Show IBY p y TELEGRAPH R I 1 Es SPECIAL IAL T TO 0 THE DAILY UIt iol VEDETTE 1 I 1 NEW drw YORK juno june ath heralds correspondent bioni head cavalry corps gives give s details of the cavalry on engagement argement on monday at coal harbor the engagement was brought 0 on oil by boffi parties attempting temp tint to lo establish a line of pickets gens devine andalea and ALei ritt went ill with zeal and drove the debels to the first woo woods ds then dismounted three fourths of their men leaving the others in charge of the horses and on foot pressed through tho woods actors the ravine ravine and creek and over the alie next hill into the woods having reached the second woods the enemy made another stand supported by reserves merritt and devine maintained their ground stubbornly and contended evely inch until the lines bete within eight rods of each cacti other neither yielding 0 and both suffering 0 peat slaughter custar with his demoralizing seven shooters was now ordered up to aid in running the rebels out of the woods Shei sheridan idan also came on the bield held where lie could matters and gave directions that crustals Cu men should move forwald d at double quick and for fifteen minutes the rapid crack crack of the spencer rifles was the ast 1st now new york dragoons dra 0 charged on the enemy who fled two or oi talleo miles leaving their dead and wounded on the field talbott followed them up and spent the nig night ht four miles in advance another fight oc culled on oil tuesday as birgado was pies sin sing toward coal harbor in ili the p in they came upon the aval ly by three legi regiments ments of N 0 C infantry meri bonitt itt pitched idd into them with his ico ulai s strongly stion gly sup by devino and custar the rhe fi fight 0 lit was even more desperate than tile the day before sheridan galloped to the front but found whipping them beautifully tile the action gave us coal harbor and if leo lee is iq at mechanics desville ville as supposed very neaily euins liis his right flank and great pains aie abc spaced T the lie heralds correspondent from the james river fleet says A deserter from the rebel ram richmond Kich mond states that folt foit dailing bailing mounting 0 fifty heavy guns is considered by the debels impregnable to gunboats gun boats thice iron ire arc now lying 0 before the fort preparing to attack our fleet aided by several file ships A number of infer nal machines fire ships etc are to be drifted down to our vessels in flames closely following will be a bost fostof of torpedoes to explode on striking our gun boats and in tile the excitement rebel iron are arc to make the attack the rams rains are arc plated with eight inch io iron three feet solid oak and each cacti has a beak several feet long with a powerful submarine sub marine battery attached heralds Ueral ds head quart ers army of the potomac says all that was done one yester day and monday amounted to nothing more than a so sc ries of attempts to ascertain the ene mys position heralds eralda Tl special says gen barnard accompanied by bya a number of engineers left for grants army on frid friday A III tribune abune head quartee barteis tei s eth corps cor eleven miles north of richmond 10 p in says lly k ii lino ie of aebel rifle pits lias has been callice in the wing and front of hancock c e lias has been desultory fi firing ri n all d dav ay in ill ario blits corps who are arc in in cl close proximity to tile reb rebels als both P parties a arties wish each cacti other to comin commence clice tile the at tack AV washington ASHINGTON juno june fth A dispatch atom gen grant to last evening states that about on friday evening the enemy suddenly sud doid attacked smiths or of Gib soll sona division the battle lasted with great fury for half an hour tile the att attack was wag repulsed smiths loss is considerable a ble at 6 p m wilson with his cavahey fell upon the ie icar r of ofa a brigade of helps kielp 4 I 1 division which leo lee had dhawn around to his left apparently with tile the intention of enveloping burnside after a I 1 short and conflict wilson dhove tho the rebels from their rifle pits in confusion ile he had pa previously fought 0 and routed gordons goi dons brigade of iciel cavalry during these fights we lost several officers among Z them col preston of the and col benjamin of the ath new yolk boik cavalry seriously wounded G gen en stannard rd was also severely wounded on fi iday our loss los s in killed wounded and missing 0 during the three days operations operate onh around coal hambor will not exceed according b to the adjutant generals report twenty five hundred on oil saturday morning the lort left wing in front of burnside was found to have been drawn in durin during the night A dispatch aiom gen on oil the ath thil thirteen teen miles west of mau mall otta leports that liis his left is now wll well around and covering all the roads fi aiom oni the south to tile railroad railroad about ackworth ilis his cavalie has been in acl worth and occupy in force all of altoona pass si signed ned STANTON washington june eth tile the steamer connecticut which left white house yesterday yeste iday reports that on thurida thursday y clouds of smoke was seen in the direction of richmond it was ivas believed at white house that a disastrous conflagration brition was in pro progress ress at the alie rebel capital several i abel wounded brought up P by the connecticut they leport leo lee sick in richmond ell leaving ewell in ill comilla command 1110 rebel prisoners prisoners have already alli ved at white house and others are arc on the way down A contraband camp has been established at white house and a nd already contains about 1000 and the number number is constantly inci casing tile the richmond and york river rail R 1111 load is being L rapidly repaired tile tho bridge t over the alie was col completed monday and cars have fari arrived ived on bar barges from alexandria repair I 1 shops ale being elected tit at whito whit house and the place liae assumed a busi business ness appearance gen Aber abercrom cron bie bic in command of this tin s post has gon gei eral cral supervision of landing troops et etc C 1 FORTRESS aro knof june ad A steamer fi aiom om bei bermuda muda hundred reports report s that the enemy made a slight attack on our at 9 last evening without effect and iea C tired juno june eth this afternoons american says say s gentlemen who left the front at 9 on friday morning represent sent ref reformed oried to in gen grants dispatch ay as having opened with a alcice cannonading canno along 0 the whole line our informants state that the army is in the best possible condition and nd spirits they have never in any pro previous campaign been as well supplied with abundant provisions and belief is constantly going forward there is a universal univ eisal belief among our troops and the residents of the counti countey around richmond that that place must fall tacio is no conkli confirmation mation of the report that fitzhugh 0 lee and of L 4 i t ilis his men are captured and it is pr probably ba CHICAGO CHICA aO sunday june ath 5 th A washington special says A steamer from the white house hous 0 o on the ad beings 0 a report that our army held at savage station pait of our foicey having crossed the chickahominy I 1 before that place NEW YORK june fth the tribunes special of the says Sheri dans cavalry on the day previous drove the rebels down tile the M L road to within 5 miles of Rib richmond limond our entire lines wei acie e considerably advanced an imbres sion hion prevails that lee is withdrawing 0 his entire force to within the inner defenses of richmond his losses in the past two days d tys are arc severe and laidely 0 in excess of ours contrabands Contra bands banIs report the citizens of richmond in great flight fi bait 1 the gill ath chips col ps and ad n baldy smiths forces made a heavy change charge today to day wednesday carrying in the first line of the works and taking b six to eight td hundred prisoners 4 one hour later tho the rebels made a ti tic c inen dous assault and were 0 hancock ancock II also repulsed similar attacks attack inflicting 0 loss the fighting was most desperate and tile the en ernys loss must li alv abc e been between 2000 and oidis ours I 1 or CHICAGO june ath A lotter from Hanover torf va on tho the gives the following in regard to the position of the two admies our tight light rests on oil the near hanover inver ff C 11 it is some six miles in length extending 0 almost duo due south to Tat apony creek Eive Five miles west of our lines runs the chickahominy along that liver in front of and covering the virginia central railroad from station to shady grove five miles north of richmond the lebel front is torn Feo d et f NEW june ath special to the commercial says the receipts of tho internal bevenue darid during 9 the fiscal year ending in the present month will be over one hundred mill liono it is estimated that the present bill will realize twice as much after it is in boiking woi king order washington june ath dispatches spat clies from froin grants licad head the ifie ad says there were no opera ti oils Ou thursday at 4 2 t friday morn ingar ant made an assault on tho the one cne lyslie lys liI acs of which lie makes the following 4 leport I 1 we N assaulted tho enemy this I 1 VMS aa t jiin coining mo ining is oil cn at all point but without gaining 0 any decided advantage we now occupy py position a close I 1 to I 1 then emy aud and in L 9 some ome places w within gilill fifty yards Ol frilo is hot jovcic nor do I 1 suppose the enemy lost heavily vc captured over prisoners mostly bioni coias another official e and wounded at among the killed are col II askell of tile wisconsin wis kofl i col pot ter of the StIl kNew yoi boik k heavy hohey at ai tillery col moi donisi t is N j Y and gen R K 0 tyler seriously wounded signed 0 STANTON NL CHICAGO june ath the cincinnati gazette announces gen brooks army again 0 in motion a for richmond which means that it will be added to the army of the Pot new yoi k s also say that gen hunters army is ia to be added to go gen grants ducci command and that the junction will soon take place A number of troops aiom gen popes dep dehait al t mont ment are being forwarded to jhc thc same army the same C C is going 0 o on at the west every available soldier being sent 16 0 Sh ciman gen A J smith with troops flom the trans mississippi region regi on is understood to be on oil his way to chattanooga |