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Show T i vrrww "nfc v "prrrtv'TvvT'fYV 'TWnrcnr pr 18 The Salt Lake Tribune, Tuesday, December 2, 1975 i ; Prevailing Wage Decreed In Center Construction Hie Salt Lake County Commission said Monday that if voters approve a bond issue Dec. 16 earmarked for the proposed bicentennial Center for the Arts, construction workers would be paid the prevailing labor wage. , vim of the Utah AFL-CIsaid labor had been withholding (endorsement of the bond issue pending a guarantee that the wage level would be met. .. He said the prevaiiing wage is set by the Utah State Industrial Commission and provided for in state legislation called the Little Davis Bacon Act. It reads that employers, whether ,, union or must pay the which is discussed rate prevailing annually at a public hearing. Cites Law Violations that governmental agencies usually disregard the act, .totally violating state law. He pointed out that there is no law which requires work be handled by ur'on personnel. He said Monday he had been withholding endorsement of the bond issue the state law pending insurance He maintained Work Furloughs J r rj Prison Gives Alternative r Continued from Page 15 the prison is generally increase ! as the prisoner nears parole. Toward the end of his sentence, he is barring any probusually allowed lems or violations of institutional rules to spend weekends with his family furloughs), to facilitate the reacclimation process. Of the few violations that occur, most are institutional infractions, he says. Depending on the circumstances, a prisoner may or may not be removed from the program. both statistiWhile the programs are considered cally and socially successful, there is need for improvement, Mr. Welling says. For instance, there is very little follow-u- p after the prisoner has completed the program and is paroled. What progress is made in the institution can, and should be continued after the parole, he says. But in many cases, there is not a thorough follow-u- p on programs, such as mental health, or family-relate- d aid. a of scheduled, lack Despite rehabilitation programs, the prison boasts a 16 percent return rate for prisoners who have gone through the program. The rate of second degree offenders ( H-( would be enforced the insurance the county commission gave Monday. At issue is a coiuitywide election on a bond totaling $8,675 million. It would be added to the $7.5 million appropriated by the Utah Legislature to construct a new music hall art gallery, and to acquire and renovate the Capitol Theater. The new hall would cost $10.6 million, the Capitol Theater work $4.9 million and there would be $675,000 more in miscellaneous costs. Bicentennial Center The two halls together would be known as the Bicentennial Center for the Arts. The music hall-ar- t gallery would be constructed north of the Salt Palace on parking lot space. That parking would be replaced on land immediately west of the new hall. That is being offered Salt Lake County by its owner, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, for $1 e a year, under a option arrangement between the church and to that which made nine county similar acres available to the Salt Palace in Frank Lay, chief ... dfk - (48-ho- ri i i' I f lease-purchas- & i. post-paro- . P t- -. o 1964. p- at the prison is currently about "25 percent for those who did not participate. Penal officials are wary of the programs success, admittedly because of the clientele says Mr. Shulsen. Nor does the use of .the programs point to a failure on the. part of JJje ... prison to rehabilitate, he pays. It is simply a program, which so far has operated very successfully, that allows a man to work his Way back itito ( society gradually. Hospital Taps New Officials New officers for 1976 have been elected by the medical staff of St. Marks Hospital, 1200 E. 3900 South. Moving from presidentelect to prpsi-dein January will be Dr. Robert L. Coda. He will succeed Dr. Charles D. nt Behrens. le Dr. F. Clyde Null was elected Other new officers in January will be Dr. R. Newell Ford, secretary, and Dr. Toshiko Toyota, treasurer. State School Ratingo Seen Special to The Tribune , Accreditation (i, AMERICAN FORK by early 1976 of the Utah State Training School by the National Council for claimed inaccuracies in the television reports. The Associated Press reported Monday, in an interview with Dr. Kenneth G. Crosby, chairman of the National Council for Facilities for the Mentally Retarded, that the group has surveyed 101 institutions and has accredited only Faciiite8 for the Mentally Retarded, Chicago, was predicted Monday by the schools chief executive. Dr. Paul S. Sagers, superintendent, said, We have continued to make 31. Main Reason gains, and I think we will be credited. The main reason facilities have not He added that an application was made in August for the first time. passed accreditation is lack of progby the school has re- rams to try to raise every resident, sulted in meeting satisfactory stan- including the most severely retarded, dards and an evaluation team from the to a higner level, Dr. Crosby said. Council is expected as early as FebDr. Crosby said the minimum eligiruary. bility requirement for accreditation is Correct Deficiencies that the institution cant be less than in Dr. l. Sagers, chief since 1967 of the full compliance with more than 15 school that has been the center of percent of the most important controversy since a series of reports by KUTV Televison included criticism of Institutions which fail to meet this 85 Care by former and current staff percent requirement can elect not to members, reported that if accreditahave a survey by an accrediting team. tion is not obtained, efforts will be made According to Dr. Sagers, the American to'correct all deficiencies. Fork facility, has scored well over 85 Defenders of the institr'im have percent in its self evaluation; ? -- '3iGn)g3afai5E JVIotions Ask rs si. Battalion Chief Clair D. Rasmussen, left, and Scott Hill, owner, inspect burned remains of mobile home; $37,000 loss. Mobile Home Lost to Fire Special to The Tribune A Taylorsville TAYLORSVILLE man escaped with only a coat, a pair of trousers and his shoes us smoke from his burning mobile home awakened him Monday shortly after 4 a.m. - Scott Hill, 4602 S. 7th West, told Battalion Chief Clair D Rasmussen, Salt Lake County Fire Department, he was awakened by a choking feeling in his throat. All I could see in the dense smoke was a glow of the fames near, the center of my home. I managed to grab a few clothes and dial the operator to report the fire before getting out a back door, he said. Chief Rasmussen said the large mobile home and all the contents were destroyed by the fire which was first to the Murray Police reported at 4:10 a m. He said damage is estimated at $37,000. Chief John C. Ungricht, department fire investigator, said a definite cause has not been determined, but the fire started near an oven in the kitchen. iiiflTTtnrrewratmn ogSUKGxaTilEUBB (BWTaHEJvVin: FUJJBCA Dismissal Of Charge "An attorney for Norma Giles Thomas Monday filed two motions to dismiss a single grand jury indictment which alleges the former Utah liquor commissioner illegally solicited a gift of liquor. Robert Van Sciver, one two of Mrs. Thomas attorneys, said in the motions that his client had the authority under Utah law to request whisky and that she is charged under the wrong statute. (DSX0TM 400 POCKET & -- ,, L CAMERA complete with film flash, strap and case CANODATE Fuji's done it. Beaten the biggest problems in pocket shutter release, photography. With a special I light-touand other innovations to extra-fa- st lens, mini-stroto beat "red-eybeat bluHng. And a new effects, they even have a new 1 iO film, Fujkolor F- -l 1 , for mare beautiful color and detail. Fuji's done it. We've got it. The indictment Provo, with soliciting gift from a distillery in wHjer capacity as a liquor 54, Conodate E it a lot more thon o superb, fully automatic rangefinder camera, ft con be 0 serious tool for the pro who neodt data about the photographs he's taking, record to significont because it permits full dating (month, day, year) or coding of important shots, ft's also Ideal for travellers wishing to remember os much as possible about the plocm they've been. With the sharp Canon F2.8 lens ond rangefinder the Conodate E offers top quality optical performance ond used in conjunction with the Conohte D, offers auto flash os well. LIST 899 Commissioner. ONLY THE FAIL Woman Dies SAFE CAMERA FUJICA GER Of Injuries Minolta AutopeR AF2 Get the most out of your slides with a Minolta Autopak AF2 projector. Its precision-grounoptical glass Rokkor 12.8 lens brings out the brightest colors and clearest, sharpest images possible. And its loaded with all the d, features that make slide viewing fun and easy. List $170.66 Q ONLY ar $119 95 The easiest little 35mm automatic ever! Now you don't have to be an expert to take great, full frame 35mm pictures. This compoct little camera has o special electronic shutter that automatically sets both speed and lens opening. An automatic flash control that does all the calculating for you. An extra Spedol faiUtofe film eosy-to-uadvance and film loading indicators. Quality Fujinon lens. And more. The car lost control, ran off the right shoulder of the road and struck a power pole, a highway patrol spokesman said, LIST Report on Death h Marie Basinger, 33, East, died Sunday at home of a shotgun wound. 425-10t- ONLY $135.00 CLEAN OUT MATTRUU.S Root Destroyer Is kzm 199.95 $ 139 only $207.00 50 $103 50 wlth Cation With fl.8 LENS. 40 InterchongsubU Unset, S Intenhqtgeobie viewfinders. 95 FUJICHROME COLOR SLIDE FILM 13520 exp. uit 39 $749S list $99.95 35mm TOPCON to cover Shutter second TTl IC-- 1 SLR CAMERA List $0095 LIST ONLY $634.00 Canon SAVE 10,000 components of every field ipeedi up to 12000 ful aperture metering $489 95 ELeerfionue SUPER 8 MOVIE CAMERA 50 $319.95 $15997 77 You've read about it. Now see Cibachrome for yourself. We have everything you'll need to make your own brilliant Cibachrome prints directly from your slides in just 12 minutes. to 1 Septic Tank Activate SAVE UHliset List TOPCON o self-inflict- PLUMBING full-fra- Rollei 35 B, ,a dog on U.S. 56. Salt Lake City Police world's smallest precision 35mm pocket camera. Only 114" x 344" x 244", in size. Ideal to slip into a shirt or coat pocket. Aperture settings from f3.5 to f22 with intermediate dick stops. The LIST tysfem .. reported that Janiel E The charges Mrs. Thomas, Special to The Tribune A PRICE Price woman died Monday from injuries she suffered last Wednesday in a one-caccident four miles west of Price. Donna Jackson died at 8:30 a.m. in a Price hospital. The Price Highway Patrol office said she was a passenger in a car driven by her husband, Brian, when he swerved to miss hitting tVi POLAROID ZIP CAMERA Now you can make your own LIST brilliant Cibachrome prints directly from your slides. $13.95 Jo.. wcase You'll love the way you can zoom from wide-ang- le to telephoto, the way you can we the aperture setting, and exposure warnings, and brilliantly dear Image right in the single lens reflex viewfinder. And you'll find filmmaking incredibly easy with the TTL elec macro-filmin- g tronic exposure control, built-i- n ability, and built-i- n facility for time-laps- e, interval, and unmanned shooting. It's the better camera that you can afford . . . and your movies will show it. Toilet Bowl Gleaner INSIST ON LOVE EM OR LEAVE EM GUARANTEED WHITE GLOVE FILM FINISHING (Pay only for the pictures you like). Drain Pipe Opener Furnace Cement .Boiler Liquid Sirtdng Oil Pint .Muriatic Acid - Gat. iliCPAIR PARTS OF ALL KINDS BUY AND SAVE AT KETCHUMS 800 f W. 400 S. 355-465- 6 r EKTACHROME AND KODACOLOR ROLLS AND EKTACHROME SUPER MOVIE FILM SERVICE 7-HO- UR In By 10 a.m. - Out By 5 p.m. In By 4:30 p.m. - Out By 10 a.m. Except Saturdays 1984 South State 137 So. Main St. Ogden - Preston 486-392- 1 328-056- 1 $ Pocatello 9 Idaho Falls 9 Logan Bladcfoot |