait of himself Viri' rectory " v v “ -- f v w v instead w 'of just a plain ' si photograph! " - y L In the" Salt Lake Rotary Club Di- rii “ v Each February Tx members of the U t a h Bowmen ? Assn go wild I boar hunting in Arizona with j their bows and Narrows (I know Dan Valentine a couple of tame bores they can-- shoot right herein Utah!) Reed Clawson president of ’the Park City Club says his town Is “not dead" contrary to recent publicity but he says some of the residents will be unless Park City-ge- ts a doctor sooh — any doctors "interested in -- a "town of 1700 no competition? There will be "358 Special 1 weeks In 1958 —enough to I give poor Gov Clyde writer’s cramp just signing proclamaWorkmen stand tions -- jt v-v 4- f d v:: I d jf u $250000 314824 K-- N S'dh &-V- " r d — ' “ '‘l al- budget capitalim-provement- s ones the In By Robert W Bernick Business Editor Ef Paso Natural Gas Co has proposed a 26 million dollar ' pipeline and natural gasoline San Juan in expansion plant County Utah It was disclosed Tuesday ' 'T tional- expenses ’r S thick reinforcing’ sleel being On pre- vault In the new Federal or lowest level of the Reserve Baukof San Francisco branch at 1st South and State bomb-proo- f — Bank robbers The note: vault underground lowest floor of the level of the vault is now being set up in preparation for the laying of two feet thick concrete all around A of a wall would show four inches of concrete 16 inches of steel and concrete and another four inches of concrete This will be done on all three of the massive bPing constructed now as part of the Salt Lake branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco is designed to withstand' atomic attack — you don’t stand a chance Reinforcing steel for the walls and Auto Iii Days Since "Last Utah cross-sectio- -- Traffic Death ng n R-Pro- of 25-to- n Ath- East Parks Commissioner L C Romney projected his plan of Increasing the business license fees to raise an additional $400-00annually He said the Inequities in the business license fee formula would be removed Business Privilege Tax Mayor Adiel $ Stewart pushed forward his progiam of obtaining about one million dol115-5t- 0 ' C-- 8 d solving puzzle No 79 for a total cash prize of $100 That’s right! One hundred Pete dollars! No one outwitted Blackout Pete last week and as a result the prize has gone up from $50 to $100 And there’s a $5 bonus for you if your winning entry Is submitted on back of a 2c postcard also BLACKOUT is free to you as a reader of The Tribune! Turn to page read the rules and mall In C-8- 4 your solution! Layton Concern Low Bidder l School at Rose Park d Staff-Writ- er all-ou- Optimists Honor ‘Boy of Month’ 1 ll n ’ Brain-Storming!- - The’ board's building -- and grounds changing of location of the Indian Hills school in its she 95 feet east of the approved plan to escape excavation in An outcropping of ledge rock just discovered on the property Advantages said Walter A Jensen superintendent of buildings include lesser cost increase in the size of play areas for and' elementary' grades increased parking facilities-an- d the fact that a minimum amount d be inof design committee-recommende- Commissioner Oliver G Ellis to s a 15 from boncHssue to water and sewer the four-mil- l levy for 20 years will be “pushed by me” r 50 Policemen “We-mu- st embark on a program of capital improvements for Salt Lake City in 1958” said Mayor 'STewart "“This bonding plan will be pushed ahead aft soon as the revenue problem for the tentative 1958 budget is settled possibly Wednesday" Listed in the increase of $798000 In ihe tentative budget is $124000 to thepublic safety department which will be used partly for hiring 50 more policemen during 1958 float million-dollar-plu- The water department asked for $190000 that will be used for repairing Mount Dell Reservoir building new pipelines and helping to construct new shops to replace' those destroyed by fire some time ago $150000 Mora d -- r'T i -- natural gas produced in GasRctailcrs Oppose §L Business Tax Representatives of the Utah -- f associa- tion with crude oil Producers are paid for both the gas and the light oil liquids — El - Paso-Als- oannounced - It would build transmission lines to gas as well as oil fields in southeastern Utah and northeastern Arizona First In Arizona Hooking up gas fields In Art zona would make that state a gas producer for the first tuna in its history In addition to the 100 mil lion cubic foot a day gasolin plant at Desert Creek the El Paso program would include a Association of Petroleum Retailers Tuesday appeared before the Salt Lake City Commission and vigorously protested Imposing any tax on the group which could Jiot he passed on to the 27900 horsepower- - compressor -consumer station -- and related dehydratlos — Appearing before the commis- facilities sion were Reed Day’ associaEl Paso also plans to build tion field representative Thom- about 79 miles of main trans as ErBellinston and Lynn If mission lines extending from ’ LAreenr directors and Jules C Its Aneth area (Desert Creekl Reichert service station oper- facility southeasterly to a polni ator - i of connection with Its existlni Ina petilionJromJhe service San Juan main line neai station operators signed by the firm’s San Juan River plan) some 254 retailers of Salt Lake in northwestern New Mexico City -- lheywent on record as " Gathering lines ——— "being opposed to a business An additional 87 miles oj privilege tax and any other proposed business tax that cannot gathering lines ranging from" in diameter four to be passed on to the public" “Service stations operate In a also would be laid in Utah and ' highly competitive market and northern New Mexico The program would meai have no control over prices at which they must sell" said Mr that for first time In history natural gas and gas produced Day Their petition was referred to from oil wells in San Juan the Committee of the Whole County would find a market out -- h t- '? I ' The streets and engineering department took $150000 more four needed operational expenses Mr Romney said he would need but $34000 additional to his budget for Increasing the salaries of temporary help next year He said the present wage scale is “yery low" He said the scale is $720 $820 and $1050 per day City Auditor Louis EJIollry told commissioners an unappropriated surplus used to be set up by the commission He said there hasn’t been one since 1952 volved A change In the art room to He recommended that one be set up provide more storage and Discussing possible revenue Installation of 'an electric inMr Romney - suggested additional kiln for ceramics and fee license the business electrical outlets at the north- creasing or west Junior high under con-- - instead of Imposing a 1 'CoL See Page Col 5 See Page pri-mdr- - work-woul- al-lo- one-hal- f B-- 2 B-- ’ ol- one-quart- onns the driver had apparently fallen asleep at the wheel Mrs Houston Torrington Wyo was pinned by her arm in the wreckage between the root and the top of the dashboard Rescue Woman Offilecrs who worked almost a half hour to free the Injured woman finally raised the overturned vehicle with a wrecker prying open hole large enough to slide her put The four occupants were northbound from San Diego Calif to Casper Wyo Assisting In the investigation were Troopers J Lowe Barton and Ralph Gongaware of the The firm made a filing for approval Of the planwiih7 the Federal Power Commission in Washington DCr “ Iff this filing” lt"'sald It " wanted to build facilities south of the San Juan River in what ia known as the Desert Creek area as a center for gathering processing and delivering into transmie its California-bounsion systems some 115 millloi cubic feet of gas daily -- Permanent Housing Near its "natural' gasollnt plant” at Desert Creek costing between eight and ten million dollars the company would construct permanent housing lot some 39 families The Texas Co also has proposed construction of a gasoline Aneth-Ponorth of tplant-a- tthe river The company has not on this plant ‘as has not announced to whom it proposes to sell (he gas from its plant A natural gasoline plant “strips” light oil liquids from - lars jadditionFreyenue through of bhe“"per cenTJ a $100 business privilege tax on grossj " retail sales The increase of $798000 in the tentative budget followed after of today’s Mr Romney had the commisTurn to Page issue of The Salt Lake Tribune sioners lifjt their “must” needs and try your word skill at next year Mayor Stewart announced the BLACKOUT program offered by Finance 3 Pete Offers it d As-Yulc-B- Special to The Tribune PARAGONAH Iron County— A 3year-olCasper Wyo girl was killed and three persons were Injured Tuesday at 7 aon in a one-ca- r smashup five miles north of Paragonah on US Highway 91 Catherline Pearl Hulsey was pronounced dead on arrival at the Iron County Hospital Tribune Ends Santa Sub Phase Today - letic Club vault's levels and each level will be door sealed off by a The floor of the lowest level will be poured Friday and work on the vault should be about a third complete by this weekend according to Louis A Redgate associate architect for Ashton Evans & Brazier designers of the building Girl Kills-Wyonii- Two proposed revenue raising programs wine discussed at the 8 am executive session in the mayor’s office No action was taken on either Another meeting wasset for Wednesday at 8 a m at the Ambassador New Bank Vaults A -Proof—and e ( The of some needed - hard-to-bu- y San Juan County Draws 26iVlillioiT GasTIant — - water depaitment The budget is otherwise 'purely' for ''‘Opera- AROUND AND ABOUT: Step aside ESquire the University of Utah has its own pinup girl Jack Summers 44 Casper ' calendar The Sigma Delta Chi Wyo stepfather ' of "the'- dead at who the suffered a fractured journalistic fraternity girl University has published a 1958 jaw and deep lacerations about calendar featuring pinups of the face and neck was listed In the 12 most lovely beauties on serious condition as was Mrs Names? the campus It sells for 50 cents Needy Juanita Houston 18 a sister o: 2k —worth twice as much I Summersr-whwas treated for New York toy store is Offering face lacerations a —fractured Utah lUghway Patrol t a stuffed dinosaur for right arm and possible spinal child on for that injuries Just your Christmas list Veers Off Highway thought you’d like to know' Ron -- Dean Did you know that the St Houston a son of the injured woman suffered only bruises Anthony School in Pocatello has the only Girl Scout troop and abrasions and was listed in Sub for Santa at The Salt good condition In the country that takes regLake Tribune Wednesday will ular Judo lessons? Sergeant Robert J Reid of the William F Smiley rpmplete its rollsof needy Salt utah State Hlghway Patrol who tribune According to fashion experts Lake families in preparation for assisted in the investigation ski pants will be slimmer this the final t Contract for construction of effort to assure said the car driven by Summers year (wonder If what the pants that no Salt Lake child misses a veered off a straight section of the northwest elementary school are on Isn’t slimmer?) Gary visit from Santa Claus on highway into a deep wash after on AmericairBeauty Drive in Coo'per works at State Hospital Christmas Day Rose Park was awarded Layton South In Blackfoot Idaho— he's Construction' Co ’on its base Call Sub for Santa at EMpire a night watchman and no relabid of $328458 with alternatives to report a needy family tion to the 'movie star In or come to Sub for Santa headreducing the general contract Detroit Mich all policemen quarters in Room 214 Tribune bid to $317458 must attend special classes In Building Salt Lake City Board of Eduhuman relations I don’t go Jimmy Rodgers son ofMr cation also awarded contracts on PER3IISSION of the family Is and Mrs James 'H Rodgers the school for electrical work A cop just ain’t a for this cop If he’4 human required because' a Sub - for 1317"SteWart Strand sixth tO Wasatch- - Electrical Co for Santa social service worker-wigrade student at Glendale Pgrk $24690 and to Higham-IliltoNow I know what happened calliat the home to obtain neces- School Tuesday was honored Plumbing and Heating Co for to all - those cigar store In-— by 50 business and professional plumbing and heating work for “ sary facts on the case dians— lung cancer! Every year for the past 28 men at Hotel Utah $84629 — HERE AND THEBE: I’ve al- years Salt Lake’s assurance The received the Salt An appeal was made for both youth be overl- Lake Club’s board members and the public ways wondered whether mail- that no child Would Optimist men send each other Christmas ooked by Santa Claus has been award consisting of to submit before the January Salt Lake a cards and certificate In rec- meeting a list of proposed names Supervisors at the Sub for Santa at The trophy Naval Supply Depot are being Tribune ognition of his standing as a for the northwest elementary t "citi- the southeast junior high and offered a 6part course ’In "CreTO MAKE this promise come typical good student and school ative Thinking and zen”" Indian Hills elementary schools at the elementary this year more and true In the latest Issue of more again Subs for Santa are needed "The Pointer News” published Why not volunteer today? Comparison at Point of the Mountain Quay Call Sub for Santa at ---on is “Kilburn ‘listed the mast- 31511 Ext 258 or 259 EMpire and' as 1958 head as “Editor at Large”— he soon as a Sub for Santa worker from the has found a recently escaped 1957 qualified case that -- Point! !L H Soper of Twin fits resources you will be ypur Falla has a collection of old the name to make your Babe Ruth given safety razors! own personal Christmas charity down in Milford says that since $3251151 Additional funds f the Sputnik has been running project ' plans Granted v around in the heavens the geese around Milford are getting up two hours earlier $3200754 - A fellow in Hackettstown NJ name Clark of J by the Staples is 96 year old —he claims to be Tuesday was Another of those the- - oldest car driver in the “fair and mild” days the United States He’s driven weatherman has been stringing 1958 miles since 192Q without an and if "his ' Anybody beat together balllately --accident tells the truth crystal that? be still another Wednesday will t $72900 ' By the time an American one $67552 The mercury In Salt Lake can find to do what he wants j he don’t wanta’ do it any- - City ranged between 45 and 22 Public Affairs not very far from the “normal” more Auditor Public Safety for the date of 24 to 41 range Finance and SAM M2-too- $12- with pared for the laying of concrete in the three-stor- to bring -it lows no money for Is THINK YOU’VE got commuting problems how about poor Mrs Ardella Hodges who teaches atRirie Idaho but lives at Dubois Idaho — she drives 120 miles daily to and from work Is this a commuting recDo you want to penord? a New Zealand girl? with pal old New Margaret King Zealander would love to with folks from the West You can write her at 7 Station St Upper Hurt WellingA promiton New Zealand nent grocery executive recently stated that unless Americans changed their eating habits the average man would weigh 370 pounds in 2957 and the average woman would tip the scales at 346 Just thbught you'd like to know "' ' T I like this sign on a gas station in Orem: “We sell no gas on Sunday and darned little during the week!” to e Operational Expenses - -- it CommFs-siunTuesda- f KI-wan- t- - of Ogden were arrested and fined Wednesday for transporting 350 fifths of whisky from Nevada to Utah Fertin and Ambler pleaded guilty before Justice of the K Niels’on in Wendover and were ordered to each Peace — pay-- $400-finand serve 30 days la jalL The jail sentences were suspended upon payment oOhe u fines The two men were stopped by Tooele County Deputy at the Wendover K B Russell about noon at Weigh Station after they drove across the state line In a station wagon loaded with more than 29 cases of whisky which did not beat a Utah liquor atamp The Utah police authorities had received a tip that th was being brought into Utah and waited foe tho liquor The figure as anticipated station wagon at the line The whisky was confiscated by revenue for 1958 submitted by i the state the city auditor's office was “stretched” Monday by Otto R By Clarence D Williams' ' Tribune Staff Writer The Salt Lake City on a 1958 tentative budget of $13112824 an increase of $1214311 over the' 1957 budget of $11868513 While the commission agreed on the bpdgot after pushing it up $798000 from $12314824 it has Vet to settle a major problem — where to obtain the additional revenue jrecd ‘ — let Okeh It Clerk-Typi- st would also be the first time that natural gas produced in -- The Salt Lake City Commission Tuesday approved the temporary appointment of Mrs Ave as Ruth M Belier 371-3ra clerk typist in the vital statistics division of the health department at a salary of $212 a month She replaces Mrs Mary Black d ” Utah would find its way to — — th west coast market El Paso told FPC Tuesday that It "has entered into exterv sive negotiations with various l producers in the Creek area to purchase and ao quire casinghead gas residui gas and gas well gas" Aneth-Deser- of 1957 Budget With Auditor's Tentative 1958 Budget - i -- JW 1?5Z w 1958 s ' 1957 i 1957 $190000 $37 II l£5Z tOO Cl pi - n $1045931 $3543420 i n ' $12314124 $910000 Water Supp y and Public I r :V: $975000 Streets and ff' v $S38 79 ts’' v- - K) $791000 - 1957 $171101 Parks and Public Property - 1958 Statutory and General Revenue Transfer Trial ludgri Jwtoti 1951 laSjri hr 1957 Funds THE SAD CYNIC SAYS: Water Works Coalville with an early mom- Improvements 4 Mft women don’t care If a ine 10 above was still 30 deU - lie safety: parks and public property total ' budget' lncrcasef$l211 man remains a bachelor— if grees warmer than the nation’s! The Sait Lake City Conin6ssion rucsday“’pushed“thellty'r This” represen Improvements water supply and works he doesn’t brag about it! 1958 tentative budget icebox Fraser Cola up another ' $798000 to $13 112821 j last year Additional funds were panted Tuesday for pub- J I $1Ti6m $34000 0 w - -- T- $1003139 1 375-00- — J1 4 1958 Tuesday Grand? Today’s Like It! $13112124 - y 311-Ov- er streets and puhllo These art In gray |