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Show r - wj... ts s, rvv- - r T MA. by- - - -- "i Aw -4 9r'H'-'V- z r'i vcsprc? .$; THIS DIVINE .& Si Ajrr DESERET NEWS MOOTAY IlEBRU'AEY If Dreams Come True. RELEASES FIVE By cm cc Herbert Johnson HT GIVEN AS TYPE TOMMIES .Four men from the count y jail and o from the state prison wertreleMJ by the elate board of pardon at the - - t Iregi far monthly meeting Irflcf' Rtlur- Th men released from the county Elder Alma O. TayIor in day, answer F William robbery; Archie a worthless check; Fred Tabernacle Address Cite atiie,n, issuing of intoxicating possession W. Ballard, driving an George liquor; man automobile while intoxicated. The Model Life of Savior releaaed from the state prison was H Middleton, who had been out on parole and who lx employed out of the state. Penrose Presides. In additions Hubert Thompson waa ordered released from the Webefcounty jail where he had served five andoiie half months of a eix months' sentence rresldest. CburJUtt. V. . Penrose .pre- tor own sf 4w4wrtettHif-lwtwT- O yoif wat O. Alma. sided and Elder Talor pBiittotn of the following er denied: wtrt the speaker at the service held In the A. M Palmer, fnrgejry. A. T. Dw?.den Tabernacle afternoon. . The bigamy; Anton Perkin second degree Sunday T, Marque, forgery: Jam opening prayer was offered by Elder buiglary: Brown, grand larceny, Joseph Wallace, George H. Wallace of the Ensign robbery; Frank Carey, second degree Alton Jensen, second degree stake presidency and the benediction burglary; burglary; Don Boyd, grand la rce n y ; -- Prest rriBiuent a ii thony tV. Ivins, Prof, J. J. Ian mt at the organ console and Prof. A. fl. Lund directed the choir. --The team. Do WhaPis itighCVby the cboit sr.d congregation, after which the choir sang the bvmn, For the Strength of the Hills We Bless Thee, Following the opening prayer, the solo "The was sung by Earth Is The " dames S. Austin. Elder Taylor said if is not so much " now one is born or how one dies. how one has lived while on earth. It . !- - ANP'AHK5 FAlB 127.-41- self-deni- al in. AidrM$ ol -- WHY- ?- pH CfflM To WESTERN LUMBERMEN tflSltB, he Cor his Wish! Salt Lake Men Invent Device to Make J. C. Ferger of Fresno, Cat, was elected president of the Western Retail Lumbermens association as ths an1 list official act of ths nineteenth close came a to which convention nual Communications Flying in Goads Comparatively Safe plane tilts downward at an angle to ths horlzonta! while moving aL great speed. One aviator said that while making a Trip over th mountain to Editor DeserstNsws: Elko he suddenly saw a tree directly I would Ilk to try to answer Mr. him and only by the most C aster'a (Curtis) been perfected by the personnel of beneath question. I can't resl-l- y Woodward field, according to Claron rapid tomovement of the plane was he answer I can do Is to able get started up before hitting tell him howIt. heallcanthat answer It for hlra- Nelson, superintendent of th West- the monntain. self. The reason why so few people . ern division of the' airmail. Dean G. The device designed to cflsetthesa understand theta , question I specialWright,' chief - rigger;- - and Herbert dangers Most people specialize and consists of four mercury balls Ixatlon. Marsh, chief mechanic, are th Inven- In tubes so arranged that the sUghtestlrT ,aJ1rBtan1 ou must generalize, tors. ' ver-movement from of the the rJ,lontl btwn economics, plane j Only ths most daring and experior horizontal is Indicated by the ?Jd 8mf&, 'Weluof NatW?nd enced aviators are willing to fly an ttcal mercury which remains, level. The Bdlxniy'i "Equality and 'Looking airplane when trees, buildings and mercury For makef contact with n elecology read Tar'k? other Objects on tha ground are not tric a battery and the ma- lngtons Penrod psych circuit of Sam. and Its Just because of what is termed chine can be so set that If the plane visible, bnt the best st'qijjr bo'. loss of the perpendicular, Mr. Net-so- takes ,hat 1 har considered dangerous and Tho angle any There is explained. After flying some time a light will glow indicating to the i' . .Dixon's i , . "Comrsdes when he can not we the ground an flyer which way he is tipped from thU aviator often emerges from a cloud vertical or horizontal plane and he eiigioiTriTsa 'ecky'sC"HiHorynof Em-bank to find that the earth apparently can "trim his ship accordingly. and History ot iPn InMorals" ts up In the air and ths sky down beand Eugene Sue's Europe. The trimming Indicator is useful low. Or his plane becomes tilted so In training aviators, as they can set Mysteries of ths People." Then come Into personal contact with that trees appear - to be horizontal In- it and climb at a given angle by keepmany different kinds of people as stead of vertical. In mountain flying ing thq light on and tljey can also see It la necessary to maintain a high altitude and 6h 'nar.v w.. ' , nas , inramu to keep straight with the world. A caused so many deaths among flyers, and ,am time. But specialise don t start out with dont ' a presumption. dangerous situation ts for the plane Mr. Nelson said. V an to have that wo to become tilted at a sharp angle upEfforts are now being made other economic systemPrums Is possible, or ward when 4t loses speed and goes into the Indicator officially adopted by teacher 1. Infallible All aaf hT greit a tall spin; another ts when the th service. m trtKh, and some fsTlacy A V dIcalor,'whlch wlU make It possible for aviators to fly at night or In overcast weather when The view of objects on ths earth is shut off, has 4-- -- erea n menace. Scientists are gaining great Chimneys? knowledge In their laboratories and ..with this should gain self control lest which stumble .upon something they may result In serious consequences 'Remembering that a lamp wilt burn r without such control. The time has with a clearer, brighter flam If a he can chimney is attached than If th flam past when a man may think Men must alone. la permitted to com In direct contact live unto himself soto with th fulfill to their varying draughts of the sir, obligation expect obvious answer to this apparently ciety and for an example they should the would be: "So that the Turn-are- a t question look to Christ. more evenly. But - The gospel of Jesus Christ has been thl might bur be one of .the many to happens given to the world for a p impose: cases where the obvious answer Is by That mankind may learn "to under- no means tb correct one The reason stand the life of Christ. The ugliest for the tall chimneys which make so man who many factories consplcnous la not one thing in the world. Is the who is In of draught but of sanitation and pubhas lost his self control; health. bondage to hi own passiona On th licEven with the beat available form TELLOWSHIPDINNERTOBE other hand, the most beautiful thing of furnace, a considerable portion of ip tb world is the man who practices th coal ts wasted end escape into the i self control and self sacrifice. One Is air unburned In the form of smoke free .In the sense that truth will make This has the natural tendency to settle E one free only when he has conquered over the surrounding country, mining th health of all hi passions and appetite. Man vegetation and Impairing So tb primary obresident can control other no better than he nearby was to distribute ject of tall furnaces Under the supervision of tha Whole can control hlmeelf- aa smoke at this high an altitude as Goepel Means Everything. possible, so that it might be blown sale Trades department th aecond and thinned out before It settled. Better Fellowship" dinner of the This Is a time when all are restless swsy Even the introduction of appliances and suspicious. The .gospel of Jesus which Commercial club will be held Saturth black prevent heavy portion one make feel that hla anchor of Christ smoke from reaching the open day,. April 8, according to announcela holding fast This Is the time of all air the doe not da sway with ths necessi- ment by Chairman W. O. Lambert times when th gospel, If it means ty for the tU chimneys, for carbon dii It oxide gas Is still diffused from th For the convenience of everything. anything, mean of the chimney and this poisonleads It is like the old shepherd who mouth knew the members of his flock and at ous substance must bs diluted by th merchants it was thought advisable their head led them into pegtures sir lest it Injure those- in th vicin- to fix the time aa near th dates of , Churoh annual conference as posgreen. The gospel of Jesus Christ is ity. WHT Is It dangerous 'to the sible. the shepherd that wltl lead man to satTomorrow when we are fatigued food. of eternal Invitations win be sent out this pastures 1922 by Tb Wheeler There Is one attribute of God that (Copyright week to all merchants ofUtah and Joe.! has been frequently manifested, love, Idaho to be the guests of Balt Lake but In the name of love more crlm engry-Th- at' be leclded to maks the City manufacturers, wholesalers and ha beien ciypraltted than In tb name people dissatisfied under any circum- jobbers, on this date. About 6.809 of anjfthlng else. It may be used for stances. Under his encouragement retail merchants in all sections of the , good or evil. Let every man' strive the liberty of some men became territory tributary to Salt Lake will to Use It for good. menace. , Many an act of lawlessness be .Invited aa guests pf tbs firms parAnother attribute is liberty. Thl ta being defended on th ticipating. Mr. Lambert said there ground of were ration stands upon It and typifies it a personal, liberty. between twenty and thirty local God does love. America Is liberty who have already signified their firms It is a wonderful that Is willlngneas The Latter-da- y Faints proclaim to all based on self sacrificeliberty In the pians to , conand self the Wofld that the Constitution was trol, the speaker said. If a person of the department. framed by the Inspiration of Almighty knows his own At the last Fellowship dinner nearly appetites and controls 300 Tod. Numerous abuses, however, oc- - them he is a free were in attendance. It is expectA growing :ur In the name of liberty, and many .disregard for law Isman. ed that at least 199 additional will abroad In the men prating about liberty are only world and cam be found even among be present this time. asking for license and proclaiming the Latter-da- y Saints - When the ' hat they are the victims of their own Prophet Joseph Smith was asked what Entertainment Program le appetites. The devl' Is adroit and he about the law of the land Wen alliws men to brine about thel-iv- n he thought said J, should be obeyed, Prepared by Maccabees d downfall. There are' some men sustained. and a bo start toward-aadversary as If The speaker then read from a stateSalt Lake Tent of the Maobee to overWhelm him, and when that adment by Attorney General Itaughert) will give a spread versary steps td one side they are to th effect that Americans are be- members and visiting Knights In 'hrowTj by their own momentum Thl a nation of law breakers.. It Moose hall. la one of the tricks of the devil and coming The program will Include is the solemn duty of Latter-da- y many are thrown hy.it. ' to carry before them always a boxing exhibition between Jack WilSamis northwestern welterweight Satan's Sinister Plan. the life f Jeeus Christ. man has son, Young j,jon The speaker then referred f -mthTdraUc work Sfe - grefrounrll in heaven, at w pufirauon 11 BUUUt ? on4t rhlV lof the Order by Captain T. W. Winch rtftsr's plan of salvation. hwb ho, f : l Li,r no dis- - tirith bis to right . in full regalia; staff . premier 'granting th fre moral agency ot th young a Washington address from exa,m7 p birthday man. was rejected and that of Christ children isT.htijoscflous.. eObedienc to sir Knight R. Marsh; and other - which did grant to mankind the right law involves that other attribute, self- - leatures by' C. Thompson and A. E to ehoose'gpod or evil, was accepted. sacrifice. Any service to any man Refreshments wHI be Beveridge. Baton 'was angered because his plan that doe not Involve seir sacrifice Is served, waa rejected and decided that aa long not worth the snap of the finger. Tpe aa men had been riven freedom and speaker ciosod with tb hop that- - all Boruxis Brought Back. liberty he would make them want might bwfaithful In observing these k' -.more By jtis influence, and urging principle who tbrfelted . manjr have reached that point where glder Taylors discourse; . Georg Borax they Teel that their liberty la being Mrs. Nestor Aber of Pocatello, Idaho, bqnd on a liquor charge In Salt Lake curtailed If they are not. allowed Jo sang the. acred suhv,-'HcnHemitif ui two- - yesra ago, was broughttath9 give their passions and appetites tub Upon th Mountains" after Which the city ye!rt!y from Chicago by Dep. rein- Marshal John Murchoir sang the .anthem, "Once Mora, uty United State Boruxis eras taken Into custody When this land was dedicated to Dear Home, and President Ivins pro- ray. In Chicago on Instructions Yrem United liberty, the speaker said, Satan was so nounced th benediction, j. States Marshal Aquils Nebeker. .. -- - Utah Pioneer of 1848, Indian War Veteran, Lead at Final Rest -- tb 1 ,-- -- - . ' e ed "? raj Jh 2- 1 ' ; fl . ehVt say; brimdof one statement mad by Henry Moss when ha said 13 and ta horn ,rom a g1ePmm.i01 is tra ,a if it was Intended futJ '"eading Jericho sheep ?5at,Jb to 14 pound . pert head. I very sorry for Mr. Moss If his Bbep fali a far from phtarlng xctcp oundx pfeexd a. ,rb" ahearlng 12. to )4 pounds per Sheep tfiat ahierad abubalf they do now. It was coar?e, loose, dryaswooL Tha ihMr. end many kmdi orf ruhihf"5 their back and It loo wool and hntni0Wk ln struck; this w had trouble. Since tool w took to breed- we caS'buv1 1 asthf H. at ramA ,hat Sons, Seely - K- - Madsens, and athJ. laBlIland" raLlnk smooth sheep f with a fins. Ion, dense fleece and we th shearers and their tool; and wl,h w are a d article for sale when theoffering wool is offered. I think that th Jericho sheep t averages as much below seven JerlSh sheep averages 1 Pundg should pay much than Jericho. should hearing be some restrictions aa Mr Moss refers fl that Is uch ,"hrep, vuoh light shearers on national forest to such Sheep rrntd, JOHN J, OLDROYD. Manager of Jericho CorraL Mr-- e, hon-pre- complicated fee A?k an astronomer to tell a,rD,"JF- - calculate an and he can t do so. All be can doeclipse la to tell you 1arB anl5 that la all that Cn csnTdo I Hoping Jhst it will help yoa WARNER W. iLLXAMfl. Balt Lake City. Feb. 18. Editor Deseret News! , In answer to Woolmen Discuss Shearing, at Cullen hotel, published In Deseret KSws of Feb. 14, permit me out-of-to- n ,a Points Out Difference in Jericho Sheep and Others ' ,, ' now mnT maintained continuouscover ly and fairly generally on the winter grain fields and the desert grail ng the areas, the highway remained froieo and In fairly good condition" with little Interruption of traffic, and tha natural Ice crop was quickly formed tnjmusuatabundance. HowevercrHt was too cold for outdoor work gen- , 5 H t! . dupli--r-rt-- etbra-pureuH- 'e!I;,ntrHlrTrrar to ed f,TOraM o spoken-ofassJo- at the time of lng to census figures Just Issued by experienced crucifixion Although he the department of commerce. PopuChrist 7 lation, given as 449.394. includes died lor the sin of mankind, Christ m lesion could not have been commale persona and J1.784 female bad lived. If he over 1 years of age, gainfully occupleted if he had not not died for the in of man no one pied. Farming. Including Mock raiscould have enjoyed the glorle of eter- ing. gardeners, florist, fruit growers, nal salvation, No one else can ac- nurserymen, etc., provides work for the male complish such a thing on this earth, 24:244. or 1 per cent of population. There are &79 women Example of Perfect life, are farm These t" But the thing which Christ did farmers In the state. as women laborpresumably, from day to day gave an example of owners, a perfect llfe which all may strive to ers engaged In agriculture are given follow. Profssetons are listed as follows; have been If Christ had been born Lawyers, Judges and Justice. 52 men was the Christ's perfect die. to only on woman; physicians and surlife. It was marked by four ele-to and geons, 481 men and ,11 women; obedience ments; Th clergymen, 308 men and two women; and service. law, like to recoin-men- trained ' nurses, 11 men and 844 womspeaker said he should en, these points to those living--in Jibe present. Firemen. Will Christ was a safe leader, Elder Tay- lor said, because he had He had great power but he had such William H. Bywater, chief of the control of self that he would not mis Salt Lake firs department, will address scientof sim It. Through th effort th members of the'Salt Lake County ists In th present day, great control Fii omen's sssoclstlon at th . Murray ch gafttedr-MuI many being things f Opera House tonight. Bssldsa the ad; of this I not always used for good dress of Chief Bywater. there will be a of God Is safe only program of sporting events. ' The omnipotence with God. because he has perfectself control. It is the same with om- niseiene, When the German people beyond those of , developed discoveries drew about them other nations, they of cloak secrecy. They had not self a control and their knowledge became a Do Factories Hare Tall ,fc" a outdoor - birth, count for muotvio have and it is well to have a good ending, most but neither of these is tha moat imimis portant. The thing that portant is the life of each. day. most The birth of Christ was, the miraculmagnificent, marvelous and ous In the history of th world. Thed world-- can never hope to see it w, While it Is OCCUPATIOKSIN UTItll ly birth, the speaker eaid he conIn hismost wonderful It the sidered tory. Elder Taylor then referred to the sums geenjjpon this, continent in providing gainful occupation for when the Christ was born; how It failed to grow dark when the sun the male population of Utah, agrieul- - "ehua'kliVnd't heteriirf 'of 'dark! httrwlead The 'general nummary of Walt weather for January says that tha rd exceptionally cold weather tbrough-boa- aniauon mum agree so -co- The operate with otheiTsocfar agencies- nrwas promoting efficiency and economy of mountain sections of the highway administration In the charities of th were blocked at times by snow. , oi ty as a whole and In preventing du- though no unusual suspensions of, Those organiza- travel occurred. plication of effort. Deep snowfall lotions engaged la case or relief work cally on the winter ranges of lha shall register their less satisfactory reasons for not doing so are presented. central and northern counties in con )oW The organisation shall fill a need, nection with the persistently filled by an existing or- temperature caused some , Inconveninot already beof thus ence and suffering among livestock, ganisation and aot capable ing filled Tboee who desire to Inau- though supplementary feeds were a new philanthropic organiza- available and range feed was accessibgurate tion should give the fullest opportunity le-in most section Comparatively, for the discussion of the propsed plans few and occurred, by a group,' or group, of persons who While livestock, losses are reported, stock Some poor have wMe experience In philanthropic In fair are cattle and work. mostly sheep The methods employed In raising or good condition. Better, conditions comthis be shall approved by fund' on the southeastern .and mittee. employing prevailed Organization be extremesoutnern ranges where mildoltcitoroncommtTtotrrenoi-ter with Jess snow occurred, weather Indorsed. The committee will refuse indorses tent In cases w hereby xpenses as moisture and feed were sufficient. are disproportionate to receipts. , Temperature. The accounts shall be audited anTha general" temperature - for th nually by. public account at ths ex"of a records shown the of lot state, the organization applying by pense Th 89 stations was 18.1 degrees. Indorsement. to confined be mean departure from the normal for . Investigations will philanstrictly local charitable andsubscripSI stations having records for 10 or thropic Institutions seeking more years was 6.0 degrees. The tions for local relief work. do highest committee temperature observed was 64 of the, Investigations not extend to churches or organiza- degrees at Springdale on the tstrthe. 43 degrees at East Portions whose work Is primarily religious lowesFWas or to fraternal lodges, social clubs, tal on tho 19th. Since state-wid- e business or trade Union organizations records began only two other Janu or similar enterprises soliciting funds, arys, those of 1898 and 1917, had a or membership feea advertising mean temperature. Green Ail decisions of the committee shall lower River, Moab and Kanab are the be final. oitly. stations reporting temperatures above normal. Temperatures were more than 10 degrees below normal In parts or Boxetder. Jinjard.' Beav- - April-ewsr- Uni'" The charity Indorsement: committee consisting of F, A. Pyke, A. Hi Boxrud and C. E. Murphy, appointed by tb of governors of the Commercial club at the request of Gov. Charles R. Mabey and Mayor C. Clarence Neslen, met Saturday afternoon and formulated rules and regulations which will got ern th activities of the committee. The rules do not apply to charltatjh agencies controlled by churches or fraternal organizations. , The regulations are as follows: comTo secure Indorsement of the mittee, the organization must work commensurate with the amount g Dutton, arson; I, Bate, third degree P. 8 Cambron, rohbery: John burglary;seconds degree burglary; AH. Decker, Beckham, attempted burglary; P. Good whtr- - grand lacceoy, and- - M-asea continued until March were these of D. F- - Terrill, assault with a M Wells. grand larceny deadly weapon; and J. B. Morton, misdemeanor. Conthe cases of tinued until William Green, second degree fcnrgiarv; c; Walter H Daniels, forgery, and Black and Clinton Hunt, two Emery etomnbile an who .a slot, hoys roomy from a Garfield county man. their Three prisonerswere-te.-withdrew M. ifumford, These do second E J. Booth, grand larceny; and F. A. Barberd, see gree btirglsry, ond degree burglary. ervicos-begao-wltb-tbe -- .Tv mFt sum 20 .1922 JAMES MORONI (Special to Th FAIRVIEW. Feb, 29. ices for James Moroni TCRPIN. News.) i Funeral serv- Turpin, one of of Falrrlew, were held in the North ward chapel Saturday with Bishop John R, Graham .presiding. The choir furnished appropriate music with a dust by Floyd and Jesse fi. Toting. Jordan Brady, Sr., Swen O. Nielson and 8. 8. Sanderson paid tributes of respect to hi memory. Closing remarks were by Bishop GraPETER JACOBSON. , ham. ijoronl Rigby gave th opening prajer and Win Henry Jones the benedlc-lio- Child Rescued From iloroni. Clarence, Jesre, Law rence, and lister Turpin, seven son and Roy one grandson, acted Runaway Automobile as pallbearers Many beautiful floral offering were carried by his grandchik-areThs son of Mr. and Mr. , 14 MF. Turpin was born Hi Harrison Ckrlyl Reyholda Second East was West county rescued from a runaway Virginia. The- family street, th ptaiaa lnan ox cart automobile afternoon by John yegy In 148. In 1850 the family rs-- t E. Holden, Sunday 495 Second Bonth urttd. wlth th father to Virginia on street- The child1 east was in th sitting two years they c 1 when Anr some machine.1 the hack to Utah the father. Jesse Turpin Ykcs loosened and the manner ear started en while route. dying They located at Mwn the hill Mr. Holden leapedonte Colon writer he married Margaret the running board of tb machine and Rigby Id June. 182. -Later they cam seizing the child to th street to Falrview. Just before the dropped r crashed Into a teleMr. Turpin took an active The or phone pole. front th maehln th Black Hawk war. He haa heined was badly damaged by the crash had build up th community. , tb pot waa spUntegsd. , - i.r ..jbo16 n. -- My-ro- n. a, crod - i Fn J a three-da- y Saturday afternoon, after Utah, He conference at the Hotel succeeds W. C. Gamble of Boise, Ida. Report of th nominating committee Those waa adopted unanimously. . elected, besides Mr. Ferger. were and Spear of Provo, vice presidentboard two members of the governing years, They are to serve W. E. Landrum of Merced, Cal., and C. B. Ehadon of Twin Falls. Idaho. Most of the delegate remained In Salt Lake Saturday night and attendwhich ed the annual supper-danc- e one of the was declared to have-bee- n most enjoyable entertainment ever Tor-thr- held hy .tha. western. association., , expreseed Before leaving officer the conviction that. The convention had accomplished lasting beneficial results to ths Industry. er and Iron counties. Ths coldest weather 'occurred gpnerplly during the last two weeks. January l and 2 were exceptionally warm days at most stations. Precipitation. The general precipitation for the slats as shown by the records of 120 stations was 1.29 Inches. The mean departure from the normal for 65 stations having records for 10 or more year was 0.18 Inch. The greatest monthly amount was 4.91 Inches at , r Silver Lake Inch at Lemay. Th greatest amount hours was 2.88 inches at New on Harmony the 2nd. The general snowfall for the stale; 114 stations reporting, was 11.6 Inches, or j. . Inches above normal, details of which appear tm page l of this re- Port. Precipitation was above nor-m- al at most stations In the' western part of the state and below normal In the eastern part. No delarge partures were reported. Nearly aj of the precipitation occurred from 1st to the 8th, tho 16th to the the and the 241 h to the 1 t:" ' In 24 M Printing Cotte Are Chargeable to State Undertaker Payt Finef Jail Sentence Stnpended Sifts for th printing ot the blank taxpayers' statements and assessment rolls used In the counties, are proper R. H. Welch, ah undertaker at Mor- charges against the state board of and assessment, under an gan. was sentenced to serve 19 day equalization opinion Attorney General in prison and pay a fin of $10 for Harvey H.given by duff to Secretary of State failure to file a death certificate with local health authorities, according made by J. F. Johnson, In- The specter, to the state health board. senfine was collected but the jail tence was suspended by the justice of the peace at Morgan. Mr. Johnson has also reported to Dr. T. B. Beatty, state health commissioner on three complaints brought In Carbon county , against the Carbon county ,.shool district, Peter Jouflas and John Diumantl, charging them with permitting cesspools to discharge Into the Price river. Th two last named defendants wars fined $38 each recently for offenses similar to th H- - B- - Crockett The legislature, how-eve- r, ppropr!stlo Jeoy-- v made the "rh ra wlFnot Jcoverxamth neIncreased i a ! b0ai"il STSSfMt to printing costa. Farmers Roandup Program Announced (Special to The News.) 4 MT. PLEASANT. Feb. 20. A. W. Anderson. who tsof the farm- era' roundup and housekeepers' held-he- re on Feb 8 th following-Th- e an,?ounc will meeting be held at 10 any Monday, Feb. 27, In the thse now alleged. school building at which Prof. bl1 J. G, Hoganson of th U. A. C. and cl will h the They uperinti endent of will also speak m th speakers. afternoon and On Tue.day Mrs TSnwr Released Maycock Equipment R. Beji Eldredge will the tlma. Dr. WtlUani E. CXrroHoccupy will con Effective March 1 th state goad duct th stock judging contest Wed- March U on the high school commission has released Curtis Y. Clawson from hi duties as superin- i groun Th high school band, and orchestra tendent of equipment. Th action was will fanush must for the occasion and taken Saturday ln eonslderatlon of a a number of students readcommunication from th department ings, vocal solos- -, duets, wfu eta give of finance and purchase pointing out an apparent overlapping in tha duties of the superintendent of the ware- Seminary Pupils Will house and th duties of superintendent Hold Oratorical Contest of equipment. Mr. Clawson served as a major ln ths 145th Field Artillery (Special to Th News) daring th war and was a member ot MT. PLEASANT, the fourteenth legislature. Feb. fuTh Mt. - 27-3- ,r nd OtigTXir'I Park Opening Announced. T iraninVhF.b024r,F"; - It. M announced that Yellowstone , Tryouts w.tV.Z m ;.v' , imrk win open June 18, two day. prior VKm Prt. will to the regular time, to accomodate partlclpa,.'tn''th'. eastern Shriners on their way to the San Francisco Imperial Council. The passenger department of th Oregon has listed six parties short Lin of Shriners, totalling 875 persons and Falrview Chamber Starts 97 other special parties" These will enter tb park via th western enDrive Membership trance. to fiI' mS sPctI FAIRVIEW, Feb, series of nuetTiTga Tuesdays Organ Recital. Th It-.T- Newa) h. ofthe Soclj'v.1 msrclal club at which MiyotV ? addressed in aud.. 5f ward emphasizing the tmnort snee of a strong ed t a number chamWTH. of C eo!l A reportProfitably ' n,0 also.nier,d ??,.1 A- - ? partston of his membershlpdrlre Tuesday's tabernacle organ reetiaT program will be es follow with Or J. J. McClellan at the 'console: gan The Star Spangled Banner. Grand Fantaate on , a them from th Kreutber Sonata.. Beethoven Trauemeret Richard Straus Romans Bert hold Tours An Old Melody ...,..Arr. by Organist Monmon" hymn, Fhvorlt O lly A nr. by Organist Father" a . . . . widor j lt ...... ' Wife of Business Man Buried at Ephraim (Special to Th Newa) v EPHRAIM. Feb, II. Funeral eerv. Ice were held Sunday for Mrs, n p 7, who died at the Peterson, home Thursday fellowlag as family attack of Bright'S disease from which she been suffering several month - has 8h was horn ln and coma to lifts country whenNorway on and ons-ha-lf She Is survived by her h unyears old. bend. H. P. Petereon, president of the Ephraim Sanitary canning company two daughters, Glades and Carol Tnd two sous Robert and Reynard, alee e J-- H. Hlltmaao, JUmI Olng ve u te:nFaira?.iV "' ptka r,laUv;'7o road were tenderedproject JtlZ numbers Harold loeng and 1 Mower, 48CORCMS HOLD CELKBRATIOg FAIRVIEW, Feb ' mu celebration given b'v id ! a"mral and seventies ' Friday w,.hl' Peter Sundwall offered thl A chicken dinier guette During the lJ?I f to 1,1 were given byA. U.Mtnef,ot a t0iTU Flat, nos. BeS; E-- . H." strsKA. Ge?g' ong by AJdWeSirmaHJb & ft S by Morton oomtny, was gtren by MrsTucker A D,ui. V. B1hoI John R. Graham cersmonl. rdla matrif WSt-SSSa- r'" yJ J |