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Show SOME RE-R- UN Birthday EDITORIALS GOOD NEIGHBORS "Old men bowed down with f And crushed by power J burdens! Keep on with your WI; Since our last reference to the And women too, grown old I Against triumphant ON JANUARY 30TH DANCE been has there Good Neighbors With hearts opprest in noble For no question ig"lT a rich outpouring of the spirit Until it is settled breasts President Roosevelts Birthday Ball will be held at the manifested faith much and good Coconut Grove Ball Room on Monday evening, January 30th are Only one, so far, has been turnAll Democrats, Republicans, Socialsts and Independents of infantile of the cauee to buffetings ed over expected to purchase tickets to aid the TOWNSEND CLUB Satan. Give 'em the Flowers Now THOUGHTS WORTH READING AND COMMITTING Honor thy Father and thy Mother GET READY TO ATTEND THE PRESIDENTS 2 W . The Townsend Weekly rrports that Sen. Pepper has placed the Townsend General Welfare Bill third on order of senate work, and the aged from coast to coast are rejoicing. There may be a happy surprise for them and their paths to the grave may yet be made pleasant and easy. I believe in the Townsend Plan, for in it I see a more active staple business, industrial, financial, labor and agri"Mister, can cultural world where the shameful you spare a dime" slogan will be stilled by the truly slogan of Brother, do you want a job? Spftjrnrzzle Just before leaving for California Mrs. Maud S. Fulmer rushed in with her 'tithe and said that the stay in California would not be worth much without the paper NO. 1 NEWS More Silver Kings Needed The Townsend Club No. 1, holds meeting every Tuesday ev ening 7 :30,at 255 East 3rd So, Gives barn Dance every Friday night till further notice at 255 East 3rd So. We have a real old Barn Dance Orchestra and will show both old and young a Kod time. Membersand their guests welcome to all Tuesday and Friday meetings - Mrs. Applequist of 509 East 8th So., turned in a New Year dollar and felt to praise the efin behalf of The mighty sometimes have a way of falling very hard. forts of the paper is a widow She Kaiser Bill had buiit, before 1914, the "palace of his tabernacle" human welfare. with the problem on Mt. Olivet from which he planned to rule the four great and struggling with faith life of bravely, very sent him him humbled and of war Europe. The gentile nations will the right triumph. to obi iv inn Other "mighty" ones are on the same mad road. that Much good has come out St. Gsorge and most of it through that sterling citizen, B. Jarvis Jr. He has been with is a long time and is alwavs n&id ahead. He is one of the and is Cooperator-patriot- s doing his level best to make a better world. of More money among people is the need of the times. A greater volume of circulating medium would insure greater purchasing pover, and greater purchasing power among the masses would be a healthy wave of prosperity. To prove this we wish to cite readers to a bit of movie history. When they decided to film the story of the notorious Jesse James the movie colony moved into the county where the principle scenes of the bandit's career were laid. They found the people in that and adjoining counties as poor as poverty itself. There was no money there and the depression had done its worst. The condition seemed almost hopeless. The fences were sagging, the lawns dying, the houses beginning to tumble and much of the land refusing to produce as once it did. Bacon and corn were about all the people had to eat. Half of the people were unemployed. The movie people came into that sparsely settled district with a quarter of a million dollars, remained a long time and spent very freely of the money. They employed every soul in the community but one, who couldnt stay sober What time t was for the people. Almost a millenium of prosperity. Every one had plenty of money and every one proceeded to spend it. Some fixed up their homes, painting, repairing fences, barns, etc- All bought clothing and dry goods, bicycles, cars, radios, etc., and business thrived as never before. It was the greatest season of prosperity and happines ever witnessed by these poor people. Thats what an increase in the circulating medium did. And thats what it would do for the whole country. If it was worked right every community could be always as prosperous as a movie colony. The circulating medium could be increased by remonitizing silver, or by printing and distributing greenback money like Abraham Lincoln did to help save the union, or by the General Welfare Plan now before congress. Why not? Why not? - mtr how many times we knok down Mr. E. Rollings with arguments, or he knocks us, he always retags sufficient courage to come back. And the last time he came with silver in his hand and laid his offerings on the altar with good will. He sure is a missionary for his cause and we dont mean maybe No Fred Huffner takes kindly to the paper and has remembered us with a remittance. He believes heartily in the doctrine ficer of the state welfare board to the press, 38,914 people who have no taxable property, some of whom are aged, some who are blind, some who are little children, must, to make their $20 00 check good in the channels of trade, pay a TOKEN TAX, pay-a- s yoa-g- o tax. back to the Btale of $15,577.00 per month, and that spells $186,931.20 per year. A neat little tax on those who have nothing to tax. The tax on real and personal property may become due and run deFinquint, but the token tax on those who must count their nickels and dimes must be paid to make the nickel a legal tender, and that all of the tax will come back to the tax commission makes an employp-ta- x collector of the business men of the state, working for nothing a day. In Proverbs 14. verse 31, Solomon wrote He that op presseth the poor rcproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor." In the house and in llie senate, on the range, the ranch and farm Our state has need of leaders, men to lead us here and now; Men whose feet have trod t' e furrow, men whose hands have held the plow, Men who glory in their calling, men who love the soil and sod; Men who neighbor wiih their neighbors, seek to know the will of God. Men who know mid, mine and factory, men who know and understand. Men who know that in the building. His the blue print, theirs the job. Give us leaders, men of vision, men who see and understand That its He who owns the vineyard, man can only tend the vine. ternity Hall. County Bldg. Meetl y Wed. err Interesting and enter! programs are given. people are invited ud become members. WITH TOWNSEND CLUB NO. 5 Townsend Club No. 5 h as efiected a temporary orguj, and is holding meetings every Thursday evening, 730 Chapman Branch Library, 6th So. and 8th West A fim has been arranged for next Thursday night with gram Whan the Sllrer King Coalition taxes, freight, treatment and other Minea Company was forced to close charges. Senator Mrs. A. C. Jensen as the speaker. The publics Its property enrly In 19S8 and rer It la Interesting to aota a C. N. Lund Was the speaker last evening. main closed throughout the remaln-de- . period of Bilver King's reaulta, of the year, it was keenly felt from 1938 to 1937: Dry tons shipped Adolf Sorenson, Acting Presid flve-yea- throughout business and industrial channels In Utah. The mine, pictured above la one mines of the great of the world and a mighty contributor to the business. Industrial and community life of tbs state. Up until last year the mine end iia predecessors had been under constant development and production since 1883. a recird equalled by only a few minea. In a sense, this record waa not broken as development waa continued in the wasters end of the property where the company la sinking a new shaft at a cost of more than a half million dollars. Since 1883. Silver King Coalition and Its predecessors have produced vvard of 190,000,000 In gold, silver, copper, lead and sine. Channels of industry have received approximately $60,000,000 of this In the form of wages, supplies, materials. silver-lead-sin- e (crude and concentrates) 386,441; gross yield from mine, $19,469,189. Freight, smelting aid treatment charges, $1,814,430. Taxes (County, atata, federal), LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM WE DEMAND $1,401,933. 1st Payrolls, $4,184,434. Materials and supplies purchased, money be used tar Pension Scries Tax and Relief only. State Pensions of not less than $30 per month tor all without an adequate inm who have reached the age of 6) yean 3rd. All unemployables and widows with dependent children be granted an mining of not less than $30 per month each. 4th. Each dependent child to be granted an amount of at least $10 per month. 5tn. Property of Pensioners caul unemplo- 2nd. $3,678,993. Total dividends paid. $1111164. Of ths dividends paid, 66 par cent went to Utah stockholders. Normally Silver King Coalition employs 659 men, which meana that approximately 3500 persona era dependent directly upon the mine's operations. This la an Impreaslve array 'of facta, and It la evident that the atata needs mors such producers. Thera are other mines Ilka tha Silver King yet to be developed as tha state's resources have only been scratched. yables to be exempt from taxation up to an amount of $3,000. 6th. That all case workers be abolished Alfred Sorensen, Progressive Jewelry, Watch, Kodak Repairing T5 East 2nd. 36 Years In Salt Lake We can serve you better than 7a College.. By elephant Sons and daughters away at school (or living in oilier towns) are as near as your telephone. Enjoy a voice visit as many families do regularly. Tke apentor ufll klaJ to till yaa nin Is an) tauag THE MOINTAIN STATES Will If the 38,944 persons listed on page 6, table 4 November report of public assistance in Utah receive an average of S20.00 per month as given out by an of- The Old Age Assistance group meeti the Regular meeting every Friday, 2 P. y of Human welfare. R. G. Fiji it I ways been a heroic figure in our opinion and has stood back of the paper li'te a Trojan soldier, always paying up and ahead. Hs wrote a letter to Gov. Olsen of California congratulating him on W hile Cooperative heads in Spains conquered territory and pardoning Mooney, one of the elrewhere in Europe are being jailed and put to the torture we best letters we ever read. still have courage to publish the living truth as follows: Nephi Jensen, formerly of An efficient system of economic organisation must produce Tooele, who we thought recentplenty, must distribute that plenty equitably, must provide about ready for the great universal employment, and must democratically distribute ly came in the other adventure, ownership and control. To do this we must increase purchasing day very greatly improved in power by lowering rrices and increasing pay. Failure of the health and a well practically private profit system on all these counts. The coonerative man after having almost economy is already demonstrating its greater efficiency and touched hands with Si. Peter. morality in England the Scandinavian countries, the United When he dropped his dollar States and elsewhere. Then are in the process of growth in the into the safe there was a ringing United States three forms of economic organization which are life unto fine music. May he destined to result in the lowering of the price level and three live long. other economic organizations which will increasingly result in yet the raising of the pay level Consumers cooperatives in the I fields of distribution, production and services: cooperative fiance, such as credit unions; and public ownership of utilities WHY NOT act to lower the price level. the legislators please investigate? It is reported that the state road commission has appropriated 36,000 to the Utah Magazine Why should not other, or all publications be given a subsidy if money is to be dispensed in this manner? And will the members take note of how an eastern state has ushered in an era of eronomy by discharging more than 1500 public employees? A similar move should be started in this state PENSION . ASSIST ANc ORGANIZE . SHOE THIS PAPER? ever REPAIRING 0.1 Right Thinking Brings Good Results When yon think of having your Shoes Repaired THINK SHOE! Jobs at Moderate Pi 414 So. State Sti f 1 t TELEPIHE 1 TELEUAPI CINPAIY LESS THAN World's Poultry Congress to n 1 SUBSCRIBE FOR Soutk BRINGS YOU A WHOLE YEAR OF GOOD Present Birdseye View of li A DAY & READI( PROGRESSIVE OPINION Worldwide Poultry Industry a 1 fMgrfwBStjirOWW AND a !i POPULAR a MECHANICS MAGAZINE DONT FORGET Regular US YOU GET THEM PRINTING $2?5 with tha rest of tha world by readinf POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE More than 6,000 pictum and 3,000 stories twl f Hundreds of moncy-- aking and g Yon can help Youll get good work and Save Money VALUE the Joneses, the Smitns and ft other neighbors by reading this newspaper and KEEP UP to this office. A $4.00 KEEP UP with neat and attractive PRINTING BOTH ONLY When you need anything in the line of by sending Job Pna for Out Ytarfxyi m Visitors and delegates to the Seventh World's Poultry Congress, Cleveland, Ohio, July 28 to August 7, 1939, will find the Hall of Nations and States a fruitful source of interest This great building has been set aside for the educational exhibits that depict the progress, scope and importance of the poultry industry throughout the world Elaborate exhibit! from at least forty to sixty overseas nations will be found here, picturing poultry raising methods and the economic importance of the industry in those nations. Our own U. S. Government exhibit, constructed at a cost of $35,000.00, will picture the government's interest and participation in the industry, the surprising importance of poultry as an economic factor and the many ramifications of the industry. State exhibits from state every and territory will feature many of the local phases of the industry. Secretary of Agriculture llcnry Wallace is president of the Congress. labor-savin- household hints, home workshop tips. The latest invent1 device which you have never seen but which you w ill o t0 row. Scores of building projects for the craftsman. by signing this coupon and mailing or hW this newspaper with your money. YOU SAVI $1.06 eoeaeeeoeoeoeeeeaoaeaaoaosoooaooaeaoaeeeoeeaoeeeeeeeaooeoo Is $2&S. Send ma your nawipuper sad year. Iidncd far on Nuw. Sow Or Numhr. or RPD j 4 1 |