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Show V' "CT TTT 'Hj vw.M ? LI h i.k ...fluty V I!:.-.- I (. . '. Probably you Knew of $ cough medicines that Kba-nse- ! j A. I coughs except deep ones I ? i ii ; s n's to j,;et that r.i A. S. liuieh'ti.it Office at F. Ti'son residence linos the stiett south of Lem moil's store. shoe repairing at ! ovi less harness shop, by Gilbert J.oceleM. Firsti-Ias- a j i list appears We are benilqnarfra for frceli oysters in Lull; or cun. I -. ihtmau Vi 0 A. Dr.'iiila Las Iii-pKyWia wilii G'ldio Limey relorned 'L D I Him timM Dr. O. IS'iH LhIo bread, fresh every tiny, at .Mrs. Gutheil'a. " ( st (lciL-ripaio- prices that tlfy c(mq.btl(n. Fur sale or Rent Ibiuse ai d two lots wiih water ruht Call lit. at this oilier. . mxwaom iiipieut tux finish V evny fu.uituie at i'oihtiIL ycur dortor. If lis mts takt ft, tlim iii ftuya. If lw UIin yon not to ink It. tlifti don't fuiiM it. Hi kuewi. it wlrli him. Win nllilnr. d.C. AYi.lt CO., Londl, Nin, i iS. Now is Vhveaim: lie., Mc..l. Aiilnnhta. krsMMwuv is the I The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty years is Ayers Cherry Pectoral. lrt fiCOPFEE 2 .lit) p. in. ll liiOM.-- IVjj;ii- Laving places to rent u known at this oilier. re- lieve little coughs, ell yjr ra'TSvjpoii ij-- iii fc Eon. retururdto photograph gallery and can te fourd at the t!i- i 4 who went co(V--l coffee, II without payinj fancy went who and for it, prices j oij j Ktn i J. J. .Model ao was down from Satan! ty Li.Lo busiuotps, night on u'tuniing Suuday morn-DK- - hlr. and Mrs. Lssler Taylor frea Silt Lake Sunday wer down to attend the Tuneral of L. S. Taylor. A case of ineftvols has been at llio hone of Ellmorl!., and a quarantine flag tslnhliflnil. Mand Mrj. Philander Masi from Salt bake w.re se; and Sa'imbiv Sunday and attended the funeral of L. S. Taylor. A I.i:-1- - A little H moulha-ol- d daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loom) Tanner di d larit Friday uiht and was biirind Suml iy iii ceiuetery. Mrs. I'm.imr had ju- -t conif:oni Wednesday night. aii i the baby had ouly bean Bick a couple nf days. A big Thanksgiving ball will h fariiit-Lt-- puhr ax-l- it, od. to-db- , I y u s Hits liM'lihrgii I'atly, ami will hev a long and bitter fight (tone the foul iiiaitcr i( nnorbed ami with their troublas, if not endv , iihc Jlcri.lne. Use juHi.ny tliesvKli-nifatal termination. Reml earlier by to liriiu; IP ricuNrlty of balo by O'.'iits, Townsen I. J. L. Fur salr whatT.B. lleall of Beall, Mies To- - wxcursioii from Tintio last Frid ly niht fell short some and ns a ci).'.:wqieni:ii the pavilion litllo miney co3jpv.iv o;i the dial. Taking into i:i, Inwnver, tho stormy comlitiou of the w.'athvr tho crowd w i larger than was espseted by manv nf th'i people. Tim crowd was just ri;ht for a thoroughly good d.inco which was had, ac cording to the dancers. ta ron-sidora- li -- T. Wrido was on wiih iVeduesdsy .quarantined eniulipox. II o was teroddog hia di'pir; incut in the lVteetnect eidmol on Tinsdav hnt was laken hick tlir.t night. It was reported but whk tint lie whs coining George r.'iwn witli Kiii.n'lpox and was nway fr mi h8 i,,hool room on Friday, siys J. l'ldiii. l'aris, 111.. De i'nt it ueeniul thnt Le win not W Ill's Witch ii.izel Salve cured Ms iu Hdferiug from any contagious a shut time. NjoIIo-- aud heals. disease nnd he went on his way, the quarantine but yestt-rduM!sslo..ary Appointments to Elders' ph'isieinn decided that he was orun;s. coniiiigdiiwii with smallpox and a. Monilsy.Dec, 1st, at 7 P. M. flag von put up. 1st wanl, J. II. Hayes, Parson Samuel Don as i, John Dixon and C. F. Dixoi are now com- mul John Moore. from their pleting a pipe-linSpring Lake, J. E. llnisli. II. E. p'.i-- e io iumi' lluiilid null, where Gardner, Jr. tiiey h'lvi dug a trench deei Goshen, lid ward Bediloes. J. J. strike an under ground enoiigli si rerun of wsie:-- , which they are Schuerrer. Benjamin. .1. S. Tanner, J. S. oil their premises piping to lie for cniinary mid other purpi'Kiia. Bills. The Messrs. Dixon, wo underLake Shore, Peter Boberts. 1. stand sdll pip? thw wafer into their G. Liindholm. hoimes soon but Mr. Douglais Spanish Fork 4th wanl. J. II. will n t take this step at present, to his barn for Dixen. John Stnlieli, Ammon piping it the me of his htock. This is one Nebcker. wa'erworks on a Mp towards Spanish Fork 2nd wanl, S. M. w. al mid n.sv make the lliiiiiirdson, A. M. Ferguson. people more iutaresled in the matSalem. Stevenson, August waterworks a ter of estsblishic e rjfci-- d in-ie- i 1 - So-reti- us system here. i Gardner. T Wiedemann's Big Show. Wiedmauas Big Show opened at the opera house last Monday Down iu Egypt" evening in which played to a packed house, andj.be play, which was seen here some time ago nuder the name of A Southern iloae" was well rendered. Tueadsy night ther pnt. on That Naughty Kid" to only a fair sized andieuco aud the Delinquent List of Payson City, piece was tho limit and should never be put on so early in s The following is the list of the Delinquent Taxes assessed iu Iay-o- n weeks if want they engagement City, Utah Io., Utah, for the year 1902. Unless said taxes, ae the crowil to return. My California Home" was given laxt night to a amall audience and the piece provided by was much the best jet given and a at City Hall, loginning at 12 oclock. Lillie M. Fairbanks, treaspleased all present. Toaigbt will urer. Payson City, Utah Co., Utah. witness In Dixie Land," tomorrow night A Steam Laundry sad Saturday night The Sea of Ice" with Saturday matinee at 2:30. when the fairy play Cinderella" NAME or the Glass slipper, will be put on and prices will be 15 cents for A child of Mrs. Geo. T. B?nsrn, I children and 25 cents for adalts to when getting his usual Saturday i any part of the house, night bath stepped back ngniust hi The company is a good one and John II. Yraticosa hot stovo which burned him should play lo hotter business. i Sir in, Eat. severely. Tho child whs in great Their specialties are nil flrstciaes itio. CleyKin, il. VV. Brewerton agouy and bis mother could do and are alone worth the price of F.'he. N nnthiugto pacify him. Remember- admissiou. An especially strong H. yf. Fon'non Parker ing that she had a bottle of Cham- team are the Thompson sisters in Ciiaa H. Wilson berlain's Pain Balm iu the honsa, their dancing and singing acts Ann (Isnge she thought she wonl l try it. In the serpentine and Are dances o Uulti A. Stone Miss Wiedemann are the bestever lees than half nn hour after applyin the city and are looked, John II. Barnett sen and was child the it qniot ing Mr. Wm. Hurtle forward to each evening. Tke Milne L. Fillmore asleep, and in 1cm than two wevka was well. Mrs. Benson is a well other specialties of tho different Rev. John Wilson known resident of Krllar, Vn. members are all good aud np-tJoseph Reece Fain Balm is an antiseptic lini- date. Jonii Prvetiftid U If A word of praise is also dne the ment and especinlly valunile for Jr. bruises aud fSiniona, orchestra is vrains. );rawell which an cuts, burns, organize' William For sale by J, L. Townsend. tion the company is fortunate in icn. vl x Ranquist having as the music is one of the .) riieri.ll Sisnoi.s star leatnres of the engagement. AVe have In prosiiect an Jian A Lewis Tax .Viy.Ml-wtl- . o eng-geme- nt Salve- - 'Barns, Onts, Sores, Ecsemn, and Piles disappear quickly under its soothing drug stores. effect. 25c, at all Bic Discount. From now until Chistmas I will sell everything in my storo at a big discount, for cash. My stock muet be reduced and I can give joa bargains. 1 hare a fine line of black velvets, both in the eilk a .id velvet ta qualiiies, which nro A No 1., and the price will suit all. Mrs. 1 II. Marsh. For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad cold yon need a good reliable medicine like Chamberlains Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it, and to allay the irritation and iutUiuation cf tho (brunt and luns For salp bv J. L. Towusun.L Zlunih ; t y Watch this space nextl week for W. L. Worsen- crofts announcement of Christmas Goods, He will be headquarters fori Santa Clause. y of the celebrated Schubert Symphony fall my wife had Club and Lady Quaitette Company of has to any: every symptom of consumption. Chicago, and It is expected that they S'io took Dr. Kings New Dis- will lie secured lo glvo one of their deentertainments about Dec. IX). covery sfier everything else bad lightful This CDnipany gives a program of the failed. Improvement came a; greatest variety, consisting of Lady once and four bottles entirely Quartettes, Mandolin and Guitar Ciiih, cured her. Gniraatned by all String, Violin an l Vocal Solos, Amusdruggists. Price GOe, and $1.00. ing Head lugs. In the Schuberts we will get a musical eatertaluiuent tiiut Trial bottles free. iaenioyalile from Unit to last not a long dull classical atfiir, hut a bright, Beware of th Lr.ife. interesting program ef music's choicest Xu irofvjtli)ii lias advanced more gems. rapidly of lute than rurgery, but it A Frightened Horse. should not le used sxcvpt where alnto-ulrl- y imciXKury: Incuses of piles fir Running like mnd down the example, it is seldom needed, lie street damping the occnpsnts, or Will's IV itch llizel Salve cures a hand red other accidents, ere quickly and icrmanenlly. Unequalled occurrences. It befur cuis, hums, bruises, wounds, fsitin every day hooves to have a reeverybody I dlM'nses. Accept no counterfeits Salve liable and vo with troubled theres bleeding piles wN laniy that I ioi.t much Mood and strength, ' none as'good as Bucklens Arnica L.-is- tes of tlio kiekt. - iin-s- orchestra Huislis. tlif-cit- y ll Pale's d Colos Hot Blasts at Deputy Sheriff Henry nr.d Enmity AHoit'-.- I'isjjo weivovor from Im vo Wednesday fur the os.. looking into another ,Timmal c; isi, whendn Ix'iu Loveless. the daughter of Nephi Loveless. g;i ve birth to an illi'gilimftti,cdiild two weeks ago; hhc claims that a man by the given at the Pavilion tonight name of McKiuzie ii the author An excursion is being run from of her ruin. Tint io district, to Provo, aud quite a number, it is stated, will right 37111 Bs Bitter. ep'itofT lirn for the dance. Evory-b.ilThose who will persist iu rlos' ij iuvi'.td to conic out. iug their ears against tiiu continual aceuniula-tluan of Dr. Kings means recommendation Consumption of wnkts niattnr lliat rlimilil Im New Discovery for Consumption, unli-eIs tin- - -.-- jpCOFFSB- 'ffn-tinj- r re-iu- tjd Oi-rma- n I music during this inter v! aud aiso during the banquet. At 2;ll0 the banquet was comAtaolutely menced with about 200 people who partook of tbs pi UmutHiius feast before them and felt again that life is really worth the liviug. This pleasant teatnre of the 1is .it ui Winiuier of Eureka is open im; a vinit iu I'ayson, occasion occupied a good portion of the afismoou, and after the conclusion of fronting a varied A. B. and interesting program was rendered and lb company was Geo Ilniah came down from hglily oatarUined until abort linb.nj Wedaeuday evening to 8:20 p. m. BpenilaThankdiviuji with hia All married people of the second folks. ward were iuvited and all over the urre age of GO years from the first A Lady Quartette la always a of delight to lovers oflieuutiful music, wanl; and from Ike two classaaa kiui the Seliutiert Ijniy Quartvtto is one large crowd attended. p Suit H s- - iii iguibei i.ig ur.tii l.e lin:- - tf'w l:.i-r; l.til Wib II i ill, riiilKl rliHt III', Li. i he nig f',ik nii.uy tif whom ly evt-- r excvp: on uudi occanioiis aukr-nivin- i - iw.en tcarci Mr, nod Mrs. John II. Coombs catne down from' Salt Lake T. AL .liHoimi'H at art in the bowels, lo fpe in U? Jiei-will om-ii or you them Mr. ami Mrs, C. E. Uuieh of sick. CASOAKETS act like na- Eureka are here to Bpend Thank s- ' ture. Keep liver ami bowels active b'h'iug- feelwithout a sickenin'' pripiti ing Sis million pople take am! L. S. Taylors Death. rewinmend CASCA11ETS. L S. Taylor, who haa for several a 10a box. All druggists. lieen a rettideiit of Fnysrjn, passed away last Friday Dioruiug at 12:25 a. m., from a complication Masgucradc Soon, of stomach and kidney troubles at The in in jri urnt of the Silver the of 52 years. He had been is Iltvilion liand cocfined to his room, the greater to pivu ft innsquer-ftd- i part the time for several months ball but ween now :unl Christ- Hiid had suffered greatly, lie loaves' a wife, son aud daughter, and mas. Thu ufhir lias Ue:i under t large number of other relatives cimteiiiiihitioii for io:iie time, at home. but lmvc not Ihh'U nble to make Funeral services were held at arrangements with the costum- tb tabernacle Sunday afternoon and interment wea made in tho ing house: it will lie a swell a flair. city cemetery. j g i.lUid-kl.- Und used by people ! i -t LiOM till il. ! v ra i union. dl.e regular auuual reunion iif 'lf o.d tulka nf lliii Mio:i-- Wind f.i.A at liist liifetr.ig l.iji:t.i Liu.. Fiiday c..:)iiiji-i)rii;odnrk p. iu. lain ig I lie t:u.i-- j t A iihYS U rs 'v-- 'i - UiillCK lii li. ri i c s Oid i'cikis fj liot.et'ri, (le. hi tl.is . tea-wtT'. Wii.VsIasmiy lm!f:lili:;. il for Ihlttbels. .1 3 rn tv.?-! l. I Coughs v V i . 1'VIW-- .J If you have eot throat, nnnwt acroM the back or side.' r your lungs feel sore or tender, or yeu are threatened with diphtheria or pueuinunia, epply Ballard' Snow Liuiment exter nally, and uce Ballard Uureheuud Syrup, J. It. Townwiid. A Good Hearted Man, or in other words, men with good sound hearts, are not very numerous. The increasing number of sudden deaths from heart disease daily chronicled by the press, is proof Hat. Oua Pi'lpr Enos Wells Simnnv Jeliu Lvel m, EL John Ii Wilson XrpM Lovelces Ore. flr.ii'M Fred S. Hill. DavnJ MiU'liell. EL William Wijjnsl, Eit. C. E. Lmse R. U. Callaway Chaw W. Reece Tima. R.imioM John T. Montague Martha Buy Win. P. Dawdle Hetman OberhansJi Andrew Box James Franco rn Frank Jones, Fit. JanievK June Francis M. Balisrd Henry Barney John Franrom ElizaK't.h C. Gough 0. M. Wright F. F. Finlsyson L. of the alarming prevalence of this K. I'aylor E. Loose Helen A. Loveless O. Joseph Daniels John Montague I dangerous complaint, II and as no one can foretell just when a Kroamsa fatal collapse will occur, the danger of neglecting treatment is certainly a very risky matter. If you are short of breath, have pain in left side, smothering spells, palpitation, unable to lie on side, especially the left, you should begin taking MneV Heart 1, Frceuina E. Tanner Cure. J. A. Krr mer ef Ailuuai City, Kens, says: "MyhrartwHtobadltwasiin-pmsib.- e for me to lie dawn, and I could Millirr siren nor rest l!y decline was 1 realized I must frt help and rapid, anon. I was advised to try Dr, Miles' Heart Care, which I did, sod candidly believe it caved my li'e." Dr. Mites' Ikemedlea art eld by all dnniali tn guarantee. Dr. Mllse Medisel Co., Elkhart, tnd. Wm. Ncbeker Jamis Underwood David Mitchell, TteL James A. Lonsdale Ciias. Hartley Geo. II. Jonuton Clam E. Simons Chan. J. Holder John II. Tsylur i Albrecht Vogleman Clinunry P.Mrol.all Jerry McGhan John Moutngue John Provstgacrd John Reece Lens and Elmer Jones Alex Cowan P. O. Loveless Robert Mltcliell John li. Wilson W. IL Wiirnal David E. Kerr 1.41'oiiiui A. Colvin Wm.H. Shermer lohii Silencer Catherine Whin Frank I). IIul-- li Iullir.un Palace Car Co. Utah, |