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Show THE rTjzauon Arranges Material School District; Show Comparison With Other Sections Qn Carbon all public officials to squeese the utmost value from every dollar spent. Cost of Living The cost of living index in December, 1943, stood at 124.4. This is exactly the same as in April. While this is 23.4 per cent above the level of 1940 it is but .4 of one per cent above the ten year average of the 1920s. While schoolTO 1944-4- 3 we may expect some further adIbUMKARY vances in living costs this should budget not stampede us in the preparation 1942-4- 3 Reports) of the forthcoming budgets. sed on ' a summary Enrollment and Census 1933-3- 4 nted herein is !fmore pertinent facts basic to 5,124, 5,532; school district budget 4,289; 4,831; 1942-4- 3 4,836, 4,959; 1943-4- 4 census, a detailed outline school district as i jfwith like areas m othere ciapanf the state, material pre-th- Utah Taxpayers As- FicSon district 1940-414,6- 1941-424,5- .flies' Kte fi Federal, 1942-4- 3 $180,647; local, 1941-4- $155; sUt, $1o6Oi518; $292,-$473,56- 2. local, Ten year averages, $20,-noValuation per census State averages, $4,-le755. vy (1943) 13 The lowest enrollment and centhe last two decades occurred during 1941-4The trend is upward in the next two years, but still below the earlier peak. Administration Cost $13,779. Ten year average, $12,989. Per capita $3.40. State average, $3.70. Alpine $2.76; Cache $2.95; Davis $2.08; Nebo $3.00; Weber $2.93 all lower. Instruction School in session 175 days. State average 173.8 total salaries, Season, sus in 2- o' ,j3 5,403. mills, 11.8mills. The paramount blem confronting us as a nation In order to aid o win the war. njar effort it is incumbent upon te averages, Pin the War 2. 1 c That time is about here ... be sure that you are prepared for it, check over your equipment and make sure that everything is properly in line so that you can enjoy the full idvantage of every minute of fishing time now that shortage if gasoline and other conditions limit your opportunities of enjoying this grand outdoor sport. total number teachers, average salary, state average, per capita cost in the order named, follow: SUN-ADVOCAT- Page Seven PRICE. UTAH E, POWER FIRM CHANGES HOURS flow of carbon dixoide gas in the well, failing in which the hole will be cemented off and a new well Utah the 1944, 1, June Starting 1 All?-4$207,164, 175, $1,163, drilled. The Carbon Dioxide com& in Power office 1941-4- 2 $1,387, $48.96. Light company $215,800 has been producing dry ice pany 173, $1,247, $1,460, $53.36. Price is to be open at 8:00 a. m. 1942-4- 3 on a large scale from a well located 177 5:00 close m. and at Monday p. $1,421, $1,613, $620571,481 old through Friday according to Dis- about 1,000 feet from the forUtah its Oil test, and the demand Following an agreement reached vices or employed in an essential trict Manager G. W. Leatham. State Average, 1942-4- 3 Granto the has grown ite, $1,782; Alpine, $1,694; Nebo, recently between the state board war industry. point product of "Earlier and closing opening The situation is somewhat dif- the office will must be ob$1,653; Jordan, $1,654; Box Elder, of education and Carbon county employees to where additional gas permit in B. $1,567; Davis, $1,541; Heber, ferent the Dr. E. school 1; Sessions, high school, Super- take advantage of longer evenings tained. board, Carbon, $1,421; Cache, $1,273. president of Carbon junior college, intendent Reeves points out, be- for work in Mr. Lard has moved a rig to the Victory gardens and to Largely as a result of additional will administer both this institu- cause the students are youngpr and and cleaning out operalocation in other community state emergency aid the average tion and Carbon senior school. are forced by law to attend school participate tions start in a few days. will high war while and activities salaries of Carbon nstnct have indaylight Following suggestions made in until 18 years of age. is in effect, Mr. Leatham Moab creased $174 compared with an avsaving Dur-ran- t, An agreement between the state erage state increase of $158. Car- your letter of May 22 to L. E. said, adding that the new hours bons average is $197 below the president of the Carbon coun- and county enables college and are the result of a joint agreement LAMPH LEASES C. C. C. state average. ty school board, the state board of high school students to use the between the company and the SITE FOE MACHINES load Based on en- education has placed Dr. E B. Ses- same buildings. The former fur- Electrical Workers union. rollment 27.3 or 15 pier cent above sions, president of Carbon junior nishes two janitors for the main The new hours will affect only Tom Lamph, Price road constate average of 31.3. Of nine sim- college, in charge of administra- and vocational education buildings, the offices. Emergency service tractor, was granted a lease by the ilar districts Carbon has lowest tion of Carbon senior high school, also fuel for all of them, while the calls will be handled as heretofore. council Monday evening on a teachers load. Result: Despite wrote Charles H. Skidmore, state county pays a janitor to care for The Price office has been open- city low salaries, per capita instruc- school tract of land on the south small buildmusic the and to gymnasium Superin5:30 superintendent, ing at 8:30 a. m. and closing at tional cost is above state average. of the road going into the C. side heatatAll structures are four G. who tendent J. Reeves, calls ing. he If teacher load increased to state p. m. C. C. camp, where the grease rack ed by a central heating plant un- said. Monday through Friday, to tention the in points following average, $30,000 could be saved and garage are located, for $100 derneath the main building. " annually or salaries could be in- this agreement: per year, stipulating that the The arrangement is for one year j The state furnishes library books FOUR MEN POST BAIL creased to state average without at any time be used and all other additional revenue. found If the by DISTURBANCE equipment CHARGE, agreement may only. unsatisfactory, The land is wanted terminated. stuschool as as well college 0. plan followed the past few years high supplies Cost Per capita $1.81. State aver- will be resumed. There will be no dents. The latter pay $51 per year Joseph Martinez and Albin Ro for storing equipment, including a' age $2.30. assistant principal, because this tuition, also about $24 per year in mero each posted $25 bail to in- machine for laying rock asphalt instruction Cost $268,-65- 7. would result in divided responsi- other fees. The county charges sure their appearance in Price city Ten year average $215,151. and in a year or so the two high school students only a $5.00 court Saturday to answer to the Awarded Good Conduct Ribbon Per capita $66.42. State average bility schools likely would be back on student membership fee. charge of disturbing the peace. Ike T4 Lee W. Barney of Price, has $69.13. Alpine $65.69; Cache $59. Carbon county owns the gym- Padilla and Blake Thompson put been awaarded the Good Conduct 55; Davis, $54.54; Nebo $62.25; the old basis. Doctor Sessions future salary nasium and music building, the lat- up $10 each for the same purpose. ribbon for exemplary behavior, efWeber $63.25 all lower. not been fixed. During the ter purchased from the county fair has ficiency and fidelity as a soldier in Transportation Cost $24,510 or lowest m ten years. 1,132 stu- past year he received $4,000 from board and remodeled for class use. TO REOPEN FARNHAM WELL the army of the United States. He the state and $550 from Carbon The main and shop buildings were Thomas S. Laird of Moab, con- is assigned to an evacuation hosdents, or 23.4 per cnet of erected under the Public Works ment were transported at an aver- county. sulting engineer, has taken a con- pital of an advanced base service in which tract to reopen an old well drilled command, according to a dispatch age yearly cost of $21.65. Last The new set-u- p was adopted be- Administration set-u- p, year $22. cause war conditions have caused county, state and federal govern- about 20 years ago by the Utah Oil from Bouganville. OUA ration of school plant To- student attendance at Carbon col- ments The addition Refining company on Farnham T4 Barney attended the public tal $39,225 or highest in history, a to shrink to a very small num- to the shop building, occupied by dome, some 20 miles east of Price. schools of Nine Mile, and before 25 per cent above ten year average lege book- The work is of $31,480. Per capita $9.70. State ber, most of the young men and shorthand, typewriting and being done for the entering the army was the owner was for built the Carbon Dixoide company, produc- and operator of a portable saw atwho women keeping would otherwise classes, average $9.72. Janitors supplies1 ers of dry ice at Wellington. An mill near Price, where his father, per capita $1.24. State average tend being either in the armed ser- - National Youth Administration. $ .78. Only Jordan of similar disattempt will be made to revive a Clarence D. Barney, now resides. tricts has higher supply cost. 1,000 programs. Unless otherwise stated per 2,000 The food problem will be solved capital based on average daily atthe boys and girls taking along by tendance. and other eatables for sandwiches school of Maintenanace plant will be eaten at the which supper, Cost $11,935. Ten year average Salt Lake school before the perPer capital $2.87. State $10,460. Nearly 2,000 Salt Lake people formance, after which a hot lunch average $3.82. Total operating expense Total are expected to witness the per- will be served them by the Amexpense $371,028. Ten year aver- formance of Prices patriotic child- erican Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Per capita $91.74. rens performance, Young Amage $309,434. State average $92.93. Five of nine at the South high school in CARBON TEACHER WILL similar districts lower three high- erica, ATTEND PITTSBURG MEET that city Friday evening, June 16, er. Jordan $124.36; Box Elder, Granite $97.89; Carbon that being the capacity of the au$111.29; L. Earl Acord, Helper, president $91.74; Weber $91.40; Alpine $86.-6- 6; ditorium and the show free. 9-- 10 Rehearsals have been proceeding of the Utah branch of the National Nebo $85.48; Cache $85.13; Davis $74.25. nicely in the tabernacle basement, Educational association, is one of Capital outlay Total $9,831. So under the direction of Mrs. Edith the delegates selected to attend the as not to compete with war need Olsen and Mrs. C. H. Madsen, who annual convention of this organi- -l for men, money and materials as report that parents are zation, to be held at Pittsburgh, also to avoid inflected costs, capTwo final prac- July 4, 5 and 6, announces Rulonj beautifully. ital expenditures should be post- tices are scheduled for next week, H. Manning, state executive secre- poned until after the war. This at tary. Eleven other Utah delegates both and Wednesday, Monday a for also will backlog provide have been appointed, none except1 needed improvement at that time. 9:00 a. m. Children taking part are asked Mr. Acord from the eastern part of Debt service The bonded debt of Carbon district on June 30, 1942, to assemble at Harding school fot the state. mt PKGS was $475,000 making it one of the registration at 1:00 p. m. on the heaviest indebted districts in the day 0f the performance, June 16, Name New Ball Manager LB STYLE CAFE state based on its tax paying abil-- 1 whjch hour the police escort for Ray H. Naylor, veteran Carbon BOX... Mddie caravan wU1 ar' county ball player, has been apthe life NO POINTS of the Dragerton on interest and bond retirement. nve. Procession is to leave here pointed manager club of the Utah Coal League. NO 2 CANS This was 32 per cent of total ex- prompttly at 2:00 oclock. Supervising chaperones, two for Backing the club is the Dragerton penditures and highest per capita PEACH APRICOT, in the state. The 1943 levy for in- each bus, have been lined up and Community council. The field will PINT BOTTLE ... terest and sinking fund was 3 other arrangements be placed in good condition by R. necessary mills. L. of the manager. Olson, property made, including printing Summary Assessed valuation a little above ten year average. Val-- 1 SCOWCROFTS uation per census child 90 per cent FINEST 10 of state average. School levy Now POUND pe rcent above average. Enroll- ment and census during recent years has been below the level of the early thirties but now show an DR. SESSIONS TO HEAD CARBON COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL $1,-49- Times-Independe- nt. $7,-32- tal Salt Lakers May Witness Price Youth Performance Friday and Saturday, June 29c 31c 29c 35c MACARONI wasd SODA CD AX Pre JAM IF WEBER MAKES IT, A FISH TAKES IT Our line of Weber manufactured products is quite complete . - . dozens of items which are necessary trip. On the Market for the successful fishing RODS REELS LINES BATES known to fishermen over the land. Eastern Utah Electric Co phone PRICE, UTAH 55 Carbon has lowest tionately. teacher load of similar districts. Instructional costs other than salaries are moderate. Although total outlay for transportation is lowest in ten years it is now (as measured by average1 cost of students transported) no less than the average of similar districts. Per capita cost of fixed charges (insurance premiums, etc.) are highest in state. Bonded debt high Per capita papments on interest and retirement highest in state. BAKING P0WBER MAID OF THE VALLEY No Pts. Qt Jar SWEET TOMATO SLICES SYRUP PRIZEPAK CAN GOLD CRAFT PEANUT BUTTER QUART And could be effected. ($30,000) or salaries could be increased propor- We also stock the famous South Bend line, a name of quality that is Home Product Flour A upward trend. Although average teacher salaries are but $88 of state level, per capita salary costs are above state average. The responsible factor is low teacher load. If teacher load were increased four students per teacher a considerable saving SNOWFLAKE 100 Per Cent Hard wheat Product FARMERS MILL & ELEVATOR CO. 344 PRICE East Fourth South Phone 225 Mimeograph paper, letterhead and legal size at The SOAP Suastl - IN MOON ROSE 35 HOOFING 36 - LB. 65 LB. ALSO A SUPPLY OF - 90 y gAMIBL West Main Street PRI CE CHASES D1EI .. 3 r OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT RABBITS LB. FRYERS BRICK SIDING, ROCK WOOL INSULATION SHHIGLES, ASPHALT TAR, INSULATED GREYST0N SIDING Y LARGE PACKAGE 25c 19c 25c - We Have Plenty of Those Good AA Grade Beef Steaks SPECIALS (p) 45 19c ITALIAN PRUNES . can OLIVES RIPE PINT BOTTLE IRWIN BEHUNIN BUD NORTON OLD DUTCH LB. 23c 29c 23c 49c POUND POUND 4!c STANDING RIB ROASTS 2C PICNIC HAMS 331c (majQes ixsWMi & OWNED AND OPERATED BY HARDY Phone 584 Price i-.- c Phone 210 t f |