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Show (HIDfcN DA1L7 COMMERCIAL: FKIDAY, MAY 15, GOODRICH & (JO. 1)1 Additional TY!iuitiv in tbe i ri rti u Trial. NEW IIUXTS Wkrr LCuttillT th? t.an (iriffia tl'T a XiLt Turner Swn to Ftl Mux it at He -- Oriftiu. Tli iL.Urt in tl (jrittia trial mwi to La ULklUvL Tli court ruuiu was cruatJoJ yetUrday with mUUira, itliio tin tr Lmr iu skiUV, frit-li.l- y ul i ta HUlllrxl a. iu. yilrtlay. auU l W. 'ouuj - IlroKn Attorney r- I, Id Ju.I'b 1 lender attention to u called t l that th cuy of teHlimooy takeu in lli lower court had nutbtvu properly criitinl!o by tli stenographer and that it would ba to have tlia omission corrected. It was found, however, that the reporter wan in KvaiiHtoii, Wyo,, and outside tli jtma.li.tion of the court. VOlKo's HiyiMTIUV (KI.NTIM'Ktl. Mr. ISrowu then related to the witness of a conversation the BuUttam-to be held by the w itness with L. it. U yers ahout an hour after the snoot-Iin w hich he ntute.1 that Hauler had lua hand on hi revolver in bin fiockeL him how he could see the lingers revolver in limner's jiocket. Witness then wiid that he saw the gun held by Hauler just outside Iiih ocket. All thin conversation the witness denied. .Mho, a conversation alleged to have been held in the ( Vden club rooms with T. 1. llryan in which witness was said to huve stilted that he saw one shot and couldn't remember much else. The witness tiually put the number of drinks he had hud that night at about one doen. Mrs. Tully lamer, widow of John limner, was called nud was asked by At'orney Kvans to make an inflection of the clothing worn by the deceased on the night of the shooting to locate the IHickets in them. the tli akd 1 A. Z. WASIMTRN's STOPY. A. Z. Washburn was calleil and related his story of theliettinif in Maden's saloon on the nightof Adjust l,and hisiuarrel with (Jritlin which resulted in witness striking (Jrillin. (Iritlin went out and shortly returned. Some one said Hint (iritlin had gone nut to arm himself. Witness went up to Urillin and said: "I understand that you have got 1 You know never a gun. a witness gun," and carry lyim to remove his coat to show irillin that he was unarmed. Then (irillin begun shooting. I Irillin sprang back, held his revolver above his head a moment mid then brought it down and tire.t. Witness could not say at whom tne pistol was pointed. Did not see lamer or what he was doing. Saw (irillin tire again as he retreated through the hallway in the rear of the saloon. Saw no one else lire. Saw no other gun. Heard seven or eight shots in all. Witness couldn't determine the source of nil the shots, but some came from where (irillin was. Witness saw that lamer was wounded and started toward him when he heard another shut and retreated iuto a closet. Immediately after the tirst shot was tired Hamer made the ex- cluuiittion that he was shot. ; 1 . 1 CKOSS HX.VM1NKI). examination -- Don't know w ho Cross tired shots besides (iritlin. Saw (Jrillin lire three shots. Have lieen examined tour times in court as to this affair. Denied having sworn that he only saw Grillin tire twice or that he used the expression: "After that I know nothing alxnit, it." It is not true that the tirst shot tired by ( Jnllhi was tired down at the Hoot. Witness' testimony on the preliminary examination to the effect that the pistol was pointed toward the flKr was read and acknowledged by the witness. Witness had not drawn his coat for the purpose of lighting (irillin. Did not say,"l am as good n man as you, even if I am not heeled." After the third shot witness retired into a little closet under the Btairs where he was joined by Allie Kmerson who said that he was wounded in the foot. Am no longer in the employ of Dan Humer having quit alxnit one week ago. Am now in debt to Dan Hamer. Have been indicted in this court for fornication. Was not convicted. Was indicted and convicted for striking (irillin. Have also been recently nrrested for swearing in the presence of ladies. Brown Was John Hamer not in the habit of carrying a revolver? Objection was made by the prosecution which was sustained by the court. The defense took as exception. Hamer made a number of bets. Witness persuaded Hamer to stop betting, but later hunted him up and got him to take a $100 bet. All the parties in the saloon were friends. Objected to by the defense. Mrs. Hamer was recalled and indenti tied the clothing worn by her husband on the night of the shooting KliWOOD MADKN CAI.I.Kl). Maden was called and testi-liethat he was an owner of the saloon in which llamer was shot. He had met (iritlin tirst in 1S8.J in El Paso Del Norte in Old Mexico, (irillin had been in his employ as barkeeper and was afterward steward of the Ogden Club. Oil the night of the shooting witness was in a wine room engaged in a social game Was called by the barkeeper of whist. to settle a quarrel between parlies in the front of tne saloon. It, was between Afterward he (irillin and Washburn. returned to his game and s.miii afterward was called again by the barkeeper who said there was El wood d (loI.NC TO UK TKOUM.K. When he stepped to the door he heard a shot and sprang back. Koch stepped to the door and wae met W another flash. Then (irillin passed the door retreating ri'ong the paasaire nu I still iilhig. Af ter the Prim' w.xover witness went to th front ol the saloon and fo ud Ha- - DEALERS And you Avill make a mistake if you don't examine their stock before purchasing. Low shoes for Ladies and Gents in almost The finest and most complete line of Patent Street. Leather Shoes. 3 endless variety. 1 mer seated ou & horse block. Noticed a to guti lyiiig by th bl.u k and s iigt:-!rAfterward wel.t oil i it' to pick it up. With ouiig IL.U1 on of th Wlli rooms and th pifclol and found it all lis chain tiers. Willing stili loaded to identify the revolver was uot aihi pvttitiieiy. mors Hons i vtMisi i. ('nMi examination by Judge Hei.der sou - John ll iciier was in the saloon during the afternoon. 11 was dr.ukii.g heavily. He remained anj look supjier with wit in the restaurant in the rear of the saloon. About two hours later he came again and wanted some checks endorsed. He made bets to the Witness remained in extent of th w ine rooms from about ton o'clock until three in the morning, being occationally called out. He tiually refused to have anything more do with the betting, as the men had been drinking. Af'er the noon recess the cross exam ination was resumed. J nil tli infiubera of tl, ( ,dii L;ir. The ife riiiHiul at lii tdtdur irutit-- r lug Hi Jay. I.tinl lluiner liruthtr of th mull, hiiil a number of HliJ wi hitj brwilod uxor lli nUori.t-for the proHn-utto'J'li taking of ttiiiK!iy man rniurunl SHOE LEADING THE ARE 111 All 14 IN ' Hit Kit's riNHH lliruiu Maden w called and identitiud Ins own. II had th U caiil-- r pistol put it in a drawer behind the counter. Thu il columned live lokds; hu it was exaiiiiiM-- after the shoolitig it had but one. Kuril's TKSTIMOSr. A. E. Koch tostitied that he had lived c a her about six years. Had ial traveler, real estate dwler,ph and is now interested in th .ra bouse. Was in Maden 'a saloon in w a ine room w hen th difficulty arose between (irillin and Washburu. Witness ran out of the w ine room and assisted in separating the men. (iritlin left the saloon and w itness thought all AFTMiNOON - MMll.N (XISTIM Kl. the trouble was over. Witness returned Judge Henderson read some extracts to the w ine room and later the shooting from the testimony given at the prelum liegau. Saw (iritlin tire theee'oond shot. nary examination. It had been stated Sprang back from the door and as all .Mr. Maden that "Nome one had the corners were tilled was obliged to then by said that a bullet had been found in a stand in the middle of the room. w ine room." Yesterday the w itness said SAW TrilNKK 6HOOT. that he found the bullet himself and in sisted that his former testimony had not As Grillin stepped back dow n the rear been rexrted correctly. hall, he looked around the corner and itness had always regarded Hamer saw Charley Turner, the negro porter, as n particular friend. Had had some tire one shot at (iritlin. Aftorward extrouble with (irillin and fell bitter amined Hauler's pistol as it waa held in towards him. Have not that bitter feelYoung's hand and it did not appear to ing now. Have always a sympathy for a have been recently discharged, lveushaw man in trouble. left the saloon after the shooting began Itecalliiig a conversation held with and was called in by w itness aftor it was Judge Henderson at the Ogden club, in all over. which he had said that if llamer had not WHl.KK (iKIKFIN liOT TDK .l'N. lieen shot witness would have received Geo. Scott testified that he was the bullet soonsror later, witness claimed for Clayton A Magee in the rear that he whs too drunk on that occasion of McNutt'e drug store where, on the to know- - what he was doing. 1, (irillin came and asked In explanation of his reasons for not night of Aug. revolver as he had some to borrow a picking up Hauler's gun instead of tellhome. Withis was on and way money ing Young to pick it up, Mr. Maden said ness loaned him a revolver w hich he inthat he thought thegun safer in Young's lentitied as the colt forty live in court. hands. Men who have lieen gamblers ( irillin placed in his jMvket, after and saloon men mav have a good repu This it to see if it was loaded. tation at home and yet lie regarded with e x.'tuiiiiiiiir The court then ndjourned until 1':30 1 eople would have said thai suspicion. a. in. todav. witness tampered with the gun. Other business transacted by the PAST HISTORY. court was as follows: Witness had been a government con The People vs. Ed Otlicer, on motion tractor at Et. Sill in the Indian Territ- of J. H. liar ton an order was entered ory- from ISh'.l to lMTti. Later, had lived continuing the case for the term. in Trinidad, Colo. Had kept a hotel in United States vs. Ceo. (1. Hales, ar- ew Mexico. Ihere he rainged and plead not guilty to a charge Albuquerque, sold w hisky and "staked" young men at of polvgamv. other points who were selling. Run n United States vs. Jens PrauseD, on saloon and gambling place for four motion of C. O. Richards the case was months at Tombstone, Nev. Was a continued until September. miner in the Colter d' A lene country dur United States vs. Wm. Evans, ar ing the boom there. Also mined at rainginent. Plea, not guilty to charge 1ST."). in Had seen of perjury. Cornucopia, New, between and men was shooting ntfrays aware of the importance of gathering up A Word to the Ladle of Ogden. the evidence in such cases in a manner Mrs. S. II. Ablxitt is now permanently free from suspicion. Had no object in located in rooms No. U and 4 Wright examining the revolver apart from the block and is making dresnee to stand crowd. wear as well as to look at and at very didn't tiiukatf.n kknkimw. reasonable prices. If in n l of a dress he denied Witness that ever threatened maker gtve her a call and lie convinced. to discharge Al. lienshaw. his barkeeper. for saying that he saw a gun in llamer s Notice. hands "and no man dares tell me so." Will remodel into one or two store Witness rememliered the opening of rooms, in tirst class condition and the Ogden Club. It took some business lease theputold M. E. church property, if saloon. his was from Griffin the away can get desirable tenant. Inquire of A. tirst steward. Witness waB a member of J. Warner at Keed & Burgitt's ollice. the club for four months and then resigned. On the night of the shooting it was FINANCE AND COMMERCE fifteen to twenty minutes before the doctors came. The Hamer gun was examined before the doctors came, and it On New York 'Chang. was turned over to the police, lieading New Yobk, Slay 14. Tlin stock market today, from the examination in the lower court after a material decline on adverse, foreign adJudge Henderson found that the witness vices, rallied stulitxirnly and displayed great had said that the examination was after strength. The upward movement was met with .the doctors arrived. no set back until the last hour when ttie realizaOFFICER TYKEK's TESTIMONY. tions again caused a partial recession. The OITicer Tyree was called and testilied market closed heavy at the close to last night's to having three pistols turned over to ligures, the tiuul changes beiug irregular ami for him on the night of the shooting. One small fractions generally. Governments were was given him by the barkeeper, one steady. was given him by the olhcer who ar rested Griflin, and another purporting New York Money. to be Hamer s gun, was handed him by 11. New York. Money on call, easy; Maden before Hamer was brought in closed ntferedMay 3. Prime niercautile paper Sixty-nafrom the sidewalk. exchange, weak. Sterling bills t.MJj ; demand ; Bar Silver The one given by the barkeeper was examined by the witness and found to .7'i. be a Colt 4.") caliber. The pistol taken Copper, Lead and Tin. from (iritlin was a Colt 41. The one New nominal: May It. Copper, York, Wes& a was found on llamer Smith Lake. May, $1:1.75. hnul, steady; domestic. son 158. Tin, steady ; StraiU.SAI.4j The revolvers were marked exhibits "A, B and C," and placed on the clerk's The Wheat Market. table with the muzzles pointing in Chicago, May H. -- Whofft is higher, unsetcheerful unanimity at the reporters' tled. The opening was higher for July table. s Witness was on duty with another than the closiug figures veaterday, and fluctuations declined 2, then rallied 1, otlicer on (irnnt avenue when they heard ruled irshots. Kan up to Maden 's saloon, met and again weakened, Mecliniug at (irillin coming out of Corev's alloy. He regular, and closed at about IS lower than yesterday. May closet?. 1'4 lower, August 2" lower, explained that there had been a shoot and declined 2 lowrer than yesterday. s at he Maden said had and scrape ing Receipt. 155.0QP, bushels: shipments, 691,000 lieen shot by John llamer. bushels. This last was objected to by the prose Witness cution and it was ruled out. OtiDEX PRODUCE EXCHANGE. was positive that the pistol had been given him by Maden and not by Young. The Hulls Danced on the Seeks- of SherilT iielimp 'was sworn and identi fied the revolvers. He had been pres the Hears. ent nil dav ns an olhcer of the court a mm! day ou 'chan?. was Prices fttnlay while the other witnesses were testifywen firm ami the hulls hail the n.n'rliand from ing. The defense objected to his testi tli "iKMiiUK to the cloyp. The butter market mony being received. He was allowed (fathered runstdfrahlo strength and rliiMod however to testify. higher and very firm. Potatoes were not. wn.pit.fti AFTKIt A lifN. and no hates were recorded except Ux b'W E. J. Simpson testilied that (irillin stock which upttvarcd In Im prime at fj,lr pflces. on h came to the place with tfod demand. Ki;s were linn 1ml a shade I wenty fourt was in he where Madun's lower than on Wednesday, (ireen vi'Ptablei. Btreet working and asked borrow to a weirt in (.food demand and rules quite fcwavy gambling place gun. About twenty minutes later wit- The wheat market was firm but pr.c ruled ness heard the Bhots. Coming down lower with very little inclination on lie part of stairs witness met (irillin in the Corey dealers to handle (ireen fruits weiv u& the alley with a pistol in his hand. I asked decline yesterday. In fact, Mraw'rrie ami him where that shooting was. He said: cherries have declined aUtut 25 cents er enstv "I guess I've gut him," anil passed on everyday this week. The sales were out the alley. Witness went into 2"i cases of vkhh, Mum iMiuudtj ofy$Httrday butter, M mien's saloon and there saw Al. poundeof irreeti vegetable!, iK)c nse of fit) cum'S of cherrii-s- , taking a revolver away from the . uk.lt dried l.tKKi, negro porte.'. Could not explain why he I'ples and W t ftvpti ot orances. u !is C. lin com-Iner- iff:r ff.lij. - OKIl-'I'I- I u. Uen-sha- Mraw-herrie- s, Troy RENT. have an ,ik.KST FOR S HKi.lM kmiM. Ice Cream Freezer and .MKttVf ISU Kli.HT KM k u ii.'Ui: rs. u'dish delicious enjoy a 1i.t11t i.aeI;1c.m t TXiWN. (( just as often as you feel 1H kVT Steal Laift GEO. A. CRAIG, PROP., HK1 U I 4i 4.' n U - MTia.iM l M t like it? I.V'K .1. .k rlK KKST. liM Kijuiie 4 li. M. hKMMl'hK niii aii.t .Utrap. -I lr VV A..l) at tlnr.t 1 rullllil" hv llr "dixl'li I IMIllllMliUUllO The general verdict is. that we have the Best Refrigerator in town, and at the Lowest hy not se sell themselves. them? ram Bring jour fret with you us tit Vni to a pair f and h-- t our shoes. Remember, I am the only Laundry man in Oden owning and operating his own plant. Best work and Prompt Delivery Viulrt ( Advertise in the Daily Commercial. BHV ream Subscribe for the Daily Commercial. PEOPLE'S STORE BAUGAINS IIS iDIJilS' JNT GENTS FUKISTISIilNGlS GOODS. FOll First store east of the JPostoiiice. oil, THE LEADING JEWELERS. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, Sterling and 1'lated Silverware, Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every descrip Diamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. tion. 200 Ladies' Swiss ribbed vests Jadies' ecru GOOD GOODS. 20c 200 Ladies' cotton ribbed vesta 200 107- - Try it. We will say simply this: Compare our genuine"I)ang-ler's- " with all others. They HlHIlkiliJ." r IVice. You ask: How do we know so? Our customers tell us so. Good reason, ain't it GASOLENE STOVES! l( Itu., iipw hikI lvaiit iireimrHlioii for tiiHilii iiliim hihI pifWMitiiitf rouKliutws of 1 rt IIIU !!(-- ( Hll.f llHInlH. it fwlv hi rotirin auJ yuu ill nnjtit just I dt'likrhUHl with a (toft, Riuoolh skin. Im UWDIPUD ) 'i. Iih0 lvn iviir.l by tlii Ortvou KiJuey Tea. Sold WiMliim'H I) 1). bl(Mllllf thuiiBiunlH who Our Prices will Sell .them cltbrut.i enry here. '..,.' il. Ktilev'B H 251 St. TdnkoiM tlwl. M'KSK TH Hill 1,11 IAIHKS TkK In W au eiiniMVHl i.n.iu. Imm1 wU'tvuc ititeit an.l .r..n.,ll) an.tere.l. r.M.i,l.le. Mr. A. I'rei,t, .Cm 1'aiU'ra.w Ae.. Uicl.-.i- . ilwliiin Tonic. 37 14 VkH Hul SK. ri U K KiNiMS I,XU SLK I i'. .- f. li.r. tl.'am. Ijcruli. tialain- m,.itli. aiint.u ikH.ii. i . A 111 rir.i Sat. Huk . ,IKSU.K Kl kMTl KK FOB K(U AM) 2."c ribbed vests SIGN OF THE BIG CLOCK. LOW PRICES. : 2103 WASHINGTON AVE. : : OGDEN, UTAH 30 Ladies' soft finished lisle veBtS. . .40c Ladies' fine Swiss ribbed vests. . .55c 75c 200 Ladies' dull lisle ribbed vests 200 PIT, FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. 300 200 Ladies' seamless black lisle vests 75c 1000 LADIES' VESTS, TEX CENTS EACH. EpDISED WAISTS FOR LADIES. It JAVA AND MOCHA COFFEE!! TEA!!! TEA!! The finest combination that MONEY AND SKILL can procure. will apeak for itself. choice tens. All my A fine line of fresh MTSQUETA1RE CLOVES Grand Opera House Building:, j, 75 CENTS. 2516 Washington Avenue, afternu-nienm- 2, I, mt Why not y ltjl AN 1 ti bar-kee- I ler(. 4 U'lMHii.c-- 1HIIIMWIM.4 illh - :i. T. iiM. Ml,,', Un-aun- hilU. Til). 4th WANTED. had never Untitled to these fact bfor. Hud ueier 1hb subucuiid (ifor. fciid UntiKUuud Madeu tled that he did not hk it irittiu was empl.oed as steward al th Ogdell rluU 11 did liol Itibk (initio aiiy elfer to cum back and work for rcllJ 3-2- W. Wrisht & Sods 11. 24G I Washington 2327-233- Washington 3 Aram. Mrs. Graham's S3 I. Ml'Cl'MBER AND ELDER goods are clean and fresh and sold s at the same price, poor grades are sold. at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. E. FRIEDEBICIL j BROWN Co. Try it, 1 NC! Avenue, Of;den. 13BOTHEKS, 155 Main St., Salt WE HAVE A CAR LOAD OF Lake Cit', AFETY HICYCLES ! ..:'J. 3V Ib not a cosmetic, but a nutritive tonic for niie skin. It makes the skin naturally suhh! Ii ift. aii1 vt'lvt'Ty, lrot.tlB it. fnim wind nntl iin, clfHiiscB tli f;i'e far hotter tlinu bohp and vsntvr ami by its Ionic utl'eet. on tli Bkin jire-fthe formal lou if wrinkle. For Halo lu OK'len with otlifr tf Mra. tiraliani'd ct'lebrateil ijiplarati(in!i, ny niminuiwing iirugiti'tx : . U Ave.: K.B. Hurllmt, l.)liw. i4il umlnr HriHiin Hutnl; n. A. Walker, ;fi2 Twenty to M. (iuvairn lira-Lainfourth St. stamp , ICS I'ost St., Sau Kran "H. auty riaro, fur her little bcaik "How to be Heauti Wholesale aeeiits fur t'tali. A. ('.Surra 4 Co. Druggist,, Walt bawe I lty Mim's 9izn, ., Men's Mi n's Sizo, List Price. Our Price. List Price. Our Prico. M WS IM Youth's Size Hiljustahlp cue beHringa li n.ljustsble, cone brariuga. f)M . Jo.UU tnnm Kia it-a.ljustahlo cue l;Krui(a Mnrh wliwK Iwll tobotli wti.l.. S W I AImi (iirls' anil 55.UU all HU.UU Bizfs . price 'I'ncjwles, t. whivls ami n'.laU :l inch, hull thirtv-inc- lim-l- . tf Cameras, which are the Only First trVo have just received some Kodak OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE IS FREE TO ALL. Class Amature Camera made. |