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Show EOCXN '(UBSHy PAGE SIX HE HE S MORE AHOLT 'OUR C From in -- TrlA-f rT-T- o TesY sriAios In-- , blanch hour's that amiit.piiu.it cmni'din s a'lii.ial falHln-aid a)vi-- d ippoit nas nislotiiprs io sell tlio .sunk ih.it lie might torer hm s..oit s.di t. o i Tin t'neiit of may t interest itself in vicious il if does. Mime big silling, and turns may read in public pi.nl d i min ran-- ai tails of (heir and Unite ot custom, s tint oidm-anlthey would not make public. MILBURN, appeals oil the fionl page of he flaiiiuinio Evening News, will never ,s. e ihe pictuie (Continued from page one) bedside. lie died limply unconscious, a trapped man. Calls Fop other He had not been able to speak for nearly two hours before Ids death. He said nothing to ttifie at his bedside and previous ef1' pul lb forts to talk with him had been Mr Brown lad been bulfeuug futile. His last clear words were fium a lingeiing illness and is in calling for bis mother and atalso i ted by poln e to have taken to heart the tiling of a tempting to assume the blame for tit voice the Lamar robbery. He tried to suit last June bv hib clear his brother, Fred, of any wde, Mi a. Almeda Perry Brown ol Ihe L'SAP faculty at Logan. participation in a similar bank holdup at Lamed, Kan. Fred is hurvivmg ties) deb his widow tn now on trial for that crime. Logan are two children by that It has not yet been decided maniage, Almeda and (Tunics V. what dispositim will be made of Blown, Ji. Two sons also sin vive by a former mat nage, Bert Fleagles bodj. Fianklin Biown, graduate of the Litiie Jake admitted lie was a 1' S naval academy at Atmapoli,. member ot the Larned gang as now stationed at Sail Diego, Cal well as a participant in the and Elliott M. Brown, now ai incident. lending the naval academy ai Long Hunt Ended Seveial bridle is and Annapolis. He made his hesitant statesihteis also sm vive halted by pain before ments, hypodermics were given him, to ol cl s ol the Fust disiliet the man who bunted him for two limit show that Mis Blown Hied years across this country and Into suit for divorce June 14, l'l.in, Mexico Hugh Harper, chief of 'I to lie ih.iiglne (dilute piovide. police of Colorado Spiings. set fuitli thev Were complaint Harper bent low over the banman id in Kail Bake City on dit. "If you have anything to cay, June 11, I'jlj and have two c Jake, you had better say It now." his breath. Jake summoned Mis Blown is assistant home I want Ws Get my mother. e otumiist on ihe expei iineu'al I here when Shi'em staff at the ISAC. He stopped for a moment either with pain or emotion. For God's sako, chief, he resumed, help Fred. He referred to his brothcR?" Iinunffs dept tS.uon has had its effect on the film industry trial in Larned. Fred didn't have in Lnqland and many stage and film stars haze invaded a thing to do with that robbery. Then Little Jake, small, sallow, the United Slates, seeking the long gteen in greener lapsed into delirium In swarthy, Miss haze considered one see Here , Brayard pastilles. S'X FRANCISCO, Oct. 15. (UH which he saw only officers huntW'hlle expressions of relict resounof the most beautiful girls of the English film colony, ing him and his desperate atded from all corners of Ban home at fMaple Bluff, Madison, ll'is. tempts to beat the law. Jumbled little Italy that Genaio cries of pa'-and fear came the magnificent," was dead, until his ffom feverish lips police today followed up dues that weakness and drugs stilled, them Chicago gangsters and racketeers foive.. here were ananguig a giant comHERES MORE ABOUT Was Certain Of Noose bine. The outlaw was cer ain to have BUNGSTARTER The maginitcenr cue" lay on a faced the noose as did Ids brothcold slab in the city nioigue, his ! er. He was charged with being (Continuea fiom page one) life blown fiom him by a gun in the leader of the Lamar'. gang. J the hand ot Ralph Esposito, comHe was also accused of the patriot. to whom Brocolo had aslioidup of a Southern Faclllc Irate taxpayers hauling cage conset tpdlv offered an alternative Congressman Don B. Colton will train near Pittsburgh, be in Cache County on Wednesday taining members of the county com- passenger death or the payment of $50. Cal., in June, 1929. Brocolo s death, police dec Idled and Thursday, October 29 and 29, mission in chains. "Little Jake, so called to dislor a ser'es of polilical meetings Twenty five bill collectors show- tinguish today ,c nded a reign of lilaekhand-ehim from his father. lo word leceivcd Wednesterrotism that lor years had ering Bungster yvitlt writs of garBig Jake, wis trapped and shot kept residents of the Italian quar- day by Lorenzo Hansen, member nishment. after almost a scoie of governEd Chambers and Hans Mikkel-oeter in a constant state or suhjuca-tlo- ot the Fust I'oiicrrossional commitment agents and detectives had him with rotten and tear. Behind the shoot- tee from Cache Countv, fiom the slioweiing trailed him to his Ozark mountJte ing lay a tale, they said, of the commit eemau chairman, Day id J. eggs. hideout. He fell with a bullet sudden rise a Neapolitan peasant Wilson of Ogden blocks section in Ills stomai h which drilled thru (seven Matching ic e x lo the opuhince and power of a ot of Mtkkle-setall i bis body. tie long) presidents County Chairman Hans west coast Capone. is an waging lor political meet- the Southfield bank Officers brought him 68 miles to official Smith-liehrecords. According l Float representing Martin Pond tn an ambulance so that he might ings in Logan, Hyium and was known as a hoot logger, while the congressman is here playing with the submit to a voluntary operatic!! fugitive from murder charges' in and possibles- several others. The Democratic conitnitlee. to save Ills' life for the state, iron a and of ruler Naples, gang hours and places ol the meetings John Kerr disguised as the pro- but he was too weak to stand ot .San Francisco criminals who will he announced later. the ordeal. posed Hyrum reservoir. combined the ruthlessness of Chi AU night long he lay in pain, In explanation of the letter to dark Thomas Muir riding a machine the with cago gun tactics Mi Hansen. Mr. Mikklesen said hoi.se. refusing to ciose his eyes for of dread Italian the Mafia, cunning TV. W. Hall, attended that the congressional convention by J. W. fear he would never open them secret organization. He had twice in Salt Lake this tall at which Craw lord, dressed as Little Lord again. been arrested In connection with A message was sent to his Congressman Colton was nominat- Fauutieroy. (Very amusing). jata) shootings here. ed Mr. Hansen was named county from the Whisky mother, Mrs. Jake Fleagle, the Delegation member ot the congressional com- Label Mnnufactuiers association, pioneer mother of the notorious The congressman also cheeiing hoarsely for BungBtarter. Fleagle boys to come to his side, mittee. names personal workers in the members of the but death beat her response. Octogenarian various counties, which position J. Young Mens Republican club In A. Hendrickson held until advised w heel chairs. recently by Mr. Wilson that it was Is impossible to have him act in that Send in your name for this great runas was inasmuch he capacity civic event'. TVe want every forOutdoor activities and courts of ning on an independent ticket. ward looking citizen to be repre-sen'ehour will be stressed during Octoin the parade. Join the ber and November in the Cache r club Valley Bov Scout council. Carl Gessell, charged with liquor today! This decision was reached at a possession, pleaded not guilty when commiscouncil of the meeting araigned before City Judge Jesse sioners on Monday night in the fh Rich on Wednesday morning. council ot.ice. Trial was set for next Wednesday Ed Keller of Logan npoke of the 10 a. m. at wonders of the fall outdoor activiGessell Is accused of being with ties for the scouts. Hans P. Andera crowd of Colorado university gtu-sen of Hyrum suggested that every SHELLEY, Idaho, Oi t. 15. (UP) dents at the football game Satur- scout leader prepare an interesting Potato" southern in reigned day and giving them liquor. amt as thrilling program as possi- "King Idaho todav as hundreds assembled ble tor Halloween with the idea in in this fanning center to pay homOfficers of the Wilson school mind of showing the boys the best age to ihe pnncipal crop of the dis- Parent Teacher association met time they ever had on tins night trict. of fun. evening and the school Thousands of potatoes all dif- Monday and completed an organbuilding John H. Wilson, chairman of the ferent kinds, shapes and forms out the work of ization to council camping committee, outere to be exhibited today. Visit- the school cany the coming year. dunng lined the plans for the coming year or-. wiil ho setved bahot piping Ptoblems concerning the year's in camping which the commission kers' 'throughout the day. woik were discussed and plans ets lavored unanimously. Two automobile caravans were outlined. Enthusiasm over P. T. The commissioners set up the Idaho and Blarkfoot trom expected A work anti the good it can acprogiam for November and also Falls. This program includes horse was expiessed by every urged plans for the me teasing of pulling (outcbls, horseshoe pitch- complish ifticer. the membciship during that month football tournament, game, spud The pioject for the year sugTwo courts of honor were set for ing loading and pit king contest, auto- gested and which will come beOitober. one in the Logan Ninth mobile i ace, toot rates, dancing. at the next meetfore the ward this coming Sunday and the ing of th association was "Beau-tifvinother in the Preston Fourth ward new in a tecord pota. Shelley set the School Grounds," eson Sunday. October 2G. to shipping from that city last week ot trees At the Ninth ward court, the at folding to X. B Pror who re- peciallytho the planting along parking and elsewhere. troops taking part will he No 1.1. turned Tuesday Irn-a business The people who will carry on Ninth w at d . No. 1G. Ttiiid ward: Mr Prvorsaid the woik ip to that section du.mg the year are as No. fi, Fourth ward: Nos 5 and p5. ,2 tarioiuis of spuds weirt out ot follows' F'fth. ward (omniie inner Fr1 me (h pot thc.c m the sov n day Don Smith, prerifiem ; Virginia Compare 3 cjwmful of ScHllIrg Gromi'l lice and Font of Honor Chairman period and there weie still manv Daniels, Mrs. A. Cloves with any other. T he ditlerence U Bncafi will he in charge ai res of potatoes s ill in the ground. if. Thompson, secretary; Mis. is marked. Schilling is a dark brown in The Piston Foui tli ward court Face Yeates, treasurer; Mrs. J. color. The other will be a red or yelis lor Troops No. Id and lid of that C. Hayward, L.stoiian. VISITORS IN LOGAN. low brown. Schilling is so rich with waulNo 44. Banida: No. 4 1. Win commntee. Orson oil that the Progiam Cnimnis-suredi r No 47 .Riverdale tiny granules cling together TV. lormer Garff, Ada Stanrod and Angela Giaddotk, Fringe in clots. The other will look dry and Samird L. Smith and ('unit grazing assistant on Cut lie Na-- i John ton. ('Ini'I-nifiW f 'olid in o' !!"' bin now at the loose. Most ground cloves corre in i n, nal foic.t .Membership Raymond Rose. will lie Pi charge station sifter-to- p Great IU-iexperiment tin. But Schillings is packed in Virginia Danieb, mar Kpiitaiin, together with Dr. Gracia Stevvai t and Mrs. Claude a tin with a large opening. It i so Gem ge II Stewart, formeilv on Quinney. oil that it will not with flagrant heavy Classify the FS.VF tatuliy, and G. D 1iiblical ions Mrs. Leon Fon-- , shake Pnkford of Ogden, were visitors ncsliet k and Myrtle Jacques. through a sifter. at In lS C and the Cache truest Finance. Iaimboiune and roll ItKXT-- it inom mml'T'i jijurt-M- l ot flee TVednesday en route to Ihe Mrs. Rachel Mrs, TdCt No. 33. Schilling Lemon lx- fMaly. Nnith First West DuS F. at station tract contains 3 times the amount of Violet experiment 'Publicity. Jensen and O 1C Anna Mae Hale bois, Malm lemon oil required by the United Sfatm Government Pure Food Department j Foil SALK Hay. First cut iiltalU and more than most tunes as much per ton Located at Fairvu-wId iho. ( dll r;i O IT. any oihei you can buy. That is why it why it imparts a rithea goes further LOST - One miLv Hull 'IV rlemon flavor. ii(i Lnndle and v,hiV stuped State" Best Sour J In The fair Find! idmiu Hsj W and ip-- i O P p.t t row ard 1 HLkS. La-ma- u Ri-- 1 Funml ill :nl excellent likmeso In a clump of woods, hi.s hisi message to tls wife bant "I have lost everything in the stock mat ket and am ticailv trazv. llca-bury my body in St. Mai's coun c " Refraining Irom gamblin'' would have saved him. MRS. ELIZABETH CONVERSE, only twenty-- even, was puked up COASTGANG , LEADER SLAIN mad increases. effKieu'V tiauimen and passengers Fran-ilsco- Old s Lal-lis- t State Republican Man deco-tate- In Logan repre-senativ- e Long-strot- TUBBS By Crane Miss Lucille Page ot Wellsvtlle as the guest of spent the week-enMiss Marcia Dailey. Mis Kail Bird entertained at an attractive luncheon Sunday. Flowers i enter ed the table and covers weie hud lor Miss Page. Miss Mania Barley, Marjory Bird, Carjle Bud, Mr. and Mrs. Bud and son Teuton Miss Veda Sotensen wlm is attending school at the CSV spent Sunday with her parents. Mi and Mrs. Joseph C. Sorensen The Daughters of Pioneers next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs Joseph T Wood, Fndnv Oct 17. Tile captain, Mis. Zelda Hemn-ge- r invites all membeis to hi pres eul. Birthday Celebrated A dinner was given Wednesday m honor of George Mims tuith-da- , The long (able aiiniveisary. was attractively centered with- flowers. Covers were laid for the honored guest aud Mrs. Jane Muir, Mrs. Jennette Baicltier of Teton, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. James Muir, Miss Ada Muir of Logan, Miss Mvi- tie Muir, Miss Edna Muir, Hazel Muir, Eddis and Pieston Muir Mr. aud Mrs. Afton Bird are te-- j juicing over the sale anlval ol a girl born Sunday. Ail concerned are doing nicely. Miss Edna Sorensc n of the Budge hospital spent Sunday with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Sorensen. Mrs. Thomas Muir entertained at a luncheon Sunday. A tall vase ot asters formed the centerpiece. Covers were laid for Mrs. Denver ( open an sons, Meilin, Lee, Buddy, Miss Grace Muir and Miss Mai da Muir of Logan, Miss Maggie Muir. Stephen and Ralph Muir, Mr. and Mis. Muir. Lynn Wood has commenced to build his modem 5 room brick home Mrs. Jane Stuph was the dinner guest ot Mrs. Joseph Wood, Monday. Miss lone Baker, night nurse of the Budge hospital spent Sunday with her molhet, Mis Lizzie Baker. 1 LICENSE One marriage has he n issued bv Countv Clerk C. V Mohr so far this week, to Don L. Roy Napper of Norwalk, Call! , and Gladys Bar-loCorbudge of Smithlield. MARRIAGE IraoWCiG AUDSlRtvJS EOHOTflROOOT THE CAVE ISwlKtM CAST ATTEMPTS To OPEN A SECRET DOOR. AT LAST IT OPCMS. THEY DASH THRU. rfMHEY HEAR SHOUTS. RUNNING FOOTSTEPS. THE$J (E HARDLY TIME TO LOOK AROUND, "GUNS! s Bio-coh- ), leniom-be- i mournltilly the days when a was shaped like a smnkednvk hoop shut upside down, and The following program was given biakommi lushed out on open to turn ihe brakes in connection with the saciament platloims hot apart. When you drive a car at 50 or vvlicii they heard the engineer's meeting Sunday evening, under of the Mutual. President GO miles an hour vou are riding w hi die. Marilla Huist was in charge. The on a bullet weighting from five pravers were by Orpha Buist and Not h tig i ;o J. k, alias "Legs to eight thousand pounds, going The Motor-islDiamond we it t Euiope, and, Counselor Sadie Hardman about 100 lent a second. singing was under the diiection of Ueimany sent him back. (should remember that. Evidently Legs' knew wjty lie Joseph C. Sorensen. Talk on SloEGGS found oiig went. lie is in the hospital now gan by Grace Ladle. On Junior DINOSAUR class leader, Verna inally in Thibet have been dis- with many bullets and slugs from Project" by Veina Sorensen. Beehive Symbocovered in America. The hen sawed olf shotguns in his bodv. His clothes were found hanging lism" by Beekeeper Annie Buist. dinosaur that laid them was about . closet of a room occupied Articles of Faith" by Ardella eighty feet long. Standing up she in the "FlrBt Organization of Young by a jonng lad, in the hotel in could look over tall tiers. Ladles" was given by Stella Ladle. These strange animals of all which he was shot. Police are "gnlhng" the young The Gleaner girls and Beehive girls feizps once covered and uppiaent-lthat she may won tirst prize at the bazaar held Some, woman suspecting dominated the earth. earuiverous, lived on tile others, have put the unfortunate "Legs" in Hyium. Tins was the work of on the spot. She Hie gills during the summer conveniently peaceful vegetal ians. says: I was always a good gttl, months. at Ibis Is just my luck 'Coldly Surprise Party Given they vanished, Suddenly about the same time aud science tiiithlul repo: Is of modern mime Mrs. Emma Hancock was pleasO'ske Eugene Sues Mysteries ot wonders whv. antly surprised Saturday evening. with hts and "Chouiineur" Swarms of savage rats gnawed Pais The party was in honor ot her look tame. their feet, Urns destroying them Situellette An attracbirthday anniversary. according to one tlieoiy, and. luncheon was givtively appointed of Recording to another, animals en, The table was tastelully higher intelligence killed them off with flowers Covers weie and American bipeds its British 1$ laid for Mrs. Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. ire killing off elephants, giralfcs. Elmer J. Hancock and daughters, and thinocero tea, in Africa James Devine. Salt Lake City Faye, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hancock A third theory describes an w at den of the and son, Cleve aud daughter out ,reak of volcanic eruptions In lawyer and lormcr Madelt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartvarious parts of the world that stale pi Ison, is in Logan as a of (he Republican state lett and children, Della, Grant and with dust filled the atmosphere Mr. and Mrs. Lynn ttnd made it impossible for the commitlt e. He met with the execu- Ross, tive committee ot the Cu he CounFrank Hancock Hancock dinosaurs to breathe. and a Mrs. Hancock as presented with a ty Republic an committee At the opening of the Reich- group of the party candidates in beautiful present. After luncheon, was enjoyed. stag in Berlin the Hitlerite Fas- the (I. O. P. headquarters in the music Miss Nelda Ihdliscon of Nephi cists celebrated tlioir recent poli- Hotel Eccles on Wednesday mornspent Sunday, the guest of Miss anti Jewish ing. tical victory with Arrangements for the campaign Gnlo Kidman Mrs. Arthur Kidman riots. Mr. Hitler and his rowdies will and meetings were made and on entertained at a dinner in her honnot last. History will convince Mr. Devine's suggestion it is ex- or. The table was centered with them of it, if they will read what pected that a new type of political marigolds. Mrs. M. D. Bird, Jr., entertained happened to Spain and Portugal. meetings will be put on here this fall. at a nicely appointed dinner SunNo more waving of flags and day. The table was centered with APPEAL FILED a lovely bowl of petunias. Covers lanterns on lone freight trains. The engineer and conductor talk Appeal of C. L. Kent from a sen- were laid lor Glen Alexander of This tence ol a $75 fine and a suspended Panguitch, Miss Violet Bird of Lo to each other by radio. mans simplified and safer oper-tlo- six month jail term has been filed gan, Mrs. Orlie Bird. Miss Artiee of trains sometimes a mile in the First district coirt. Kent was Bird, Marcell Bird and Mr. and Mis. But romance goes as rail- - tound guilty in city court by a jury. Bird long. WASHINGTON Little Jake , i dead near K.i'ls chni.h, Viiginia, returning from a coon hunt at mx o'clock in the morning A powerful aulomohde iluviii by her left the toad on a cmve. knocked over two treed, cut oft a telephone pole at tlin base The titifot timate young woman her head was killed instantly, crushed, both legs and anus broken. Her companion died later. The lnipac't tore the shoes from her feet. They were found lot) HERES MORE ABOUT SALT LAKE (TTY, Oct. 15 (UP.; F. Blown, 54, civil shot and killed liimsell with a 50 10 nfie Tuesday at the family home, lltll Major stteet, accoidiDg to police iretl all t SEEKS GREENER FIELDS diaries rile- - NORAN D. MUG uses IT WILL INTEREST wime Wall street int n to know ilia! thin block mai.ipulat oils a'c known in lii'i.iil iiau, for n biKiite, uno hold gieal quantities of an amusement Moi k sdimt, lli'ii T 9 3 T SUICIDE FOR t OF His, MAYBE He Mieri patiiuH billing Mirk Micnt ttie iiurcuMUg public auxitlv tor profit. 0 C T. p Looks Cr (Continued fiom page one) HENRY WEDNESDAY R'A'E D, By Ahem BLAME DIVORCE BOARDING HOUSE TODAY whose HE ACHE VAEEEY DAIEY HALES lo BOOT 5 AUD AUTOMATICS GRAB AU-VO- d fKCN- - COLTON TO BE INLOGAN SOON $17,-Ou- u Bio-col- j SCOUTS PLAN BIG PROGRAM Not Guilty Plea Entered In Court d Bungstarter-for-Commissione- SHELLEY HAS PXA. BIG SPUD DAY WILSON IS ORGANIZED 1 A Qualify You Upon NKTV I 1 GAME If sports- YORK. (UP' men want more game, they must study the stock id their com miinities and learn the appioxl-m,;tc.Il of prrtdu,',i3 In tini vnmity til order to help ledetal and slate game w.utbiw speed up according to Carlo.. lextoration, Averv. president, Atmilcau Gam. Blotective Assoc latiuu I "xO MUST STUDY v. t 4loves .1 it Before the Public Vilililics Com mist km of L'Lah: 111 tinMailer ol the Applicilion ot the SHORT LINE OREGON It All.liO D COM! VNY. n For pore! cm, tor permission lo ic mar const i uit an itmleipass Fat he June torn, Cube County, AN Ft all Too Late To I - Wl'.O. 1 . IFh 'll. of O 1' t irro 1C. ! or niM j'. w. ( ' i ip Pjl n . J 1 h. is'o dt Mi s il It Mini hi L. OS I Li.it. IT ,t I. i .Hi a lo n I v Sci 'I u K MU i' Phono p i Oi r 'urn "in. '( i; all. I'' j ! t construct an tiiid-- i pass near Cache Junction. Facile Fillin',, Flail, will in licaid hefoie tin Public Full ins Commission o' I tali, at Logan, Foil MINT Vkp fiUTiKhrd Apt. u on of tue ilhid tv loh. Oitoir. wjih baJi 2"i 1st. N Phono A D . ib".d, at 11 '"I cm loc k l. in. P'TL'J. ti. ' I immission. By older of the tali. Dated at Slit I.rl.e ( itv. v 19. yrntliiato fiom Imili v luxd 1 J y. -- Nolle e Is hereby riven that Ihe applic item herein ot the Oiegou Short Line Railroad company, a ('in porutlOII, fill' pel mission to ie J Facts j g 1 idJ Case No. t If You KnevfL r NOTICE OF HEARING i Would Insist SSi'theMl: s HUNTERS I U i H- il -J pi, I! i I n it - .!! .. up On on or will Pi" I"' ' I" M. O 17 -- M! t i "A di ifsr? 111 S" FT wit ,r. h "hk I -- $W -- 1 WO T' L t b- - jh, . Schilling ' ' There are 'll other facr 'equally illuminating about ' Sl h;Hn:y Products Coffee Tea r Lmkiitjf Powvici f Spices ' ' 31 Extracts. 42 i I |