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Show Snowfall In North- ' ffl west Heaviest In ki'-M Many Years U I, r ' Extensive Damage Done In Seattle (j ' iM and Other Cities. Railroads ! ;H ArA Blocked & !f 7 I ' ; Seattle, Feb. 2. Overburdened by ( -ilB tho weight of tons of snow nnd Ice; ,,,' ' i.M tho dome of St. .lames' rathedrai of ! tho Itoman Catholic church nt Ninth llir B nvonuo nnd Cherry street collapsed M H Into today and fchortly afterward tlio 1 il roof of tho West Seattlo Christian iv lM church at W. Oencseo strt and' ?!'-il Forty-second avenuo, southwest, fo'l gj jjiH in. Grandstands on Denny athletic 1 i) Ll Held at tho Up""rslty of Washing- 1 lll ! ton gavo way and extcnslvo rtnmngu ( IH j was done throughout tho city by the i ilH breaking or skylights and nwnlng 'MlPI nnd tho splintering of trees. Tclo- IJi'iH phono and telegraph servlco was' flj j "l' hampered nnd nil street enrs except r 81 j I 'H threo 'Incs operated by cable had Al j t Jt been forced tonls'.tt lo suspend. jjj f jj ,'H Seattlo's plight was Elm red to f fij't'B comparative oxtent by cities pnd r'iliH towns throughout tho northwest. Tho SHr fl now storm is ueciarcd tne worsi in- j b fH thirty years. So deep aro the drlftiv jj 1 ' H "n the mountains that railroad trap iljljfl do generally Is nt n standstill. l"o"- ft r it fl and, Oregon, where a silver- tl-ir.v ij ( k;fl has domornll7.ed street car tro" "tT Jj I l business and forced, as lr Se(r:I". ijfPif'fl tho -closure of schools, If- onir.hiaS. Llf ii'fl daraago estimated at $100.0'"'. jjlpB In this city ibo ilw"-? wfr f1"" rlj , much greater. Tho da mar? fo "t. aWt' I James cathedral alnio vrs p'n-;d stt. jji M fno.ooo. ll f'.fl A mnn shovUni; fnev fmnr tfi'i" W l r6f of n six sf-v building fn th'. Bj I.fl down town district hero wnp '''l!?'" Eft! Ill when ho lost his footing and f' " ttf M j M tho ground. j ' ijffl At Wnlla Walla, Kenneth Car1 "irr Oi IB snowBhooi too closo to tho edre n" rfilSilB n bluff and tumu'ed over into cvr- fy , fam ty feet of now. Efforts wore be'nr; lg Wfl mado tonight to dig him out. fg, i-m V I Tho railroads havo surrendered n't- ilfH conditionally o the snow and hrvo IW '. ( stopped trying to keep their rails un- lfl covered. IiipB Threo overland tralna havo. " 1 iff! (kB stalled on tho Union Pacific slntio . yesterday. A'l havo Bleeping cam r ItsH and abuiulanco of blankots, fuel and ffllMB food and tho passengers are Buffering IvHifiiB no privations during their Imprison. 'ttq H ment, which may continue' several Egg iCI days longor... ' , . , JK jjkl |