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Show THE HERALD-REPUBLICA- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1916 N, I How Thin People RBAMnPKTAKROT Can Put On Flesh Salt Lake Youth Is j unnnuLiu iniiLU UL.ni Given Med ical Degree ON U. S. SUPREME BENCH 56: DAY OF FREEDOM hearty, Thin men and women- that big, filling dinner you ate last night. Jefferson College By What became of all the nourishment It You DANISH OBSERVE - 1 - fat-produci- ng Assemble at Wandamerc Park to Celebrate Independence Day. Two Thousand Ianlsh residents of Salt Lake celebrated the national holiday of the mother country at Wandamere yesterday afternoon and last evening, nearly people belnj? present at the fes-- CM)9 tivities in the park. The celebration an annual event was commemorative, of the crantlns of a constitution to the people of Denmark. The people betran to arrive at the before noon and by 4 park n largre crowd had assembled. o'clockshortly At 5 o'clock a program of sports and Karnes was carried races, runningcontests a peanut scramble. out, Jumping and rowing races on the lake being included In the program. , was The chief event of the th banquet at 7 o'clock,outing which at more than 1500 persons were seated. I'rof. I I. Christensen rendered a number as the guests found their ban-iuplaces at the long tables In the were and when all pavilion seated Col. If.' M. II. Lund, chairman of the general committee In charge of th outing, delivered the address of welcome. Danish Following the banquet a the number of men's chorus rendered selections and John S. Hansen, editor of the local Danish newspaper, the Jjikuben. spoke on the Danish constitution. Humorus readings were given by Aage Jorgensen and Gotfred Hansen, W. with a humorous eong by I'eterevenmu-sic- al et KJaer. A dance was held In the ing. The chairmen of the different committees tn charge were: Col. II. M. II. Horen J. Lund, general committee: K. Jorgensen, enAage sports:I'rof. l I Jorgensen. mutertainment; . sic: John Hansen, publicity; 1'.II. Pe-I, t'olkersen, decorations: tleorge tersen and Carl F. christensen, ban- The members of the committees follow: H. I. Nielsen. S. J. Henricksen. ThorvaM OrloH, Andrew Jenson, C. A. F. Orlob, AxeT Johanscn. C. I. Thomson. J. S. Jensen. Kllnar Petersen, N. P. Andersen. George Peterson. Mrs. I. V. Madsen, Mrs. Johanna Hrlxen, Mrs. Tonnesen. Mrs. Daniel Magdiel, Mary Mrs. Harry Ilcnnett. Mrs. John T. Smith, II. Harry Madsen. Carl l Christiansen, Anton Christensen. Nfel 'Hansen. Mrs. Marie C. Petersen. Kklld Christine Jacobsen. P. JI. A. O. Miller. Martlnus Christensen. John S. M. Christensen, Alex, Chris Jesper-se.li. Lund, C. P. Hansen, Nielsen. L. Moth lversen, Bernard C. P. S. i"hriMiann. C Andersen, Julius Hansen, P. W. KJaer, llolger Pine Jacobsen. T. It. Larsen, C. Cramer and Gotfred Hansen. contained? haven't gained In weight one ounce. That food passed from your body like unburned macoal an open through grate.foodThe terial was there, but your doesn't work and stick, and the plain truth is you hardly get enough nourishment from your meals to pay for the cost of coo King. 'iiils is true of thin lolKa the world over. Your nutritive organs, your functions of assimilation, are probably sadly out of gear and need reconstruction. Cut out the foolish foods and funny sawdust diets. Cut out everything but the meals you are eating and eat with Jb'argol tabevery one of those anote single the difference. let. In two weeks Let the scales be the judge. Five to good solid pounds of healthy, eight "stay-there- " fat may be the net result. alms to charge weak, stagnant Sargol blood with millions of fresh, new, red blood corpuscles to give the blood the to deliver every ounce power material carrying in your food of to every part of your body. Sargol food, to prepare it too. mixes withInyour an easily assimilated for the blood form. Thin people tell how 10 they tohave 25 the way from gained all while taking Sargol, pounds a month new flesh put. and say that the combinaare a careful stays Sargol tablets tion of Jlx of the best assimilative elements knowji to chemistry. They come 40 tablets to a package, are pleasant, and and harmless inexpensive. Schramm-Johnsoand Drugs, 5 stores,vicinall other good druggists inanthis absolute to ity sell them subject of weight increase or money guarantee back as found in every large package. Advertisement. fat-maki- Jo-hans- n, en, n. Ja-cobs- en, TAX ASSESSOR EXPLAINS Lack of Time- Reason for Not Giving Detailed Property Descriptions SPECIAL DEFICITS ARE Men to DIcns lt Lake IluInen Plan for Mate Hooitrr Campaign and Inhibit Proposal. At a of .the beard of directors ofmeeting the Utah Manufacturers" as-a sociation Thursday night plans for statewide booster campaign among manufacturers will be outlined. The directors will also discuss the matter of civinsr special awards for Utah made at the state fairs and toods committee makhear a displayed report from the ing arrangements for the displaying ef Utah made goods in the schools of the state. The office of the association has been opened in the American buildings. Main street and Postoffice place. PLATTMU lUi V,MV OPKXS. N. Y.. June 5. Every Plattsburg. state in the union Is represented among the 1700 men who have arrived at the first Plattsburg camp of military inhere today.g struction, which opened After receiving ther uniforms and to companies the men were assigned set at work arranging their tents. FOIt WKEK. COt'llT AH JO I IC Washington. June 5. The supreme court adjoinmed todwy until June 12, v. probably will be the last decision day until October. he-in- IiU-I- i ... null CI DO MEM j m am sup When a?Tt?d by. occasional Hffhl touches of Cuticura Ointment, These emollients do much to pimples, blackprevent heads, redness and roujjhne. super-cream- y pore-clo?2ing- v Each Free by Mall Sample AMres book on th tkla With aj-- p "Cuticura, Dpt. 2 Hi, Bo ton." pot-"r'- l: okl rry wfcar. ! Take Front Elevator By Silk and Dress FOREST SURVEY SOUGHT Goods Department AUTHORIZED BY STATE Provision Made for Clerical Expense and Payment of Industrial Home Teachers. Authorization Is given the secretary of state to create a deficit of. $6000 for clerical expenses in his office and the state industrial school is authorized to create a deficit large enough for the payment of teachers, by the state board of examiners yesterday. Approval was made of the appointment of Nanon M. Lloyd, stenographer In the office of the dairy and food bureau, and of Agnes Brown, stenograin the office of the state engipher neer. C. C. Jacob and V. E. Dickinson, senior and junior engineer, respectively, of the water resources division of the United States geological survey, were voted slpulated allowances for cowork with the state engioperative neer's office J n the measurement of streams. Driver of Motor Car Which Killed Four Persona In Kansas City Pleads Guilty to '.Manslaughter. Kansas . June Smiley, motor car which killed four driver of aCity. persons here January 9. pleaded guilty to manslaughter today in the criminal and was sentenced to two years court in prison. Eugene Swarts and Fred Baeder, alleged companions of Smiley, obtained a severance and will be tried later. while The car, according to witnesses, short-lv speeding along Fifteenth street, a party after midnight; plunged into of high school students who were In the streets, killing four of walking them and Injuring several others. - - ROAD BRIGADE WILL MEET J. DOWMAX. Andrew J. Bowman of Salt Iake rewas a of doctor cently of medicine granted from the degree Jefferson Medical college of Philadelphia and will enter the Dr. W. H. Groves L. D. S. as an interne on July 1. Mr. hospital as a Bowman distinguished himself student and was a universal favorite among his class mates. Mr. Bowman has been in Philadelphia for the past four years. Mill!) MAY MANAGE CAMPAIGN FOR WILSON Head of Democratic Committee If President Desires. Secretary St. Louis, June 5. The proposed selection of Secretary of the Treasury DemoMcAdoo as chairman of the new cratic national committee to succeed William F. McCombs may "be met with on the part, of ceropposition slight of the committee, but It tain members was stated authorltatlvclv tonight that If President Wilson desires that Mr. McAdoo direct his presidential camname paign the national committee will the secretary of the treasury as chairman when the new committee meets immediately after the national convention. The 'desire of President Wilson to have Mr. McAdoo lead his fight for reelection has been known to several committeemen for two months, but as some members of the committee were to"troing outside the commitopposed tee for a chairman, it was thought advisable to wait until convention time before bringing Mr. McAdoo's name forward. J. Bruce Kremer of Montana, secreof the committee, announced this tary afternoon that business reasons would prevent his continuance as secretary and that he would not be a candidate No name has been for Mr. for Kremer's successor suggested . as yet. Several national committeemen have made inquiry as to what part,, if any, William J. Bryan will play in the comDemocratic convention. It was ing as Mr. stated officially that inasmuch was not elected as a delegate Bryan or an alternate, he could only speak to the convention with the unanimous consent of the 1094 delegates. Under convention rules Mr. Bryan can obtain a proxy only by the withdrawal of a his alternate. delegate and will be a general $ speech-makin- g Thursday and the committeemen day here now say Mr. Bryan probably will be asked to speak on democracy. . on - Wen-dov- com-pan- . - OUR DRUG STORE IS AT 112-11- 4 S. MAIN STREET GOV. PHILLIP OPERATED STAND BY YUAN SHI KAI R iJ BOND Fll Fn RY fiHIFF U IIL.I LSI Prevent III Attendance at Republican Convention. Milwaukee, Wis., June 5. Gov. J. Parley AVblte analifies for Post and Emanuel L. Phillip of Wisconsin underTakes Charge of Department. went an operation for appendicitis toBy action of the city commission last and, according tq his physician, day, is out of danger. night in approving his bond, J. Parley will be at least two weeks before White became the official chief of It the governor can be removed to hla police of Salt Lake and assumed home, according to his physicians. The charge of the affairs or tne ponce illness will prevent him from taking of the city. a personal part in the national RepubMr. White filed his bond with the city lican convention, to which he was recorder yesterday and took the oath, of office before the city recorder. Ho then assumed charge of the departdid not as- -, FEAR GRASSHOPPER. SCOURGE. ment, though he officially commission forLincoln. Neb., June 5. Reports of sume charge until the done and the existence of mally approved his bond at the night damage numbers of grasshoppers in meeting. great The bond was furnished by the Nanorthwestern Nebraska reached state officials today. Sheridan county crops tional Surety company"-- ' and. was for are especially menaced, according to $5000. reports. Fears have been expressed Majestic park, that this may be a grasshopper year Dancing every free.- - Advertisement. ladies night. Illness "Will Seventeen Loyal Provinces In China Agree to Continue Their Support of the President. 5. The seventeen Washington, June in China have agreed to loyal provinces continue their support of President Yuan Shi Kai. Minister Reinsch at today that repretelegraphed Peking sentatives of the provinces had reached this decision at a meeting in Nanking. Minister Reinsch did not know whether the armlstlc declared when the conference was called was still in effect., June 6. Tungan, twenAmoy, China, of miles north Amoy, Is reported to ty have been surrounded by the revolutionists. There Is an American mission station under the supervision of the Christian and Missionary Alliance at Tungan with an American missionary and hisj in Nebraska. wife in charge. 1 ON I IUUU " ent dele-gate-at-lar- ge. Gents 25c, . -- Craiseirs for .America is crisply summed up by one editor in the statement that "no The value of the battle-cruisfloating thing that can whip her can catch her, and nothing that she can whip can escape her." 'England greatest naval .losses in the present war have been in the dreadnought or battleship class, while the battle-cruise- r fleets are. intact," according to the Syracuse Post Standard. Yet the United States Navy possesses not one of these ships! This explains, perhaps, why all other features of the remarkable naval program are eclipsed in popular interest by the provision immediately authorizing five monsters of 'this battle-cruistype that will outsteam and possibly outshoot any enemy now afloat. Tn THE LITERARY DIGEST for June 3d, there is a complete description of this new ship, showing the experiences of other nations with it and the opinions of naval experts about it. This article is illustrated with a fine picture of the proposed new naval fighters and a map of American could guard our coasts. The full force of American pubwaters showing how these battle-cruiser- s lic opinion from all angles is shown in this article. Other features of uncommon interest are: er - Highway "Workers to Assemble at Hotel Utah for Parley's Canyon Campaign. All details for the second attack of the local good roads brigade have been worked out and. weather permitting, weeks the program halted by toraina two successful ago will be carried conclusion - Wednesday. Members of both the Commercial club and the club are to meet at Hotel Utah Ilotary and make their start early Wednesday for Parley's canyon. They will ATTACKED BY MAD COYOTE morning work near- Mountain Dell. A delegation of Sugar House resiat that Freighter Driven Rabid Animal Off dents will join the volunteers After Spirited Battle.. point with picks and shovels. A rabid coyote attacked Frank Lee, between Ibapah and GREEK'S HEARING BEGUN a freighter, on the desert a couple of nights driven off ago and before it could be man a' lively given the Foreman for Copper Company Charged by Lee.In had scuffle the coyote lunged the fight. With Charging Men for Their Jobs. too near Lee's campfire and its fur Steve of Callas,v caught fire. hearing a Preliminary foreman for the Utah Copper The animal sank Its teeth Into Lee's on a at Its Garfield mill, charge but a heavy blanket wrapped clothing, laborof extorting monw from Greek arm prevented the beast's his about ers in consideration for giving them teeth from penetrating the man's flesh. Jobs, was commenced yesterday before The coyote was finally driven away Jr. Justice L. I:. Martlneau, was by Lee. The taking of testimony through an interpreter and will be continued METRIC SYSTEM APPROVED today.Is that Callas. as foreman, It alleged collected from money exacted and Plan Will Greek employees he demanding that it State Official Sayti Kuropran fir Adopted In America. would give them be paid before C. I. Condle, deputy state sealer of Jobs. and measures, says that the weights used In Europe almost system, BOOKS FOR KANAB LIBRARY metric at universally, was favorably discussed the convention of the National AssociaSealers of Weights and Meast'olleae Women Club end 1!2 Vol- tion of which he attended at Washington. ures, ume of Varied Character. A majority of those who attended the E. of assistance the With Mary convention favored the introduction of Downey, state library Inspector, the the metric system In weights and of sent Lake Salt club College Women's measures, but admitted that the uniat versal li2 books to the- The puDiic unrary been of the metric system teaching books have Kanah esterday. to be taught in graded will first' have collected by the club coverlnar a period schools. of one year and represent a wide selection. CODE UPHELD. Miss Downey received a letter yester- OREGON'S WATER 5. June Oregon's water secreWashington. H. Mrs. Ito.e Hamblln, day from projects regulating irrigation of th public library at Kanab. code, tary and other water uses, was upheld as the constitutional which says that the' work of filling today by the supreme with current literature is meeti- court. The decision library affirms the reand that the fusal of the ng" with much success sent court to federal Oregon books which are being by the colsome 1!00 claimants to water enjoin of women be assistance. will great lege the Silvies river from prorights inbefore the state water board ceeding PROBLEM to compel the Pacific Live Stock comPAVING SOLVE pany to establish Its rights to use the MMV water of the river. State Street lo lie Improved In Murray at L'nlform Width. Concrete pavement will be extended FEDERAL DRUG ACT HELD Murray on State street at thr through same width as the extension- north of TO APPLY TO DEALERS IN Final action was limit. the Murray OPIUM, NOT TO USERS taken l,v It. It. Lyman. W. IX, Heers and 11. It. Morgan, members of the state hoard of road commissioners, at a meetWashington, June 5. The su court ing held yesterday afternoon In the ofpreme today interpreted the ' fice, of the state roiu engineer. federal Harrison drug act of 1914, Members of the board conferred with 'unlawful for any. person it making Groesbfeck". vice president Clarence not registered under .the law to have and general manager of the Utah Power and Light company: Henry I. Beach, opium in his possession, as applying the Utah Light & Traction only to those who deal in the drug manager of it. and not to. those who company, and J. W. Mcllenry, mayor of in announcing the Murray. Holmes Justice Members of the bo?rd agreed that opinion of the majority of the court any widening of the concrete pavement said it would not do to strain the the width specified by the state beyond be power of the United States almost, done by the city of Murray should if not entirely, to the breaking point and the traction company, whose railto make it criminal for any person road lines will extend between the in the United States to have opium strips of pavement. In his possession unless, under the ItUITISlI STILL SKIZIG MAILS. of the statute, all other interwords P.eriln, June 5. A dispatch n from The were . untenable. pretations the Hague says Justices Hughes and Pitpey which arrived at steamship Xoordam. Rotterdam on May 2S from New York, wns compelled by the British authorities to leave her mail at Falmouth. . 3Iore Rational Policy Tovrard Lumber Industry Suggested by Manufacturer ' Association. T ashlngton. June 5. Pleading for government aid in placing the timber preindustry inanda state f industrial of achieving a high plane paredness of efficiency, L. C. Boyle of Kansas City, representing the National Lumber Manufacturers association, tofiled with the federal trade comday mission the first volume ofa brief In the first general investigation by this commission. "The time has come .when the dictates of prudence and a better understanding of national need impel a survey to be made of our remaining tree suppl3 to the end that a more rational be worked out," the national brief says.policy Mr. Boyle declares that the lumber has no toward the industry Sherman antitrust hostility law. but does believe should be such that Its interpretation that great Industries be permitted to with the of the progress as long as such units cf the industry, does not constitute reunder straint of trade. to prevent government regulation abuses of destructive competition was asked. on Will Be Made - lot mkm Becoming creations that are worth up to $10. There's only about 75 to select from. Your choice at $2.50. . A.MJHHW RECKLESS CHAUFFEUR SENTENCED TO PRISON The reason that assessment notices mailed from the treasurer's of- I sixty-secon- 5 In Formal Notice. MANUFAC T 0 RERSTOMEE June 5. Louis D. Washington, Brandeis of Boston today took his seat as an associate justice of the supreme d citizen to rise court, the to that high distinction. The ceremonies lifting' the new justice from among the rank of attorneys to a seat on the first court of the nation were precisely those by which his predecessors of the last were likewise elevated. generation Chief Justice White privately administered the oath of allegiance to the country. At noon the court marched to the bench. The new justice took a seat beside the clerk of the court. When Mr. Brandeis' commission had been read the clerk administered the oath. judicial Mr. Brandeis was then escorted to his seat on the extreme left of the bench, where he received the conof the colleague nearest gratulations him. Justice Pitney. ale iiiiiiery tb Oily n. - county fice this year did not contain detailed of the property assessed descriptions was that the office did r.ot have sufficient time, according to a letter sent to the county commission yesterday by Ilavmond C. Naylor, treasurer. The explanation was given in response to a complaint from real estate men. Mr. Xaylor explained that the law him to mail the notices by requires May 5 and the assessor is not required to turn oxer to him the assessment rolls until the second Monday in May. The commission asked the assessor next year to turn over the books earlier if possible so the detailed descriptions may be copied. Justice White. ng Jas-perse- n, Has-musse- A:n. Jimpeuin Oath of Allegiance to Country Administered by Chief er n er and German Babies Efficiency Is for v Food Shipments While the Citizens Committee Soliciting Relief for Teutonic Babies, S. S. McClure, Editor of the New York Evening Mail, Claims That Fewer Babies Died in Berlin During the Last Quarter of 1915 Than in Any Other Three Months in Many Years. er Shakespeare As a A Methodist Message to Organized His Church Mayor Mitchell-anLabor. Germany's New Friend The Drama of a War-tiSeason Food Over in Anxiety England Pneumonia As a Health-Te- st For and Against Justice Hughes Booms Follow Mining The Russians in France Agriculture and Mining in the West Verdun as Seen From Germany Every Boy His Own Dietician ry Electric Aid for Deceiving the Blind O. Henry Unknown in France Artificial Blood for Transfusion-Operatio- n The Modern Bach No Medical Heresies War's Test of Christianity Many Impressive Illustrations Colonel Roosevelt's New Crusade Bird-Fanci- me and-Lumbe- Bone-Surge- DO YOU KNOW THE OTHER SIDE? On what do you base your opinion of the vital ques- tions of the day? It is scarcely safe to depend wholly on the partisan editorials and news items of your daily paper. Uefore you form a final opinion,' find out what's on the other side. You will find it in THE LITERARY DIGEST. Wherever there are two or more sides to any question of June 3d Issue on Sale Today -- public interest, youmay get a perfect understanding of all viewpoints in this magazine of facts. Everything that is of value in the week's news, is reviewed briefly and concisely from every angle. Your judgment will be sound and equitable if it is grounded upon the familiarity with all sides offered by THE LITERARY DIGEST. 10 Cents AH News-deale- rs -- vu-.-e Holland-America- ' . FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary), NEW YORK ti |