Show Telephone Night Rates Start At Aj 7 00 P P. M. M Night rates for long distance telephone calls will begin at 7 p.m. p.m. p. p m m. m instead of p p. p m. m star starting ing June 1 I according to Phyllip HorsIe Horsley Horsley Hors- Hors Ie ley local manager of ot the Moun- Moun I tarn States Telephone and Telegraph Telegraph Tele- Tele I graph Co who announced the I change change today 1 Under the new schedule there t will be but two periods of rates for station to station to station calls Day Tn rates tes will apply from 4 30 a n. n m m. m I to 7 p p. p m m. and the low night rates from 7 p p. p m m. m to a a. a m m. m Night rates are lower on all to station-to- o station calls calIs for which the day I rate is over 35 cents The saving in many cases is s approximately 40 f per cent J i This new schedule for long l tance calls caUs eliminates the former I I evening period which was in effect effect ef- ef from 7 p p. p m m. to p. p mILow m. m Low ILow night rates are now effective j i one and one-half one hours earlier giving toll users more time lime and more convenient hours in which to place to station-to-station calls alls Night rates do not apply on person to person to person calls |