Show bylaws by laws of the meadow valley mining district at a meeting of the miners of the meadow valley alining district held at the calra S spring ring at the bead of the aforesaid N valley alley utah utah territory on the day of marell march A D 1864 wm win hamblin llam blin was called to tile the chair and stephen Shei wood ap minted appointed secre decro tary alic Chai iman announced c the object of the meeting to be for the purpose of organizing 5 a mining district J N Vand Van dermal ermai k move moved to adopt the following davs laws to gov govern ern and control the mining raining operations of the district which were passe passed ARTICLE this district shall include that portion of territory situated in the territory of utah as follows commencing at the warm s spring p r i n 9 at ll 11 t the head of meadow valley washington i it 0 e county U T and runn running i cuir due ue south thirty miles thence due east cast t thirty ty miles thence due north thirty miles thence due west chii thirty ty miles fi aiom om the aforesaid warm spring ARTICLE 20 the extent of a claim on any quartz lode or mineral vein shall be two hundred bundred feet to the claim along the lode with a 0 width of five hundred feet on each side aide of the lode including all its dips angles spurs depth width off shoots outcrops out crops variations and the minerals and other valuables therein contained the discoverer and locator of a lead shall be entitled to one claim extra for discovery ARTICLE SD 31 no ito person will bo be permitted to hold more than one claim by location on any one ohe vein bt by P purchase crebase any number of claims can be he held d ARTICLE ath all claims shall be measured on a horizontal line and numbered 1 2 and 3 if from the discovery claim either way ARTICLE ath each company must do one faithful days work on their claim in each mouth month after the same shall have been loc located abed 1 one year on a failure to do r so tile the claira claim or claims will be subject to relocation location re by any other person provided provid cd however that if tile company are prevented from working by local insurrection or rebellion a failure to do so will not forfeit their claims ARTILE bm all examinations of records must be made in the presence of the recorder or lis deputy ARTICLE tim work done in any tunnel evit cut shaft drift water ditch or water ile elege c in good faith shall be considered as b being er 9 done on the claim owned by such pe poison ison or persons or company ARTICLE fth ei E cry claim whether by an inah individual bidual or company located shall be recorded m within ten days after date of location ARTICLE MI all claims for gold surface biggi diggings ings in this district shall be two bundled fe feet t in length and two hundred feet in width ARTICLE locators on om veits veins of coal or iron shall be entitled to five hurdled feet for each location and five hundred feet additional for the discoverer and shall in all other respects be subject to and enjoy all the privileges and ana immunities of these las ARTICLE all locations made on water vater for mining ditch mill privileges or for irrigation purposes shall be respected and the same be recorded in the book or books of the district recorder and shall in all other respects be subject to and enjoy all the privileges and immunities of these laws ARTICLE urn whenever three hundred dollars shall have been expended upon the claims of a any ny company in ia this district tile the around J round so claimed by said company shall be deemed as belonging in fee to the locators or company thereof and their a assigns sins and the same shall not be subject to location or relocation by other parties ever after except by an acknowledged abandonment by the company odthe of the ground which shall be constructed to mean an entire abandonment after lying idle for or one year except in cases where claims are in litigation A IC 1 isan no person shall be permitted permitted ermit ted to vote in this district under these laws laws unless he be is a claim holder pertaining to mining and a resident of the di district ten days pren pre ious to the election ARTICLE 1 an special election can conj only y i be called by written notices POs posted t te d up p in in at least three public places in the d district and signed by at least one half of the voters of tile d district str et said notices shall be posted up by tile the recorder twenty days prior to tile the election ARTICLE it shall be tile the duty of the recorder if required by the locator to give a certificate of tile the metes and bounds 0 of dive each claim or number recorded and receive a compensation pensa tion of fifty cents each ARTICLE there shall be a district recorder elected from nine among n iq th the e miners miners 0 of athe the district whose chos e duty it aba shall I 1 b be e to record all numbers of claims presented lor for the purpose giving the name of each number and owner and receive a sum not exceeding one dollar I 1 from each number or owner provided however that it shall not be lawful for the recorder to record any claim that conflicts with a prior location the fhe recorder shall hold his office for one year tear or until his successor is chosen which successor can only be elected by a majority of tile the miners present of the district ARTICLE urn on motion of thomas box stephen sherwood was elected recorder for one year from this date march A D 1804 on mati the meeting adjourned sine jn die |