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Show Range of Grain Future Whiut Spt. JfC. Jay 114 - 1 12 111'. Sixth Year i llU'h 1 IV c;-- $1 U 1 13 111' 1.12, 110 Xo. Butter Market Clase Low f 1 15 12 1 11 Telephone 700 I.OGAX, UTAH. TUESDAY, EMERGENCY ! I i 83 A Home Paper for Home People Boston Letter To( LOGAN SENIOR THREE DAY Cache American RICH SCHOOL By F.K.A. GIGANTIC UTAH IOLKS: Frar "Leo Butter scoring js filing at 34 cents today. Fan 1U. 3 ACT COMEDY EXISTS S. 19, AMERICAN LEGION DISTRICT Visits Cache CACHE BOY CONVENTION AT LEWISTON! 1H CACHE CO. CARNIVAL' 62 West Center Street i SCOUTS MEET The past month a hate the Russian Ballet and a London) cumpuny In The Gondolier.", but tt Seventeenth Annual SesSmithfield to Give Away Two Hundred More Em-Man- y neither ol these events gave us' have! e sion Announced the keen pleasure that M. Grand Prize Than Can find with ployables lud from our many contacts aitly A VV Chair-Melvin Places the T. Van Ballard J. on J as Orden, J. Commander J. Edwards of Utah folks. First e heard Cyrus Americun Lev lop District No. Guest Speaker. man. Dalltn talk to a men's dinner club Setup. has announced the annual to ahich e belong. M. Dullin was at Lewiston on Saturday Smithficld-'Smiihfi"The Queen's Hu: band", a three The seventeenth annual Cache eld will We born in SprliiRVllle, Utah, but lit According to a report Irom the December 12. with the opening ses- Valley Boy Scout council meeting ever Cache County Relief Oiiice an out for Boston at the sue of act comedy bv Rubrt the most gigantic carnival sion at 2 p. m. The convention in the Logan tabernacle Wednesand nineteen. He told the dub about.' will be presented by the Logan j held here if present Indications Mre emergency exists In Logan By liOltl.UT CROOKSTON 'will be held in the Community day at 8 p. m. was announced stated M. T. Van Orden, Cache County. This was explained the Indiums he had known In his Senior high school next Friday atcom-U- . Editor Cache American Center building. j Sunday following a meeting or boyhood and that he had used in 8.15 p. m. In Nibley hall under! geneial chairman of arrangements to the diredors of the Logan The little pii)er across the street will be executives in the Cache The welcome address Morthe of at Chamber their direction of him Commerce the Miss ll.iuic of a ru nival to be sponsored by his statuary. According to county find a splendid editorial December made by Mayor B. T. Pond of ; De-- J monthly meeting Friday evening, Lamanites are far superior to us'rell. The play is a winy, clever the Simthtield Fust ward library. -was Law title the 5th. will a Security there re Lewiston and be U'cr the last eerlilkalion the case Melvin J. Ballard of the coun- pale faces both In the matter of comedy dealing with a small Eu- - iimrr 9, 10 and 11. of cit of twelve Sirattord spon.se by Clvdc sticking to friends and contracts ropean kingdom where the queen1 A continuous program of actlvl- - worke s certified to 540 men in and regional ' Introduction of mmitteeman apostles Iran tins we read, Brigham City. oncl Cachp Coun:y and also in their sense of humor. manages the king, the anarchists) whoi Irom has been arranged tor Utah was -, ot be will d terms in human "uic.isun on hapguests WPA The tlwuW distinguished rule almost the country, and the! rolls. The setup includes: country made', anud as gUMt speaker. A specJal One morning s,ate. during breaklast, district the the commander Social Act 340 PA by ofuce has allowed only pmn.ss. Security Prof. Parley Christen en and his king surprises wlU everybody before store, b,zaar. booths and fislnng !" by the as the 'is one ol the most important dresses will follow by D. B. Gott-- 1 ,935 Jamboree presented for Cache coun- i boy Horace called on us to say the evening Is over. A delightful pnd. evening entertainments and from th6 ever state laws 209 fredsen, men This leaves commander, romance Is by and, Congress." nlso on M. were paved, their unassigned. way C. of ty. RIGBY the part goodby. They di;i!Krs daily at 12 noon. Lo150 -' tend of About of are from these then quotation. the for entertainment. evenings to Plymouth day. Grand prizes to be given away men are having a dif- -, Evidently this view was not c.v Kent and Mark Bjbee of Lew-- I would go to Washington D. C. to Special music is br ing pa ovld d include t a large Morris chair and gan. These shared by the people Governor isten will render a vocal duet. the Young University by t1P sthool orehe.tra. under the represent ,i7tcoU Wednesday evening, at fa ult time to make ends meet There will be a Joint meeting' Blood appointed to direct the af- -. without work. It will become more, and grace the scholaily ir.augara- - direction of Mr. A. T. Hendon. a vauetj piogiam. a stud.o couch fairs of the Utah Welfare Board 'of the auxiliary, Leeion and pub-i- b 8S t jie winter ncl,,e progresses. college tif'ii procession of some The very capable cast includes: Thu sciay n.ght. at a drama. The T1 are suffident projects in fause some of them asked for! lie at 4 30 p. m. under the president, then they would spend Richard Bullen, Jure; h Incyi, Stranger Paves"; and a bedroom Logan and the county for workers lion of Commander Fdwards. At to quit. New York City, sieht a week in dance. We have known for a long ume'this session II. L. Plummer, na-- j tut tile quota car.nct be exceeded. ):hat thee people are not corner- - ticnnl avbtant adjutant will give' I: U likely quota will be lur-li'an address. There will be moving1 . educed as WPA funds are 'id to this old pension. and scouters; Dr. It is that ru-unuun: low ai.d WPA to being people piclure's of the National conven-- j .PCt3S are Cornell, d to this li'ppin.ss tor! lion held at Cleveland. There will. cui tailed, T.d Wcnnergren, President of the council, will tie n :ed. and many of these aged be a banquet and dance at 7 p. alfl it is desir.d that as far as pos- problems. In a vnit this month to lve uirnta message, and Robert under direction the Wriglu of the unrein h to Mbb bionicss New York we had lunch with D. ji!,ld Ireple have and citizens ln; a dramatization of What la a Post nnd rt'.e::: tliat lliey have spent the Ir I rwi. ton Auxiliary. Earl Robinson whom we laid not' t en ral who can cieate same work! EJuflyiocs Good in Worth?" will be given by Snake and nteua y helping tiiose ies.sl anctcn B.uber will be toaxtmas-- f Bey i ow do .so and reen since 1927. You wid f.iul him renal to the Gov- council members. tlieu-.ter. ForRiver has than and is he where on 441 Valley Says Midi at oitme and Ae Ptior to the meeting ln the tab-Co Mi.,. Delia Aden wno won ul'!:unl Keemiilojuicu All veb raps are extended a nr- c -- mu i.o th..u hi about the with the I.derired Advertising mer Cache County nacle a banquet and business contest lor i.t.o there min wiiu are tu.pioy-- j .he speaking di public be to Invitation lc.at themr..mv-di.a.il preen; aides lint who cannot be asaru.d, adi.e in dubs, being sKci;uiy 'the I arm Bureau lett Iraiay lor biiJ e the coni': ntien session and meeting will bo held ln the Blue- itvth l ,s. g er-We reminded until t.pn-ri.tarch. G advcntsing st 'ul be p' m' RpPrts I, sad. na, C..Lf., representing tile A laige number of our lixal the dinner dance, PjeservatiDii'i t!rd v i A At present him of the years of silent serviis) given on rrmnril committees, the I tail State Farm Bureau to rrm-- S op.ns up. a M. C. It. be Cach not made luimej later than been a.i Late by unwise p x.ple laid tude and devo.ion lie given and scout executives. Contest. We peiKiirg coat 52'',tK)0.01 monthly) count-- , i .n n. . Is a not' fete m the Paritic tamer ,sti speculators and have given Dec. loth with your local post or president llie A. C. as history and EnglHi ot ti.it hiieki Smiiluield 0-to have in payro.ls m Cache Comity. II.iif l as she dims e are very much pleased of now a color but resident rascal-to some their ; auxiliary. Lie's Approximately man thirty and .of this amount comes to Loza n. savings teacher, as publicity our little to come honor tins of Chrl. cornu. Ida Unas state for where he are the bo, vHtots g lights sa ck s desman. These men whO expected. he teacher of advertising and Tne uiuinpLu'able., and deiJend-en- ts The tabernacle. town. It teems the Cache County th' leading hotel in the .had a chance to do something fori smiled superior fashion, prit" his Yuletide sea.ion. are care Irom Fa-so gcod not appre-gatare receiving Bureau several pines and the memorial Snake river valley, spent the humanity oil the Well are teeth, and wonder, d why more tile Government, state and county are beautifully decorated ciative, as Mrs. Allen's name wa. pur.y of the week in Logan and 'knew very little of what the fu set-uunder Social the 'not to Security ndl:ded ln thc invitaLious 111 C.'cl.e county cn a::d " business and jture holds for themselves, nnd lot Yoirnnde wliT uourN.vborere v iih the the annual Farm Bureau Emiqimt 700 Lmiilies under this ciavilica veiling amruiff friends. ,ilr. Xtiubj cm liupyil . to their tiuUgs don't carry their light to the A. addition to the lights through the, in the county and Logan are Jh end dance held in Logan Monday aetc.manled here by hfs son rrcriy b.fore they resell Lae., tree ve called on maln )art of town' C. Next morning iCAI'eil ftir -Viu.boo.StJi The organizations of the Seventh Lice had Looks maht. somebody of 65. Mrs. E. W. Robinson, liis mother,! Ibe First ward ts sponsoring at ward with the bishopric Included lowered and failed to s bung expend d each 'liibnih or i At one time Mr. Th.-tights a value to li carnival fdnd te was three will penget Mornmay 109 day' at Rigby at the Residence club be,I1u , proBram. Of this Xmas bes.ow honor where honor was;1111 plan for a real holiday this valley and sion themselves, who knows? inexide Drive wnet e she makes her held December 9, 10 and 11 at Cache county spends about $2500.00' ? n b. reason. Special committees have success We there her wih a with tne The entiusted this he lias First ward recreation wide eequainmui naturally home and where Earl always has of hall.j Ha'f the dolsixteen thousand been appointed to see that the she brlngs additional lence. He says it affords him a 'tVellare work have it within their dinner with her on Tuesdays just .Various activities will be carried ala npe a - iars conies to Logan. Cache coun ward building is decorated with honor home. Mis. Alien w to more do for to to return this power great before giving his weekly lecture on during the day and the even- pleasure humanity Iv is expending about what it did First electric festoons, stars, etc. Also her h all section than have the and of the preachers, prophets, at Columbia University. Mrs. Rob- - ines will be spent at the Junior comhanlcd privilege mem-- 1 all the homes of the ward as far "1!nd and Mr and M rs ri,renre for poor and dependants before shaking hands with his former Reveiators and Evangelists in the inson has many friends in Logan hie h school, where a fine prog: am the social security set-uThe. friends as possible. The plan is to have Allen. will be state. T. and Mr. each M. associates. given night. who will be ghd to hear that she number of families who qualify as every home with a wreath and and Johnson Lou Mrs. Mr. and A great many men and women The hotel business at Rexburg is still a piize winner at Contract,! Van Orden is general chairman, unemployables is increasing. electric candle in the window. has been better this past year would consider themselves in the The Ameiican Legion Auxiliary oldest son and daughter with his though they may be pained to Ptesident M. C. Harris of the than have Many cf the homes will any time since Mr. Rigby seventh heaven to have opportunlearn that her favorite preacher will meet at the home of Mrs. wife and her husband were over- Chamber was instructed Xmas electric decorations on the to appoint moved there. He has a modern ity to serve on this welfare board, night visitors with Mr. and Mrs. a on Silhday is Dr. Harry Emerson Earl Gordon on Friday, outside. During the holidays there special committee to make fur- hotel at present. During the night. they Best of all Utah home ber 11, at 2:30 p. m. A splendid E. H. Allen, Wednesday past because of the satisfaction will be caroling and entertainment ther atand investigations to came report. from season could Rupert he has placed new carpet have in making others hapn They folks were our guests at dinner Christmas program has been is It understood by all the organizations for all the LDS the church Mrs. of the funeral tend Joseph on the entire second floor of his py. These men who are quitting Thanksgiving Day; Ruth Pe-- 1 ranged and a social afternoon will people of the ward. The MIA ora sister is caring for Its active members hostlery. He has placed showers are afraid of being dishonorably terson, who tells us that she Is be held. All members are urged to Johnson, Mrs. Johnson is ganizations of the ward are takonly. of Mr. E. H. Allen. and baths in Ml the rooms of the discharged as soon as the Legisplanning to wing her way home to) be present. for the . proing the initiative is a It of famnumber third reported floor lature into Thomas Mrs. and Mr. and calsomined has session, goes the Christmas) Higgensen the they Mrs. W. H. Cantwell was Logan to spend grams. ilies from are the were 2 sons be fired. county of Bancroft, moving building throughout, making Mr. and Mrs. Austin tess to the Ladies Literary club and their it would rather quit than into Logan with the idea o' get- clean and attractive. He will be a There is of course always Fife, both of whom are deluged 'at her home Thursday afternoon. visitors at the home of Mr. and more opportunities for work. pleased to have his old friends chance for any and all persons to with clerical and scholarly work Mrs. C. W. Clark reviewed the Mrs. E. H. Allen, Thursday, Mrs. ting This makes the situation in Logan call and see him when at Harvard University and were) book, Gone With the visiting in repent at the eleventh hour. Wind", Higgensen is a sister of Mrs. E. all the more acute. the upper Snake river valley. Lord knows there is plenty of glad to have a quiet day in Brain-- 1 Those present were sixteen club H. Alien. our tree. For the delectation of our members and Mrs. Amanda Miles, money available to carry on this with Looks like we are work without making the old folks il Bishop doesn't it, wonder who put Naomi Besta Stanford, guests we read them a letter from Mrs. Rinda Chambers, Mrs. ashamed by the ugly words, indig- old daughter of J. Sedley and who is doing mas Mathews, Mrs. J. E. McClellan that measley one" in. ent, and work at the State Col- - ter, Mrs. L. S. Miles, Mrs. J. A, Pearl Ivie Stanford, died Monday All meters In Cove water work Provo An appeal from the deSeveral months ago our county at the family residence, 445 North letter sojGutke, Mrs. J. W. Kirkbride, Mrs Co., are in and readings of same lege of Michigan, a cision of Thomas H. Humpherys, Welfare In. asked commissioners the A. Hodges, Mrs. Dean Cant-poi- will commence at once. Seventh East, alter a short ill- state spontaneous, so Individual in its engineer, in granting Salt wool is refined By J. A. HENDRICKSON and reBoard not to take liens on homes ness of pneumonia. of view, so full of apt ad-- 1 well and Mrs. Ray L. James, Lake City an application to apMr. and Mrs. Roy Eskelson, also Because of many false and mis- duced to 5 pounds of to secure the state for old age She was born here, May 16, jectives that we all marvelled atj A delicious luncheon was served Miss Neta Eskelson and Mrs. W. statements propriate 50 second feet of water econo- yarn). leading made if by assistance but did of and money, they is Mrs. her assisted survived 1935, and the sparkle the! by the hostess, par- from three tributaries of the Provo sincerity by by on mists, published in J. Harrison were in Logan and 5th cloth to to magazines maker should it let sale, this wer man wished agree he and they Seth Chambers. ents, five brothers and young sisters, river was filed business, Thursday. stated on the curbstones, Saturday in the that suit maker .15 7.50 with us. The birthday club entertained Theodore, Fourth district court Katherine, Stephen, t Continued on is with goods will materially by the Provo who Hansen Annie Mrs. Increase in Page Eight) 6th sale, suit maker to on Tuesday evening in honor of Elaine and Melvin Stanford, all of Bench Canal and Irrigation Coif the Townsend Plan comes retailer BOOK FAIR o 15.00 .30 Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Nilson, who her daughter, Mrs. Pilkington in-of price the Logan, grandparents, into effect I want to call the at- 7th sale, retailer to conmpany. Los Angeles, Smithfield was quite severly M's. C. J. Stanford, Logan; Mr. of the state During our visit to New York left Saturday for tention of a engineer in approving of fall to readers sumer your Wednesday many through jured 25.00 A O. and Mrs. James Ivie, Salina. of the stte at the Calif., to spend the winter. we spent an afternoon in approving the actual week. engineer on a increase this of suit Total on if tax, passed Funeral services will be conduc- the Times Book Fair held at the pleasant evening was spent playof the city be application Grover Allen has disposed of clothes that ordinarily retail at to final buyer $1.20 ted at the family home Wednesday vacated Rockefeller Centre. We had told'ing bride and pinochle. A delicious and set aside and that it was served to nearly all his sheep. He is work- $25.00. at noon, with burial in the Logan be decreed that the all our friends that we were In) no host lunch The cost of You ofttimes hear the statecompany is with Eric Hendricks in the transportation, ing r. of under direction twenty-fouthe our cemetery New York to deprovincialize entitled to have application rejement that a $25.00 suit of clothes btoker's commission, refining the for market. of lambs handling entertain-Boston Llle & Sons mortuary. Lindquist selves after years of Logan and) Mrs. Rinda Chambers cted and that the city have no Salt Lake will advance to $50.00; that a loaf wool, making the yarn, labor and City Miss Dortha but It was really to seejed at a family dinner at her are included Titensor, a resident of Logan, was of costs, bread right to make the exchange of will manufacturing to 5c from 10c; go Alfred Lunt and Lynne Fontaine home on Friday in honor of Mr. water as said application proposes. that a pair of shoes will advance in the spread of each case In the pledged recently to the JDL club: Cars Collide Mrs. Covers Nilson. Oliver and to see the and in Idiots Delight Two automobiles collided at the from $5.00 to $10.00. If a person sales price shown above. We al- of the University of Utah, accord-- ) were ten. laid for us Book Fair; the first, to bring this intersection of Second North and will stop to think for a minute low the farmer almost 100 per cent ing to word released here Mrs. Sam Tout entertained at up to date theatrically by seeing Main street Friday night. Both would reason out the fallacy more for his wool than he now week. they the best play in the English speakThe club, which is social in na cars were badly damaged but the of such a statement. gets; we allow the wool buyer and The ing world and the latter, to help The little fellow should learn to the wool broker 5c a pound each, ture, is composed of the unaffilia- - occupants escaped injury. . Lun-situs in our new job of writing a A special meeting of the mem- be sceptical of these statements, half what the farmer now gets; ted women students of the Univer-- 1 drivers of the cars were Ray book of monthly column reviews) 11101111101113. Its purpose: to promote a'dahl of Logan and Ray Sparks of bers of the Logan Chamber of for they come from sources that we allow a wide margin of profit for the "Practical Journal of Home were roads be held at the are opposing the 2 per cent tax. above the cost of manufacture, more friendly feeling on the Uni-- ) Clarkston. Slippery will Commerce Economics. We were asked to Logan will have four home chamber rooms next Friday even- As far as the 2 per cent sales and 50 per cent to the retailer. versity campus, especially among 'given as the real cause of the wake home ecenomics teachers up of town students. out crash. a on of football next season actax Ditotal 11 tax is transaction 7:30 Dec. games at oclock. we concerned have ing, thatjYhe to the importance of the books, tUit is thus only $1.20 or less of the here now and we all know it has rector D. I. Rasmussen cording to the football schedule to and new old, that they ought announced this week. These games Wild Life Department of the Ex- not been the means of increasing) than 5 per cent. read and never would. First sur- will be with Montana State, WyoSpencer Lear Baugh, periment station of the college will prices more than 2 per cent. A S. son of Ardella ming, Colorado State, and the and of wild the life transaction tax discuss on Gas on Joseph importance sales, Tax Roads for larger (Continued Page Eight) B. Y. U. of Provo. Clawson Baugh, died Sunday noon to the Cache National Forest and transfer of real estate or stocks The 1937 schedule with dates of The directors of the at the family residence, 51 North what the Department plans to do on the mining exchange are matLogan ters that we concern ourselves Chamber of Commerce are stronggames follows: Fifth West street, after a short to develop and conserve it. October 2 Montana State at illness of pneumonia. ly opposed to the diversion of any A. G. Nord, the new supervisor about but little. All families who have broken or used toys which Logan. Now below Is the actual increase of the state gasoline tax. The The child was born here, May for the Cache National Forest will October 9 Colorado U. at Boulhas they arc willing' to give to help Santa bring Christmas 31, 1936. Surviving are the parents, be present and give a short talk. of a suit of clothes selling at County Roads organizations der. two brothers, S. and Mr. Nord has become a member $25.00: Loalready taken similar action. Also cheer to others, please Joseph bring them at once to the October 16 U. of Idaho p.t Mosof the Committee Chailes Baugh; grandparents, Mr. of the Chamber. In conformance Sale Price Tax the Roads where Fire Ilall, they will he repaired and cow. efgan City 1st A Chamber. to and of resolution Mrs. and with the Frank Baugh, Logan, that the chamber, sale, farmer to wool feet will be sent to the State painted up as new. If you cannot bring the toys to October 23 Wyoming at Logan. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clawson, Pro- a nominating committee will be buyer, 10 lbs. at 20c October 30 Colorado State at Road Commission and Governor elected to vidence. nominate nominees 2nd sale, wool buyer to the hall, please call phone 129 and someone will call Logan. Funeral services were conducted from whom directors will be elect- wool broker at 25c lb. Henry H. Blood. The Associated November 6 Denver U. at DenSouthern Civic clubs and the Utah for them. today at 1 p. m. ln the Logan ed for the Chamber at the annual 3rd sale, wool broker to Automobile Dealer's Association Seoond ward chapel, with burial meeting, Jan. 15. The officers of yarn maker at 30c lb. Please check over your old toys and attend to this ver. November 13 B. Y. U. at Logan. asked the Logan to in the Logan city cemetery under the Chamber desire a good atten- 4th sale, yam maker to Chamber once as Christmas is drawing close. November 25 Utah U. at Salt the direction of the Lindquist & dance for the meeting next Fri- cloth maker at 1.00 lb support their actions in opposing at Elks Charity Committee-Lake- . Sons mortuary. any diversion of the gas tax. (In above transaction day evening. CERTIFICATES VERSUS OLD P I AGE SECURITY:: coti-enti- ; , i ' j j I te II! CALLS OH cr j n'-- Speaker Leaves For Pasadena SnUtllf IrtIu suts FMSK iOLD the. b-- cn ; e s itu-.ue- - e: Gayly Lighted 1 u Holiday t.-.- j lool-Iniu- st . ,K-r- , h.'-- r es ea-d- Seventh Ward To Partake of Xmas Spirit ?;Poultrymen Give Party In First Ward p. ' 4- j amd-unt- .i j j j Decem-Fosdic- p. k. ar-o- Ruling of Engineer Is Opposed WILL THE TOWNSEND Tho-Cyr- Shel-gradua- te PLAN INCREASE COSTS? nt Logan Girl Pledged To J. D. L. Club Members of C. of C. Called in Special Meet C- y. by-la- Four Football Games Here on 1937 Schedule |