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Show & W. TAYLOR Have Just Received a lot of o 3 Din s iiiisc xnc : - ' " ' AND . " Toilet Soaps ! E3 BPS. 6i JCi "H33 CZ3 Bk. !" DUMFORD & SONS 1 Have Just Received a Large and Varied Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! i LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES ; "In arery Style and at prices that cannot fail to luit. i ' ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OT '. Gents' anl Youths' Boots and Shoes. ! ' We would also call attention to our Large and Fashionable Stock of ; Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell t . ' ExlILEOAD TIMES PRICES! ; j21 G-l-c-o TXs a. CJJL. . , - . OT WELLS, FARCO'S IS NEAR w i - g v o O P J.V SI SSSNlSna JO 3aJ.N30 3HX , i (S S J I CJVl. L H H a g 0 ! FINE M CARPETS ! hi S I -l S J spring FURNISHIHG! j 0 1 h o ? 1 s Retail Department f fet a 0 " H TN'e call attention to purchasers that w o Q i- we are PrePftred to offer pecial induc- i r? i , - pj ments. A fine selection of the newoat N pT'l' g TAPESTRY, A - 7. $ BRUSSELS, I S h5 2 1 b INCRAIN, At Eastern Prices. DUTCH CARPET, 40c. Per Yard. COMPETITION TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. ' Left Behind! druggets and crumb cloths holidajm5Ikes, Sheetings and Quilts. i CHRISTMAS TREES, CORMCES AXD LICE CURTAILS. ' PURE CANDIES, of aM kindt, . r . , , bimps, fringes and Lords. Pine Apples. IinporledFnittn, ' Fancy Croctrl'!, QHEBN B AIZBi ' Pastry, Pies, 1 Provisions, ' , Confectionery, cfcrpets Made and Laid Tith I he cheapest in town, at Care. d24 I1EXRT WAilACE'S. II. B. CLA.WSON, Sur-r. Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution I TO CITY AND COUNTRY ; CO-OPERATIVE STORES And the Trade generally. I WHOLESALE DRY GOODS! j EAGLE EMPORIUM, j " : . (Up Stairs.) WINTER GOODS! Lonsr Nhawls, TViibias, Hosiery, Music Misnvls, Hoods, (.loves. Children's Shawls, fScarfs, Flannels, B..-.i...cis, Counterpanes, .leans, Cassi meres, Linseys, ! DOMESTIC G300S LM FULL SUPPLY USUAL ISoots &, Shoes, Kiihlters V Arctics, Mr.ii's, ISoys and Children's lints. H. J!. (iUWSON, Bffv. i Truckee i LUMBER YARD. IIaItVniock Noutlt U. C. Depot. D, W. PARKHURST, Prnpriolor, ThomM Latimer, W. H. F-luro, G.ors. it. iatur, liource liuuiu.r CHAMJE OF FIRM. The Planing Mill, Suh nj Do"r Factory Fac-tory of FOIiSOM, 3 I O ZkX IV Ii V 0, Will hertafler do bminrii unJr Iht firm nm of LATIMER, TAILOR k (0, SASH d 1 IM 0Q k"" at mA te nnnDQ lUiiM nnal, mnuMd, .. UJUilvJ fUon. Uri tnr .itv.M. mny ihickneM, or kind, lur Diiacii to ortUr. WINDOW With .,r,.k(.J,.n,lll..h. FRAMES "" CD KM CO Pnl rrm.. plsio door.nd BLINDS StaHonnry and rollinr jl.tu. MOULDINGS TrJ:ZiZl7. triroa and cornice. CI nflQINP Tontiifl and tronrrt and rLUUOJil U tn.ir( Hi- on hand and workod to onior. I I1MRPR rin'.I fnt nf win-U. to a UUlllULri ihn-knoji,. and ripped to may dr.irl me. Planer and Circular Saws Runninf all (he time, MIMXa DISTIMCTS Puiiplicd on r linrt nol ic. dir. us acsll, orH'lr.j ty l.Upr to Cox ?i L1TIJ1ICII, TAVI.OIl A CO., ! line llloi'k wp.i ,.f rhrnlt A.E.CuU..r. J.U.Arra.l. (I T Lut CULMEB, ARMET&GO CARPENTERS A N II BUILDERS, Are prrimrfd in do mil klmU of work In thrlr lln nf himlnrn with NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. Apply nf Ihrlr Work Hknp In thr Alley. rr or Wells, Fargo &. Co's Bank. Knh'.nrr friini !( Ami Unit Hntilli Irani. j Of! nnnr0113138 ZU.UUUlRONAND STEEL At ItiiNsrd V. I loniiiKuV. nlti Hxlt r..h. Ilnn.r. Hi READ THIS! In all the beautiful varieties. Mini SEES BY IVERTBDBT Contemplating the purchase of a Ituchine for family or other use. At our newly-fitted up Salesroom, Second Door South of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Department of Z. C. M. I., Will be found a Full Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS ISO PUFFING Co commend It to the public, as the 1 following JET' rtt1 55 showi In IVjO these now celebrated Machine were first odered to the public and in the four years succeeding 4.0") were sold. Today To-day over that number are weekly turn-d - ut from the factory, and yet thii immen.- Bap-ply Bap-ply in do enul to the demand. At the end o' the year li7t upward of OnO MacbiD"B were sold, and in the thoo fullnwinif year, from ' 8 to '7u, the number had been incre&eed to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One thl rd of which were d t m poked of within the preceding twelve munthi, Fromtheforecninstitwillbes-enthatdur-inr the U.-t three y.rj. tne tale h;ive oen u p war J of fifty pr c nt mjr than during the whole of ihe eerenteeu previous year?, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of yearn thorough trial Ik that the SEWING MACHINE ip adapted to alt kind of work, Fewinr u retiluy inc thii-ktv-L and mom mubt.orn ma-leridl ma-leridl a-- the tinc-t nJ mint deiicfcte In T.C; with a iiitrk. that for cTrn.-, pcriectiun and durability if oof.ju l.. Aocuu.p.tn ill rach Mu:hioe are rrinted inlructiuii5.'o pUm cd e.wy i-fctnprrDrB-twa ih-. aithucn we r-ommcnd catom-er catom-er to take at ic..-t one lt.QD ir-m tha Of rator. it if .-rl lma d 'nr-pu re a-r mti.g at a f;in- trie turn lu-ity f the Ma-biLjc an J CMUiplclcuc?" ul ihe connmciioD. Ixjuit ol iha VAN TAG 1L S OF Tllli SINGER MACHINES ARE Simplicity of crntrntin therefore !e liability lu fct out ufrepaur. Hhort, Btrairh dt !!e le-j liable to bend, break or ikip tha mtch. The shuttle li carrieJ; friction, wear and tb ne--e-ity cf jreaJiuc the race arethuj T0idc4. Readinr with whirh the mt Inexperienced Inexper-ienced cao a4jL.ii tbe Ictuu n ol um thread. Freedom fmm wr. A'tr twenty year C"ntnt nric lhe re tur h i noi have nerar been known to wear oau Thy arw nf rapid and eaiy (n all their moreincni. All our marhine? are adjusted and pat in thorough running order, by coia potent band, before delivery. Pun-ha-'en" tneref.T birt troublp. hut can successfully operate with lhatn at once. THE NEW BUTT0N-M3LE M A C II I 1ST 33 S are thoronsMy pricttral and will perform all that wcclmm f r tbeiu. Thr Improvftl MANUFACTURES MACHINES for LiertTy work, are too well known to Deed ooioicnt. S e al.-o keep in stock the MANUFAC I UrtING MACHINES Our stnek of the Sinter Sein Machines 15 Tery rxienl ve, tubraiMnc etrry vanrtj of finish, from the plain M -whine, inountru nn itU.-k walnut talle. eilrd. to the- abor-atolv abor-atolv pcarlrd Maolnne. wit- cabinet rM-sml f"lding c -ver in mottlrd black wnlnul, roee, w.i.-d. or iiiiili-'sny highly polMird. Krnry Mtirlnne is ruiiiMhrd with the Mine Complete liirnitnrn mpMimI uit t ho tu-w hem-mer hem-mer tcwins all widths) and Idler ud braider. brai-der. We niiarantrfi nur Mitrhlnritnrln 11 e m in I n k . m 1 1 wl tl lhi Kr 1 It n ( II r m - lltt IttnHl lltnhlluui taulo KittDlitp, K.inlirolitrliia: (no rlinin Mtltch) f Jat herlii mul Hrrlng on Nt imn 1 1 me. w 1 1 li or without a hand, on tha ed k er In I lie rr-n t eri t'ortl InsiTnrli. lKt Uitlltlwjit Ti lminhim Ittiwllng nil widths nml kinds, etc., etc., etc. WE DELIVER MACHINES Without AUlilio)nt Cluvgf TO Al.l. IMKTN (IF T1IH C1TV W- All kimls nl' Si'wiiiR Maobines tborou:lily Kopniroit on te-.iniinlilc te-.iniinlilc Terms. Kemc'iiili.T Hi MmiimolK Sign, SIKE1 SEIII5 ' MACHINES Two ihimt situtH of thr Kogle Km lni Intit. flu II. It. (XAWKON, upi. CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y. OF NEAV YORK. JUSTUS LA.WKENCE, President. .1. P. 7tORERS Secretary M. B. WYNKOOP, Vice-President. S. O. CHANDLER, Jr., Actuary! O O M 3 I CO a N . - r& 5 r-t- o a &m& s . a Tlie entire Profits of the Company are distributed annually among the Policy Holders, upon the contribution plan. All Policies Aon-forfeitable, according to the expressed terms contained con-tained in each Policy. No Extra Premium for travel or foreign residence. , Thirty day grace allowed on the payment of premiums, and the policy held good during that time. Policies Incontestable for tha customary reasons. Economy in Management. Only, one other New York company showing as low a rate of expenses to income. Careful selection of its risks, a indicated by the exceedingly small mortality of its members. Policy Holders nave a TOice in the Elections and Management of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NORTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT ; " OFFICE, No. 94, LA. SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. . T. LOCK WOOD, - . - - MANAGER A, B. DAVIS. - - - SEPT. OF AGENCIES JOHN B . Ptl A I B E N , General Agent for Utah. OFFICE AT VOUDJll.SEE BRO'S, SALT LAKE CITY. MEDICAL EXAMINERS : W. F. ANDERSON. M. D. F. D. BENEDICT, M. D RtHahle Agmts Wanted throvphnut llie Territory. - j!3 CRAFTSMAN'S nn iisibake inmi OF 'EW YORK. Mutual. Caah System. t AllPollcle .on-Forfcltablc. a. 2o Restrictions o R'si hnr? or Travel tn any pnrt of tht World. All the vari'ius foinrof Life Ecdow-mciit, Ecdow-mciit, t irm and Juint Policies are i-ue J bytbis Company. IRA M. JWARTZ, frneral Airent for Utah. Orflce. thrf-dora thrf-dora north of Exchange nnd Heading Kuliui, ain sLrt-t't. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co J 'MIX H. VNDTKR. Prtidrn. UKUKH - V r ii. - Y.ce-Freii-m. Horn Offif t, Broarlwajr. for. f Wit-coniln Wit-coniln M.t .Mllvtaukcc, k Dr. P. 8. WALLTflAX. OeT.rml Air em Rocky M'uniiD Duiri -t C-'.-raau, tf yomim. l:tb ani New Mexico. PETER G. FERGUSON, Agrni for L't&b. OfSc In Iloojwr, F.ldrcdre tt Co.S taxik.. .J. H. JONAKOX, Afcnt for till L.ke CitT, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, l)K HARTFORD, COS'SECTirlT. Insure aijainst AcciJenVs causinj? D.ilh or totally Disabling Injury, PETER G. FERGUSON, AO KM, OiTira nt Hooper, EUrJso & V.'t Bank. ii-! LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE 1NSI "RWfE f0MrNV. Aprils - - - $I.400.000.00. J. M. MIHII1E. .11 1 .1 II., Il.lln I . . I. . I'ltr PEOPLE'S LSlRl.fEfO. I OF " i SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, i ( Fiir (! MiiritK.) C. 1'. MnoPKKMOT. ll.li. I10UNKU. ( A. U.WVK'MSVJ', optclnl Agrnt. X. . X. 'flltTTlMyV IV, General Agent for Vlnlt. i Office al S. W. llowU .V C'n. Min Stred, ' B. W. E. JKNNENS. I Local Arnt, OITVcr at Trmrlrl A o, Mntn St.. ! VI Salt l.nkf K it y. Z. C. M. I. Clothing Departm't . FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in FaTi and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing, 5cc. Ao i Full Variety of 3INT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gouts, Ladies' acd B.ts BOOTS & SHOES Gonrs' Youths' ind Boys' HATS and CAPS. TKUXKS ia all 5ty.05 and qiulities. Vauses knd CARrrt Sacks. Carpets. Matting. Floor Cloths Matl Taper and DrcoratiotiSi A I wars on hand an J for f1p hj lh TrJ. Uro (oca ot French hikI KnIUk CMi'mrrti, Hllltarj- riolhs, Home urit Twcedti Ac. SUITS MADS TO ORDER! il--ntlemcn ClthlK. or Mi'.i'.srr Sirts. m.uio to or,lor in t i c :yic ofVin en 'hi rto-t retu-. Kir5t-oI.f isd W orkmnhit v.uarnt(ci, MILITARY TRIMMINGS in i;:;kt vakiktt. nil 11. B. Cl.AWSOX. ."i'"; BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANTFACTI UKUS AND WHOl.KSAUC PK.VLKKS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO i'o. i:M and VM iillXXV STUm.T, vort.r iv,-,i.v. i rV YORK an |