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Show vbioat1; eteking, oct. 3AX.T XiASJB cxcrir. iracAH 27f iss2 KO. 287 .... HETf TOBIX brOABXL CHICAGO TRADE. "-T"- - BY TELEGRAPH. ' .. VBtlU KEITH j. BROTHERS, iUnufaicturer in WPS. t FIBIISHIIS HISS. GOODS, Eto, Etc Stf, tjo' and 2E2, Madison Street, Tr oYAuTstri WASinNaTON, 6. MSj i UAWOFAOTURER3 OP ILEATHER 17 iEEMES JOHN C. lake 181 fit. S CO., MiNCFACTCSlNO CflfflCTIOBRS Absolutely Pure. : It f Ml; 71, 0, fKlA ; & 22. w" 14 MIGHiCAI rw 9AiaM 1Vr)ot aa ttFAk 1. i A .a r uvi i w,urcwjaandjut the ordinary ca- ikinds, tna wiin cciiipeuuon uiuiptii) 01 low thorl weiKht,'dlum or ibotirbutr; powders. SoUl mtly in ema. BOTAL Bajuhq Powdkk Ca, lOtl Wall Straet, New York. ? econom'rul 1VEHUE. l m him "7 u-s- OHIOAGO. are . Our Goode kept by Z. C. M. L tts Branca nd daalare ceaer&llj la the Territory. dl031y ," Paler Fuller A. W. FABER'3 v SmiSIEBT KailCLES KH TA B LI SB Bit MS SO. T & Co., Sash, Doors & Blinds, Mantl, tew, Church Ftitith, fitalrt, fair KatUny, Iialmteri, Xewdi, Ete 111 Oar Uaaii ara aoaetantlr kart In Htock bi ct Lteafere tn CHICAGO, Utra4 Unalrr C tr aod Oadau. Price Ltota iliUSHED N - aim 17 t . 4'ft i MS a Shoe Sills lVy Goods - antl Fancy i i fncluJlor a full sad comp'eto 343 Za, S4T Broadway, DUNHAM auii M Leoutrd 60. 93, RYIgOO DS; D WHITE GOODS, Etc. Broadway, JISW TOflK. Ko, 1840 - J. II. t4 JVar. THOS. Vm (A BUCKLEY & CO., . IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OT Ouaraotm our Natts to br Quality aad lurmht-- f t. rjr XtRADLMY. -- UI31 HUOJIL CflSIFlil - iri.iv.- a I! IRf'CLE Of M. I aiw X RERGWR :.i v PUEE !! ; UH1. EEFI5ED tr COWUS. MM9i X. 643 trV tut Y, jr. ' Hjers co., by Z. C. M. ; or It seir-derenc- e. to-da- y; pre-emptio- n o, A to-d- ay to-ua- y. to-da-y. . -- L ; or HASDVACtruCRS Boffin replied: "You ought to be thankful for it, for if I don't die before you and go to heaven and have the commandments amended you can't get in." Well, you see," said the barber, trying the edge of hla rezor on his thumbnail, "I had a set of stiffs who asked me to chalk it down. I got tired of keeping books and I adopted a new system. Whenever I shaved I put a any of these old stand-b- ys little nick in his nose with my razor, and kept tally lb at way. They got eo they didn't want to run bills." There was a tremor In the custom er's voice as he asked, "Do you ob ject to taking . your pay in ad vancer" A young Austin lawyer was appointed to defend a negro who was too poor to hire counsel of his own. After the Jury was in the box the young lawyer challenged several had a jurymen whom his client said prej udice against him. " a re there any more Jurymen who have a pre. ludice against you?" whispered the young lawyer. "No, boss; de f ury am an right, out now a want you. to challenge de Judge. I has convicted under him seberal times already, and! maybe he is beginln' to hab prejudice agin me." . to-da- y. UWM W HIM. JoBBKRS IN I Tbe Versatile Actress, HUE SUSS - PHPS Plum bers Materials. Ti BBfCKMAN 8THERT. jrlL&koCltX,. ill (Ufpr by tnd Jame, 4 V Co., il El.. il tpUIBO t 4a CHEAP and GOOD STEWART 'S BRUSHES. ?Sn.. - ko ber lastly celebrated cbaraoter - ' J ifeiSCKERHdFP, TURNjER & C0n Duaiit) an ., NKW liufcic, ManufacturpM fai Bi d Omlcu in CO f- siP I ftxt a imt n bet larcnta ' r.U'ta, si) unrj.lHT. iHrSMerltuin Bnl Ko!t LRAlilBLUE.BHCWl.fie llTSESBEt. OUCK FOB (OITOK C4KVAnf ill numbers 14 to VO incbM wte f r rtt)E, Car, Trunk Waroo Covr3naa, MabiD Aprooa ar.d Ut tore and mad ti' tx-- r ,i urpow, xnitaml I - orir Airwots tor O. A, Duntlnr Co-- " Standard " 44 4 (1 f'Hirte," by the Om or lata quantity. tJTTbMa Good can be cbtaiaad at ICS I bi partem mad , Jatbra f ,,. ; , DRY'QOpDS, t, K, W 334, BROADWAT, 828, NEW YORK. i""!?! '. Ent re Change of Programme each Performance. llMil - 11m Avaia. i iZi 15. GEORGE A. CLARK, H X 8 T imnd I MOST JPOPUZAM n and Tliroat, JO -- rJa i u NEW SCENERY. Rsina1(mtf!i50jiitn!i5il inn ual Jroductioti over i iit' 50,000,000 nr COAL x ,. . is tot: raa,' , Til, Agent for SALT LAKE CITY, for the i Celebrated PLEASMT VALLEY - Office, First - ME! - Door East of Wasatch Drug Btore. Yard oa Second two Blocks West ot U. C It. JX. South 8- - Btreeyt . - to-da- . SeU Will or smaller quantity ; Oar Load, Toii py Yard, or delivered to any cart of the Catv. : t J" at! Full Weight, dean Coal & o - Satisfaction Guaranteed. - 'In V fla it Uk. W.l.lit r.n,Hi On tf o'a iani. rer orders bolicited kirn promitly filled; r " Large Stock of j WOOoj and CHARCOAL, ConstaatI j Br, f03 8ALV BY! O. 2 I e Sat 314 r it Steam ., ..5..'.f i: 1' DIRECTORY In POB- 188 I d ; to-da- consequence of the increasing. public interest in Sanitary measures" I have, after examination adopted the Rules and Regulations of the New York, City Board of Health as to Sewerage and Ventilation Pipes and Apf ointments, and hereby iavlte th citizens of Salt Lake City and Ter ' . niurjr to eximine my. . . . : i .... LABGE STOCK OF iKQwa WBicn FLUOBIE GOODS :.i wnxlm wocro ram xorxowiira arsciAurxs, vjs. ,' ' . ! . . . : . .j.- : i - ifltt r, . i , , ( Ajcxanara Tim Tannlnrat saniiarj TjtnilAn i7lAttl. I kit ,K .1" 1 AM AZSO SOTJB AQBBT IM THIS TZKaTXOBY SOB TOM m . wain o gwnm ucatxug A(jjjua,kaa, enrl rfantale tna Wearth Ktttra fJrotjpa . . AiacKus water Motor, , s tm jmvw m. L i ; ; ,. Kew Otto Silent Gas Engine, Garry Iron Roofing. . I carry , rt. ,4 P. And Bowers' Patent Sawer Gaa Trap. . g: . ' 1 , ; 1" 1 1 ? llellycr'a Water Closet Apparatiw, Arusan uoppcr viwecui ueuyer's ; a no sjioscia. ' en-rav- ed r--ts- rzj ' T will-mak- . .,1 XiUJU-- i' . DELIVERED BY THE TOH AT $7. HALF TOfl S3.S0. In quantities of Three Ton and les than Car Loads, .$0.50"'' . , 5500 Kcirardl . J 2Voe Earjtod DtoMswcf Women. .mue from iW to I p. m. iSlS? Heart enmtuioatioa at OiSo and i tiaaaf" q n n p TTn n u n n - ft PrTTff ; -- ItlllWIaa ,1 , B. PRATT, OTKR GOT) BR DfeCQBTOaa. I. e e , j -- .... W THE CRICKET. in It UCKt i. a M. L tod U J7 ri wipai motm (a tlw Trnlwry, jk1 by - ROMANIA fl i.4 w - For SWalby OR- B i oettoratea UWkal. I AeknowledBlov no superior and but one equal, Mars-i- Mitchell. -- eltx:tkmc. tvsb. It. t 1 -- . 2o.-r-rnr- j HAZARD, POWDERI '' .'Ea tr 3 ; ; Pa. Cia H 5 : STEWART, BROS. Co., A IK LA WX, ii a MICHOI - 1. ifl'j frartja.4 ; ay . 8J0, nVKRT BRUSH MAJftTFACrCTRED BY 12i j Stawurt to warranted to work well, and '.ve entire aausraotloa until worn ouUl r'orsieatZ.a U. L.Uodbe, PltU ft Co., U. r: Culmer A Co Btroes ft IMTto, Mocra, AlleaACo., li.Alj; BL P. Te4lel, Geo. M. xt Jt Co., Ounntofton & Co., iClark, luowu aad lid Nellie Boji Dramatic Company s. 4 writ - MMba.. - Plaoir " lln ad I'MUag t .MLTDUliHFLEUEb'tS. Wlra, Brbt Wlrt rmf tag. Kt. ST., SI ILnT teLtSlSBEHl, IP, br tbe' Supported to-da- y, Ot tHt I miI, Uu Pf pea, SCC0JI3 rJ. X IB .A. "JRi, . nt and Mmh t lltara' iitt I0RTH ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE ; to' j Laviis,, Pero4lesJ Linen Lawns, Grass Cloths and Dress Linens. : IHD FIRE EfiGI HES. L4 Plpa And an Elegant StocU to Close Out at Cost of . ! Hmnufaoturwrc ad Jobbara 1 j BOYD, j -- KU LM.RUMSEY& Men's and JBoys' Alpaca and linen Coats, Meii's White, Black and? Fancy Colored Straw Hats, : Men's and Boys' Gaiters, Lace Shoes and J. 1 Ties. ;;j j Also, Ladies' Grass Cloth and Linen Suits MONDAY EVEH'G, OCT. 30, Tne Star Jary Bribery. Wabash connection between Shen supposed Prof. Palmer leaped over. The Department of Justice ton. and Captain Gill and Lieut. Char-- Full Brass made public the first part of the re andoah, and Humes 20. Uobert rmgton BandjOrchestra, wyo., Cheyenne, chose the other alternative port oi special counsel H. H Weill, Law, the n man railroad 1CD- to were death. and certo aid trial in the of put appointed resigns the superintendency of The prosecution excommittee tain criminal offences alleged to have ager, system of Wyom- amined All Bey Rushdi,who during been committed In the progress of the Union Pacific Utah, Idaho and Montana, to the bombardment of Alexandria the recent trial ot the star route ing, take the general superintendency of commanded the guard at the law cases, so called. Wells save: The af- the system of reads of Iowa, Illinois court. He states he was ordered 60o.t5o. fidavits show, if they are to be be- and Missouri, by POPULAR PRICES-7f- e, to the belonging lieved, that members of the qry Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. Law Sulimau and Dand Pasha to fire the 6377 No extra charge for Beserved Seau. were ouered bribes in money for s one of the best railroad i building, but he followed Arab! to Box Office open Saturday, October SB managers Kalfrill orwithout the their votes, which they listened to In the west, and his loss will executing sebe He was- taken before Arabi, and considered with persons thus felt by the Union Pacific der. LOST riously asked whether he obeyed. who to and debauch, them, " attempting Rudshi fear CASE SILVER SPECTACLE Yes," these solicitations, it is alleged, pro- Railroad. replied Cleveland, T6. A telegram from of Arabi, who thereuponthrough A a calr of cold spectacles. The exclaimed ceeded as well from the agents of New fioderi will confer a treat t vor vdod tbe own York to day to local brokers re- ,lThank the government as from agents of Ooi, we have annihilated er inby leaving tbe same at this office. sale the of the ports controlling a of Christians the and great part persons 'on trial, but I assume it terest In the Nickel Plata Railway makes no diflerence whose agents to Vanderbllt at 17 for common their - principal buildings.? This . -'Ievidence thus far, however is not KRI, E.- IT. BIHT made disgraceful proposal?, and that stock and 37 for i preferred. supported."' condign! punishment1 should lail JJrcssmalier. Practical is a neavy Montreal, The council of Ministers decided Has iot retornell from ber trio to Europe, upon all guilty parties. If furor break the stock of Market in the to instruct the Governor of Soudan and will be pleased to receive tbs patroneRS hdwin A. Doniphan is first consid sharei going down with a run. to hold Khartoum till assistance ar of ber o!d customer, and tbe veoeral public. ered; It appears before the jury was Bank; weak. BesldQDOB, la tbe 15th ward, salt Lake uuy. false is stated the rived, that ne Frederick k. Bhaw, a The market closed it Pittsburg. 16 .The Jury Jn h Prophet ghas : reached Khardafed. munbet of thereoular panel, said to case ease J er of ala of Jiobert ; Ford, The WMTID. will enlist as many Donipbc n lio would like to set "on With tne murder of blackresidents, acharged for service mn BUY possible FtTRNTTrJEl?, troops tnis case ana naviog been perem-torii- y Jamea, CARPETS, Wo d HiCe, after being out forty aeainat the false pronhet-rlvon by Ismail X 8toves,eto. HirheBtprloe challenged by Merrick for the eight hour?, i of a verdict returned V- J- - HKUUUl Pasha JEyeoub will be placed at the lrtPOatbau ODDOslte Uth ward Assembly United States, he abused derrick. neaa or tneae forces with btone ttoorcai From the affidavit ot 'James Leon4 Neguilty, tf i i: i: forYork. 28. J. C. Tiffany; Pasha second in command. ard it aripcars that immediately after m was in Indian Arizona, agent rly Shaw had testified on his voir dire, arrested """ if Santaaeed. i NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. charged with con an dud 28. Paeloccl. the naval Juror Impartial Rome, thathejwas tne to defraud" government spiracy IS HEHUBYa OIV15N THAT had been rejected, he eaid,'(Oh Well, officer who deserted to Join Arabi XTOTICTR 1V r tbe baretofnre existlor upwards of $3,000 by embezzle damn it they will never convict of to two been "sentenced has inaict-menton Pasha, nve Fred. aod Wm. Wood, wider betweea Mar J. ment and perjury, 1 c them anyhow. If was on there I tbe fim name of Mav tc Wood was, on the T13any gave bail in $8,000- years' Imprisonment, October. US2. dissolved bv mutual would bang out till hell froza, over for examination. 20. rrof. rynaau un 17th day of leixmdon, He he says consent, rreo. J. nay wiiaaraws irom said before they Should be convicted. of statue veiled Thorca? the nrm..had wm. wood eonanues tue DUBmees ana Carlyle the position last July, and At another time later he said he filgned at hereby aaaamei all UabUitls owlor by, and been engaged in tne steei Dusiness on the- Thames . embankment will eoilect all ontetandlng debts' due to tbe would do any tulnz In the world to in conclusion the At Cbekea He last. since April late firm of May Si Wood. city save Ijorsey. Bbaw said to "Doni saidthis exa of Prof. , FKCU. long address, Tyndal he had heard of the indictJ. MAX, WM. WOOD.. phan, i r Jjook here; 1 have cot a ments, but did not think they would pressed the wish that ' a memorial damned good thing for you, and will ever be be raised at the same place pressed, as it would not should make a little myseir, to. l nave got do for him some things he to Ralph Waldo Kmereott, the lotl- to "tell money la my pocket to give .you u knew." est. purest and most penetrating yon will favor Dorsey; I have $200e Pensacola. 28. Thirty-seve- n WB wlflpar tbe abtnre reward ftw any cut new spirit that ever shone in American or $300 1 can give you now; and Liver Complaint, Dyepereia, Sick ITead. cases: no deaths, the first day since literature, and a life Jong rr lend or ef aeba, IndlirasUaa, ConpMpatoa or CoatiT. it thousands within ten days." w oaonot our wita waif, Veatab!a arm. er Carlyle. tne I7tn vuuuni septemoer Juror Wm. K Brovn makes am- - mortality. Total oases, 2,133; deaths, : The House of CommoM was eom Uver PtUa. wben the- - direetiorje are atnctlT davit that be was approached on the 170. Un plied with. They are pcrely Vegetable, crowded this afternoon. Dlike, . never to and lail sattefaction. Pursr part of the uovernment and ooered Brownsville. Tex. 28. Yesterday der Foreign Secretary, sid no con- Coated," Lanre boxes, eantalnln At pnia. a $2J500j7i,The man," 84ya Brown, a few eases of fever developed here. vention had been concluded with eenta. For sale by alt Drnrgta Beware cf Mwm a member of my JQodge; I Col. ana cos xne t for of oounwTiBit the the eemdne nnitatxn. charging of the IS ineteanth in- Egypt Xyster, maautaeturad 00 tj by JOHN ti WEST A believe he did not know what he of occupation on the .: Kcypti- - COL, I at army fever with sick the . Tbe PCI aaakeie, ia Ac 18S W. Madi. fantry, was doing; bis name was Arthur ansr eon The rioudan and upper is 8C, Chtcara, Free trial packer eent by which xgypt undergoing Smith, Camp is undoubtedly disturoeu, out news inniwa euuap. Payne (Colored); he brought me an tiioroun uisiniection. map a a cant 13ST Z. a Um LDrtxr8tor, Aanta. agreement; he must have thought I Camarago, Mex., 126. Authentic paper ' reports are exaggerated. K:Nv4?;iHawtoii.M.K. fooL was a damned I said, Who renorts from Meir Rive tne totai Great Britain has not been consult sent you to meT ' I would like t- - see bases fever during ths epidemic, ed in regard to the appointment of LAKE CITY the man.'. He said his name was 1,000; of Pasha, but the government deaths, 335; cases now unuer Baker Fall. As soon as he said that.I was did notonect to the appointment. confident they did not Intend to give moved a vote of thanks to St. Lonls, 25. The matinee at the Gladstone me any money, but Just to see what nivmnlo officers and men the commanders, ven oy jean Theatre. ; eayvx. arova . mm away. of the British army in Egypt, but 3- or iHeWOuld as a ui ior twneni said he wanted to convict MctJullougn not ask Said would House net-Imhe he the of Coi. children Blayback, to commit Itself to the government's 'Brady and Doreey, or any of them. phanbetween S7.00U and S3.000. J. t.i (Ulia 1 CO.,: PI3USMS, was was It my opinion he putting British 28. The i San Francisco, contin said Indian Gladstone the up a Job: on me. When Brown-reay 62 arrived hln O&eron days Office, XS and SO Tirtt SmtX St.' . x . ,, . 1 a. the agreement he was to he from gent are most worthy of the brother . ;y uu u L o Ausiraii. tsyaney, ( lr sua to xayne, i am come sign hood in which they entered. He accord' passage irom to Oct-- issi Bali juigumu . ojuurj Crxr, Utah, Jaa evidence; Fall is a damned erv taeaw stress oi weainer wta proposed a suitable annuity for Ad To the ing to the ' CitSxemcfVtdh: ami vrai rtnlh cm t hall WoolGeneral and mlral .u.l Seymour several jremenuw We are about to pnbllsb a geoeral and com- experlenceu auuThe Wells Bays It Is apparent from the seas had sely. who he said had accepted ihs pan helmsman n .Mui mm utr. giving shipped. whole history of the alleged attempt to be lashed to the wheel, and when peerages. He spoke for an hour, name,uiraorory oooup&tlon, and reidoce of every on Brown's virtue it was not done relieved he had nearly on mattera vertalBlnv tetha other cltbwn.and a with and concluded with peroration pemhed tnterests cf tbte city, thus farmiogr a com- with the knowledge, In behalf, or in cold. During the rush tne confidence the country water ; might pane ruue dook sx tounats and ths general of the Interest of the prosecution: that IXibliO. , ; . was swept overboard repose in the military forces. . , England Capt. Its guilty authors were neither and drowned. In addition, wCI be a Bralnees IMraotory of every otaer City ana town iu utaa, glvinc agents nor acted with the know New Bedford, 26. A letter recelv; name, buetneee and raaldeooe of ever mar. MIXED SPICE. ledge or approval of any officer of ed to this city frim Capt. Crapo, of fefaent, dealer or manofaetarer ia the Territhe lMpartment of Justice. tbue ooneUtutma- a work kjoa needed the lost scaooner Surprise, from wa When a man kums to me for ad tory, and that wtd be of lmmenee value aod loter-It was a deliberate and carefully port to Basket Island near ronta vise, ov advise eet to out kiad find tbe country and eapacUily to the bual-I the prepared conspiracy against the ad Arenas, gives particulars of the km he communit y. wants, and I givcit to him; this naae poroon ox ua ministration of justice. The prose and says that the boat's crew that Into the Directory will be a are Iooorportted two aod satisfies he I him that cution of FalL Pavne. Foote and he left at the island was subsequent cooctee aod reliable account ot tbe various sz smart men as there iz living. others not named for atternntlnz to which each city preeots,wbetber advantages massacred by the natives vnwi Jo&n isuung$. . manctaoturtnjr. u,in lea or corn mar oial: tta corrupt Brown, the originator of the ly boy. a of the and Portuguese institutkna, toetber pubUo bulldlDgs affidavits published by Col. Inger-so- ll He exception crew A Ahnrih fn m mnntr 'vIITmoa v.. wiu aa oceer praTOoai uuarrauion inu wui boat's a also says are asked, to insure a successful of value to the general public , a paper among the beAn cently circulated belonging . to . the British at bark m a. etOdent corps of exporlenoed men are sea, ii prosecution. , foundered which lur nnnrrppmLiuQ mnirinn. ujluiic rtf llotentath, oowetMraeed In this work, and wereepeot-full- y men thm ' navtn rlnna rtnrmaAt "fnlp f fYaohlastoa Items. m mate and four v , r containing the eojcit for them the mftrmation and tap. j j th. of tale cbaraoter daaefiee. The Bureau of Engraving and Were als3 murdered by the natives, organist and a boy to blow the ) port that a work ww do bum iui; uj muumsufp ... vunui; jm same," Printing is directed to prepare plates except the mate, who was afterlor printing trie gold certificates in wards rescued by some friendly InPrice, Paper Cover, fUO, Cloth, tl25. There is a good deal of worldly ' denominations of $50 and $100, dians, and sent to Valparaiso, where wisdom Bates furaiehed on appU- nv AdvsrtisJag old in crew this say-loplantation wnicn will bear the sig he has arrived. A third boat's ' "Remember, young man, dat natures of the Treanirer and Basis had also been massacred at tnis Eetpectfolh', ., bee on de frlen' dis is earth got yers ter of the United States, and to be L J. C. GRAHAM & CO. Va A train a better frlen' ter himsself den he is issued from the treasury in the same V0)?' rr P. a Bra, SST, San Lake Cttr TJtab, manner as Jegax tender notes. on the Detroit, Grand Haven 4 Mil ter you. Syracut Herald. to-d- LARGE BTOCK of ;:Hi ;- -- To elJse out while building Extensive Warehouses, I will Bell a WALKER OPERA HOUSE. COK-talDl- ; nRANtw Frederick T. Fbeijno hu ysrn, Secretary of State. " on I IJEJIC .4JBUOidj(B CO. MANCf ACTTHtHS OF TH1 i. pre-empti- ar - Or RVEBY DESC3R1TTION. No. 577 BR6ADWAT. Tto;jCo. Sledge Clipper, er Stone, I. and or AKD bkAuoit in 6HISS ft PUTEB ffSEK &. - - a mother to her even-yeold boy, "yon must not interrupt me when I am talking with ladies; you must wait till we stop, and then you can talk." "riot you never stop," retorted the boy. The Superintendent of the Pub'Io schools or Richmond meeting uoio-ne- l Ruffin f with whom h is quite Intimate) said: "I see the Whig says that When you get to heaven you Will amend the ten commandments, and that's too .much your way anyway, and you know it." Colonel well-know- Adonic. 3i b:::iiia.ti I ' f . Lilietl . . to-ds- ; Kot Sato roe SaV by C. C. H. I. and ;U Breach n riuueee Dd beeiert Generally, etc. ; on -- - - : LOOKING GLASSES Co., OIOAQO. istizr -- giving., The LleaaJnga demanding our Kraiitude are numerous and varied. For the peace aod .amity wnica tubsist between this Kepub-li- e and all the nations of the world: for freedom from internal discord and, violence; lor the increasing different friendship between the sections of the land; for liberty, Justice and constitutional govern men I: for the devotion or the people to our free institutions, and their cheerful obedience to mild law ; for the constantly Increasing strength of the republic, while extending its privileges to fellow men who come to us;for improved means of internal communication, and in creased facilities of intercourse With other nations; for the general prevailing health of the year; for the prosperity of all our industries; the liberal, return for the mechanic's toil.aflordlng a market for the abundant harvests of the husbandmen: for the preservation of the national faith and credit;for wise and generous provisions to etiecfr the Intellectual andmbial education of our youth; for the) Influence upon conscience of a restraining and transforming religion, and for the Joys of home; for these and for many other blessings we should give thaoks. Wherefore, I do recommend that the day Above dealgnated be ij observed throughout the country a a day of national and prayer, and that tbankegiving people eeaee from tlieir ialJy Jabor. and meeting In accordance with their several forms of worehlp.draw near to the throne of Almighty God, onermg 10 iim praise ana gratitude for the manifold good which He has vouchsafed to us, and praying that His- blessings and mercies may continue; land do further recommend the cay thus appointed may Jbe made a special occasion for deeds of Mndnces and charity to the suffering and needy, to ' that all who dwell within the land may rejoice and be glad irk this season, ot national thanksgiving. In witness whereof I have hereunto ret my hand and caused the peal of the United States to be af..fixed. Done at the City of Washington the 25th. day of October, in the year or our Liord one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-tw- o, and of the Independence of tue United States the one hundred and seventh year. r, s.1 Chester A. Arthur, j By the President. j TING. BIIOADWAY, MANrrACTURKBS i CO. & iwmi mi i SU - i , Our Ooodi Bro keut by & C. M. txancn it. y TRY IT i?AiimANiL & i hemphilL hamlIn h !r A PROCIiAMATION. ; ; bboabwaV, 30 C AMU 12 ued aliaaua e4ra Cm ths JTVIwre. i- - CLOTH UN G. rissB en cloths .wee . MENSf AND BOYS9 . WORLD-WID- E 1'i-- .fil.BiHa by S m - 417 i ARGALL & CO,, SVS. HAKUr ACTURXRS - llii of Prints, Ginghams, and j Domestics. 01. ; Wa OF . Longer than any , oilier. .. COOLEY, JOBBS IMPORTKRS AND BLURDc Oft, Will hold j Knbber bolder, lMtX Penctla. Ooda, Alto. I-- HOUSE - Pan Caaea. BATES, REED and e!l Moulding Mot free upou a ppJoatlou. Hooka OiTEfiinlS. IMI. p. ad Pneil I., Z. Pen Ovid & . jBTlks' i.t & MAT BB HAD jt Wholesale ItanuOtcturera The following conformity- with custom, the annual observance ot which la Justly bald In honor by this people, I, Chester A. Arthur, President of the United ta tee, do Hereby set apart or iNovem rnursaay, tue sola ber next, aa a day of day public tbanka OAKLEY & CO., CHICAGO. j In J. W. (Uiuy, kOSTOX. 61 Hlaa Btreel. IV. ThaoksgiYlng proclamation la Issued by the President of the United States of America: GBCICAO-WALKER, ZZWU. rmlHHiiMi, TbjaafeBclTlBic Iirt K f 46, IHJKBAPH AMERICA and Jobber! of isMBS A UEI'S UKIOH The Treasury Department y waukee road was ditched by trm purchased 255,000 ounces of line sti- wreckers, who removed the rails ver for delivery at the Philadelphia near Carlin, on a down grade where the bank is feet high. The The Secretary of the Interior has baggage and thirty two passenger cars made a decision in the case of Wen- went flown. Jtsut rew pereons were zell vs. 8 1. "Paul, Minneapolis A Ma on the train, and no one seriously nltoba Railroad Company, constru nurt. ing tne tnird section of the act of Shenandoah, Pa., 20. This after April 21, 1S7U, which declares valid noon three brothers, Peter, James homestead and entries and Henry Sheet. Timothy Rey within the limits of expired railroad nolds and Robt. Hanna, were en grants that may have been made at tombed at Packer colliery, operated a time subsequent to the expiration by the lehigh Valley Company, by of the grants. The Secretary holds the caving of a drift. It is not mat the language med in the act, known whether they are dead or "at a time subsequent," refers to the alive. dates in the various granting acts to Cheyenne. 26. Thoa Talbott was tne railroads as .tne date at which fatally shot by his wife at an early the roads should be completed, and nour this morning, during a quar not to the time when by lesirlative rel; tne wire claims -or jaaiciai action mas forfeiture Talbott Was about 38 years oMj bM might be declared. He also holds nine cniiuren. that settlement and filing consti 'Concord, Mass., 26. A. Bronzen tutes entry within the meaning of Alcott had another paralytic shock or the act or 1877, es wen asunder. about noon he did not seem the general practice cf the Land to rally. An arrival Department. As Weozell made his San Francisco, i.6: settlement and filing In accordance from Honolulu reports Kileauea in with the law, his entry eruption on a grander scale than for la held to come within conformity a quarter or a century. to tne provisions oi tne statutes. The Walkers. The President expects to remain Nbw Yobk, 27, in New York until the 10th of No p.m. Fitz323, Noremad 315, Hazael vember, when he will return and gerald AK OUT CT. ITrntk resume his residence at the boldlers' A14 z.u, uugura wii, uatt uciij 360 Vint Rowell 391, the Home till the renairs to the White quitted or race s:ore a 384 miles and with Houto are completed. laps. The promotions in the army con three 1 a.m. Fitzgerald 431, Noremac sequent upon the retirement of Maungues, 40. Hart 403. Heitv General an irvln McDowell, jor are 402, Vint 374. Rowell'd stop is due nounced by the President as follows; Brigadier Ueneral Pope to irregular action or tne neart. to be Major Genera, and Colonel When Hazael retired his score was Donold S. MacKenzle, Fourth Gav. 414 miles and ten laps. His knees given out. Brigadier General; both nau aly, to be take Nine started in the walking match etiect irom promotions Frank H. Fall, charged with at- last Monday, since which time tnree, namely, l'anchotr, the Buftempting to corrupt the Star route falo letter carrier, Hazael and Row nry, surrendered nimseir have retired Special Counsel Wells, represen- ell, both tor the Government, and Riddel broken down. Six are left, of whom morning, with and Davfs, counsel for Falls met m Fitzgeralda leads this good second. Cameron, tne ponce court tms alter noon to ar- Hughes backwards as a range the amount of bail. Wells de- who spells bis name manded a bond amounting to $5,000, thla dlHgaiee, la the favorite, alwhich defendant refused to farniah. though he la neither first nor sec? and decided to apply to Judge Knell ond. His health is magnificent, bat whether this is the real cause of to nave tne amount reduced. his being a favorite or the fact of bia Payne'a case wilt come up for bear Canadian suddenly backing ing Tuesday. No day was set for him to a friends great amount is not known. hearing in Fall's case. Judge Snell accepted a bond of $25,000, and Fall Up to this evening the crowds In was released, to appear before the attendance have been small, but new developments of the past police court from day. to day or when the few hours will probably Infuse new so. to do required life into the concern. General Wewa. The following Is the 2 a.m. score: Chicago, 20. A decision upon Fitzgerald 434, Hughes 424, Nore. the question of the legality of mar mac 428, Hart 409, Herty 403, Vint ginal dealings on the Board of Trade 375; was rendered in the Appellate Court : FOREIGN. A commission firm brought suit against a customer for marginal The SllnaUva la Ecrpl references on a deal in grain. The lower court renderdjudgment for the 28. Abdullah Pasha. All Caibo, amount claimed. The. Appelate Feh my Pasha, and Abdul Pasha Court holds the purchase of grain corroborat of the ill treat the for future delivery, where it Is evi- - ment or rebel report Mix or tbem prisoners. acwas nu to dant thara intention were beaten with slippers and spat deliver grain, but to settle the tually differences in price In money, comes upon.Pasha delivered to Broadly, within the law against gambling, hisArabi a statement of various counsel, and . the aggrieved party has no indignities upon him. Broadley in' ground of action. stituted I the Omaha, 23 .Gould and party ar chief actors.proceedings against rived this morning over the MissouProfessor Palmer party were ri Pacific, and after a brief confer led to the edge of aand and precipice ence with the Uolon Pacific officials, offered the alternative to throw left for Chicago, going over the new themselves over or be shot. It is Vs i Turners, rimnijcrs, Gas and Stcan Fitters' material, and I aa prepared to lay water Pipes on Short Ho tics, and j&jn THE LOWEST KilClDO. ' A Have, also on hand and in Stock, Eight different sizes of RUMSEY'd Iron Pipe, Lead Pipe wad Bheet Lead. DISPiTCH USD SATISFICTIC3 bJaraTEED,: f Pitcher, Lift and Force Pumps. ILL V.'Cni CCnE VITH GO. XXAJXC croiSGT, OALT LAHE r CITY. , " 1 j 1 i 1 i |