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Show ir $ X ., u9t JO .vJi.lT c u. r, i 'flSfl W H V " ' LOGAlCITY. UTAH, SAT (JB DAY MOBBING, OCTOBEB 9, 1897. VOL. XVII. bV " ' a Mob. l'i , J ?h r Lf c; - Cincinnati, Oct. 7. -- An angry crowd gathered about the court house and jail in Newport, Ky., today, upon the announcement of a most shocking assault by eleven men upon the wife of a switchman recently jnarried. The sheriff was obliged to clear the corridors, and threats of vengeance were made. -- Thomas Gleason and . his wife started out to the Alexandria pike to visit a friend last night, when two men with revolvers, representofficers, ing themselves to-- be Tand wife husband and stopped woman a into field, dragged the where eleven men assaulted her. The penalty for this crime lnKen-tuck- y is death; Today Mrs. Glea son has positively identified six of the men who jwere arrested from her description. Judge Helm will call a special grand jury to con t ; sider the case. . Eleven of the "gang of ru ffians were brought to preliminary trial before Judge Bennett) who upon the testimony held them all to apr pear before the grand jury without bail, the offense being a capital one. The idea of a special grand jury wa9 abandoned, as the regular jury meets October 19th. Meantime, owing to the excited state of feeling and the insecurity of the Newport jail, the men were ordered to be taken, to Marysville this afternoon for safe keeping. When the time camo for the removal of the ten prisoners (one being still held for further identification) to the Chesapeake & Ohio depot to take the train for Marysville, there was such a menacing crowd about the jail that the Sheriff called out the entire police force- to preserve order. Jt was with difficulty that the men were taken to the two wagon which carried them to the depot, and the crowd followed closely after. At the depot, and before tha train arrived, the situation grew more exciting. The crowd jeered the prisoners, and shouts of Dont let them get out of town were heard. The police force had to charge the yelling crowd to prevent a rush at the prisoners. Fortunately, the train soon came, and the men were safely embarked. from 19 v The piisoners are aged to 30, mostly without employment. Two or three are street peddlers, and they ars known to the police as a gang going together, and often found drunk and disorderly. Their names are Dad Meiner, George Greer," Haber Miller, -- Ed ward Heading, Frank Anshmlller, John Shannon. Matt Meiner, John Duh-fos- s and William ' Schorle.-;Th- Q one last arrested and ,who is still in jail, awaiting identification,' is e will be .William Groxton. tobefore Mrs. Gleason , brought rwere men.The othenight. promptly recognized by Mrs. GleasonJn the crowded courtroom. They all behaved , in the most reckless manner;" one being drunk while in the courtroom. They used' violent language and displayed total indifference and unconcern j ' Official advices from Marysville) Ky., tonight are' thathd ten idea titled assailants of Mrs. Gleason of Newport, arrived there safely and The were securely imprisoned. , X -- - I ( - A 1 Sheriff of Campbell bounty, with aeputies and several' Newport policemen, areal'Mary Bville. There are no visible symptoms of dangerousexcitementin Marysville Ramin Fora Datrage i tonight." liVilliam Croxtod, who Till Cntun Secretary ol War Declares Eleiea Fluids la was detained at Newport, was ' 7-Freedom Is at Hanl Young Wife. 7 identified by Mrs. Gleason tonight . as one of her assailants. He is in Newport jail, but will be taken to Marysville tomorrow. Dangerous Would not Accept Autonomy-Ba- ttle in .Story $f tie P earful Assault Bixofthe excitement has subsided-i- n New- - the C&maroaea Hilla Jn JWJnchJBoth Euffiani Positively IdantifiedEteTen for the present at least. port Sides Claim Threatened Victory Weather Favored Under Arrest Prisoners ' (MILL ? f .2 -- '' ' f .NO. 28 : Maiana trocha with a large force ana is now operating with Gen. - rCastillo El Pais publishes a stateraeotTo the effect that up to date 2 000 of ' the 6,Q00- reconceutrados in .the Reminiscences of tW Cm of tbe Cel- etown of Jaguey Grande have died : Med Back Kilgore. of hunger.- - ; , , i ! - . KILLED - , A COLLISION. 1ST ' Tribune , Special. Springville, Utah, Oct 7. David Ogelbury, How tbe Noted Texaa Became Famous How, Luring the War, be Hunted a whoLW&s .killed, and Ed. Morgan, who wasbodly injured in the rear-en- d "Deserter Jumping for a Sapper and. Cubans the collision on the Rio Grande Flirting Gravel Ibe Tables Turned MISSOURI TRAIN BOBBERS. Western at Castle Gate last night, were brought to Springville this Their Capture of a Train And Atafternoon and sent to their homes New York, Oct, 7. Gen, Carter There are men in every quarter Blow Safe. to a' on the 0:30 passenger Goshen at tempt Iioloff, secretary of war of the Re- this of the union who will regret to evening. followof seat the has Cuba, public hear of the death of - Judge Cons- Kansas ENCIRCLED WITH HOT IRON. City, Mo., QcL 6. Ban ing letter to Gonzales de Quesada, dit9 held' up the Chicago A: Alton St. Louis, Oct. 7. John Jacob- tantine. R. Kilgore at Ardmore, I, Washdaffaires Cuban at charge a less tram son, employed in the Tudor iron T. For eight years ' BuckKil-gor- e tonight at point express miles from Kansas ington: than six works in east St. Louis, was terCity. was a . notable man at this We are now better prepared for ribly burned last night while at 7 be robbery is the third occurrence capital. In person he was the of the kind on that road within a an active campaign t than at work. He was guiding a Texan. About six feet tall, year, all within fifteen miles of this any time during either the present bar of iron as it came out of tbe typical above sixteen stone in .weight, . . city. or the late war. We are informed rollers. Suddenly the bar twisted above tbe and before be could escape bad A: St. Louis express average congressmen-i, The Chicago will probably try above the average man in him a which pulled put of the Union here that Spain pushed against heavy stand, ability, to American the governplacate force where rolthe from 8:30 the this evening was by depot at sincerity, straight as an Indian stopped pf eight masked men at ment by offering ns autonomy lers it suddenly encircled him, the ancLjtfopg as an ox, Buck t Kilsuburban stopping more or. less ample. I need not smoke and odor of bis burning Evanston, was a marked man wherever Before he gore place just beyond .Washington tell you, my friend, that we laugh body filling It was the kicking park. Evanston is about eight at uch offers for already we are at was rescued he was terribly he appeared. door of the down burned. leading from the miles nearer to Kansas City than of liberation. our hour the Bine Cut, made cr lebrated by the the legislative chamber to the notorious James gang, and which --- Should Spain. seriously offer. us QuarterlyConferenoe. house lobby that gave him notorwas the scene of two previous rob- autonomy, it would prove the full Quarterly Conference of Cache iety. It was characteristic of beries on the Chicago fc Alton this extent of her weakness and we will Stake will convene at tbe Logan lie wanted to go into the year, one in December last and one tight with renewed ardor until Bhe Tabernacle, Saturday and Sunday, lobby, tbe messenger shut the door m October lat. The train was shall recognize our independence. October lfithand 17th. In ms face; he knew he had a right . stopped at the Evanston 6iding by Imsgine our delight should Spain to go into the lobby without askOrson Smith, the exploding of torpedoes which thus confirm us in our belief that President. ing tbe consent of Tom Reed or the end isiast approaching. bad been placed on the track. any other man. He raised his Tell the American government When tho conductor and brake Democratic Notice. foot, clothed in ah enormousedw-hid- e taan went , out to ascertain the that to enter into diplomatic disboot, and kicked the door The Democratic primary of the cause of the trouble they were cov- cussions with Spain-in-th- e hope jTbird ward will reconvene in the duwaand .wenthis' way. The ered with revolvers in the hands of that we will accept autonomy is Court House on Saturday, Oct. 9th, notoriety that attached to him on four of the eight road agents. The useless. We should simply thank at the close of tbe city convention, account of the act was alwaysjdis-tastefother four quickly covered the en- it for its trouble, but manfully de- for the to him. ."t. purpose ol filling the vaThe brake-me- n cline to end the war on such terms. gineer Snd fireman on the councilmanic ticket were compelled to uncouple We know that both Palma and you cancy Except Dick Bland and Amos of ward caused by the resigthat the baggage and express cars from have often made this plain to nation of Mr. Cummings, there was no more Joseph Morrell. the passenger coaches. While this the American government and democratic looking man in conD. Davis, was being done one of the robbers public but we wish you to reaffirm The boys on tbe avenue ttJEmmaKewlev, gress. - him busied himself by going through it. Buckri-anafter he called Members City Committee Third the pockets of Conductor Graves, down door kicked the New York, Oct. 7. A dispatch Ward. every gamin who was robbed of $22 in coin. in Washington" was ''ambitious to to the Herald from Havana, says: In the meantime the bandits at A shine his boots. ' Many of them big battle occurred Oct. 2nd, restrict Court. the head of the train had ordered in Camarones boasted of, tbe honor, who drew on hills, not far from On James his fireman and Volelte morning, Thursday Engineer their imaginations, as George IV Matanz&s, between the L&mont was sentended to pay a did when he claimed to have borne to climb down out of their cab. nnder General Molina andSpanish rebels Engineer Volelte hesitated until a under the command of Betanconrt, fine of ten dollars and tbe costs of a conspicuous part in the battle of for holding in contempt a Waterloo. .Kilgore did net have was sent whistling by pistol-baand Raoularango. The court order issued by Judge his boots shined every his ears. He and the fireman after Sanguilly day. When at 9 oclock in the restraining began fight Hart. climbed down this persuasion he rooms on first landed he took; morning and continued all day. A motion to quash the informa- C street not far from the capital. quickly and two of the robbers im- The official report published here mediately took their places. The states that Molina attacked the tion in the Gustafson case was After breakfast he went out for a denied on Friday. His stroll. A colored boy proposed a others of the bandit gang jumped rebel and drove therebels argued and position filed a demurrer, shine. aboard the baggage ana expiess out with Whafs your name? loss. The report attorney then great was overruled. which Gustafson cars. This part of the train they Buck. asked George Washingthat Gen. Molina had his ran up the track toward Inde- says being arraigned pleaded not guilty, ton, replied the boy. Its an horse shot under him. set forJTuesday, Oct honor I did not his case pendence, Mo , about a quarter of a expect, rejoined The Heralds correspondent at 12th. being mile. Matanzas has obtained an account Kilgore; you can pitch right in. There they compelled the fright- of the fight from a Spanish official During the whole session Buck The Harris Concert. would walk half a dozen squares ened express messenger to open who was present. From this it There will be & great rush for. to give that" boy the job of shining the door of his car. The door once appears that the rebel infantry box office Saturday morning his boots. the the messenger were strongly intrenched in an alopen, they diagged Oct. ICtb, and people who live outout by the legs, throwing him to most inaccessible position in the side of town, who are not able to the ground, and then took his gun hills, and all efforts to dislodge During the war he was ordered 8 a. m., can send their home to assist Jn get by -him. from were in The., in. gathering up them futile, messenger resulting only away One evening about-duskwas then compelled to walk back heavy losses for Iheattacking money .with instructions to Harris some deserter he was out in the country in toward the other portion of the forces." The insurgents had only a Broj, & Co., and they will buy the best 6eats possible for the money. I and few men train. and killed, qnest of a deserter who had been jeered ... . . off the layout for a year. He After securing complete posses- taunted "tho Spanish" dnringrthe To the People cfCache) Gen. Molina sion of the engine and the baggage whole engagement. wa3vefyhungry and" Veryreary; Some called at a house by the roaddealers He death. of to Utah, in order and -- express -- ..cars,... the bandits narrowly escaped ' old reof sticks of dynaget. rid. of a lot. cheap stock, side and there he found a woman Enraged at placed twenty-fou- r nicely mite upon the big through safe and turned to the attack the next day, are offering to sell what they" call just taking from theL'lifted"the smaller -- way- safe but with no better success. A large first class pianos for $250.00, and broiled chicken. The savor of the He had upon top of it. They applied the number of 'wounded and 'dying organs rs lowasjif 5000. They. do fowl made him rajenous.1 , into not give the name of the instru- a Mexican dollar in his" pocket," fuse and the match, and then evi- Spanish soldiers were brought " ments they sell for these prices, which he had carried for years , , dently waited for the explosive to Matanzas. Castellano left Gen. Jiminez but a Logan lady wrote .for prices and to which he was much attach-- , reveal to them the treasure for a Mason &, Hamlin Organ, and ed, bat he was bound to have that 25th on with Puerto which so much had been risked. PHncipe Sept. atanswer was $80.00, cash down. chicken, , and he pulled out the forces the for of the But for some reason the explosive heavy purpose sold her a nice Ester Organ far dollar and proposed a trade the We Cuban did not go off, and from the subse- tacking .. the government fowl. The' lady said less money. We dont offer 10 day coimfoiL-th- e quent developments, it is evident headquarter in Guayamarillo; but rhads for a sick friend was and bad pre- sales, but we do offer to undersell the chicken that dynamite . had great terrors heavy, rains could not sell it. for the men who were not afraid to vented him from carrying out his every dealer outside of Cache, and and that she she done on have It and he the marches after continued, Ill jump But, long run the ordinary risks of invariably, plans, or for We to same have with Puerto returned is were it goods. that grade clear you It Principe .they some makes of pianos , which we What do you, mean? said afraid to return to the express car, 108 of his men ill. ' confor a some Buck,1 while and sell can Gen. , $200, few Ruiz, escorting Organs , minutes for for, after waiting a I mean that we will 'see which the expected explosion, they hur- voy from Puerto Principe to San for $ 15.00. All we ask is a chance citiand can rebels with to attacked figure, jump farthest from the door-si- ll you. every by riedly left the place, running into Nicholas, wa8 to out owes zen the rebel this into the yard, and tbe one merchants Juan of leader, the underbrush which skirts the Sept. 30, Tbe MarielCache. A of Co. crossed us that beats shall have both Harris Bros, tbe Dicasse, has railway in that section. n t i i red-ho- n -t- he-room.' - the-ma- n. ? - ul - s . d ll . -- " hit-failure,-- the-spit-- a - -j , , -- train-robber- y. 1 . , , , X ,f ' |