Show THERE VAS NO resolution president rowe does not like the report of the stockholders meeting the fact that the water system Is borbala for bala Is not disputed officers elected for the ensuing year yesterday THE STANDARD published a report of the annual meeting of stockholders of the bear river tion ogden water works company mr W rowe president of the company takes exception to tho report and suggests the corrections in the following letter EDITOR STANDARD referring to the article which appeared in THE MORNING STANDARD of may ath 1887 in regard to the meeting of the bear river irrigation A ogden water works company I 1 wish to state that your informant was very much mistaken and there is no truth whatever in the information thus given regarding the meeting referred to our meeting was an annual meeting called for by advertising in the usual way simply for the election of officers ana reviewing the business for the last year the were no resolutions adopted by our company in regard to the water works and no criticisms in reference whatever was made in such meeting to the water arks department of ogden in to the meeting your article alludes to I 1 would elate that if you desire to verify the above statement I 1 would respectfully refer you to the hon david eccles and john watson they being directors and they were present at the old sessions of the meeting 0 the bear river irrigation s ogden water works co their reputation for truthfulness stands above reproach very truly fourr W II 11 ROWE president apparently the feature which mr rowe took to heart wae the part reier ring to the passage of a resolution to sell the water system our informant who by the way is a gentleman of unquestioned veracity informed a STANDARD reporter that the waterworks were for sale and that the stockholders had so decided nothing was eaid of a resolution but as the usual method in such cases ie to pass a resolution it was only natural for the reporter to infer that such action had been taken it is a noticeable noti cable fact however that mr rowe does not deny the chief feature of the report cowit water ie for mr rowe says the meeting was held tuesday A gentleman who is equally as veracious as mr howo is authority for the statement that the meeting was held monday the officers of the company have been exceedingly close mouthed over the matter and it baa been practically impossible to get information direct it wag learned from another dource that the following officers and directors were elected W H rowe president S M jarvie vice president S L conklin secretary d treasurer directors david eccles john waton L R rogers is R harbert of london wm adamson of glasgow john dodsworth of manchester |