Show BY TELEGRAPH 1 I AMERICAN SAN BAN 23 on monday of last week it was announced that a conference had tal taken en place between a committee from the Citi citizens zells zelis protective union and mayor kalloch on behalf of the tho working workingmen meny meni which was likely to result in a settlement of the difficulties between the busi bust ness and aud working classes on mutually honorable terms ferms the announce ment appeared to have a favorable effect as the incendiary agitation stopped journals that had bad been demanding extreme measures on theeart the tho part of the citizens union be came quiet intone in tone the law was taking its course with the leading agitators and everything appeared to be progressing toward a peaceful settlement sett Bett lement Vi thin tile tiie last few days however a complete change has occurred the sand lot has returned to its fulminations the tile newspaper war has broken out afre shand apparently all overtures havo have been thrown asido by both parties to correctly understand the condition of affairs it will bo necessary to go back to monday the lath lust just for some days prior to that date dated steps seeps had been taken by third parties IV with the view of brin bringing the leaders on both sides to a elii will hotter ater understanding der standing of each other the conference was not sought ought bythe bytho by the citizens union but certain tain representations actions made concertin concerning the views and wishes of the working mens leaders induced many of tile the gentlemen with tho iho allo the believe belleve good might night follow exchange an of ideas it lt ap appeared eared as though so little ipas lias was needed to quiet ettha eutha tho the agitation and nd restore con adalice to thie the community that the necessary assurance might t be given the workingmen working niena and in return certain pledges exacted from them that would cover tile the whole ground of disagreement t w without thou t any ally sa sacrifice crill ci of d dignity or of the determination to in T 6 t to the exis existing trouble troubie in furtherance of this ob object lec jec t on anthe th e morning of br the lath lust e autive committee and ona some members of the Cit citizens izene union me 4 and selected four gentlemen whose names are withheld at their their 1 les las lesire lasire Ies I ire jre a co committee of con coh with fri 1 1 tho the tho understanding that t a hes hey e r 8 Bh should ILI 1 0 ouid u ld ia con consuel cou suli sull with tal the tho e leaders e ail all I 1 e arso of I 1 be he workingmen and una report to the tile council the tho result of tb tha antei in the tho afternoon these incie met med metar Mr alloch kalloch representing the tire igo ifo benat menat me nat the office The th e conference lasted 11 ov j i 3 and aud aud was in 1 i ous ous and satisfactory tho the whole subject yva WAS gone over and ehfe 11 disagreement discussed discus seu na 0 definite agreement agre agne ement was reached but it was subs substantially dlly understood that if the tile citizen rs union woul give the workingmen assurances assurances that there should be no illegal inter ferene ferenc et with the execution of uhe the order of the board of health providing for the abatement of nuisances in chinatown that in return the working mens military companies should disband and give U up their arms that all violent and incendiary agitation should cease and things be allowed to resume a ana natural course in ili ti the e city czi inthe ilithe evenin evening of th that day mnyo mayo ri 1 kalloch t called tailed to together 0 ether tho dio war ward d presidents of tile working mens party and submitted to them tho propositions that had been cons considered i ered cred A asar akai g result the ward presidents adopted the tile following resolutions resolution st whereas Wh mayor Kallo kalloch cli cil ilas lias has reported to us the sub bub substance oran in berv lew lie ho has had today to day with here follow the tho names of the coat corm corn of conferences conference in which these gentlemen express the opinion that ll 11 is within the tiie power of th d a working mens party to take such sueh a action c as will effectually allay the excited feeling of the public mind ani introduce a better condi condl condition or acl adl aina aira for all citizens and bring capital and tilo laborin laboring a classes into a mutual understanding which will be better and all cone concerned arned there fore fa re I 1 1661 resolved ved that we should hail broll such a result with unbounded unbound ea satis faction ri and are ready and willing willingto to do anything in our power consistent with our political conviction convict long iong and conscientious ous scruples to bring it about that wg request r lues t the tile mayor to act as a coniff committee ul twe two of conference with the gentlemen above named and suggest to the tho working mens party in such manner mannor aa lie he phy toay seo 1 nit fit what steps if any an it is ak in our orr power powen to take takes alir e practical assurances jf an anysie cin oin 0 egiy or cur cup I 1 Q 4 awk dwi 4 t arito hll hil oah 0 llor ilor wh im P M g 4 nna ap pp tal tai adre adro and an remunerative edl edi employment IV to 1 labor labbi 1 cb copies coples pie of those these resolutions resolutions were furnished to the committee and anid on the evening a council of 20 of tho the met in the chamber of commerce the proceedings were secret but it is understood that the tho report of the conference committee and land he the resolutions of or ward president dent were submitted and excited much muth oppa opposition sl many bellig being in favor of harsher measures measure and repudiating the idea of an arrangement of any kind short of the absolute and unconditional surrender ur render of the working meri meun next day kearney was sentenced sen sentenced tented by the police j judge and the severity of the punishment awarded him evidently bad the ende edde effect eat to stiffen the determination of bf the extremists of the citizens chion union and still further remo veany venny any hope of an amicable settlement it is also aiso beyond doubt thau that political questions have entered largely into the matterand are opera abing to fo widen the breach g local loca election te daboub about coming off for tor the re clestin of 15 freeholders to frame fraine a city charter the election of a state senator vice desty declared ineligible will occur at the same time and gom pom combinations are also aiso afoot agoot rel rea regarding arding b the united states senators ilip filp all of which aremady are aro made to enter into this question of restoring resto ning eing quiet to the city and militates against any mutual action between the contending factions meantime some further conferences have been held hold between the committee and mayor kalloch but nothing is known of what passed and from present appearances the tile extreme party has obtained the ascendancy cen dancy on both dides sides it Is difficult to forecast the result jesuit but bia it now looks aa as though lid nothing thing had been gained towards a final settlement of the trouble troubles and if tiny anything thing the situation is more unsatisfactory than ever wroN 23 the following statement is based upon what appears s to be good though not absolutely F aft food I 1 Y official authority and is believed to be substantially true some weeks agg ago president hayes sent for president angel of the Alic michigan higan university to come to washington and there were several interviews at the white house and the state department which resulted in the tender to president angel of the chinese m mission 1 lion llon this was declined as president angell preferred to retain his connection with the university ver sity he was then asked if he would accept a commission as envoy extraordinary to the emperor of china and go to that country to negotiate an immigration treaty which would not necessitate his resigning the presidency of the university as it would not require more than a year or 15 months and it was thought president angel abigel might obtain a leave of absence for that tim time e secretary evarts suggested that a cominis commission sion slon could be sent of two or three members or president angel could go alone the matter is now held under consideration by president angel and will pr probably babiy bably not be decided until a meeting of the board Regents of of michigan university next month president angel is comparatively a young man and was formerly editor of the providence jourse Jo utne urSU a paper owned by senator anthony subsequently ho he was made president of vermont university and went from there to michigan the tile name of Li llwellyn wellyn A brown chief clerk of tho the state department is also prominently mentioned in connection with wi th the matter of minister or as a member of the suggested commission in case the latter course should be adopted he i is s a man of large experience in instate state do department affairs airs having been chief clerk under secretary Fi shand bisband fis Pis hand band an ad occupant of other confidential positions s it 0 n s in the tile department sor for fora a ro long iong g t time im e previously the house of representatives today consumed the whole of its six hours session in twist twisting it and untwisting and re twisting the involved and tangled skein of parliamentary proceedings intended on the one hand to prevent and on the tiie other to facilitate the withdrawal of towns bends tariff bill from the committee on the revision of the laws to which referred yesterday nem con in ignorance of its nature the close votes today to day on tho the various pro propositions looking to its deliver into the hands hailds of the tiie ways and means committee did not indicate the full ful strength of the tho members who are aro opposed to any general revision 0 of f tile the tars tariff this i session wislon tho the contest today to day being complicated with personal hai bai oon con ani W mil with ath avio ate lle q a q to tilt til ill p vp 7 r gf attaining the result which garfield aimed at and which a lar large ge majority undoubtedly desir desired cd although ait alt Gough sough only a scant methot majority in 0 rity favored his particular method the tangle will doubtless bo be unraveled tomorrow to morrow by allowing the journal to stand as it now reads and then adopting a motion to discharge committee committed from the bill and refer it to the committed committee on ori ways and means washington agton M the senate committee on pensions has decided to report a substitute for the measure commonly known as the sixty surgeons bil bill I 1 J 11 providing fro ivi effling for the examination aw and adjudication of pension claims in such a manner as to do dd away with the present le system the substitute provides for the appointment of a commissioner for each congressional district to consist of a surgeon and a lawyer fot ot diu din erent political parties whose duty it shall be to hold sessions in in every overy county ineat in jn their respective dist districts rids three times a year for the purpose of examining applicants for pensions and witnesses in person provided however that when two or more continuous districts are situated la ini a city or other densely populated neighborhood or when the he number of pensioners and pen sion slon sion slon claimants in contiguous districts is comparatively small the commissioner of pensions may in his dl discretion ap appoint po int only one commissioner for two or more congressional districts the fee fees for makin making ex animations taking declarations and examining witnesses are to be paid by the government 24 the erie express which left here tonight to io night hada had a special car par attached with a party of eni emigrants lgrant 4 sent gent by whitelaw reid to homes in the west there were weno seventy geventa nine children and sixteen adults tile the children unaccompanied by parents will go to Burl buri burlington higton kansas where homes lomes will be procured for them in the families of neighboring farmer farmers the che families will go to different places in the epst aps where there are air fair prospects of success in life the I 1 heralds washington special lys A movement is on foot to have mant rant withdraw from the candidacy 1 ia is reported that cameron and those hoie acting with him are resolved to adopt senator edmunds as a can didace the washington special says those who know the utes say that hat the agreement submit fc A d by their chiefs and headmen will be accepted by the tribe but that if congress confess fess attempts to change it tso so as to fix greater responsibility on the I 1 indians it may be difficult to secure their acceptance and the result may 30 a suspicion of the motive of the whites ahles and possibly a new outbreak which would cost several millions of dollars to put down SAN 24 the council of of the citizens protective union was held last night there were nominations of 15 freeholders is candidates for charter election eight sight democrat democrats and seven republicans it is expected they will be en loosed by the democratic and ican lican county conventions the steamer australia has arrived from sydney via honolulu etc ete bringing dnn phi nging british mails malls wellington february 28 poll ics tics are quiet the ministers recent ly toured the colony to study the requirements cements of the various di districts A royal commission was appointed to report the economic value ind and paying probabilities of the railways the commission on grievances commenced its labors armed constabulary arc are making roads in the unsettled districts undisturbed the natives are pacific the wheat crop presents an in yield there a ine are large largo shipments from england of a number of unemployed the welington wellington government is findan finding work washington 24 mrs ncy was the cause of a great gre at deal of excitement in thoi thor neighborhood of ien len ier residence ce yesterday ameisen A messenger came to the office of the board af of health about noon and asked hat that a physician be nt at once sent to the he assistance of the wife of the ex senator who had taken poison with intent to commit suicide half haifa a dozen other doctors were summoned ed when they arrived at the louse faund that the story was foundation it seems effis that one me of her hei lady companion nor for some reason asked whether she iad had not taken poison to alich she n a spirit of full run replied in tho the affirmative firma tive thereupon the household was immediately immediate 0 alarmed alarm pd ara an all 0 started 0 iq n various directions o J troll ngom th ehg T antei t F wt ayn hs wh df the families of victorias band to remain at san barlos instead of gp going to hob hot springs gen has endorsed as follows fallows respect fully returned to the secretary of war inviting attention to the p principle 11 involved in the case pase th the e indian bureau is feeding at aheady cost the families famil lof of victoria and his band of apaches while tho the war department js ugh ting at an awful I 1 cost in money and iffe the warriors or bucks does not this situation 8 ti on verge on the borders of foolishness fined ft ned W WT T SHERMAN ll 11 ATLANTA ga 24 nine illicit di distilleries stiller leb and seven workmen were captured by h a raiding force torce austre just returned the rhe times galveston oston eston special says general frisbie an extensive miner minor in mexico who came hOrant with wit gnant grant says the general told him he bowa hoped the republicans would not nominate him but bilt frisbie says granns granus a candidate in the hope of bettering his civil record ST louis bouis 24 A A spec al to the rimes times from jefferson city says bayn in pursuance to the call of beor george ye H shields |