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Show V A VOL- - X LOGAN CITY, UTAUrTIUmSDATT JTTiminOOli XX1- - miral Crowinshield, than was hand ed to Lieut. Whittlosley , who took : i it to SecrctaryLong and after the latter had signed it, sent ic to Admiral Dewey. In conclusion, Admiral Crown iu Half of Kansas Eastern tornMC shield - says that whatever credit Shriveling up.' comes from having given the order belongs to the President and Seere-Itar- y Long. i Secretary VtiIe iU Long said upon ulTaaih4ofor yem this subject: My recollection is Protracted Heated Spell be failure distinct. entirely, Ten Millions pf Dollars on the declaration Immediately upHa CauieJ of war I had to Farmers in SunUiwer State conferral with the President about Diflujc an order to Dewey to attack the On SunSpanish fleet 9. The hot day morning, April 24th; I went Topeka. Kan., July with to the White House, sat with the meatier in Kansas continues, President on a sofa in the corridor relief. aud of indications immediate Co earnestly advised the sending of the withstood ravages such of an order. But for AdCom has it Now miral Crowninshields statement t,e eat until yesterday. should have said unhesitatingly I and prospects ii fast shriveling up the farmers. that I had gone with the dispatch, are not pleasing to which had been prepared in his The oats will be a failure and hay bureau of navigation and that the President approving, 1 1 returned jgseareer than for years. la western Kansas the conditions to the Xavy Department and sent Eastern part, it into the bureau of navigation to ire better ihan in' the la put in cipher. thisbeing directly opposite to the I then went out to drive. As Some of the usual state of affairs. I drove out, between 11 and 12 Ceutral Kansas farmers are shippoclock, I remember passing Adto western Kansas miral Crown iushield. As to what stock their ing mas to take advantage of the transpired later at the White House at the meeting which he laperior hay crop. It is eetimnted that Kausas will describes, I, of course, have no safer crop losses from the prot- knowledge racted heated spell to the extent It seems to be probable that This the President, after his interview often millions of dollars. figure will be even larger if the wilh me, sent for 1)me of the hrat continues a few days longer, Cabinet and Admiral Crownin-shiclas then there will be absolutely no and took up the dispatch, Some of corn. the for help todays which, according to my recollecwere follows: as temperatures tion, had already been prepared, 10:5 and gave it final consideration. 1(V Probably also there had then come 107 in Deweys dispatch , of the day .. .... ...... 10. lefore, advising us that he had 100 been ordered to get away from Fort Scott 108 Hongkong. BURNING. CROP? i , of grain. The watered farms are and the beet mp it well, looking is said will be largu than was expected some time ago. Abinadi Barham For- merly Of Rich- Home mond Is Mur Appoint ment i "Cache Msionity S.ike July 14&. FIRST WARD LOGAN, dered. W. D. Cranney, J. E. Cowley. J. F. Squires, S'lol By Striking Miners Because He Vas A NonrUnion Man Turkish Indemnity Paid at Last Democrats Cf Ohio In Convention. aid Mutilited. Girl Terribly A Farm Land, now in Custody, has fessed to Killing Armenia BuIIis, 62, heart ing staVov-who assaulted Girl. to--tt- e ConBe- Not Known - (Special to Journal ( . 1 - to e, crazy. Mrs. Bullis lived oh a small farm aud was walking home when ranrdeied. - Jensen was employed by her several years. Robbery wa& evidently not the motive for the murder, asthe womans money was not taken. Chief of Polieo Armstrong is of the opinion that the assault on Jessie Kinport was not committed by Jensen, although some circumstances poiiit to him as the guilty at person. The girl was alone home at 114 West Ninth- - avenue when assaulted, lier mother, a widow, having gone to the theatre with a friend. The man who assaulted the girl gained access to the house through a window. lie choked her, cut her in the abdomen and otherwise maltreated her. Either he carried her out of the house or she ran out iu her frenzy. She was found lying on an ash dump about midnight by searchers, after an alarm had been given by her mother who on returning home, . found her childs bed empty and blood stained. The physicians in attendance on the girl believe she will recover. -- J - fire-claim- s , Ilole-iu-the-Wa- ll , sub-commi- ttee -- - - Dcelh Denver, Colo., July 9. Mrs. Armenia A. Bnllis, C2 years of age, THIRD WARD I.OGAN, t J. Z. Stewart, Alvin Crockett. was murdered last night on a lonely road near the east city limits, FOURTH WARD LOGAN. being stabbed to the heart, and Christian Larsen, J.A. Leishmau. Jessie Kinport, It years of age, FIFTH WARD LOGAN, was assaulted at her .home, and G. Barber A. E. Wilson, Joseph terribly mutilated with a knife. Christian Jensen,' a farm hand, SIXTH WARD LOGAN, has .confessM L. It. Martiueaui G. W. Thatcher, who is in custody to the murder of Mrs. Bnllis. He Jr. says she ran against him on the SEVENTH WARD LOGAN. road and, believing she had a gun, Ji E. Carlisle,.. C. B. Robbins. he strtbbed her. He talks incoHYDE TARK, herently and is believed to be d, offi-eera- Stcbkd lo Louis S. Cardon. , his.-hom- MURDER. SECOND WARD LOGAN, Salt'Lake, ' July 10. Information was received here today from Colorado, to the effect that Abinadi S. Burnham, formerly of Rieh- I mond Cat-li-t Co, was murdered in cold blood by strickers at Telluric'e E. S. Kimball. on July 4. The remains wCre L. Ilansen BENSON, shipped to Mancos, Colo., a MorEdward Ilansou, II. Iv. Merrill. mon settlement. The young man was 24 yea is of PROVIDENCE, a son of F. and age, George Betsy Josesh Morrell, Isaac Smith, and Burnham, who lived for many W. W. Maughan. iu Cache. years GREENVILLE. Details are meager, but. it set ms his only .offense was being a non- N. W, Kimball, W. B. Boston, Jr. union miner. .As such he was in FELL IN B01I INU MUD. the employ of the Smuggler-Unio- n mine, and was. preparing to enter Helena, Mont., July 8. W. W, upon his days work, when a volley Wylie, just in. .from Mammoth Hot of shots poured iu on him and he the report that two fell to the floor, where he laid all Springs, brings Sedan . .. ,10( names were unwhose BANDITS HAVE ESCAPED.' , women, in lull view of sympathizing known. met with a day Hays City and Manhattan. . . .103 shocking acIlutte, Mont., July 8. An Inter friends who were prevented from while cident inspecting the boiling Projects for immediate rain Mountain special from Malta says going to assist, the fear that by Paint Pots, at the thumb have been dispelled and a second all mud, hope of capturing the Great they lyould meet a similar fate. Yellowstone hot wave is upon Kansas. on lake, in the Northern train robbers has beeu national park, Saturday afternoon. OHIO DEM. CONVENTION. abandoned. One by one the men ROBBED STRONG BOX. The women, a mother and her who accompanied the authorities 10 Tlie 0. Miiulon, Neb., July 9. Alfred jColnmbus, July on the chase to the southward have Democratic state convention met daughter, who entered the park by NVrlin, County treasurer of Kearnthe Monidn route, fell into the and the general opinion here today under circum- natural cauldron, where the boiley comity, was arrested tonight returned,to be that the peculiar rsbbers have stances. All the more conservative on a charge of robbing the county appears ing mud was waist deep, and could made their escape. good members had combined in prelimi- only be rescued with difficulty. treasury and setting fire to the The men composing the sheriffs Madhouse on the night of June friends of Tom L. ' They were taken to lake hotel, have nary against , posse sent out from Glasgow 27th. but the combination was where Johnson, a physician said their inAfter his arrest Xorlin made a despaired of caputuring the men not maintained after the comjuries might prove fatal.' and the chase has been given up mittees were selected. fall confession and took the who was A German tourist, from th s end of the line. . a corn fnld near It was claimed that McLean and parboiled bv an eruption of Old Hopes are entertained that the Kilbourne men were no longer co- wbeie in a box was found $G775 of Faithful while looking into the robbers the may be. apprehended while operating against Johnson on com money that he had concealed. is recovering. ' The aecrater," on their way out of the state by inittecs of His total and is shortage orgauiza $10,017. platform occurred five weeks ago and Xorlin at the time of the court-lions- e the authorities cf the southern tion. The contention was in the it was thought the una time for Montana. counties of Experienced on committee and been that he had resolutions, fortunate man could not survive. nssiiltcd in his office, robbed aud trailers are firm in the belief that National and State issues. John' DEATHS CAUSED BY HEAT robbers scattered as soon son won on State and the others Jle building fired, lie admitted the the southern near as were they that his story was purely a on National. There was no reNew York, July 8. The official reaehed affirmation of Kansas boundary of the states-an- d concoction of his own. City or any reports of the bureau of vital stathe by circuitous other platform, and no mention of tistics, of deaths from heat for the AWFUL HEAT IN NEBRASKA.' routes. . wet-ending July Gth, show that Bryan. Omaha, Neb., Records 9. 3 stood 4 to The July the actual number in the five borfor ten New Mining Company. years were broken today, ork was iu favor of the conservatives, bnt oughs of (treater New when the thermometer at the Articles of incorporation of the full committee rejected majority 989. For the boroughs of Manboverninent station registered 102 Lucky Star Mining Co. were filed and minority reports, but picked hattan and The Bronx, the num4 oclock . this afternoou for record - in the- - County Clerks oat beet 'of each 7'"" . ber was 699; for Richmond, 12r Oakotn City was the hottest office on Tuesday. The Company for Queeus, 24; for Brooklyn, 264. THE TURK PAYS AT LAST. Point ia the 109 shade the in owns the Star, state, Sunshine, Morning The records cover the days when lmg recorded. 10. The Red Pine, and Evening Star claims the heat was most intense. Washington, July and the Sunshine Millsite, all sit- State Department has received the WENT lP IN FLAME. author famous dispatch. uated in the left hand fork of amount of the American indemnity Fork canyon. claim against Turkey, $95,000, Great Bend, Kan., July 8. Washington, July 8 Rear Ad-- i Blacksmith is capital- through the American legation at Fifteen thousand acres of wheat new The corporation Crowninshieid, chief of the ized at $G0.000 shares of the par Constantinople. went up,in flames here this afterI'eau of navigation , today issued names The cents each. ten of ' value noon. The fire was started by an r,ma! statement to the effect the and the of man throwing a lighted unknown The incorporators j;a, 'Vs K1 author of the famous of stock their field of wheat stubble. of amount a into holdings of the share its cigar toAdiuiral Dewey order-1- " Logan is getting below. 11111 are Old given o these Everything' was as ry as tinder hot weather days. proceed from Ilong Shares , soon a destructive fire was in and the 1" mercury a,)ila and there Solraanagesto keep 30.000 96 Nwtmv the Spanish fleet.capture John II . Anderson aud every progress from the small beginning. soaring around 95 The inhabitants left all their 20,000 day, and occasionally whoops it up al Crowinshield states that S. A. Herricks he work and exhausted all the methods e the of which 30,000 to 100, in consequence dispatch in the White A. G. Lundstrom for fighting fires, but(to knew cool the n:i'l submitted it to both Geo. Nielson 30,000 everyone is longing for they . it was late this evenand . no avail .. .7.'. 15,000 breath of- the hills. iw?l'JJl!onoral tlriggs and the W. W, Maughan fire was under con- the before of the ing On the dry farms the heat hat the on!y charge Tlie remainder is treasury stock. 10 -- Patch The officers of the Company are: past week has played havoc. Many trol. as he wrote it Wfl'.1! Rqnghly estimated, the doss in .stlu audit ion of either the J. 11. Anderson, president, L. A. acres of grain have been literally Word will aggregate 300, 000 bush wheat LeoXieL bnrned up Jjyl01d SohAfieree thr aptua' ui- ,tln word tlis- - Herrick,-- vice) president,,. acre has els, nearly all of winch was in sen, secretary, . and A. G. Lund, rays, and the yield per The been reduced on hundreds of acres shock. dUpstfh, according to Ad- - strom, treasurer. j ...... Aged Lfidy Is d A ila. , DENVER COLORA , I NO 1X2. MONEY FOR COLLEGES. July 8. The Washington, Treasury department todav drew warrants aggregating $1 ,200,000, or $25,000 each for forty-five States and two Territories, being the maximum amount provided by Congress in the act of f August 30, 1890, for the endowment, and maintenance of colleges for the benefit of agricultural and mechanical arts, This net provided a minimum sum of $15,000 for that year, with an annual increase of -- $1000- for-teyears up to $25,000. The maximum is now reaehed and here-nfteach of the States and Territories will receive annually this sum for its agricultural colleges. This mouey is the proceeds of the sale of public lands. n er KILLS HIS CHILDREN. Holifax, July 8. Sidney Locke of Lockpprt1 today killed his three children, aged 15, 11 and 8 years, respectively. The man has been suffering from mental trouble for ' . some time. While the ' children were still asleep, Locke took-- .revolver and deliberately $hofc them as they lay in bed. Although Locke was known to have been suffering from mental depression and bad bee under treatment, he was thought., to, be improving. a f |