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Show NepM Jeab County, Utah 84648 eljc of Pioneers Week end visitors of Mr. and Daughters Kks Ayn Anderson of Salt lAke City and Fits Hugh Mar-- I Mrs. Vernell Chnatensen were Ostler Home shall of Dallas, Texas spent Mr. and Mrs. Liirry C. Higgin-so- Meet of Nevada Mr. and and AnderN. P. Ely, Sunday with Mrs. Mrs. James C. Jorgensen of son. Members of the Salt Creek Ephraim. of the Daughters of Utah Camp Mrs. William Done and Mrs. Dr. Max Davis and aon Elder Ihoneers met at the home of David Cunningham and diught-e- r Soott Davis of Seattle, Wash Lillian Ostli-- r on Wednesday, Beverly of Torrance, Calif- Ington were recent visitors of November 16. Prayer was given ornia visited over the week end Mrs. DaVedi Davis, mother of by Klnora Foote and minutes with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. An- Dr. Davis. Elder Davis recent- of the previous meeting were drews. read by Laurel Hall, followed ly returned from the North Mission and was enroute by group singing. Mrs. Alice Bailey returned to enroll at Brigham Young UnPriscilla Nielsen read haviversity at IYovo. They also a Captain hope Sunday night after letter from the Central Comof the home Mr. and visited at with week Supt. a ing spent pany concerning the October nnd Mrs. Keith Bailey at Ham- Mrs. George G. Howarth, other convention, and stated that Lie Elder Davis. of grandparents as. organization was receiving recof Luncheon of Gee Thursday guests Mrs. ognition in other states. The and George Mr. Mrs. James H. Eagar were Mrs. history of Henry Tolley and Spanish Fork were the dinner Orson Eagar, Mr. and Mr. Pratt other pioneers was read by Delguests of her mother, Mrs. Ed. Eagar and daughters Patsy and ta Yates. The lesson "Utah on Sunday. Bean, Vera Jean of Eagar, Arizona was presented by Railroads Mr. and Mrs. John Belliston Maude Robertson. visRue Mr. Mrs. and Golden and children of Salt Lake City Members attending were were Sunday visitors of his ited at the Utah Valley Hoswith their son, Evelyn Kendall, Laurel Hall, brother and sister in law, Mr. pital on Friday Gary Golden, who recently un- Delta Hedberg, Lela Fowkes, and Mrs. Blaine Belliston. derwent surgery. Bessie Wtlkey, Priscilla NielMr. and Mrs. Uoyd Barker sen, Elnora Foote, Alda Pex-toMrs Mr. and Roy visited Greenhalgh and children of Orem Maida Foote, Chloe Hawkwith Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bel- and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ins, Isabel! Ockey, Delta Yates, Hcelis of Santaquin visitPeter liston on Saturday. ed In Orem on Sunday with Wanda Burridge, Ethel Gadd, Carter. Maude Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Davis Mrs. Mary Nelson, a great aunt, Essie Shaw, IretaLillian Carter. of Salt Lake City visited at on her 89th birthday anniver- Robertson and A. J. Mrs. and of Mr. the home sary. Bowers on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence HanMr. and Mrs. Hugh Steele and sen returned home after spend two children of Sait Lake City ing last week in Ogden with spent Saturday and Sunday In Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hansen, Nephi with her parents, Mr. and In Murray with Mr. and Mrs. El win Goble. and Mrs. Rulon Bracken. at n o rm S0C1AT10N cJsiAffp NEWSPAPJR NATIONAL mm aam n Office: 96 South Main Phone 623 0525 Editor and Manager Gibson Roy E. Published Thursdays at Nephi, Juab County, class Second Utah. entry at Nephi, Utah. $4.00 per year, payable in advance. Subscription: J Women's Club Group Mrs. Phil Sperry was elected president of the Ladies club which met at the home of Mrs. Cordon Kelson on Thursday evening. Mrs. Don Jones was named secretary. Those attending were Mrs. Jimmy Pexton, Mrs. Mrs. David Larry Harmon, Lunt, Mrs. Robert Garrett, Mrs, Neil Kendall, Mrs. Phil Sperry, Mrs. Don Jones, Mrs. Gordon McPherson, Mrs. Gordon Kelson and Mrs. Ronald Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. WUlts Bryan and daughter Linda and Mrs. Verda Kendall spent the week end at Magna with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Kendall. On Sunday they visited with Mrs. Jennie Bryan, mother of Willis Bryan, at the Holy Cross Hospital. n, The I960 Utah Christmas Seal Campaign, which opened November 13, got a boost from Meredith Willson, composer of Music Man" and other musicals, during a recent visit with Mrs. Alice Buehner, Utah's Christmas Seal Campaign Chairs man. Willson is national chairman of the 60th Annual fund raising event to carry on the public fight against tuberculosis and ether respiratory diseases. Mrs. Buehner, who last year was crowned Mrs. America, has sent Christmas Seal letters to 130,000 Utahns, with a request that they use the colorful seals on holiday mail, and return a generous contribution to the Utah Tuberculosis and Health Association, now observing its 50th Anniversary. ATto Mr. and Mrs. Art Hartvigsen and family of Spanish Fork visited Sunday in Nephi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier. Week end visitors of Mrs.! Fred E. Kendall were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kendall and daught-- J ers Karen, Melonoie and Cherry, and son Brooks of Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. Fran11 untand Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Rolph of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Red reck Faokrell of St, George met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Fackrell Sprlngville on Sunday for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lowery of Tujare caiifornja announce the birth of a son on November 9. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lowery of Tulare, California, Mr. and Mrs. Don' Ferguson and Arthur Ewell of Provo. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier of Nephi. ALKERS NOW Is the time to trade In your old watch at Nephi Jewelry, Nephi, Utah. RELIEF SOCIETY STUDY COURSE BOOK "Out of the Best Books, Vol. 2, Is now in stock at Christensens In Ne phi. Get yours now! BEAUTIFUL PLASTIC floral arrangements also other novelties at Steiner Upholstery. Now at 45 South Main. ITS EASY to take care of your wedding gift needs. CALL US at Mr. and Mrs. Clark Haynes of Provo visited at the home FROM WALL to wall, no soil of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Haynes at all on carpets cleaned with on Sunday. Blue Lustre. Rent an electric Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jarrett Chapman shampooer, $1.00 the week end In Salt spent 27 South Main. Furniture Co. Lake City with their son and in law, Mr. and Mrs, WEDDING GIFT LIST'S now daughter Jarrett and other relaavailable at Christensens Dept, Roger tives. store In Nephi. Come in and Mr. and Mrs. Lavar Waters participate. and family of Duchesne spent LOST Male wire haired the week end with her parents, 7 months old Fox Terrier Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyman. black with w'hite markings Mrs. Edward Ockey visited in 8 1 or and Call Fork last week with American return. claim your reward for her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar C. Clark, SAIU 623-051- 623-189- $150.00 well take care ef the rest and bill you first of the month - We have a huge supply of gift Items to select from and gift lists for every wedding Chapman Furniture Co., 27 South Main, . . SINGER ZIGZAG MAHOGANY CABINET Assume balance of $50.60 on this like new singer automatic zigzag sewing in a beautiful Just flip mahogany cabinet. a lever to blindhem, make buttonholes, sew on buttons, over cast seams, do decorative deWEDDING GIFT LIST for signs and etc. Can payoff at $7.01 per month or discount for every wedding . . at Nephi Jew- cash. 25 year guarantee. For 17 North Mala, Nephi. elry, further information or free 3 home trial call SLC. NEW HOMES for sale or for or 3643-398- 4 evenings. Call rent 623-047- 1 322-169- 623-055- 1. NEWLY REMODELED house for sale carpeted throughout 8 APARTMENTS for rent $8950. ConBuy like rent furnished or unfurnished. Call tact Vern Miner at Steve Greenwood, 623-141- 4. 623-043- 9. FOR SALE Used zig zag 3 year sewing machine $25.00 also Any size Battery guarantee $13.95 at Greenwoods play pen for sale Mrs. Elouise 740 North Main, Nephi Larsen, phone 623-041- 8. A 50-poun- bag of d Mrs. Daniel Hamilton and children of Las Vegas, Nevada, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Nielsen a few days last week. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held In Courtroom, Juab County Courthouse, Nephi, Utah at 7 p.m. on the 12th day of December, 1966, at which time recommendations of the Juab County Planning Commission for the zoning of the County will be given public consideration, Details of the resolution con- taining the recommendations of the Planning Commission will be on file in the County Clerks office and may be examined during office hours until the time of the hearing. By Order of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JUAB COUNTY, UTAH Miss Claudia Parkin and a Dates of publication : November friend, Miss Marjorie Salisbury, 10, 17 and 24, 1966, in The students at the College of Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah. Southern Utah, spent the week end with Miss Parkins parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Parkin. NOTICE OF SALE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swasey To be sold for labor, material of Herriman, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- and storage at 140 South Main, thur Scott, Mrs. Sadie Reid and Nephi, Utah, on the 1st day of Mrs. Alvin Goble, all of Nephi, December, 1966, at 2 p.m., the were in Parowan recently to at- following motor vehicle; Year, tend the funeral services for 1957; Make, Dodge; Body Style, Hattie Scott Holyoak. Sedan; Serial 37291569, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott registered in the name of Louis and Mrs. Sadie Reid visited in Fernandez, whose last known Manti on Sunday with Mrs. address is 141 West 21st Street, Etta Bown Mrs. Reid remain- Ogden, Utah. Amount now due, ed in Manti for a longer visit. $219.58. Dated this 11 day of Novem-- 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Belliston 1966. ber, and children of Salt Lake City PAINTER MOTOR CO., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reese by James L. Painter, Sherwood on Sunday. Lienholder. Mrs. Richard Sudweeks has spent the past two weeks in Dates of publication: Novemb- Tremonton with her daughter, er 17 and 24, 1966, in The Times Mrs Don Gibson. News, Nephi, Utah LAKESHORE PLAC-O-MIL- K and a CALFATERIA Both for just A beg of k k at this special introductory price. Distributed INTERMOUNTAIN FARMERS ASSOCIATION Y0U1 E. RULON BROUGH, Branch Manager al 285 West Center, Nephi Phone 623 0311, Your pharmasist strives to servo you In many ways ... by bringing you the finest available drugs at the lowest price possible; and by providing for you the assurance that EVERY prescription he fills is exactly as your doctor orders. Knowledge, experience and integrity are part of your pharmacist's service to you! m SSSSTHr why pay 48 SOUTH MAIN NEPH, UTAH Phone 62M 568 "WE ARE no-iro- NO WRINKLES NO SHRINKAGE n kv.wc. SCOTT JUMBO TOWELS 3 rolls 89 CORNED BEEF -c- an 49 - HASH BROWN 2 lbs 19 POTATOES 7for 1.00 MEAT PIES mmmi H8! - - per pound - 9 CARROTS- - -- per pound 7 LETTUCE-- CAKE MIXES 4 Packages l.QO BETTY CROCKER EXCEL BACON VIENNA SAUSAGES LIBBYS-4can- s89 SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 3 lb Hn 79 CREST TOOTH PASTE Regular 79c size NOW 59 with 3 FREE PENS 2 lb pkg 59 Regular 29c loaves SPECIAL -- lb LINK SAUSAGES A BARGAIN! POT ROASTS 7 BONE CUT GROUND BEEF- ME ATS 59 lb 59 - 2 pounds 1 .09 MEATY HAM HOCKS per lb 45 SPECIAL BOLOGNA -- chunk -- lb 49c BOLOGNA - SLICED - lb 59 SWIFTS PREMIUM HB SAUSAGE ROLLS -- 45 FRESHLY GROUND dress shirts only $5.95 -- per pound 45 Folyeter Tricot THE TOGGERY HERE TO SERVE" $9? DURALEIIE NO IRONING COWi DRUG Permanent Press that costs you less v See SPAGHETTI 7 1.00 10c OFF MJB INSTANT WR 89c COFFEE SPAM LUNCHEON MEAT 12 oz tin 53 BROWNIE MIX -- DUNCAN HINES - 8c OFF 2 pkgs 75 for 4 loaves 98 NORTHERN TOILET 12 rolls 1.00 TISSUE replaces 500 pounds of whole milk. Thera's s branch neaity to serve Regular cans AMERICAN NOW the price of milk products, perticularly driedskimmed milk, can save you a lot of money. having soafed, contains 56 percent milk products and every needed protein, vitamin, antibiotic, fat and fiber necessary to insure good growth and good health. More than 75,000 calves were fed this ration last year with excellent results. PLAC-O-MIL- FRANCO B READ With Try exclusively by. j QUAKER OATS Ne 45c DENNSION'S CHILI Regular or Hof 4 cans $ .00 HEINZ SOUPS -- Tomato or Vegetable - - Regular can 1 0 Regular $95 THE BEST- - YOU DESERVE ra PAIL k Subciiptions are now being accepted for mailing to overseas military addresses via APO San Francisco . . Under new postal law, tho Tlmes-New- s will be airlifted to servicemen. Subscribe today on a or annual basis. SODA CRACKERS (nutritious new calf milk replacer) Page Twd Mrs. Phil Sperry Heads Saif Creek Camp of Nephi Local and Social Hews . Thursday, November 24, 1966 Ciincfl-Vtu- c GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES..FiIO.E C23-C4- 52 |